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Instructional Programs & Materials
June 2021

Student participation in extra-curricular activities provides opportunities to develop positive attitudes,
leadership skills, strong interrelational skills and experience that will support students’ roles as citizens.
The following procedures apply to the supervision of all school sponsored extra-curricular activities.
Extra-curricular activities may include athletic, artistic, social, recreational and cultural activities..

1. Facility Supervision
1.1 The Principal is responsible for arranging adequate supervision, including ensuring a staff
member is in place to supervise where the activity is being held and the other publicly
accessible areas of the school facility. The staff member coaching/directing the activity
cannot be solely responsible to supervise the space in which the activity is being held.
1.2 If additional supervision is deemed necessary and a responsible adult volunteer(s) cannot be
obtained, the Principal may arrange for a Community Use Supervisor to supervise hallways,
washrooms and other public areas of the school facility, except the place where the activity
is being held. The Community Use Coordinator requires a minimum of two (2) weeks
notification prior to the activity to arrange for a Community Use Supervisor.
1.3 Community Use Supervisor and caretaker costs (if required) are the responsibility of the
school except when the school is hosting a Rocky View Sports Association (R.V.S.A.) event

2. Non-RVS Coach/Activity Director Supervision

2.1 School staff member(s) must be present to supervise each of the school’s extra-curricular
teams or groups. The school hosting the activity is responsible to ensure adequate supervision
for both the place where the activity is being held and the other publicly accessible areas of
the school facility.

3. General
3.1 Principals may involve the School Council in the planning of extra-curricular activities.
3.2 A documented supervision plan for extra-curricular activities is required as per the
requirements of Administrative Procedure 310, Supervision of Students.
3.3 Parents and guardians of students are to be well informed in advance of activities and given
clear opportunity to indicate support or non-support for their children’s involvement in the
3.4 Extra-curricular activity planning is to address the issues of liability and student accident
insurance coverage and is not to include holding or sanctioning of high risk events. Principals
are to contact their area director should they be unsure of whether an extra-curricular
activity would be deemed a high risk event or not.

AP261 - Supervision of Extra Curricular Activities

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Instructional Programs & Materials
June 2021

• Section 31, 32, 33, 35.1, 36, 197, 256, 257 Alberta Education Act
• Alberta Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12
• Safety Guidelines for Physical Activity in Alberta Schools
• Safety Guidelines for Secondary Inter-School Athletics in Alberta
• Physical Education Safety Guidelines
• RVS AF261- A RVSA Code of Conduct Players
• RVS AF261-B RVSA Code of Conducts Parents
• RVS AF261-C RVSA Code of Conducts Coaches

AP261 - Supervision of Extra Curricular Activities

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