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B Tomb of the Dragon Lord A

By Mark S. Sullivan
Rumor #50 – Hidden in the Boulder Ruins located in the hills north of Runegate Fort is the entrance to the tomb
of a Dragon Lord that has lain undisturbed since before the fall of the Empire of the Wyrms Friends.
Search (not scan) is needed to inspect the ruins to try to find the hidden entrance. It takes 1 melee round to search
a 2x2 meter area. This means it will take 10 hours for one person to search the ruins. If less time is taken,
multiply the Search skill by the percentage area searched. Multiple searchers may decrease the time required to
search or they may be used to augment the primary searcher’s skill.
The Capstone
The corner of an unusual looking, blue-gray stone can be seen partially hidden by dirt and small bits of rubble. If
the dirt and rubble is removed the stone is revealed. The stone is rectangular with dimensions 8x5x2 feet (SIZ 40)
and carved with odd markings or some sort of runes.
The markings are Auld Wyrmish: Rest here oh blessed one until the opening of the egg of your soul.
Mineral Lore may reveal additional information.
Fumble: The stone is a rare type of Power storing stone.
Failure: The stone is large and flat and does not look like the any of the rocks in this area.
Success: Not only is the stone not like any in this area, it not from anywhere in the Dragon Pass.
Special: As above, plus knowledge that a rare stone like this might be valuable to a collector.
Critical: As above, plus this stone is called wylua and is only found in the Yolp Mountains bordering the far off
land of Darjiin.

1. Burial Shaft. If the SIZ 40 stone is moved, it reveals a rectangular shaft with irregular sides descending
into pitch darkness. The shaft descends 55 feet to the floor of a large chamber.1
2. Entrance Chamber. This large room is oval in shape (40x30 feet). The walls and ceiling were once
covered with bas-reliefs. Of few of these can still be made out, but much of the stonework now litters the
floor of the chamber creating hazardous footing.
Unless a DEXx5% roll is made, the adventurer will stumble or fall. A fumble on the roll indicates an ankle
sprain for 1D4 damage to a random foot.
The Pool. The east side of the chamber appears to have settled and water has gathered forming a pool
roughly 10 feet in diameter. If examined, the water is clear though the depth is uncertain. A Search roll
reveals a stone with a carved image that shows a human metamorphosing into some type of reptile or
dragonewt and some sort of markings. (The markings are in Auld Wyrmish: Here lies the Dragon Lord
Telektios Ashbringer. Appropriate Lore rolls to know more about the image.) The water in the pool is cold
and between 2 and 4 feet deep.
A single passage goes west. The passage soon splits in two. One passage descends; the other ascends.

Map created by Dyson Logos: dyson-logos-challenge-of-the-frog-idol.
3. Descending Passage. This passage slopes down and like the entrance chamber it is littered with crumbled
bas reliefs. It ends in a 10x15 foot rectangular chamber with niche on the west end containing a verdigris
covered bronze chest. The floor of the chamber is a pit trap that automatically opens when the first person
steps on it and immediately snaps shut again with the sound of a thud. Adventurers who look for traps or
carefully examine their surroundings (1 melee round/ 2x2 meter area) can roll their Search to notice the
outline of the trap door.
The pit is 20 feet deep and is lined with bony spikes that are partially submerged in a couple of feet of fetid
water. This does 1D4 attacks at 50% each does 1D6+1+2D6 damage. Any wound also exposes the victim to
Brain Fever (see pages 154-155 of the rules).
Once the trap opens, the floor is cleaned of rubble as it drops into the pit. This makes any subsequent
Search roll easy. Grit has gotten into the mechanism. From now on the trap triggers on a 1-4 on a D6.
4. Ascending Passage. Stairs go up. Like the rest of the tomb, this passage too is littered with crumbled bas
reliefs. This passage is also trapped. Massive bone spikes thrust up from the floor when one of several
pressure plates here is triggered on 1-2 on a D6 for each character walking past the trigger. This is a
mechanical trap, with a 75% attack for the person stepping on it and a 25% attack for anyone within 1 meter
of the target. Each of the attacks does D10+1+1D6 damage.
5. Burial Chamber. The ascending passage ends in a short set of stairs leading down to a square 25x25 foot
chamber with a high ceiling (17-foot). In the center of the room is a large blue-gray wylua-stone statue of a
dragon in flight, spiraling upwards. A still intact bit of carving on the ceiling seems to depict stars in the
A successful Scan roll or inspection of the room reveals an alcove on the west wall containing a jumble of
bronze pots and urns covered in verdigris.
This ghost of the Dragon Lord haunts his tomb regretting his failure to become a true dragon. He believes
he was robbed of his chance because, unlike the dragonewts, he will not reincarnate. Because of this he will
attack to possess the first person who touches the dragon statue or the funerary objects (or the one with the
highest CHA). His stats in life are in Blood of Orlanth: Second Age Glorantha, page 124
The Ghost of Telektios Ashbringer. INT 16 POW 22 CHA 18 | Spirit Combat Damage = 1D6+3
Skills: Draconic Illumination 40%, Evaluate 36%, Speak (Archaic Theyalan) 86%, (Heortling) 43%,
Esrolian (17%), (Auld Wyrmish) 30%, Lore (Draconic Philosophy) 56%
Lore (EWF) confirms these are funerary urns and offering pots: holding ashes, badly damaged scrolls, copper and
silver coins (1196 clacks, 247 L), and an ornate bone helm.
Dragonhelm of Telektios Ashbringer (must be attuned as if it were POW 20). Gives a +1 CHA bonus.
 Dragonbone helmet (AP 8) with a green 10 point POW storing crystal
 Spell matrices for Detect Enemies, Detect Life, Detect Magic, Detect Spirit, and Farsee-4
 Dragon Magic Matrix (use affinity to Dragon Rune to cast; costs list magic points per casting)
o Command Reptile (2 MPs): POW vs. POW affects unintelligent reptiles and crested dragonewts
o Attain Perfection of Head (1 MP): transforms wearers head into that of a human-sized dragon;
gain Bite Attack 5% for 1D8+db damage, stacking points increases the Bite Attack by 5%/point.
o Attain Perfection of Flame x2 (1 MP per point): requires casting of Attain Perfection of Head to
use; a single blast of flame blankets a 2 meter area doing 1D6 damage to every hit location; range
is caster’s POWx2 in meters; stacking a second point either increases damage +1D6, increases the
diameter to 4 meters; or increases the range to POWx4 meters
o OPTION 1: to gain an ability, character must make a one-time sacrifice of 1 POW per ability.
 OPTION 2: abilities must be unlocked one at a time (may require repeated attunement).
The other artifacts here (the scrolls, the capstone, bits of bas relief, and the funerary pots) would be worth
something to a collector or scholar, especially one interested in the Empire of the Wyrms Friends. The scrolls are
ancient spell scrolls. But they are brittle. It requires a DEX x5 roll to handle a scroll and a successful Read/Write
roll to open a scroll without damage. (Use the adventurer’s best skill for opening.)

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