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Special Issue on Sustainability • December 2012

Resources and Capabilities

for Sustainable Operations Strategy

Iuri Gavronski

Abstract: Researchers in OM have made a large effort to incorporate sustainable operations into the
mainstream of operations strategy. However, OM scholars and practitioners have no comprehensive
framework for sustainable operations strategy to date. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing
a literature review on five dimensions of sustainable operations strategy: external context, competi-
tive dimensions, strategic decisions, operations value chain activities, and organizational learning and
knowledge. We provide a framework for sustainable operations strategy, consistent with these five
dimensions, and provide research opportunities.
Keywords: Sustainable operations; Operations strategy; Conceptual paper.
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
2 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

INTRODUCTION 2004). The United Nations Environment Program

warned about the risks of e-waste (waste from elec-
Sustainability is one of the biggest challenges of op- trical and electronic), where “more than 90 per cent
erations management in the twenty-first century. of the 20-50 million tonnes of the e-waste generated
We define sustainability, following the principles of worldwide every year ends up in Bangladesh, China,
the Brundtland’s report (World Commission on En- India, Myanmar and Pakistan” (United Nations Envi-
vironment and Development, 1987), as the ability to ronment Programme, 2007, p. 225)
achieve simultaneous performance in environmen-
tal, social and economic dimensions in the present The media is increasingly emphasizing the environ-
time, without compromising the ability to maintain mental impacts of every human activity (including
this performance in the future. The operations strat- manufacturing) and, by doing that, informing con-
egy literature (see a recent review in Boyer, Swink, & sumers about the different consequences of their acts
Rosenzweig, 2005), however, continues to describe of purchase. With this new information, consumers
as performance parameters only economic indica- and governments are increasingly aware and de-
tors such as cost, quality, flexibility and reliability manding about the environmental performance of
(Wheelwright, 1984). In a review, Dangayach and companies. Some companies, in turn, make these
Deshmukh found 260 articles on operations strategy demands upstream in their supply chains, such as
in 31 international conferences and journals of high Wal-Mart, Procter & Gamble and IBM (Wasik, 2010;
reputation (2001). These same authors found an ab- Winston, 2008). Thus, operation managers need to ac-
sence of what they termed “manufacturing strategy commodate these environmental demands both in day-
in the context of green manufacturing”: the current to-day operations and in formulating their strategies.
model of operations strategy does not address sus-
tainability. Despite ongoing efforts (Angell & Klas- Social impacts of manufacturing are no smaller. Op-
sen, 1999; C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006; Ferrer, 2008; eration managers must deal with intrafirm social as-
Gavronski, Paiva, Teixeira, & de Andrade, 2013; pects since, perhaps, the approval of the labor laws
Klassen, 1993; Sarkis, 1995), sustainable operations between late nineteenth century and early twenti-
strategy was not yet merged into the mainstream of eth century in most industrialized countries. OM
OM research. research on these aspects, however, is scarce. Social
aspects in the supply chain have received, relatively
However, manufacturing has a great impact on the to intrafirm, more attention from OM researchers, but
environment globally. For example, the consump- still is in its infancy, compared to the research of en-
tion of fossil fuels in manufacturing is responsible vironmental aspects in manufacturing, if number of
for 15.4% of the total emission of greenhouse gases publications are compared (Seuring & Müller, 2008).
of anthropogenic origin (Olivier et al., 1996, p.36).
Likewise, manufacturing is responsible for 20.2% of Therefore, we build over operations strategy litera-
the total water withadrawal in the world, although it ture to propose a framework for sustainable opera-
uses in its products effectively little more than 10% of tions strategy. focus of this paper. Operations strat-
total water consumption in manufacturing, with the egy is the set of decisions related to goals, resources
remainder used for other purposes in manufacturing and operational capabilities of an organization
processes (calculated from Shiklomanov, 1999). From (Hayes, 2005). Although manufacturing is the engine
the standpoint of energy consumption, manufactur- of modern economies since the eighteenth century, it
ing is responsible for consuming 22.2% of the entire was not until the end of the 1960s and early 1970s
planet’s fossil fuel (calculated from Olivier et al., 1996, that the first studies in operations strategy Skinner
p.35). From the perspective of land use, environmen- appeared (Hayes & Wheelwright, 1979; 1969, 1974;
tal liabilities generated by many manufacturing firms Wheelwright, 1978). Despite being a young branch
are vast. In Europe alone, there are an estimated two of OM, operations strategy has received considerable
million locations that were previously occupied by attention within the area of operations, especially in
manufacturing plants with some type of soil con- the years 1980 and 1990 (Dangayach & Deshmukh,
tamination, and one hundred thousand of these ar- 2001). However, operations strategy lacks a compre-
eas need to be remedied (United Nations Environ- hensive framework to include sustainability. Our
ment Programme, 2007, p. 95). Regarding solid waste, objectives, then, are to provide a literature review of
manufacturing activity (compared to mining, oil and the sustainable operations strategy, to propose a sus-
gas, agriculture and other activities) is responsible for tainable operations strategy framework, and to iden-
more than 50% of waste generated in the globe (Hill, tify opportunities for future research in the field.
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
3 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

The structure of this paper is as follows. First, we The External Context

review the literature of sustainable operations strat- of Sustainable Operations Strategy
egy, detailing each of the five dimensions: external
context, competitive dimensions, strategic decisions, We define the external context of the operations as
operations value chain activities, and organizational the forces external to the firm that bound the options
learning and knowledge. Then, we provide a discus- operations managers have to make their decisions.
sion, research opportunities, and a framework for We divide the external context to operations using
sustainable operations strategy. the following categories of stakeholders: consumers,
suppliers, investors, employees, governments, politi-
SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS STRATEGY cal groups, business associations, and communities
(Donaldson & Preston, 1995). While traditionally op-
Formulation and implementation of strategies for sus- erations strategy is buffered from the external context
tainable operations are subject to limited resources, by competitive strategy or other functional areas, such
as all other decisions on operations, subject to rules so as marketing, (Ward & Duray, 2000), we suggest that
far from perfection in technical terms, but that meet sustainable operations strategy is directly exposed to
multiple criteria, often conflicting. All organizational the external context.
resources are finite, whether capital, labor or knowl-
edge. Therefore, an operation will not deploy the Until the late twentieth century, virtually the society
most modern technology simply because it is more and governments responded to occasional events,
efficient from the standpoint of natural resources. and businesses operated (and many still operate)
There must be a pattern of decisions on environmen- in a reactive way to changes in environmental and
tal investments in a company, especially with regard social regulation. Table 1, for example, shows some
to investments in operations, i.e., a strategy for sus- important environmental accidents in the twentieth
tainable operations. century. Only in times of crisis companies, govern-
ments and society were mobilized to establish new
Sustainable operations strategy is subject to five di- environmental regulations, promote environmental
mensions we identified for operations strategy: com- remediation actions, and only in such moments, the
petitive dimensions, strategic decisions, activities of environmental and social dimensions of performance
operations value chain (OVC), organizational learn- gained space in media and in consumers’ minds.
ing and knowledge, and external context.
Table 1 Main environmental events in the twentieth century

Year Event

1947 Ship loaded with ammonium nitrate exploded in Texas, resulting in more than 500 lives and leaving 3,000 people injured.

Contamination of Minamata Bay, in Japan, caused cases of neurological disorders in families of anglers, cats, and birds. The contamination occurred since 1939
due to a chemical company installed the river margins. Residents died due to high mercury concentrations, which caused the so-called “Minamata disease.”

1966 In the town of Feyzin, France, a leak of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) has killed 18 people and left 65 intoxicated.

The factory Hoffmann-La Roche released in the town of Seveso, Italy, a dense cloud of Agent Orange, a defoliant that,
among other substances, contained dioxin, which is highly poisonous. Around 733 families were removed from the region.

1978 In the city of San Carlos in Spain, a tanker truck loaded with propane exploded, causing 216 deaths, and leaving over 200 injured.

A leak of 25 tons of methyl isocyanate, which occurred in Bhopal, India killed 3,000 people and poisoning of over 200,000.
The accident was caused by gas leak from Union Carbide plant.

1984 San Juanico, Mexico, LPG fire followed by explosion caused 650 deaths and left 6,400 injured.

An accident at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine (then USSR), caused by the shutdown of the refrigeration system with the reactor still in operation, resulted in
1986 a fire that lasted a week, releasing into the atmosphere an amount of radiation 30 times greater than the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
The radiation spread, affecting several European countries and even Japan.

In Basel, Switzerland, were spilled 30 tons of pesticides in river Rhine after the fire at the plant of Novartis (then Sandoz), causing the death of half a million
fish along 193 km. This was considered the largest environmental accidents in Europe.

The tanker Exxon Valdez hit a reef and ran aground in the Strait of Prince William, Alaska. The open hole in the hull leaked 44 million gallons of oil.
1989 The oil spill, the worst in U.S. history by that time, struck an area of 260 km2, polluting waters, islands, and beaches, killing thousands
of animals – fish, birds, whales, and sea lions.

Source: (“1986,” 2008; Dias, 2008)

Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
4 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

In the late twentieth century, however, society’s per- 1997, p. 4). The alignment of these international bod-
ception began to change with respect to environmen- ies with Agenda 21 reinforces the need for business-
tal problems. With the United Nations Conference es to incorporate sustainability in the formulation of
on Environment and Development in 1992 in Rio its strategy.
de Janeiro (Rio 92), evidence began to emerge that
policy makers would change their decision mak- Although the World Bank explicitly acknowledge
ing to include sustainability concerns. For example, the importance of industrial production and its full
the Declaration of Rio on Environment and Devel- impact on the environment (Wheeler & World Bank,
opment (United Nations Conference for Environ- 1999), manufacturing is not included in the environ-
ment and Development, 1992), Principle 8 says: “To mental strategies of many national and internation-
achieve sustainable development [...], States should al organizations. For example, the Organization for
reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of con- Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
sumption and production systems and promote ap- outlined as one of their environmental strategies the
propriate demographic policies.” Principle 16 reads: decoupling between the limits imposed by the envi-
“National authorities should endeavor to promote ronment and economic growth, but the focus is on
the internalization of environmental costs and the agriculture, transport and energy, with no mention
use of economic instruments, taking into account the of industry (OECD, 2004). In Brazil, the Ministry of
approach that the polluter should [...] bear the cost of Environment emphasizes Agenda 21, the Amazon,
pollution.” In its Chapter 30, Agenda 21 (report of international affairs, biodiversity, and forests. Never-
Rio 92) points to the role of industry in sustainable theless, there is no explicit reference to the industry
use of environmental resources, in the maintenance as the focus of their policies and strategies (Brasil,
of occupational health and safety, responsible rela- 2008). One notable exception is the region of NAFTA
tionship with customers and suppliers, leading to (North American Free Trade Agreement). Member
changes in process product development, modifica- countries (U.S., Canada and Mexico) have clear and
tion of production processes, and relationships with transparent policies for improvement, audit and con-
governments and trade associations. Although not trol of industrial operations, operated nationally by
implemented at the expected rate, the principles of the agencies of each three countries and regionally
Rio 92 has indicated a change of mentality, which orchestrated by the Commission for Environmental
shifts the axis of government action from an ex post Cooperation (CEC - Since 1990, the
reaction for an ex ante planning. Until then, the na- United States, with the enactment of the Pollution
tional States were in a position of policing, punish- Prevention Act, have a clear policy to encourage
ing companies that act inappropriately in terms of pollution prevention at source instead of control-
environmental and social. From then on economic ling pollution generated. Canada, in 1992, created
instruments to promote the activities of production the Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention (C2P2
and consumption sustainable would be used by - to encourage practices to
national governments. Therefore, the external con- prevent pollution at source. All three NAFTA mem-
text began to signal to companies that attributes of ber countries now publicly available emissions data
sustainability of product and production process reported by the factories: the United States through
would begin to become more valued and, therefore, the TRI (Toxic Release Inventory), Canada through
should become part of corporate strategies, business the NPRI (National Inventory of Emissions of Pol-
and, consequently, the functional strategies, such as lutants) and Mexico through the RETC ( Register of
operations strategy. Emissions and Pollutant Transfer). Most recent of all,
the RETC has only been released in 2007.
Over time, other international bodies have aligned
with the principles of Agenda 21. For example, the Probably the most important external environment
World Bank has published six priorities for its activi- factor for the formulation of strategies, even today,
ties to support Agenda 21: 1) to make environmental is the law. The evidence for this is the fact that Wal-
concerns central in the development activities, 2) to Mart operationalized its sustainability strategy with
integrate the social and cultural dimensions into the international suppliers, requiring evidence that
development agenda, 3) to invest in effective part- they comply with the laws of the countries in which
nerships, 4) to build and share knowledge more ef- they operate (Winston, 2008). It is through the en-
fectively, 5) to measure progress differently, and 6) to vironmental legislation that governments commu-
mobilize and to multiply the funding (World Bank, nicate their environmental policies to companies,
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5 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

either through command-and-control mechanisms established in response to image problems generat-

or through economic incentives. Command-and- ed by the accident at Bhopal (Barnett & King, 2008).
control environmental legislation can include emis- Over time, the program has become a global action
sion limits, permissible limits of hazardous chemi- of the chemical industry and today is managed glob-
cals in products, standards for final products and ally by the International Council of Chemical Asso-
waste treatment processes (Bonifant et al., 1995). ciations (ICCA), and in each country, the national
Environmental legislation with economic incentive association of chemical industries. In Brazil, the pro-
mechanisms could include government programs gram is maintained by the Brazilian Association of
to support environmental initiatives in companies, Chemistry (ABIQUIM), Responsible Care in Canada
discounts on fees and taxes in return for improved is managed by Canada’s Chemical Producers Asso-
environmental performance of companies, envi- ciation and so forth. According to the website of the
ronmental services, etc. An example of payment for program, the goal of Responsible Care is to help the
environmental services is the city of Extrema, in chemical industry “to operate safely, profitably and
southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this municipality, with care for future generations”, ie a sustainable
farmers are paid to not use the land near the head- manner. King and Lenox (2000), however, found
waters of rivers, which prevents the contamination more improvement in environmental performance
at the source (SERVICES 2008). (measured by the sum of emissions recorded in the
database TRI) in firms not participating in the Re-
Environmental legislation is a source of difficulty sponsible Care companies than in the participants,
for managing global operations due to differences suggesting that the program actually serves only as
between environmental laws among countries. Be- an institutional defense than an effective source of
sides that, environmental legislation is different in continuous improvement. In a more recent study,
national, state and municipal levels. Therefore, an Barnett and King (2008) found that the chemical
operation that complies with all environmental reg- companies participating in Responsible Care had
ulations in a given location could be illegal, if it was fewer accidents after the creation of the program,
installed in a location in a neighbor city. This mul- which also served as a fence between the parties,
tiplicity of rules to which the multiple operations avoiding that an accident in a member created im-
of a company must meet brings complications to age problems for the rest of the industry. Anyway,
the formulation of operations strategy. This has led business associations contribute to the formulation
manufacturing firms to hire consultants specializ- of operations strategy, affecting the sustainability of
ing in environmental law, in addition to specialized operations.
consulting services in environmental technology.
One of the firms we interviewed, for example, had Political groups are also important in the external
a contract with a consultancy on environmental leg- context in the formulation of sustainable strategies.
islation, which changes periodically, tracks the leg- Among them, there are NGOs (nongovernmental or-
islation in three levels (federal, state and municipal), ganizations), which are formal institutions, private,
filters the relevant regulation and informs the envi- and considered by the UN itself as being of “particu-
ronmental area for the company that then makes the lar importance to the implementation and review of
product and process changes necessary to continue sustainable development, environmentally sound
acting legally. and socially responsible as envisaged throughout
Agenda 21” (United Nations Conference for Envi-
Business associations also have an important role in ronment and Development, 1992, ch. 27, Item 27.3).
the formulation of environmental strategies of firms. Examples include the Sierra Club, founded in 1892,
Business associations are institutions that both re- the United States, Greenpeace, founded in 1971 in
strict the actions of its members and allow certain Canada, among others. Another form of political
types of actions - in other words, “institutions define group that greatly influences the formulation of op-
and limit the choice set of individuals” (North, 1990, erations strategy, are the unions. Managers had to
p. 4). There are business associations with broader undertake several changes in production, work or-
scope, such as WBCSD, the Global Compact, Ceres, ganization, and the products, because they suffered
GRI, etc. There are also business associations that external pressure of these groups. In the early nine-
set voluntary rules that impact the formulation of teenth century in England, workers formed unions
strategies of firms’ operations. For example, in the to improve working conditions in industrial and ex-
chemical industry, the American Chemistry Council tractive activities (Donkin, 2001). Some authors state
(ACC) created in 1988 the Responsible Care program,
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6 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

that the participation of workers in unions improve lationship with external stakeholders.
the health and safety of operations (eg Cunning-
ham, 2008) and competitive conditions of the firms Despite the scarce research about the external con-
themselves (Wood & Glaister, 2008). Some authors text, it is central to the operations strategy, because
contend, there is concern that unions have their own it will define the relative importance of each com-
agenda of power and self interest that is unrelated petitive dimension, the very existence of each com-
to the interests of employees (Drucker, 1974), and petitive dimension, and is by reading the external
that the unions end up reducing the performance context that the operations managers make strategic
of firms (Doucouliagos & Laroche, 2009), that would decisions in operations.
eventually avoid places heavily unionized, which Competitive Dimensions in
in the long term also hurts workers and the com- Sustainable Operations
munity. Preuss (2008) noted that in Europe unions
have begun to link the practice and discourse of the Competitive dimensions are the performance char-
CSR with their own goals, but the skepticism with acteristics customers or organizational clients eval-
CSR is still dominant. Some authors in management uate in a vendor. Such competitive dimensions are
(especially in the area of strategy) have addressed performance measures manufacturing firms should
the problem of how political groups influence com- use to compare themselves with their competitors.
panies (eg Frooman, 1999; Zietsma, Winn, Branzei, However, markets are dynamic both temporally and
& Vertinsky, 2002). For Porter and Kramer (2006), it spatially. Society changes with time, so change the
is more important for political groups that the com- requirements of consumers, which, incidentally, be-
pany would be able to be targeted, because of its vis- long to different social groups with distinct cultures.
ibility, than its actual impact. As an example, these Organizational buyers are no different: companies
authors provide the case of Nestle, the largest bottled to which they belong place different requirements
water supplier in the world, the main target of the on the products and services they purchase accord-
debate on access to drinking water, but accounts for ing to the geographic location of the company and
0.0008% of world consumption of drinking water, according to the strategic positioning the company
while agriculture uses 70% the same resource and is pursuing at the moment. Thus, competitive di-
is highly inefficient in their irrigation management. mensions of operations should change their impor-
However, agriculture is a target far less desirable tance according to new markets the company wants
than a large firm. to meet, or with the evolution of currently served
Organizational clients are also extremely important
stakeholders: its requirements may change the per- Therefore, it is imperative defining under what con-
formance of firms in the area of sustainability. Lloyd ditions an attribute linked to sustainability will be
(2008), for example, found that the pressures for cost an important competitive dimension in operations.
reductions by major retailers in suppliers of private Jimenez and Lorente (2001) proposed two criteria: a)
label brand products led them to a rhythm of work this dimension of performance should be within the
that caused occupational health problems to their operations function, and b) should provide a com-
workers. Moreover, Gavronski et al. (2008) found petitive advantage to the company. To be a source of
that most ISO 14001-certified plants in Brazil have competitive advantage, an attribute should be mini-
sought the certification of their EMS to make sure mally valuable to customers. In other words, the at-
they meet their clients’ requirements. tribute needs, minimally, to be perceived by custom-
ers. Therefore, an invisible capability would not be a
The relationship between external environment and competitive dimension. For example, if a plant has
the formulation of operations strategy remains a rel- an industrial effluent treatment station impeccably
atively unexplored area, and the results are mixed. maintained, able to restore the levels of pollutants in
Ward and Duray (2000) found no direct relationship the water far below the minimum levels required by
between the external context and operations strat- environmental laws, and nobody else knows besides
egy. Zhao and colleagues (2004) found that the type the environmental agency and the plant’s environ-
of quality system adopted in a service firm is asso- mental department, this capability can not be con-
ciated with the context. In sustainable operations sidered a competitive dimension. On the other hand,
strategy, Gavronski and colleagues (2008) found that if the effluent treatment station allows the company
plants that sought ISO14001 certification motivated to create a better reputation with the environmental
by legal concerns also perceived benefits in their re-
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
7 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

agency so that the costs of chemical analysis report of either in the product or in the production process.
the effluent are reduced and this reduction in costs can An environmental label certifies such practices. From
be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices, the standpoint of the buyer, there is a guarantee, pro-
these lower prices are the competitive dimension in vided by a third party to the transaction, that what
question and not the effluent treatment station. This the vendor claims is correct. From the standpoint of
capability, although support the reduction of prices, operations strategy, the environmental labels enable
is one of the many components of the capability to providers to transform their capabilities related to
offer lower prices. This distinction is consistent with sustainability in a competitive dimension. Both the
the distinction between dimensions of competition advertising and labeling provide capabilities related
and competence dimensions (C. Corbett & Van Was- to sustainability an important feature to be competi-
senhove, 1993). In this example, both the reputation tive dimensions: visibility.
as the lower prices are competitive dimensions that
are mutually reinforcing, resulting from cumulative Another feature is the criterion of additionality. Ap-
expertise (Carter & Rogers, 2008). However, some di- proximately 80% of steel produced by Gerdau Steel
mensions can also generate competitive trade-offs. comes from recycled scrap metal. Between 10% and
For example, the addition of tetraethyl lead as anti- 30% of injected PU soles used in footwear comes from
knock agent has increased the compression ratio of waste from the process of injection (branches aris-
engines and, thus, increase power and reduce energy ing from the injection channels), micronized. Up to
consumption (Sloan, McDonald, & Stevens, 1990) but 30% of the inputs for the production of brake pads
it is a polluting additive (Hill, 2004; Mavropoulos, are recycled material. However, no buyer of steel, PU
1999). The Toyota Production System, by introducing soles, or brake pads takes into account the percentage
a greater variety of products in less time, causes more of recycled material used in its production. In such
products disposals, and by involving frequent move- markets, recycling is an economic necessity, and all
ments with suppliers of inputs, increases energy con- manufacturers engage in greater or lesser degree. On
sumption and congestion on the roads (Cusumano, the other hand, paper manufacturers, up to recently,
1994). In both cases, both an improvement of prod- charged premium prices for recycled or non-bleached
uct performance (quality at GM) and the production paper, until all manufacturers had at least one brand
process (delivery at Toyota) have negative impacts on of paper with such characteristics. The additionality
environmental performance. criterion is also required for projects to reduce green-
house gases from the Clean Development Mecha-
When a customer buys products from a particular nism (CDM) in order to receive Certified Emission
supplier and in the process of purchase, takes into Reductions (CERs) in such a way to market them in
account an attribute of the product or production the market for carbon credits under the Kyoto Proto-
process that is linked to sustainability, then this at- col (Lopez, 2002).
tribute is a competitive scale in operations. Examples
of consumer products that have sustainable competi- In short, an attribute related to sustainability would
tive dimensions are organic agricultural products, be an important competitive dimension in operations
produced without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, if it comes from the area of operations, buyers directly
which achieve a premium price, usually because value it, is visible, and is additional.
their consumers accept paying more for the convic- Strategic Decisions in Sustainable Operations
tion that they are getting a healthier product. Even
within the consumer products, the cosmetics manu- We define strategic decisions as the basic capabilities
facturer Body Shop is an example of a company that operation managers should develop in order to cope
competes with not only product attributes (such as re- with the performance objetives they have set for the
cycled packaging) but also for the production process competitive dimensions of operations. Wheelwright
(Wycherley, 1999). However, Body Shop’s consumers (1984) provided a traditional classification of catego-
have little means to identify whether the company ac- ries of decision in operations. Angel and Klassen
tually does what it promises. (1999) established links between environmental de-
cisions and strategic decisions in OM. They showed
The environmental label (Loureiro & Lotade, 2005) that environmental capabilities have a systemic im-
is a way to refrain the problem of opportunism that pact in the formulation of sustainable strategies. Table
arises from asymmetric information between pro- 2 shows excerpts from the research agenda proposed
ducers and buyers. The buyers, especially consumers, by those authors.
cannot check if the vendor is doing what it promises
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8 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

Table 2 Research Propositions for Environmental Strategic Decisions

Decision Category Decision Category

Facilities End-of-pipe pollution control technologies are favored as a facitility matures in its life cycle.

Environmental improvement is increasingly costly or offers fewer competitive benefits

Process technology
as process investment declines and capital intensity increases.

Capacity Type and amount of capacity is related to environmental impact.

Vertical Integration As waste management becomes increasingly costly, operations tend to forward integrate.

Operations with more centralized purchasing are more likely to consider

the life-cycle environmental implications of material and supplier choices.

Greener product design is most likely to offer competitive advantage

New Products
when operations when operations compete based on innovation and quality.

Inclusion of environmental criteria in the performance evaluation of operations managers

improves environmental performance and increases the use of environmental protection.

Quality Management Increasing use of recycled materials increases process variability, thereby lowering conformance quality.

Planning and
As environmental audits become increasingly sophisticated, more opportunities for cost-effective improvements are implemented.
control systems

Source: adapted from Angell e Klassen (1999)

For Hart (1995), there are three strategic environ- ing firm’s activities in developing countries, while
mental capabilities that companies should develop not depleting natural resources or not increasing
in order to gain competitive advantages: pollution energy consumption in their markets. For Hart, this
prevention, product stewardship, and sustainable capability brings the wider implications, especially
development. According to Hart, there are two ways for multinational companies because it allows these
to reduce pollution generated by a business: imple- companies to grow their markets, even in develop-
menting end-of-pipe controls, ie only dealing with ing countries, without increasing the environmental
pollution generated at the end of the production impact of its new economic activity.
process, or pollution prevention, ie preventing the
generation of pollution. The later requires the mobi- Shrivastava (1995) defined environmental technolo-
lization of basic resources, such as employee involve- gies as “production equipment, methods and pro-
ment and continuous improvement approach. Pollu- cedures, product designs and delivery mechanisms
tion prevention presents, as a competitive advantage, for products that conserve energy and natural re-
reducing costs by avoiding investment in expensive sources, minimize the environmental load of hu-
control equipment, and but also increases efficiency man activities and protect the natural environment”
by using better inputs of the production process, (Shrivastava, 1995, p. 185). Shrivastava classified en-
reduce cycle time by eliminating unnecessary op- vironmental technologies in design for disassembly,
erations to process, and reduce the risk of fines for environmental production, total quality environ-
reducing emissions of pollutants. Product steward- mental management, industrial ecosystems, and life
ship is the capability to reduce the environmental cycle assessment. The design for disassembly is to
impact of products throughout their life cycle. This design products that allow a recycling of its com-
capability allows a firm to: 1) leave businesses en- ponents at an acceptable cost. The environmental
vironmentally hazardous, 2) redesign products and production is the redesign of production processes
production systems available to reduce the envi- to reduce environmental impact, the use of cleaner
ronmental risk, and 3) develop products with lower technologies, the use of more efficient production
impacts along the life cycle. This capability depends techniques, reduction of waste at source, and maxi-
on the integration of stakeholders and creating a mizing energy efficiency. Total quality environ-
competitive advantage to have access to a consumer mental management applies a systems perspective
market’s more environmentally demanding. Finally, and principles of quality management to environ-
the capability of sustainable development is expand- mental problems. Industrial ecosystems are ways to
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
9 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

integrate different companies so that the waste in a plant. Certification to ISO 14001 standard is an ex-
plant are used as inputs in the production process of ample of investment in environmental management
another plant. Life cycle assessment is to “evaluate systems. Pollution control investments are structural
the risks to health and the environment, impacts of investments that recover waste in the final process.
specific projects and facilities, potential for effluent Examples would be of end of pipe controls, such as
releases and hazardous waste costs and life cycle of filters for smokestacks or effluent treatment stations,
products” (Shrivastava, 1995, p. 189). or activities to mitigate effects to clean up environ-
mental damage from past activities, such as clean-
Sarkis and Rasheed (1995) identified five elements of ing or removal of leaking.
responsible production: reduce, remanufacture, re-
cycle, reuse and disposal. The reduction of resourc- Cleaner production (Nagel, 2003; United Nations
es required to produce a good or service, such as Environment Programme, 2002) is a methodology
raw materials or energy, achieved through product for continuous improvement in environmental per-
design or production processes is aligned with the formance with an apparent inspiration in TQM.
work and philosophy of TQM and JIT. The remanu-
facturing is the reuse in the production process of Hill (2004) systematized the technological options for
parts and components removed from products pre- zero waste / zero emissions into three major groups:
viously used (although the practice brings problems dematerialization, industrial ecology and detoxifica-
of supply variability, complicating production plan- tion. While recognizing the impossibility of having
ning. See Ferrer & Whybark, 2001). Recycling is to a 100% efficient process, the author suggested that
transform an input material in the production pro- pursuing goal of 100% efficiency in production pro-
cess. Examples of recycling include obtaining alumi- cesses will cause fewer natural resources needed
num from beverage cans or empty glass from empty to provide the level of well-being necessary to the
bottles. The reuse is to return to inputs to the pro- population of the planet - the dematerialisation. In-
duction process or parts or whole products. Exam- dustrial ecology approach is a closed loop approach
ples of reuse include using paint booths with closed to operations: instead of considering the plant as a
water cycle (a curtain of water is needed after being linear, open system, with products and waste to be
painted pieces to collect the rest of the paint) and use disposed, the philosophy of industrial ecology pro-
of empty bottles of drinks, post-consumption for the poses that plants can be connected, forming ecoin-
canning of drinks. Already available is the treatment dustrial parks (Lambert & Boons, 2002), on which
of waste from the production process. Examples in- the byproducts of a plant are used as inputs in an-
clude the construction of the hazardous industrial other plant. This idea was first proposed by Pauli
waste landfill, the hiring of companies authorized to (1998) with the name of ZERI (Zero Emissions Re-
dispose of waste, etc. Sarkis and Rasheed (1995) was search Initiative). As tools to support industrial ecol-
also suggested that several environmental perfor- ogy, Hill suggested the use of Life Cycle Analysis
mance indicators such as percentage of recyclability (LCA) and Design for Environment (DFE). LCA is
of materials used, materials remanufactured, degra- an environmental impact analysis of a product from
dation, pollution from the process, use of resources / cradle to grave, ie from natural resource extraction
energy and legal compliance, among others. to final disposal of the product through all the im-
pacts of all intermediate processes: purchasing, pro-
Klassen and Whybark (1999a, 1999b) proposed a duction, distribution and use (Sarkis, 2001). The DFE
typology of environmental technologies for opera- is the inclusion of reducing the impact of product
tions: pollution prevention, environmental manage- and production process in product development
ment systems, and pollution control. Pollution pre- (Sarkis, 2001). Detoxification, or green chemistry, is
vention requires structural investments involving the substitution of hazardous chemical inputs and
fundamental changes in the basic product or pri- non-degradable end products. Examples include the
mary process. Environmental management systems replacement of petroleum-based plastics to bioplas-
are infrastructural investments that affect the way tics (Hill, 2004).
operations are managed. Include formalizing pro-
cedures, interfunctional coordination, stakeholder In summary, we divide environmental capabilities
involvement, monitoring, internal and external dis- in operations into two major groups: pollution con-
closure of results, training, certification and other trols and pollution prevention. The pollution control
activities related to environmental aspects in the technologies are those designed to treat waste and
emissions from the production process after their
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
10 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

generation. They fall into two broad groups of tech- was from Brown and colleagues (Brown, Willis, &
nologies: remediation technologies and end of pipe. Prussia, 2000). The third paper, published recently
Pollution prevention technologies try to avoid the (Das, Pagell, Behm, & Veltri, 2008), noted the defi-
generation of waste and emissions. They fall into ciency of knowledge about occupational safety in
three broad groups of technologies: environmen- OM and identified a relationship between safety
tal management systems (EMSs), modifications of and quality.
product, and modifications of the production pro-
cess. EMSs are a set of policies and organizational The studies in operations that focused on social
systems that seek to standardize the organization’s aspects in the supply chain are much more abun-
response to the environmental aspects of their pro- dant than intrafirm social aspects, although social
duction processes, reducing its impact. The changes aspects are less explored than environmental as-
in product design minimize the environmental im- pects (Seuring, Sarkis, Müller, & Rao, 2008). Perhaps
pact of a product during its production, use, or after as a response to the public concern in the late 1990s
consumption. May include increasing recyclable/ with the working conditions of contractors in Asia
recycled materials in a product, life cycle analysis for known brands, as was the case of Nike (Burns
(LCA), reducing the use of materials or energy or the & Spar, 2000 ), the literature on operations has been
selection of inputs and components environmentally most prolific on social responsibility in the supply
responsible. The process modifications are changes chain than in such intrafirm aspects. More recently,
in the production process that reduces the environ- media attention also raised concern with the quality
mental impact of this process. Examples include the of products that are imported from those countries,
use of industrial ecology, the use of cleaner produc- such as the toy maker Mattel (eg Bapuji & Beamish,
tion techniques, environmentally responsible pur- 2008a; Bapuji & Beamish, 2008b), pet food, tires, and
chasing and logistics, among others. toothpaste (Hoyt, 2008). Carter and Jennings (Carter,
2004; Carter & Jennings, 2002b, 2004), for example,
The capabilities related to social aspects of sustain- identified the dimensions that social responsibility
ability have a much smaller research tradition in of the firm’s supply area should consider: environ-
management or operations strategy. Intrafirm as- ment, diversity, human rights, philanthropy, and
pects (occupational health and safety, for example) safety. Environmental concerns relate to the inclu-
are much more regulated and implemented by sion of environmental criteria in supplier relations
firms, but receive much less attention from scholars and product design. Diversity is the inclusion of
in the area, while the interorganizational social as- criteria for valuing the minority suppliers. Human
pects (supply chain social responsibility), although rights include ensuring that suppliers do not require
less regulated and still in its infancy in most com- work of slaves or children and that pay a living wage.
panies, receive far more scholarly attention. For Philanthropy is the inclusion of actions to support
example, a search in a leading research journal in the community in the company activities, such as
OM, the Journal of Operations Management, using volunteering. Security is ensuring that suppliers
the keywords “health” or “security” in the title of provide a safe workplace and to transport supplies
articles published from 1995 to 2009, returned only safely for the workers.
three relevant articles. One, with over ten years
(Brown, 1996), was a research call, inviting research- In summary, strategic decisions in sustainable op-
ers in operations to include occupational safety in erations require a broader set of categories than the
their research, providing an agenda for research traditional operations strategy categories of decision.
structured along three dimensions: TQM, change in Figure 1 depicts the most basic tools, or resources,
technology and change in operations (such as JIT). the activities in the OVC where they can occur, and
This author had no answer to his invitation: the only the top-level capabilities they can create.
article published in the twelve years that followed,
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
11 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

Figure 1 Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations

Environmental Capabilities Social Capabilities Economic Capabilities

Reduce Health Cost
Remanufacture Safety Quality
Recycle Diversity Flexibility
Reuse Well-Being Delivery
Dispose Innovativeness

OVC Activities
R&D Procurement Production Distribution Services

Tools (Resources)


BP – base of pyramid; DFD – design for disassembly; DFE – design for the environment; DS – disassembly systems; EMS –
environmental management systems; GL – green logistics; GS – green supply; H&S – worker health and safety; IE – industrial
ecology; LCA – life cycle analysis; PC – pollution control; PP – pollution prevention; RL – reverse logistics; RSS – recognition
and sorting systems; SRS – socially responsible sourcing

Sustainable Operations Value Chain

We define operations value chain (OVC) as the set pact of each modal, signaling of hazardous materi-
of activities that consist the core activities in op- als, and designing work schedules that allow driv-
erations: R&D, procurement, production, distribu- ers to spend adequate time at home. For materials
tion, and services (De Toni, Filippini, & Forza, 1992; handling, activities would be finding profitable uses
Paiva, 2003; Paiva & Vieira, 2011). A firm can decide for obsolete materials in inventory, training in safe-
performing OVC activities entirely within the firm, ty procedures, and certifying the use of materials
outsource all OVC activities, or a combination of in- handling equipment (storage, etc.). Zhu et al. (2005)
ternal and outsourced activities. From sustainability identified four dimensions of green supply chain
standpoint, it is important mapping OVC activities management: internal environmental management,
performed by a firm and identifying potential social external environmental management, investment
and environmental aspects and impacts. recovery, and eco-design. Activities in the internal
environmental management would include commit-
Carter and Jennings (2002a) identified activities ment of top management, functional cooperation for
that procurement, transportation, and materials environmental improvement, and ISO 14001 certifi-
handling should perform to ensure a sustainable cation. External environmental management would
operation in five dimensions: environment, diver- include activities such as cooperation with suppli-
sity, human rights, philanthropy, and safety. Such
activities include, for procurement, purchasing of
environmentally responsible suppliers, ensuring
that suppliers do not use forced or child labor, and
ensuring that suppliers’ facilities are safe for their
employees. For transportation activities, activities
would include identifying the environmental im-
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
12 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

ers to achieve environmental objectives and coop- velopment, logistics, supply, operations, distribution
eration with clients for eco-design. Eco-design ac- logistics, and after-sales services, there are several
tivities would include designing products to reduce opportunities for managing sustainable operations.
consumption of materials and energy and designing Table 3 presents a summary of such opportunities.
products for reuse, recycling and recovery of mate-
rials and components. Investment recovery would Gavronski et al. (2011) identified three green supply
include activities such as sales of surplus stock and management processes: environmental supplier se-
materials, and sale of idle equipment. lection, environmental supplier monitoring, and en-
vironmental supplier collaboration. They found that
Kleindorfer et al. (2005) proposed three areas for green manufacturing capabilities are positively re-
improving sustainabity of operations: green prod- lated to these green supply management processes.
uct and process development, lean and green OM, Green manufacturing capabilities, in turn, are posi-
and remanufacturing and closed-loop supply chain. tively related to plant resources.
Vachon and Klassen (2003) suggested that both the
ecodesign (Vachon & Klassen, 2006b) as the cooper-
ation and monitoring activities (Vachon & Klassen,
2006a) should occur downstream and upstream in
the supply chain, thereby involving more than one
activity of the OVC. Corbett and Klassen (2006) iden-
tified environmental aspects both in TQM – OVC ac-
tivities internal to the firm – and in the management
of the supply chain –external activities of the OVC.
For supply chain management, they proposed three
groups of activities to incorporate environmental
management into operations management: network
design, supply arrangements, and strategic linkag-
es. For network design, reverse logistics is an impor-
tant theme, which consists minimally of two related
activities: collecting and re-integrating products
and minimize waste, resource consumption, and
environmental emissions. Research on the subject
showed that the design and management of a sup-
ply network and integrated bidirectional result in
better performance than decompose the system into
two separate networks, one direct and one reverse.
For supply arrangements, firms further upstream
in the supply chain tend to emphasize emission rate
and efficiency with direct implications for materials
selection, process design and reintegration of reverse
flows. Companies in the intermediate portion of the
supply chain would emphasize efficiency of trans-
port and assembly. Finally, downstream firms in the
value chain would emphasize recycling and packag-
ing. Therefore, the impacts of environmental man-
agement would be different for each activity of OVC,
generating expertise in addressing the problems.

Porter and Kramer (2006) have a more direct map-

ping of environmental and social impacts of each
activity in the value chain, using the original model
of the value chain of Porter (1980). In value chain ac-
tivities directly related to the OVC, as technology de-
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
13 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

Table 3 Sustainable Activities vs. OVC Activities

Sustainable Activities vs. OVC Activities Supply Production Distribution R&D Services

Transportation impacts: emissions, traffic jams, etc. (Carter &

Jennings, 2002a; Cusumano, 1994; Porter & Kramer, 2006) * *
Use e disposal of primary packaging (Porter & Kramer, 2006) * *
Supplier’s waste and emissions(C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006) *
Product waste and emissions (Zhu et al., 2005) *
Production waste and emissions (C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006;
Porter & Kramer, 2006; Sarkis, 1995; Sarkis & Rasheed, 1995) *
Procurement and supply chain practices, such as bribery,
child work, blood diamonds, prices paid to farmers, etc.
(Porter & Kramer, 2006)
Use of certain inputs, such as fur (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Natural resource utilization
(Porter & Kramer, 2006; Zhu et al., 2005) * * * * *
Water and energy use (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Worker’s health and safety
(Carter & Jennings, 2002b; Porter & Kramer, 2006) * * *
Hazardous materials (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Relations with universities (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Research ethics, such as tests with animals,
use of genetically modified organisms
(GMOs), etc. (Porter & Kramer, 2006)
Product safety (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Conservation of raw material (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Recycling (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Obsolete product disposal
(C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006; Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Handling of consumables, such as oil, ink, etc.
(Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Consumer privacy (Porter & Kramer, 2006) *
Eco-design tools: LCA and DFE (Sarkis, 2001) *
Suppliers’ process changes (C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006) *
Collection of performance data from suppliers
(C. J. Corbett & Klassen, 2006; Vachon & Klassen, 2006a) *
Collaboration with suppliers for eco-design
(Vachon & Klassen, 2006b) * *
Collaboration with clients for eco-design
(Vachon & Klassen, 2006b) * * *
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
14 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

Organizational Learning and Clarke and Roome (1999) presented a case study of a
Knowledge for Sustainability Canadian firm in which the EMS was observed from
1989 to 1994. In that firm, EMS has had three dis-
We define organizational knowledge as the infor- tinct stages: the passage of the environmental man-
mation and know-how of a firm (Kogut & Zander, agement of a dispersed set of actions for a strategic
1992), while organizational learning is the acquisi- direction (identification), the integration of existing
tion and recombination of organizational knowl- environmental management activities (operational),
edge. The purpose of organizational learning is to and changes in the concept of environmental re-
adjust the firm to its context (Fiol & Lyles, 1985). sponsibility more wide sustainable development
Organizational learning has been related to manu- (corporate citizenship and responsibility). In this
facturing performance (Schroeder, Bates, & Junttila, process, the authors noted that a number of inter-
2002), cross-functional orientation of manufacturing nal and external conditions enabled the company to
(Paiva, Roth, & Fensterseifer, 2008), quality man- change and learn to develop their skills in environ-
agement (Molina, Llorens-Montes, & Ruiz-Moreno, mental management and sustainable development.
2007), and supplier development (Modi & Mabert, Among the pre-internal conditions, the authors
2007), among others. drew attention to the firm’s values and its strategic
Williander (2007) compared how Ford and Volvo process, which identified environmental aspects as a
looked into alternative energy, adopting methanol future strategic direction. Furthermore, the authors
as fuel in their projects. These two companies, de- highlighted the company’s ability to acquire new
spite the natural differences between the projects, knowledge from multiple perspectives and multiple
have adopted the same logic: methanol offered as stakeholders.
an alternative engine for a pre-existing line of cars. Siebenhüner and Arnold (2007) performed case stud-
Due to loss of performance, the higher price, the ies in six European companies of medium and large
less autonomy, supply difficulties, and the feeling to identify the causes of learning-oriented organiza-
of taking the same car for a higher price, methanol- tional sustainability. They used four broad catego-
powered cars have never had success with consum- ries: structural factors (company size, staff structure,
ers. Ford discontinued its line of cars to methanol and mechanisms of learning), cultural factors (val-
in 2004. Starting from a completely different set of ues and norms, internal networks, leadership styles,
assumptions, Toyota started its eco-design project in and conflict), behavioral factors (change agents),
the 1990s, with the challenge of launching a vehicle and external factors (market pressures, government
that consumes at least 50% less gasoline. The Toyota regulation, stakeholder demands, and public opin-
Prius is a hybrid car (gasoline/electricity), where the ion). The authors found that company size influ-
gasoline engine charges the batteries that power elec- ences the learning process. Midsize businesses are
tric motors. This allows consumers to use the same more prone to radical changes. Larger companies,
infrastructure of pre-existing gas stations, widely on the other hand, have more resources allocated to
available. Furthermore, the autonomy and the fuel R&D department and R&D better structured. The
efficiency are higher than in gasoline-powered cars. staff structure had little explanatory power in the
Finally, it is an exclusive line of cars, not a hybrid learning processes observed. The existence, how-
powertrain option of a pre-existing line. Therefore, ever, of a structure for the initiation and dissemi-
the consumer perceives the Prius as a differenti- nation of learning processes and interdisciplinary
ated product and his/her peers perceive him/her as cooperation proved to be beneficial to the learning
a distinguished consumer. Despite having the same processes. The following learning mechanisms were
price of a car running on methanol, therefore higher relevant in sustainability: guidance to ambitious en-
than a gasoline-powered equivalent car, the Toyota vironmental targets, integration of environmental
Prius has been widely accepted by consumers. Tech- goals for projects in R&D, formalized instruments
nological trajectories and learning paths chosen by of communication, self-organized working groups,
these firms in launching of their eco-products were corporate guidelines (for multi-divisional compa-
fundamental to the success of each venture. nies) and project teams. The authors also noted the
Sarkis (2001), in a conceptual paper, stressed the im- importance of change agents, individuals in the or-
portance of organizational change and interfunctional ganization making the connection between the vari-
cooperation for operations reach sustainability goals. ous organizational units and levels of hierarchy. In
mid-sized firms, these agents were at the manage-
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
15 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

rial level and, in larger enterprises, the departments more expensive investments, such as end-of-pipe
of sustainability or R&D. The participative style of pollution controls. The results were not statistically
leadership seems to have contributed more to the significant for any of the proposed relations. Never-
processes of learning styles. They also noted the im- theless, the authors found evidence from interviews
portance of internal organizational networks in pro- in plants of their sample that the elements of lean
moting higher levels of learning (double-cycle and production, especially related to learning, both con-
radical changes). Regarding external factors, large tribute in increasing eco-efficiency and in reducing
firms seem more concerned with the pressure (real emissions. Pil and Rothenberg (2003) found evidence
or anticipated) of the stakeholders, while internal that improvements in environmental performance
factors seem to contribute more to learning in mid- are positively associated with quality (compliance)
sized companies. In both sizes of firms, customers performance, because both performance indicators
are not requiring environmental performance, with are based in the same knowledge base. Rothenberg
the exception of some niche markets and few indus- and Zyglidopoulos (2007) found a positive correla-
trial mass markets such as Scandinavia. Environ- tion between the adoption of environmental inno-
mental legislation has different effects in the sample vations and productive innovations, two elements
companies: in the electronics industry and construc- with high knowledge content. Hull and Rothenberg
tion, the legislation was an important determinant (2008) identified a moderating effect of innovation
of learning, while in the transportation sector was on the relationship between CSR and corporate fi-
not important. nancial performance.

Carter (2005) showed that organizational learning Chen (2008) studied the impact of environmental
mediates the relationship between sustainable prac- intellectual capital on the competitive advantages
tices with suppliers and performance. of firms. The author has defined environmental in-
tellectual capital as the total stock of intangible as-
King and Lenox (King & Lenox, 2001) studied the sets, knowledge, skills, relationships, etc. related to
effect of lean production on environmental prac- environmental protection and environmental inno-
tices. Environmental practices were the adoption of vation. Environmental intellectual capital can occur
an EMS based on ISO 14000, waste generation, and both at the individual and at organizational level.
treatment on site of emissions. Of these, lean pro- Environmental intellectual capital is an multifac-
duction is positively related to the adoption of EMS eted construct consisting of environmental human
and negatively related with the generation of waste capital, environmental structural capital, and envi-
and emissions. The marginal cost of improving en- ronmental relational capital. Environmental human
vironmental performance is less when adopting capital belongs to the individuals (knowledge, skills,
the practices of lean production, ie, the knowledge etc..), the environmental structural capital belongs to
gained with lean production is reused in improving the company (systems, policies, etc.). Environmental
environmental performance. Later, the same authors relational capital is the relationship between the
(Lenox & King, 2004) studied the effect of providing company and its stakeholders (customers, competi-
central (corporate) information on pollution preven- tors, suppliers, government, research institutes, etc.).
tion in the adoption of pollution prevention by busi- All three environmental dimensions of intellectual
ness units (plants). Both the adoption of the practice capital (human, structural and relational) were posi-
in the industry in which the factory operates and the tively correlated with the achievement of competi-
experience gained from past experiences moderate tive advantages.
the relationship between central provision of infor-
mation with the adoption of pollution prevention, Vachon (2012) studied the impact of technological
reducing its effect. capacity and concluded it is positively related to
environmental performance. Gavronski et al. (2012)
Rothenberg et al. (2001) related the practices of lean evaluated how the different learning antecedents
production and environmental performance. Lean and learning processes were related to the choice of
production is positively related to eco-efficiency be- environmental technologies and found that organi-
cause lean production emphasizes continuous im- zational learning is related only to softer technolo-
provement and waste elimination, while lean pro- gies, not explaining the choice of hard technologies,
duction would be negatively related to atmospheric such as end-of-pipe, pollution control technologies.
emissions, especially of VOCs (volatile organic
compounds), since these structural aspects require
Gavronski, I.: Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Operations Strategy
16 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20


In this paper, we built on the operations strategy liter- processes, such as the often cited Kalundborg park
ature, identifying five dimensions, namely: external (this is a recurring example in literature – see, for ex-
context, competitive dimensions, strategic decisions, ample, Hill, 2004). In Kalundborg, the cement pro-
operations value chain (OVC) activities, and organi- duction benefits from the ash generated by a plant
zational learning and knowledge. Then, we reviewed to generate electricity, which also provides hot water
the literature in sustainable operations strategy on for a salmon farm, steam to a refinery and a factory
each of the five dimensions. We identified an uneven for gypsum building materials . There is, however, a
proportion of research on each dimension, which we clear indication of what to do with the plates of plas-
deem as one research opportunity. terboard of the houses demolished, with the remains
of salmon consumed in homes and restaurants or
The research on the influence of the external context to the refinery product used outside the park. This
in sustainable operations remains scarce. Opera- omission becomes even more complicated to solve
tions managers are bound to the regulatory system the farther products are consumed from the eco-park
for most activities performed inside their plants, (e.g., exported to other countries).
such as environment, health, and safety procedures.
However, even these regulated activities have differ- Figure 2 depicts a comprehensive framework for
ent approaches among plants. Some plant managers sustainable operations strategy. Strategic decisions,
emphasize safety, or environment, for example, more to incorporate sustainable operations, must go be-
than others do. What is the effect on the performance yond the traditional decisions of operations strategy,
of the traditional competitive dimensions for these adopting decisions about the environmental and so-
plants? Other opportunity for research would be cial impact of operations. The external environment
evaluating the proactivity of operations managers must be considered in sustainable operations strat-
for sustainability. For example, governments in gen- egy, besides the traditional link with the corporation
eral regulate sustainable impacts on supply chain and business strategies, communicating with a wid-
management less than in production management. er range of stakeholders, such as governments and
Is there a difference in performance for plants pro- NGOs. Competitive dimensions must incorporate
actively looking for minimizing their impacts on the the concept of triple-bottom performance: economic,
supply chain? environmental, and social. Managers should design
the organizational learning and knowledge system
Research is still scarce for industrial ecology. Most to incorporate environmental and social awareness.
studies in this field are anecdotal and show success Sustainable operations strategy should include work-
stories, such as industrial ecoparks. In ecoindustrial ers of the firm’s own operations and environmental
parks, the byproducts of a factory are used in other and social responsibility in the activities of OVC.


OVC Activities

Learning and
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17 ISSN: 1984-3046 • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management Special Issue pp 1 - 20

Sustainable operations strategy is becoming an im- Carter, C. R. (2005). Purchasing social responsibility and firm
portant field of research for OM, and an increasing performance: The key mediating roles of organizational
learning and supplier performance. International Journal of
challenge to operations managers. If correctly ad- Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 35(3/4), 177.
dressed, sustainable operations can become a key
to competitive advantage. Consequently, there is a Carter, C. R., & Jennings, M. M. (2002a). Logistics social responsi-
bility: An integrative framework. Journal of Business Logistics,
need for research that sheds light in the complex 23(1), 145.
interfaces between the five dimensions of sustain-
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E, Logistics & Transportation Review, 38E(1), 37.
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issues into the mainstream: an agenda for research in opera-
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Iuri Gavronsky isPhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS
(2009), Master’s degree in Business Administration from Unisinos (2003) and Bachelor in Business Adminis-
tration from Porto Alegre School of Business Administration and Accounting Sciences – FAPA (1999). Mem-
ber of Academy of Management (AoM), Strategic Management Society (SMS) and POMS.

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