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Central Presbyterian Church

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

October 3, 2021 at 11:00 am

Prelude “You Satisfy the Hungry Heart” Phillip Morgan
“One Bread, One Body”
“Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”
arr. John Carter

Welcome & Call to Worship

One: We gather from the west to the east, from the south to the north,
to celebrate the God of peace who accompanies us in our acts of peace.
All: This God of peace accompanies us
in each and every circumstance around us.
We praise God’s name!

* Hymn No. 767 “Together We Serve” Congregation


Prayer of Confession (unison)

Gracious God, creator of this universe,
in your generosity you have given us
a world of abundance and diversity,
yet we live guided by greed and selfishness.
We confess that we have defaced your creation
and poisoned our environment
through our consumerist behavior and for personal gain.
In Christ, you made us siblings
and intended for us to be united,
and yet we have built walls to separate us
from those who are different from us.
You gave us wisdom and creativity
and we have used those to trick each other
and to develop weapons of destruction and death.
You gave us laws to order our lives
and we have abused them
to take revenge and punish our enemies.
We love war rather than strive for peace.
We ignore the poor and the weak
and honor the rich and powerful.
In all this we have not lived according to your will.
Forgive us.

(a time of silent prayer)

Assurance of God’s Promise

One: God has accepted us because of the faith of Christ.
Christ is our peace and has broken down the dividing walls between us.
So we are no longer strangers but we are citizens with the saints
and also members of the household of God.
All: We are forgiven. Thanks be to God!

The Journey

Song of Community “As a Child Rests” Congregation


Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Mark 10:13-16 NT p. 46

One: The Word of God.
All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Dependence Day” Rev. Mark Baridon

Prayers of Intercession

(To make a donation please see the options on the back page of the bulletin.)
Solo “These I Lay Down” Phillip Morgan
John L. Bell, arr. John Carter

* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Congregation

* Prayer of Commitment


Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

One: God is here among us.
Let us open our hearts to God.
All: We open them to God
and to one another.
One: Let us give thanks to God.
All: It is right to give
our thanks and praise.

Prayer of Jesus / Lord’s Prayer

Breaking the Bread

Prayer after Communion (unison)

Gracious God, we thank you that in this sacrament
you assure us of your goodness and love.
Accept our praise and thanksgiving and help us grow in love
and justice that we may serve you faithfully. Amen.

* Hymn No. 526 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ” Congregation

* Benediction and Passing the Peace

One: The peace of Christ be with you.
All: And also with you!

Gathered together by the Presbyterian Church (USA) for World Communion Sunday: Call to worship written by Rev. Gloria Ulloa,
Presbyterian Church of Colombia; Call to confession written by Shant Agoushian, Near East School of Theology student, Union of
Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (who also inspired the assurance of God’s forgiveness); Prayer of confession written
(and slightly adapted) by Jameel Maher Khadir, Near East School of Theology student, Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Holy
There are several ways to make a donation to Central today:
Donate at
Use the “donate” button on our website:
Download the GivePlus app in the Apple app store or Google play store
A check or cash can be placed in one of the offering boxes near the sanctuary doors


Central Presbyterian Church

318 West Kentucky Street 40203 (502) 587-6935
Our Church

Matthew 25 ( We have committed to building congregational

vitality, dismantling systemic racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.
Peacemaking (
More Light ( We welcome the full participation of LGBTQ+ people of faith
in the life, ministry, and witness of the Presbyterian Church.
Four for Four We support Presbyterian mission around the corner and around the
globe through the four church-wide Special Offerings.

Choice Congregation We support the rights of all people to access the full spectrum of
reproductive healthcare choices without coercion or judgment.

Our Staff
Pastor – Rev. D. Mark Baridon
Pastor – Rev. Dr. Ann J. Deibert
Director of Music – Mr. Phillip Morgan
Administrative Assistant – Ms. Barbara Creasy

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