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1. How did curiosity help revolutionized the things we use? Provide examples.

For me, the curiosity of our mind helps us to promote our creativity and ideas in many different areas.
Logical knowledge is one of the important aspects of how people discover and invent. But I think
curiosity is the one that leads our minds the most to something and unexpected ideas that could well
work. Our creativity and imagination for our own ideas also help us to acquire knowledge and our own
strategies. Like the endless innovations in our technologies and things, because the more we investigate,
the more ideas we can implement.

For example, an infant drops a toy to observe what will happen.

2. According to the speaker, what are some ways in maximizing curiosity that were not
mentioned during the class discussion?

Based on discussion, finding our interest will help us maximize our curiosity. I think we can
apply this curiosity not only to things or anything else that interests us, but also to yourself.
Being curious about yourself, especially our abilities and skills, will lead us to learn and learn
more about ourselves. This can also help us to improve and be better than the previous version
of us.

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