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Daet, Camarines Norte


EDUC 7 : Principle of Teaching & Educational Technology


Prepared by:


Methods I
AY 2021-2022
18th day of September 2021
QUESTION # 1 Describe the professional teacher by means of a song or verses.

ANSWER: I would describe the professional teaching or the teaching profession by means of a

song or verses as follows:

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song

Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me”

This song simply a reminder to all teachers today as facing the new normal education whose
struggling from this sudden transition of traditional teaching to modern teaching style using new
learning modalities. As part of the agency, the Department of Education, I witnessed the
hardship and the agony of the teachers but they transformed the education system drastically
and has brought a paradigm shift in teaching and learning methodologies forcing educational
institutions across the globe to re-imagine traditional classroom learning and transition to an
online mode of teaching to provide uninterrupted access to education and knowledge. The song
‘Fight Song’ is the perfect song for all the teachings who are keep on fighting for their passion
despite of all the changes and transitions.
QUESTION # 2 - Like all good teachers, you have a touch of the actor. You also have a touch
of the doctor or nurse in you, "said Rev. Father Joseph V. Landy, SJ. In what sense is the
professional teacher an actor, a doctor and a nurse?

ANSWER: The good teachers can be actors in many ways. Some may be introverted, but they
bloom in the classroom and are enthusiastic about the materials students need. They act out
various curriculum areas as part of their lectures to make it interesting for the students and for
themselves. They act as if things are going well, whether they are or not. They are the one that
must to put on a brave face in front of students and put aside any troubles they may be
experiencing outside the classroom, because as one famous playwright once said “the show,
must go on”.

In terms of medical fields, we need to know what to do in an emergency, like CPR or putting a
tourniquet on a wound. We need to be psychologists to advise and look after a broad range of
students and colleagues.

A good teacher is a jack-of-all-trades and, indeed, a master of many.

QUESTION #3 - Discuss the professional or personal attributes of the teacher? Which teacher
trait is more important competence or commitment?

ANSWER: Some of the qualities of a great teacher include communication, listening,

collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching
include an attractive classroom presence, the value of learning in the real world, the exchange
of best practices, and the love of lifelong learning.
 Good teachers are strong communicators.
 Good teachers listen well.
 Good teachers focus on collaboration.
 Good teachers are adaptable.
 Good teachers are engaging.
 Good teachers show empathy.
 Good teachers have patience.
 Good teachers value real-world learning.
 Good teachers share best practices.
 Good teachers are lifelong learners.
I would rather choose BOTH the teacher who is competent enough and committed to
his/her teaching profession with his/her all heart.
Commitment and competency are both essential traits of teaching. It is said that teacher's
commitment emerge as a significant factor towards school effectiveness as it brings the positive
relationship with organizational performance. Also when teachers are committed with their job, it
encourages them to increase their effort towards achievements. Whilst teacher's competency
on the other hand, it also appears to be significant contributor to effectiveness. Teacher's
competency with knowledge and skills enhances a student's performance. With the different
skills of teaching and learning applied by the teacher, it increases the chance of a student to
have a better performance. Hence, commitment and competency are both important when it
comes to teaching.

QUESTION #4 - Are good teachers born or made?

ANSWER: Good teachers are neither born nor made. Great teachers are the product of a
combination of both, supported by the right structures, training and incentives.

QUESTION #5 - Think for a moment about your favorite teacher. Make a mental list of what
made that teacher so .special that even years after leaving elementary, high school, or college,
you can still remember the teacher's name.

ANSWER: My favorite teacher is Ma’am Rosita Bauca, my teacher from 1 st year High School.
She’s a kind of teacher who always shows frown face yet the knowledge from the lessons she
teaches was there. The most special thing about her that made me to remember her was the
time she offered opportunity to be her scholar. It all means she appreciated me from day 1 till I
finished my 1st year high school. She’s devoted to her job and has a good heart for giving me an
opportunity that I will be forget to the rest of my life.

QUESTION #6 - How many effective teacher characteristics can you identify in your memory of
your favorite teacher?

ANSWER: I remember at least twelve (12), she is:

 Prepared, she’s always ready to teach everyday.
 Positive, she has optimistic attitude about teaching and her students, although she has
a frown face HAHA
 Hold high expectations, she set no limits on students and believe everyone can be
successful someday.
 Creative, she’s creative in her own way. She fairs her accessories with her uniform, like
orange earing, orange necklace, orange bracelet together with her orange shoes. Di ba?
 Fair, she handle students and grading fairly.
 Display personal touch, she may look angry because of her frown face but she’s
 Cultivate sense of belonging, she have a way of making students feel welcome and
comfortable in their classrooms.
 Compassionate, she’s concerned about students’ personal problems and can relate to
 Have a sense of humor, she do not take everything seriously and make learning fun.
She used to throw a joke when she’s in a mood.
 Respect students, she do not deliberately embarrass students.
 Forgiving, she does not hold grudges.
 Admit mistakes, she does know the perfect timing of admitting mistakes.

QUESTION #7 - Reflect on the personal attributes of a professional teacher. Which of these do

you have? Don’t have?

Passion, humor, values and attitude, patience, enthusiasm, and commitment are the personal
attributes of a professional teacher I guess I possess. Except punctuality. Sad but true, that I am
struggling to manage my time for the past years. But I know to myself that I can overcome it
because I have this lofty ambition of mine.

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