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April 8, 2021
1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective bodies are clearly defines
and agreed upon by community stakeholders
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Person In Charge
Copy of the List of Organized PTA
Copy of the Organized School Governing Council
Copy of the Organized School Faculty Club with
There is an active party that initiates clarification documentation
of the roles and responsibilities in education Copy of the Association or non-teaching
delivery. association with documentation
Copy of the other stakeholders organization
Coy of the List of BAC Members and Secretariat
Minutes of Meetings
Availability of constitutions and y-law of the
The stakeholders are engaged in clarifying and organizations
defining their specific roles and responsibilities. Handbooks and manuals of the organizations
MOA and minutes of the regular meetings
Shared and participatory process are used in Signed Memorandum of Agreement with
determining roles, responsibilities, and stakeholders.
accountabilities of stakeholders in managing and Noticed of meetings & attendance sheets
supporting education Signed minutes of the meetings with attachments
of memorandums, attendance, photos, others.
2. Achieve of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively developed performance
accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate action.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Person In Charge
Performance accountability is practiced at the Accomplishments Reports with CIPGs and
school level. recommendations in the school level
Documents of Best Practices on performance
Certificate of Recognition as 1 Star on Wins
(Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools)
A community-level accountability system is Community level’s accountability system
evolving from school-led initiatives Recognition scheme
List of awards and recognition programs with
community stakeholders participation
Certificate of Recognition as 2 Stars on winS
Programs of community leaders initiative in giving
A community accepted performance accountability awards and recognition
recognition and incentive system is being practiced Certificate of Recognition as 3 Stars on WinS
3. The accountability system is owned by the community and is continuously enhanced to ensure
that management structures and mechanisms are responsive to the emerging learning needs
and demands of the community.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Person In Charge
The school articulates the accountability School reports on the conducts orientation among
assessment framework with basic components school and community stakeholders supported by
including implementation guidelines to the meeting agenda minutes of the meeting, pictures
stakeholders and attendance sheet
Project Monitoring Report
Field M&E Findings as basis for AIP Adjustments
Stakeholders are engaged in the development and OPCRF/IPCRF criteria and evaluation guidelines are
operation of an appropriate accountability properly disseminated to the stakeholders
assessment system (supporting documents – acknowledgement of the
memo and guidelines
The school community stakeholders continuously Field memo/letters and agenda
and collaboratively review and enhance Minutes of deliberation among school and
accountability systems’ processes, mechanisms community stakeholders with documentations
and tools Others
4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback mechanisms, and information
collection and validation techniques and process are inclusive and collaboratively developed
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Person In Charge
The school with the participation of stakeholders, Report on feedback in accountability assessment
articulates on accountability assessment Utilized and crafted assessment tool on SBM
framework with basic components, including Framework
implementation guidelines to the stakeholders Minutes of the meeting during the school’s
dissemination to community on the assessment
Stakeholders are engaged in the development and List of Award and Recognition program
operation of an appropriate accountability Record of feedback of the stakeholders
assessment system. Serviceable transparency Board
Field report on monthly MOOE liquidation
Monthly report on client satisfaction survey
List of recognition on the program duly
Stakeholders continuously and collaboratively acknowledged and approved assessment
review and enhance accountability systems, framework by the school and community
process, mechanisms and tools. stakeholders
Copy of consultation agreements
Records assessments of PPAs
5. Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with the community. Assessment
results and lesson learned serve as basis for feedback technical assistance, recognition and
plan adjustment.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Person In Charge
School initiates periodic performance assessments Nutritional status (baseline report)
with the participation of stakeholders. Analyzed monitoring & evaluation results reported
to stakeholders
Collaborative conduct of performance assessment Copies of assessments with feedbacks from school
informs planning, plan adjustments and and community stakeholders
requirements for technical assistance Available reports on the identified CIGPs based on
the assessment.
School community developed performance Solutions and recommendations are determined as
assessment is practiced and is the basis for a result of the identified CIGPs
improving monitoring and evaluation systems, Nutritional status (endline report)
providing technical assistance, and recognizing and
refining plans

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