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Open Access Original Article

International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences
Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2019, 461–466
ISSN 2330- 4456

Effect of Pelvic Rocking Exercise Using the Birth Ball on

Fetal Lie, Attitude, and Presentation
Supriatiningsih1 , Herlina2, Lusia Asih Wulandari3, Sri Nowo Retno3, Mohammad Kanedi4*

Objectives: For decades, scholars have debated the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Birthing ball exercise is the latest among
the antenatal exercises which pregnant women commonly perform in Indonesia. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate
whether pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball is effective in correcting the fetal lie, presentation, and attitude in the late third
trimester of pregnancy.
Materials and Methods: To this end, pregnant women (n=114) enjoying the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into
intervention (who were assigned to perform pelvic rocking using the birth ball) and control (without exercise) groups. Fetal lie,
attitude, and presentation before and after the trials were determined in both groups by performing the abdominal palpation of
Leopold’s maneuver.
Results: Based on the results, the intervention group showed a higher proportion of fetus with flexed attitude (P < 0.001) as compared
to the control group. In addition, 49.1% of women in the intervention group indicated longitudinal lie compared to 29.8% of those in
the control groups (P < 0.001). Finally, 56 out of 57 women in the intervention group demonstrated head presentation whereas only
45 out of 57 women in the control group showed the same presentation (P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Overall, it is suggested that pelvic rocking exercises using the birth balls are useful for maintaining lies, fetal attitudes,
and presentations and thus it is worth recommending for pregnant women.
Keywords: Pregnancy exercise, Pelvic rocking, Birthing ball, Fetal presentation

Introduction response (8). Reports from Indonesia show that passenger

Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Indonesia is the (fetus) is the most frequent among these prolonged labor-
highest among countries in the South Eastern Asian related factors. A study performed in Kalimantan Selatan
Region (1) and prolonged labor is among the factors (South Borneo) during 1995-1996 also indicated that the
which are contributed to such a high MMR (2). The 2012 passenger (64%) was the most important factor which was
Indonesia Demographic Health Survey findings revealed related to 72 prolonged labor cases (9). The findings of
that among 14 782 birth numbers, 34.7% of the mothers another study conducted in Lampung province revealed
experience prolonged labor, and at least 0.8% of the cases that among the prolonged labor cases, 39.2% were related
end with maternal deaths (3). In addition, compared to to fetal malposition and presentation and 37.2% belonged
the prevalence of prolonged labor on average (one-fifth to fetal macrosomia (10).
of women), the prevalence of the cases in Indonesia is With regard to the fetal malposition and malpresentation,
higher (4). the question arises regarding whether there is any method
Prolonged labor often causes serious consequences that birthing mothers and/or care providers can employ to
for both mother and infant. For mothers, it can lead correct the abnormality. Among others, the use of antenatal
to maternal exhaustion and dehydration, along with exercises is present for facilitating the fetus to rotate from
severe postpartum hemorrhage (5) while in infants, the occiput posterior position to a favorable occiput
it can decrease the score of Apgar (i.e., appearance, anterior presentation (11). Maternal postural techniques
pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration) scale whereas are also suggested for encouraging and attaining the best
increasing the asphyxia incidence (6). Considering the cephalic version of the baby’s head to enter maternal pelvis
adverse consequences, taking into account the treatment (12). The overall benefits of pregnancy exercise include
and management of prolonged labor are of great shorter labor, less preterm labor, less complications, and
importance (7). decreased hospital stay (13).
Several factors affect labor and delivery, including In this regard, birthing ball exercise is considered as the
fetal size, the size and shape of maternal pelvis, uterine most recent method among the antenatal exercises which
contraction forces, maternal position, and maternal psyche pregnant women prevalently perform in Indonesia. So far,

Received 13 March 2018, Accepted 2 November 2018, Available online 7 January 2019
Department of Midwifery, MoH Health Polytechnic of Tanjung Karang, Lampung, Indonesia. 2Azizah Hospital, Kota Metro, Lampung, Indonesia.
Midwifery Academy of Patriot Bangsa Husada, Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Indonesia. 4Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and
Sciences, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author: Mohammad Kanedi, Email:
Supriatiningsih et al

several studies have reported the benefits of pregnancy shoulder still 4 times;
exercise using a birthing ball, including managing pain • Rotating the hips clockwise then anti-clockwise 4
mainly the back pain, as well as decreasing stress and times;
anxiety levels, the pethidine usage in labour wards, and • Swaying the hips in a figure-eight pattern four times.
cesarean section rate (14-16). Furthermore, the women in All women in the intervention group performed
labor not only can manage to cope with the labor pain and the exercises weekly for 3 weeks and then, by using a
progress but also attain self-control and more satisfactory questionnaire, they were asked to report whether they
birthing experience when the birth ball is used to perform correctly performed the exercises. At the end of the
pelvic rocking (17). program, mothers of both groups were evaluated for the
Further, the exercise may allegedly affect fetal- fetal position using the abdominal palpation of Leopold’s
positioning in utero if pelvic rocking exercise with a maneuver.
birth ball is considered useful for reducing the pain,
increasing the labor progress, and making the birthing Fetal Assessment
experience more satisfactory. Given the above-mentioned The four performed Leopold’s maneuvers in the abdominal
explanations, the present study sought to evaluate whether palpation were as follows:
the pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball contributes The first and the second maneuvers were performed
to correcting the fetal position from transverse or oblique to determine the presenting part at the fundus and
to longitudinal, the fetal presentation from the breech or the fetal back, respectively. Moreover, the third and
the shoulder to head, and fetal attitude from the deflexed the fourth maneuvers were performed to identify the
to flexed posture in the late third trimester of pregnancy. position and mobility of the presenting part and the
fetal descent, respectively. The evaluated variables were
Materials and Methods fetal lie, presentation, and attitude. The fetal lie is either
Participants and Study Design longitudinal, transverse, or oblique and fetal presentation
The research targeted pregnant females living in the is distinguished into the head, breech, or shoulder whereas
territory of three community health centers (Pusat fetal attitude is either of flexed or deflexed posture.
Kesehatan Masyarakat) in the district of Kota Metro,
Lampung, namely, Yosomulyo, Margorejo, and dan Data Analysis
Karangrejo. A quota sampling technique was applied Both descriptive and inferential statistics from SPSS
to select the research subjects who had the following software, version 22.0 were applied in the data analysis.
inclusion criteria: The descriptive statistics were used to depict the general
1. Showing singleton pregnancy; characteristic of the research subjects while inferential
2. Being at or more than 29 weeks of gestation; statistics (the chi-square test) were performed to compare
3. Willing to sign the informed consent; the subjects with and without pelvic rocking exercise. The
4. Willing to perform pelvic rocking; limit of statistical significance was P<0.05.
5. Representing no sign of pelvic disorder;
6. Having no bleeding during pregnancy; Results
7. Demonstrating no fetal malposition. Characteristics of the Subjects
Otherwise, the subjects were considered ineligible. Characteristics including age, education, gravidity, and the
Finally, 114 pregnant women were included in the study fetal position of both intervention and control groups are
and were randomly classified into intervention (assigned presented in Table 1. With regard to age, the majority of
to perform pelvic rocking using the birth ball) and control women of both groups (57.9% and 59.6% in intervention
(without exercise) groups. The baseline of fetal position and control groups, respectively) aged over 31 years. As
in both groups was determined by performing the regards the education level, there was a difference between
abdominal palpation of Leopold’s maneuver immediately the two groups. Similarly, most women in the intervention
upon receiving the informed consent. group (62.3%) had upper secondary education while
those in the control group had mostly (50.9%) primary
Interventions education. In terms of gravidity, the majority of women
The employed birthing balls were the Kettler Gym Ball in both groups (70.2% and 59.6% in intervention and
with a diameter of 65 cm. Five well-trained midwives control groups, respectively) had multigravida (two
provided the instructions to mothers regarding pelvic or more pregnancies). Furthermore, based on the pre-
rocking exercises using the birth ball. The exercises trial assessments of the fetal position (baseline), it was
included 5 steps as follows: ascertained that the fetal attitude, lie, and presentation were
• Sitting straddle on the ball; normal in both groups. Additionally, 70.3% and 71.9% of
• Rocking the pelvis forward and backward with patients in intervention and control groups were flexed in
shoulder still 4 times; terms of the fetal attitude, respectively. Incidentally, both
• Rocking the pelvis to the left and right side with groups showed the same proportion of fetal lie including

462 International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2019
Supriatiningsih et al

Table 1. General and Baseline Characteristics of Intervention and Control significantly (P < 0.001) leads to the flexed attitude of the
fetus in comparison to the control group (35.1%).
Intervention Control Based on the data and statistical test results in Table 3,
No. % No. % the pelvic rocking also showed a significant contribution
Age 57 100 57 100 to correcting the fetal lie so that 49.1% of women in the
≤ 20 years 1 1.8 6 10.5 intervention group indicated longitudinal lie compared to
21-30 years 23 40.4 17 29.8 29.8% of those in the control group (P < 0.001).
≥ 31 years 33 57.9 34 59.6 Furthermore, the data and statistical test results in Table
Education 57 100 57 100 4 represent that pelvic rocking exercises with the birth ball
Primary 17 29.8 29 50.9 play a role in normalizing the fetal presentations. In the
Secondary 31 54.5 18 31.6 intervention group, 56 out of 57 subjects demonstrated
Higher education 9 15.8 10 17.5 the head presentation whereas only 45 out of 57 of them
Gravidity 57 100 57 100 in the control group that indicated the head presentation
Primigravida 14 24.6 10 17.5 (P < 0.01).
Multigravida 40 70.2 34 59.6
Grande multigravida 3 5.3 13 22.8 Discussion
Fetal attitude 57 100 57 100 Based on the data presented in Table 1, the participant
Flexed 40 70.2 41 71.9 characteristics of both intervention and control groups
Deflexed 17 29.8 16 28.1 were balanced except for the level of education. The
Fetal lie 57 100 57 100 secondary or higher education levels (70.3%) of women
Longitudinal 33 57.8 33 57.8 in the intervention group is a probable explanation for
Oblique 22 38.6 22 38.6 their willingness to follow the pelvic rocking. As was
Transverse 2 3.6 2 3.6 scientifically suggested, further education leads to more
Fetal presentation 57 100 57 100 knowledge, capability, and awareness of individuals
Head 50 87.8 45 78.9 regarding adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining
Breech 6 10.6 3 5.3 their physical health including performing exercises (18).
Shoulder 1 1.8 9 15.8
Considering the data in Tables 2, 3, and 4, pelvic rocking
with a birth ball should be emphasized and recommended
in antenatal care during pregnancy. Nevertheless, the
the longitudinal, oblique, and transverse lies of 57.8%, controversy about the benefits of pregnancy exercises on
38.6%, and 3.6%, respectively. Eventually, respecting fetal prolonged labor is not inevitable. As it is known, during the
presentation, 87.8% of women in the intervention group 1960s, there has been a debate about the value of exercise
and 78.9% of them in the control group indicated a normal during labor. Although it is doubtful that exercise during
presentation (head presentation). pregnancy is extremely beneficial in shortening the birth
process, it can reduce the structural burden experienced
Trial Effects by the mother in pregnancy and labor in addition to
Tables 2, 3, and 4 provide the fetal attitude, lie, and reducing the back pain and improving the abdominal
presentation of the intervention and control groups after posture and pelvis muscle. Pelvic shaking exercises alone
three-week clinical trials, respectively. As shown in Table are considered useless in improving the pelvic capacity,
1, the pelvic rocking exercise using the birth ball (50%) though they are only beneficial in reducing the back

Table 2. Fetal Attitude of Intervention and Control Groups

Fetal Attitude
Trials Flexed Deflexed
No. (%) No. % No. %
Intervention 57 (50) 57 50.0 0 0.0
Control 57 (50) 40 35.1 17 14.9
Total 114 (100) 97 85.1 17 14.9
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-square 19.979a 1 0.000 0.000
Continuity correctionb 17.698 1 0.000
Likelihood ratio 26.562 1 0.000
Linear-by-linear association 19.804 1 0.000
No. of valid casesb 114        
Zero cells (0%) have an expected count less than five and the minimum expected count is 8.50; Computed only for a 2x2 table.

International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2019 463
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Table 3. Fetal Lie of Intervention and Control Groups

Fetal Lie
Trials Longitudinal Oblique Transverse
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Intervention 57 50 56 49.1 0 0 1 0.9
Control 57 50 34 29.8 22 19.3 1 0.9
Total 114 100 90 78.9 22 19.3 2 1.8
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson chi-square 27.378a 2 0.000 0.000
Likelihood ratio 35.931 2 0.000 0.000
Fishers exact test 32.570     0.000
Linear-by-linear association 19.931b 1 0.000 0.000
No. of valid cases 114
Two cells (33.3%) have an expected count less than five and the minimum expected count is 1.00; b The standardized statistic is 4.464.

Table 4. Fetal Presentation of Intervention and Control Groups

Fetal Presentation
Trials Head Breech Shoulder
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Intervention 57 50 56 49.1 0 0 1 0.9
Control 57 50 45 39.5 4 3.5 8 7.0
Total 114 100 101 88.6 4 3.5 9 7.9
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-square 10.642a 2 0.005 0.002
Likelihood ratio 12.943 2 0.002 0.004
Fishers exact test 10.330 0.004
Linear-by-linear association 8.982b 1 0.003 0.003
No. of valid cases 114
Four cells (66.7%) have an expected count less than five and the minimum expected count is 2.00; b The standardized statistic is 2.997.

pain (19). is thought to encourage the placenta to produce more

Later and toward the third millennium, the benefits of estrogen, enhance the production of prostaglandin
exercise during pregnancy received attention once more. that affects the uterus contraction leading to a higher
Some of the benefits of pregnancy exercise are as follows: probability of optimal fetal positioning, and finally,
• Minimizing the weight gain by reducing body fat facilitate the fetal movements (22).
accumulation; Despite its long history of invention, the use of the
• Minimizing backache; birth ball, originally called the Swiss ball, advocated in
• Reducing pregnancy discomfort; pregnancy exercise. The findings of the current study
• Maximizing the ability to manage breathing and confirm the benefits of exercise with the birth ball during
relaxation; pregnancy, which corroborates with the findings of many
• Reducing stress and increasing the self-confidence; previous studies. The pelvic rocking exercise and birthing
• Minimizing labor complications; ball were revealed to be useful in shortening the labor
• Accelerating postpartum recovery. process and empowering mothers during the labor in
Based on the study results of a study on the efficacy addition to be effective in managing the lower back pain
of pregnancy exercises, body movement in the exercise during pregnancy (23,24). Likewise, the physical exercises
can enhance cardiovascular capacity and increase muscle performed during pregnancy between the second and
strength, elasticity, and extensibility (20), which is in line third trimesters are reported to be beneficial in reducing
with the results of the current study. the labor duration of the first stage and the possibility of
In addition, based on the findings of another study cesarean operation (25).
regarding testing the efficacy of moxibustion as the The recent reviews of prenatal care practices show that
traditional Chinese medicine in labor, the improved fetal physical activity during pregnancy is still highly promoted
positions were suspected to be associated with uterine regardless of the type of exercise since it is of great
muscle contractions (21). The practice of moxibustion benefit to maternal and infant health during the peri and

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466 International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2019

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