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Camille C.




 March 16, 1521- sailed westwards  March 16, 1521- sailed 300 leagues

from Ladrones island and saw the westwards from Ladrones Island and

island “YUNAGAN” landed on the island “ZAMAL” to set

 Sailed southwards, from the same up 2 tents for sick members.

day into and island named “SULUAN”  Sailed southeast, the next day March

- 9 and two-thirds degrees North 17, 1521 (Sunday) into an island

latitude. named ““HUMUNU

- Saw to what he calls “CANOES” (HOMONHON)”.

–light narrow boats - 10 degrees North latitude.

 Departed westwards from the 2 islands - Named the entire archipelago the

to the island of “GADA” taking wood “Islands of Saint Lazarus”.

& water; - March 18, 1521- the second day on

- No latitude indicated. the island saw to what he calls

 Sailed westwards toward “SEILANI” “BALANGAY or BALANGHAI”

and saw sign of golds. - A boat with 9 men and exchanged

 Sailed southwards along Seilani then gifts.

turned southwest to the island of - Magellan asked for food supplies.

“MAZAVA” with the latitude of 9 - The 9 men promised to bring rice and

and two-thirds degrees North. other supplies in 4 days and went

- Spaniards planted a cross upon a away.

mountain-top - (ACQUADA or HOMONHON.)

- They were shown 3 islands to the - 10 degrees North Latitude

west and southwest, where they - Saw signs of gold and Magellan
were told there was much gold. renamed the island and called it the

- “They showed us how the gold was “Watering Place of Good Omen”

gathered, which came in small (Acquada la di bouni segnialli).

pieces like peas and lentils.” - March 22, 1521 (Friday)- the natives

- Did not mention the first mass. returned 2 boats, and brought food

- Only mentioned that the people supplies.

were very good. - Magellan’s expedition stayed 8 days

 From Mazava, they sailed northwards at Homonhon – from Sunday, March

towards Seilani. 17- Monday of March 25.

- In a northwesterly direction. - March 25, 1521 (Monday) – the feast

- 10 degrees of latitude day of the Incarnation or feast of the

- They saw three small islands. Annunciation. “Our Lady’s Day”.

 They sailed westwards 10 leagues  Left Homonhon, and went towards the

- saw three islets west southwest, between 4 islands:

- Dropped anchor for the night. a. Cenalo –a misspelling in the

- In the morning they sailed southwest Italian manuscript for what

some 12 leagues, down to a latitude of Pigafetta in his map calls “Ceilon”.

10 and one third degree. b. Hiunanghan – a misspelling of

- Entered channel between “MATAN” Hinunangan, a separate island, but

and “SUBU”. is actually on the mainland of

 They sailed down the channel and then Leyte (i.e., “Ceylon”).

turned westward c. Hibuson – Pigafetta’s Ibusson, is

- Anchored at the town (la villa) of an island east of Leyte’s southern

Subu on an east-west direction with tip

the islands of Suluan and Mazava in d. Albarien

 10. March 28, 1521 (Thursday) – The

a round-about way since there was morning of Holy Thursday.

many shallows and boats could not  - They anchored off an island where

go westward directly. the previous night they had seen a light

- stayed many days and obtained or a bonfire.

provisions - Lies in latitude of nine and two-

- Entered into a peace-pact with the thirds towards the Arctic Pole.

local king. - Longitude of one hundred and sixty-

two degrees from the line of


- 25 leagues from the Acquada.

 They remained seven days on Mazaua


 April 4, 1521 (Thursday) – They left

Mazaua, bound for Cebu.

- Guided thither by the king of Mazaua

who sailed in his own boat.

- Their route took them past 5 “islands”

namely: “Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan,

Baibai, and Gatighan.”

 Gatighan- they sailed westward to the

three islands of the Camotes Group: Poro,

Pasihan and Ponson.

- Spanish ships stopped to allow the king

of Mazaua to catch up with them.

 April 7, 1521 (Sunday) – They entered

the harbor of “Zubu” (Cebu).

- It had taken three days to negotiate the

journey from Mazaua northwards to

the Camotes Islands and then

southwards to Cebe.


Albo’s Log Source: “Diario o derotero del viage de Magallanes desde el cabo se S. Agustin en el Brazil
hasta el regreso a Espana dela nao Victoria, escrito por Frandsco Albo,” Document no. xxii in Collecion
de viages y descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espaῇoles desde fines del siglo XV, Ed. Martin
Fernandez de Navarrete (reprinted Buenos Aires 1945,5 Vols.) IV, 191- 225. As cited in Miguel A. Bernad
“Butuan or Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of Evidence” 1981,
Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern Philippines, Vol. III, 1-35.

Pigafetta’s Testimony on the Route of Magellan’s Expedition Source: Emma Blair and James Alexander
Robertson, The Philippine Isalnds, Vols. 33 and 34, as cited in Miguel A. Bernad, “Butuan or Limasawa”
The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of Evidence” 1981, Kinaadman: A Journal
of Southern Philippines, Vol. III, 1-35.

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