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,Team 7: Successful Professional

Be willing to learn.
-Have questions
-Be coachable
-Life is different from college
-Pay attention

Presentation type: Talk Show with successful professionals “Experience Voices”


Are you a successful professional? do you perform well in what you do but, would you like to
stand out, have success and recognition? How to achieve it? Are you too young or too old to
be successful? These are some of the questions that we frequently ask ourselves, and today in
our program we will have some answers that can help us in our work life.

Actually, it is very difficult to become a successful professional, it's dependence of

performance, effort and strength to do the tasks that are assigned to you. Also when you will
going to proactive, the professional image have you coworkers, bosses and all people that you
interact on daily basis it will improve. No matter in which field of knowledge you work in,
being a self-motivated professional and strengthening your professional skills, can help you
to achieve success and satisfaction in your career.

Today we are joined by two professionals who have been successful in their field of work,
they will tell us about their experiences.


Luis: Good afternoon nurse Luisa, we are grateful to have you with us today.
Luisa: Thank you, it's a pleasure.
Luis: Luisa, at just 26 years old, you have had many achievements in the area of emergency
nursing care, you have received great recognitions, you have published more than 30 articles
in magazines of great importance in the health area, you have also obtained resources from
foundations scientists seeking to sponsor research in this area. What do you think your
achievements are due to? Could you give us some advice?
Luisa: I think that my achievements are due to my discipline, dedication and love for what I
do. My advice is that you must be willing to learn, you must become a lifelong learner, it can
help you get a step ahead in your career. You must extend your base of knowledge, what
makes you a better candidate with a leg up on the competition. Also, you should try to
identify your weaknesses to look for alternatives and improve or acquire these skills, for
example, the correct way of speaking in public, assertive communication with people, among
Luis: Nurse What changes did you make in your professional life, what weaknesses did you
identify that prevented you from advancing in your career?
Luisa: I cleared my mind, I was worried about being out of my comfort zone, I did not dare
to take risks, also, I stopped complaining and thinking negative things. I had to work on my
communication skills, on my interpersonal skills and I had to learn leadership skills.
I embraced change for my well-being and progress.


Kahoot activity

Habrán una serie de preguntas que se harán con los compañeros y al final de cada una de ellas
Luis intervendrá luego de que se haya realizado cada pregunta y se haya revisado la

Be willing to learn

Being ready to learn means that while we are professionals we must be prepared to deepen
the activities that our professional work demands of us, and in this continuous learning
process we are training to be better professionals every day, to be closer to being successful
and to achieve our professional and personal goals. When we talk about being successful, we
do not mean fortune, money and fame. No! The success to which we refer in this show is the
one that is given for the satisfaction of a well done action, of a responsibility fulfilled, of
fulfilling the duty of the profession in which we are formed, and especially to be aware of the
impact our actions have on the lives of our coworkers, bosses and people around us.

Have questions

We never stop learning after graduating as professionals, so being curious and always
generating questions is one of the steps that will bring us closer to professional success, as
they show our interest in going beyond the functions for which we were hired, is to have the
opportunity to ask ourselves how to improve a process? How to be more assertive? How can
we apply our knowledge efficiently?

Be coachable

Being ready to be trained in new skills will allow us to be professionals open to change,
propositive and willing to leave our comfort zone, so taking advantage of these training and
training opportunities will make our professional image valued and can lead us to promotions
(promotes), and better wage conditions, as well as provide us with professional satisfaction of
the duty fulfilled.
Life is different from college

Indeed, professional success starts from recognizing the differences between studying at
university and working in the career we study. When we are students, we can make mistakes,
fail and feel bad about it, but the consequences will not be to miss an exam, a note or not to
pass the subject. At the university there are more opportunities to learn and correct our
mistakes while in professional life make mistakes can lead to calls for attention (written and
verbal memoranda) oral and written, disciplinary investigations by the ethics committees of
each career, loss of the professional card, become unemployed and even criminal sanctions.

Pay attention

Every detail in our professional work is important and it involves paying attention to every
life lesson we can receive in the development of our professional work and that can be from
our professional circle or even from people with whom we interact in our daily lives. We
must also pay attention when they are explaining to us some specific work task in our work,
because this will enable our work to be carried out efficiently and effectively.

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