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Guidance and Counselling is a support service that is aimed at helping individuals discover and develop their
educational, vocational and psychological potentials and thereby achieve an optimal level of personal
happiness and social usefulness.

2. With COVID-19, working from home has taken on a whole new meaning. Many school
counselors left their schools one afternoon and weren’t able to return the next day. Others had
more notice that their school system was closing and were able to gather materials. Now school
counselors are tasked with creating online lessons and figuring out the best ways to interact and
support students while keeping information confidential.
3. What are the common problems school guidance counselors come across? It can sometimes be frustrating for counselors
to do their job. The job requires exceptional communication skills to be able to communicate with even the most
difficult students and their parents. If a counselor does it right, they can serve as a secondary parent whom students
can trust and confide in.
Common Elementary School Problems
An elementary school student is fun and challenging to work with. They are in the time of their lives that they start to
become imaginative, self-reliant and free spirited. Disciplining them becomes a challenge because this is when they
have new experiences and opportunities.
Behaving socially is relatively new to children in elementary level. One of the common problems school guidance
counselors come across in elementary is bullying. Elementary level is where kids explore new grounds and meet new
people with different characteristics. Research shows nine out of ten elementary students have experienced being
bullied by their classmates and peers. Six out of ten showed that they have participated on some bullying themselves.
A guidance counselor plays a big role in these matters. If someone is being bullied, a counselor will help the child cope
with it by giving strategies and ideas. It will make the child feel less alone and eradicate the fear of going to school.
The counselor will also converse with the one bullying and assess the reason for the child's behavior.
Common High School Problems
The common problems school guidance counselors come across in High School are more complex because this is the
transition into adulthood. They are beginning to search for their independence and peer pressure is very powerful in
influencing their decisions. Aside from creating a foreground to a student's future career, a counselor is their guide to
making sound decisions in their academic, social and individual lives.

4. In psychology, the psychodynamic theory has begun with Freud’s works which explain unconscious mind and need (Freud,
1984). Experiences during childhood have an affect our development as an adult. Three key terms in this theory are id, ego,
superego reflects the personality of an individuals. Since unconscious id includes sex drives and death instinct, satisfaction
or dissatisfaction is the result of an unrealistic world of id. The ego that is part of id which connects id to the external world
and therefore it uses realistic strategies getting pleasure. However, the  superego is learnt from social environment such as
family or others which controls forbids by affecting id and ego association.

5. Observation Technique:The observation technique is not frequently used in guidance and counselling. This is a subjective
technique even it is indispensable techniques. For the children no other tool and technique can be used except the
observation schedule.

Advantages of Observation:

Observation has certain advantages over the personality test as an approach to understanding children from the practical
standpoint. Even hit-or-miss incidental observation gives one a ‘feeling’ for the child’s personality that the test score or even
an analysis of the responses to the individual items cannot give. Observation is a relatively ‘free’ situation-one in which the
pupils feel the absence of adult pressure-may reveal important aspect of the personality.

This possibility vanished, however, when the pupil knows he is under observation. Then too, observing does not interfere
with the usual school activities as testing does. Finally, one can usually see how the child responds in social situations, and
note how he reacts to frustrating situations.
6. Guidance Program Evaluation Guidance program evaluation asks two questions. First, is there a written guidance
program in the school district? And second, is the written guidance program the actual implemented program in
the buildings of the district? Discrepancies between the written program and the implemented program, if
present, will come into sharp focus as the program evaluation process unfolds. To conduct program evaluation,
program standards are required. Program standards are acknowledged measures of comparison or the criteria
used to make judgments about the adequacy of the nature and structure of the program as well as the degree to
which the program is in place.

7. Mood disturbances represent only some of the prevalent mental health issues experienced by college
students. Others include serious problems like suicide, eating disorders, and addiction. Mental health
professionals stress the importance of talking about such issues, but students tend to consider these
stresses a normal part of college life. In other cases, they may lack the time, energy, will, and/or money
to seek the support they need. Depression is a mood disorder that involves persistent feelings of
sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. People experiencing
depressive episodes may also experience mood swings, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, and
headaches and body pains that have no apparent physical cause.

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