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You were a good friend, a best friend

A friend I thought were till the end

A friend I thought, indeed
Who'll be by my side in need..

Then you fell for me & made me fall too

Which happened I still don't know how?
That was my life's first love for me..
As supported each other we were happy!
We were happy for the time being
Happy till you started dominating,
Till you started doubting

I wish you would have trusted

This relation wouldn't have rusted
But how was I supposed to bear?
In your eyes the mistrust that started to appear
The doubt you had on my love
Felt like a piercing nail you drove
In my heart, in my mind, in my trust
And in my friendship all above..

You treated me like property than girlfriend

You forgot that I too had a family, heart and mind
I too made some mistakes by not giving you time
But was it really that much of a big crime?
Then your doubts again resurfaced
That was the last blow and I knew it must be the end

I understood that I was stupid

For trying to work it and make it
When there was so much of anger and mistrust around
It was not possible to live in that round

I realized that I had lost me

At the cost of making you and me
But I m glad I finally broke free
Just like little mermaid from under the sea!
I realized that we were not meant to be
And there will be someone who will love me as me
Who will not want change me
And will accept and respect me for being ME!!

But I thank you for being a friend,

Even for name's sake but keeping the trend
It made me realize and accept my mistakes
I won't ever again keep my emotions at stake..
It had made me more mature
And had strengthened my hope for future

I now believe in fresh chance

And sure that someone will hold trust, love, care in his magical glance!!!

So thanks for being a friend, for being a good friend.......

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