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B: Welcome back, everyone.

We are here again to discuss the best way for

students to improve their academic performance. Allow me to begin. I do believe
that ( attending tuition classes – example) is the best way for students to improve
their academic performance because ( provide reason).
……………………………………………………. For example, in tuition
So, does anyone agree with me?
A: Yes, I do see your point and I concur with you that ………( agree with tuition)
……….because as I believe students benefit extensively by attending tuition
classes…( give different example -your own experience).

C: You have your point. But just because some students achieve well academically,
it does not prove that attending tuition classes is the best way to improve students
academic performance. Why not you look at …(Introduce a different point –
example – study group). Compare with tuition classes, explain the rate of hourly
tuition for SPM & STPM science subjects .

D: I am sorry to interrupt but I think both your point is less relevant because
………………….( explain the disadvantage of tuition and also study group). On the
other hand, from my perspective, I believe focussing in class is comparatively more
productive because ………………( give reason + example).
Would anyone like to respond to my view.
B: Sorry, I beg to differ. Your point may sound relevant provided that every single
class is taught by effective and skilled teachers. How sure are you that every
student is blessed with such teachers. Conversely, I believe students who attend
tuition would surely look for the best tuition class as it is a win win situation.
C : I am sorry but I have to disagree. Using the same logic as you did, how sure
are you that every single tuition centres are actually hiring skilled tutors. They are
actually many part time tutors who do not have sufficient experience of knowledge,
for example knowledge of exam scopes, exam grading format….but at large many,
especially unemployed graduates opt tutoring as a source of income for them.
D : I am with you on this. Well, after listening to A and B, I still hold strong to my
point that focussing in class is the best way for students to improve their academic
performance. At the same time, I also agree that full attendance is an indirect
method for students to improve their grades….. because……..
So, both these points are related.
B : I agree with you to a certain extent, but have you considered checking why
many good class students are absent a week or two before exam week? Then you
will realize that full attendance is not really the best way for students to improve their
academic performance. So, you have to accept that tuition class largely benefits.
D: Again, I am sorry, I absolutely do not agree with you Have you thought about
under privileged students ? Not everyone could afford tuition fee. So, I think we
have to decide between study group and focussing in class.
A: Alright, after listening to D, I have changed my mind, I accept that joining a study
group is the best way for students to improve their performance.
C: Pardon me for interjecting, but do you all think these four points are the best?
You should look at broader picture and consider all angles. Perhaps someone has
a something to say out of the box?
A : Allow me to give it a go. In my humble opinion, I perceive that students
academic performance is strongly connected to …………………………..

( From here, I hope each group will kickstart and introduce the 6 th point which is the
out of the box idea.).

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