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We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic especially students.

Students are getting tired and stressed with this situation because of the online
learning. Some teens stress over trying to achieve academic success, while others
might stress about their family and home life. One of the reason students are getting
depressed because they might be trapped at home in an abusive family situation.
What is depression? Depression is the most common of all psychological disorders,
affecting 100 million people worldwide. The depression ranges from mild feelings of
uneasiness, sadness, and apathy to intense suicidal despair. Growing up in an
abusive home is a real issue worldwide and is not discussed enough so not everyone
is aware. Some people have never experienced Domestic violence in their home so
they probably could not even fathom the idea of abusive events, abusive parents or
surroundings. Poverty, unemployment, marital conflict, social isolation and family
pathology can increase risk of abuse. For example, parents getting stressed and
temper when they are facing fanatical difficulties, getting down with work from home
so they let go their anger with abusing their child. Student try their best to get away
from getting abuse but nothing they do is good enough for parents and they are
blamed for any situation. Parents has to stop abusing their child, this can mess up
their future. There are many solutions that they can cope their problems and prevent
from child abusing. Example, parents should home a violence-free zone. Other than
that, parents should get control of themself before disciplining a child and get help
with alcohol or drug problems. Abusive parents should start to realize how important
their child health. Students’ life is so important in this world.
Reasons why students fall into depression.
 There are many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering students’
depression, including Having issues that negatively impact self-esteem, such
as obesity, peer problems, long-term bullying or academic problems. And then
been the victim or witness of violence, such as physical or sexual abuse.

Why people ignore interventions for mental health.

 One of the most common reasons for not seeking help is fear and shame.
People recognize the negative stigma and discrimination associated with
having a mental illness and don’t want to be labelled “mentally ill” or “crazy.”
They may also have concerns about how such a label could negatively impact
their career, education, or other life goals.

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