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The Issue that has higher priority in me is Low Achievement test result and this issue can affect

School Administration, Teachers, Students and also Stakeholders which are involved in this issue and this
issue also are common in all local school's.

It is a good research problem because I am a future teacher and I have my obligations to know the
cause why my students got a low score during the test, by studying this Issue I can search the exact
solution which one of my way that help me find the best strategies to make my students a good
learners and " For all students to excel, Teachers must learn about them and connect which each child.
This is not just about finding out how they learn, but it is also finding out who they are" (Couros,2021).

Well, Identifying the source of their problem why they got low score makes me a good and effective
teacher to them, because when you teach the students without knowing the cause of their low scores
are pointless, why?, because you are just keep on teaching without considering your students problem
and it leads to nothing, remember "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the
book"(Teaching, Learning & Education,2019).

Studying this issue may help us find the best way in terms of teaching elementary students. Maya
Angelou stated that When you know better you do better (2018).

In research we must have questions that can help us know more about the Issue we've select and here
are the Questions

1. What is the impact that affects the school when the students performance is always got Low
Achievement test result?

2. How can the students got a low Achievement test result while the teacher still keep on teaching them
every class hours ?

3. What are the possible things happen in students life when the students keep getting a low
Achievement test result?

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