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ACTIVITY # 1: The Mini-IPIP (International Personality Item Pool Representation

of  the NEO PI R) Scale (20 points) 

Write your answers on the *OCEAN SCORE in a clean sheet of paper. Take a
photo  and turn it in using GED 101 group chat via FB. 

Instructions: Below are phrases describing people’s behaviors. Please use the rating 
scale below to describe how accurately each statement describes you. Describe 
yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe
yourself  as you honestly see yourself, in relation to other people you know of the same
sex as  you are, and roughly your same age.  

Please read each statement carefully and put a number from 1 to 5 next to it to
describe  how accurately the statement describes you.  

*Answer the guide questions at the end of the activity. 

1 = Very inaccurate  

2 = Moderately inaccurate  

3 = Neither inaccurate nor accurate  

4 = Moderately accurate  

5 = Very accurate  

1. ___3_ Am the life of the party (E)  

2. ____4__ Sympathize with others’ feelings (A)  

3. ____3__ Get chores done right away (C)  

4. ____4___ Have frequent mood swings (N)  

5. ____4___ Have a vivid imagination (O)  

6. ____2___Don’t talk a lot (E)  

7. _____2__ Am not interested in other people’s problems (A)  

8. ___4____ Often forget to put things back in their proper place (C) 

9. _____2__ Am relaxed most of the time (N) 

10. ___2___ Am not interested in abstract ideas (O)  
11. ___2___ Talk to a lot of different people at parties (E)  

12. ____4__ Feel others’ emotions (A)  

13. ____4__ Like order (C)  

14. ____3__ Get upset easily (N)  

15. ____3__ Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas (O)  

16. _____2_ Keep in the background (E)  

17. ____2__ Am not really interested in others (A)  

18. ___2___ Make a mess of things (C)  

19. ___2___ Seldom feel blue (N)  

20. ___2__ Do not have a good imagination (O)  

Scoring: The first thing you must do is to reverse the items that are worded in the
opposite direction. In order to do this, subtract the number you put for that item from 6.
So if you put a 4, for instance, it will become a 2. Cross out the score you put when
you  took the scale, and put the new number in representing your score subtracted
from the  number 6. 

Items to be reversed in this way: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20  

Next, you need to add up the scores for each of the five OCEAN scales (including
the  reversed numbers where relevant).  

Each *OCEAN SCORE will be the sum of four items. Place the sum next to each
scale  below. 

____15_____ Openness: Add items 5, 10, 15, 20  

_____14_____ Conscientiousness: Add items 3, 8, 13, 18  

______16___ Extraversion: Add items 1, 6, 11, 16  

______16____ Agreeableness: Add items 2, 7, 12, 17 

_____15____ Neuroticism: Add items 4, 9,14, 19 

Compare your scores to the norms below to see where you stand on each scale. If
you  are low on a trait, it means you are the opposite of the trait label. For example,
low on  Extraversion is Introversion, low on Openness is Conventional, and low on 
Agreeableness is Assertive.  
19–20 Extremely High,  

17–18 Very High,  

14–16 High,  

11–13 Neither high nor low; in the middle, 

8–10 Low, 

6–7 Very low, 

4–5 Extremely low 

Guide Questions: Answer the following questions in an essay form with a maximum
of  300 words. 

Write your answers in a clean sheet of paper. Take a photo and turn it in using
GED  101 group chat via FB (10 points each).  

1. How do you describe your scores on Mini IPIP Scale? Do you think the results
are  accurate? Why?  

The given phrases are intended in describing human’s behaviors. With the Mini
IPIP Scale, I was able to assess my self . Using this scale, I have also known my
personality more ,including my thoughts, response to others,and social
interactions with them respectively. The result shows that I am high on
Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
With that being said, I can say that the scores that I got on Mini IPIP Scale are
objectively accurate.
2. Do you think personality changes through time?How?
We’ve also acquired a clear sense of which personality traits are most generally
useful for understanding behavior. The world's languages include many thousands
of words for describing personality, but most of these can be organized in terms of
the "Big Five" trait dimensions: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
neuroticism, and openness.
And while personality traits are relatively stable over time, they can and often do
gradually change across the life span. Those changes are usually for the better.
Many studies, show that most adults become more agreeable, conscientious and
emotionally resilient as they age. But these changes tend to unfold across years or
decades, rather than days or weeks. Sudden, dramatic changes in personality are rare.
Due to their effects on behavior and continuity over time, personality traits help shape
the course of people's lives. When measured using Mini IPIP Scale , the Big Five
traits predict a long list of consequential life outcomes such as performance in school
and at work, relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners, life satisfaction
and emotional well-being, physical health and longevity, and many more. Of course,
none of these outcomes are entirely determined by personality,all of them are also
influenced by people's life circumstances. But personality traits clearly influence
people's lives in important ways and help explain why two people in similar
circumstances often end up with different outcomes.

3. Discuss how we develop our personality.  

4. Differentiate personality from self.  Self is what makes someone an individual; it

is the essential being of a person, one's ego, and the awareness of one's own
inner person.

Personality is the combination of behavior, emotion, motivation, and thought

patterns that define an individual.

• Personality - is the way a person that presents themselves outwardly.

Personality is "the sum total of the psychical, mental, emotional, and social
characteristics of an individual," ( 2011). A persons personality
is made from a variety of characteristic from thoughts, feelings and
behaviours, which help make a person unique.

•Self is the "I" feeling of an individual we can say that it is the internal view of
an individual and personality is the combination of behavior + mental
structure. The society shaped the individual personality. Personality is derived
from persona which means the mask.

5. How will you answer the question, “Who am I?”

The given phrases are intended in describing human’s behaviors. With the Mini
IPIP Scale, I was able to assess my self . Using this scale, I have also known my
personality more ,including my thoughts, response to others,and social
interactions with them respectively. The result shows that I am high on
Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
With that being said, I can say that the scores that I got on Mini IPIP Scale are
objectively accurate.

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