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AUGUST 23, 2023



The Mini-IPIP (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PIR) Scale

(20 points)

This section aims to reinforce your understanding of the topics

covered in Week 1 through the activity below.

Instructions: Below are phrases describing people’s behaviors.

Please use the rating scale below to describe how accurately each

statement describes you. Describe yourself as you generally are

now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe yourself as you honestly see yourself, in

relation to other people you know of the same sex as you are, and roughly your same age. Please

read each statement carefully and put a number from 1 to 5 next to it to describe how accurately

the statement describes you. Answer the guide questions at the end of the activity.

1 = Very inaccurate

2 = Moderately inaccurate

3 = Neither inaccurate nor accurate

4 = Moderately accurate

5 = Very accurate

1. 4 Am the life of the party (E)

2. 5 Sympathize with others’ feelings (A)

3. 2 Get chores done right away (C)

4. 3 Have frequent mood swings (N)

5. 5 Have a vivid imagination (O)

6. 1 Don’t talk a lot (E) 6-1= 5

7. 2 Am not interested in other people’s problems (A) 6-2= 4

8. 3 Often forget to put things back in their proper place (C) 6-3= 3

9. 4 Am relaxed most of the time (N) 6-4- 2

10. 2 Am not interested in abstract ideas (O) 6-2= 4

11. 5 Talk to a lot of different people at parties (E)

12. 5 Feel others’ emotions (A)

13. 3 Like order (C)

14. 2 Get upset easily (N)

15. 3 Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas (O) 6-3= 3

16. 2 Keep in the background (E) 6-2= 4

17. 2 Am not really interested in others (A) 6-2= 4

18. 4 Make a mess of things (C) 6-4= 2

19. 3 Seldom feel blue (N) 6-3= 3

20. 3 Do not have a good imagination (O) 6-3= 3

Scoring: The first thing you must do is to reverse the items that are worded in the opposite

direction. In order to do this, subtract the number you put for that item from 6. So if you put a 4,

for instance, it will become a 2. Cross out the score you put when you took the scale, and put the

new number in representing your score subtracted from the number 6.

Items to be reversed in this way: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Next, you need to add up the scores for each of the five OCEAN scales (including the reversed

numbers where relevant). Each OCEAN score will be the sum of four items. Place the sum next

to each scale below.

15 Openness: Add items 5, 10, 15, 20

10 Conscientiousness: Add items 3, 8, 13, 18

18 Extroversion: Add items 1, 6, 11, 16

18 Agreeableness: Add items 2, 7, 12, 17

10 Neuroticism: Add items 4, 9,14, 19

Compare your scores to the norms below to see where you stand on each scale. If you are low on

a trait, it means you are the opposite of the trait label. For example, low on Extraversion is

Introversion, low on Openness is Conventional, and low on Agreeableness is Assertive.

19–20 Extremely High, 8–10 Low,

17–18 Very High, 6–7 Very low,

14–16 High, 4–5 Extremely low

11–13 Neither high nor low; in the middle,

Guide Questions: Answer the following questions in an essay form with a maximum of 300

words. Write your answers in a clean sheet of paper. Take a photo and turn it in using GED 101

group chat via FB (10 points each).

1. How do you describe your scores on Mini IPIP Scale? Do you think the results are accurate?


2. Do you think personality changes through time? How?

3. Discuss how we develop our personality.

4. Differentiate personality from self.

5. How will you answer the question, “Who am I?”?


1. It is incredibly true that the score that I got on the Mini IPIP Scale define who I am. The

number of points that I got are sometimes very high or low depending on the traits that being

examined. My ratings to each one of the situation may be different, however, the outcome will

always be the same as it is the reflection of what personality I have as a person. In line with this,

the results that I got in each trait are different from each other but it is so accurate. Like on

”Agreeableness” and “Extroversion”, I got “very high” as a result, and it’s right since, I’m the

type of person who like outgoing, sociable, and enjoys being around others. Moreover, most of

the time, I tend to be more empathetic, forgiving, and willing to compromise. And I value

harmonious relationships and are less likely to engage in conflicts. Likewise, I got “High” as the

result on “Openness” which is also true most of the time, I tended to agree on others opinion and

prioritize others need over my own. On the other hand, in terms of “Conscientiousness” and

“Neuroticism”, I got “low” as result which is also accurate because sometimes I don't

immediately do what I need to do. Furthermore, I’m always tend to be calm even I’m in the

middle of chaos. Taking everything into account, the result in Mini IPIP Scale was reliably and

accurate. It helps us to easily interpret and understand ourselves specifically our personality trait

as an individual. In my case, the results suit who and what really I am as a person whereas I am

2. Yes, personality can change over time. This concept is known as personality development or

personality change. Several factors can contribute to changes in personality, including life

experiences, maturation, and environmental influences. Personality changes may occur gradually

or in response to significant life events. For example, someone may become more open to new

experiences and more extroverted as they gain confidence and life experiences. It's important to

note that personality change is a complex process, and not all aspects of personality are equally


3. Personality development is a lifelong process influenced by a combination of environmental,

for example, a nurturing and supportive environment may lead to the development of a secure and

confident personality, while a traumatic or neglectful upbringing can have the opposite effect and

also the culture and society in which we grow up can significantly impact our personality.

Cultural norms and values may shape our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

4. Personality and self are related but distinct concepts, personality refers to a set of enduring

traits, characteristics, and patterns of behavior that define an individual's typical way of thinking,

feeling, and acting. It encompasses traits like extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness,

openness, and agreeableness. While self, on the other hand, refers to an individual's sense of

identity and self-awareness. It includes one's self-concept, self-esteem, self-image, and self-

identity. While personality traits are part of the self, the self is a broader and more encompassing

concept that also involves an individual's beliefs, values, and perceptions about themselves.

5. “Who am I?”. A simple question but complicated to answer. When I was a child, whenever I

was asked “who am I?” I always answered my name--- Dhen-Dhen S. De Guzman, because I

thought that’s the limit of this question. However, now that I grow up, I can fully understand that

the question “who am I” is wider and more complicated than I thought. But, how should we really

answer the question “who am I?” or is there really a proper way to answer it? Nowadays, I am on

the process of understanding myself. Little by little, I can decipher the kind of personality and

identity I have as a person. So, at this point, if I was asked “who am I” I can confidently answer, I

am simple college girl named Dhen-Dhen who prefers noisy and crowded places, an extrovert, a

girl loves to see arts and new things that’s beyond reality, and most importantly I am dreamer
who wants to be a Professional Teacher in the near future. Hence, this is who I am, and I believe

that I am unique in my own way. Taking everything into conclusion, it is my belief that

answering the question “who am I” can’t be wrong as long as you express and tell who you really

are and the motives of your action. Answering the question of who am I leading to understanding

our own self, wherein all of us is different from each other.




“Who am I?” This is a question that sometimes troubles me. Don't you think? I want to

understand who I am and what qualities make me unique compared to others. Before someone

inquires about me, it's important to have a clear understanding of who I truly am and the distinct

abilities I possess. The reason is that when such questions arise, I must be able to confidently

express myself without hesitation. Most of the time, I provide only brief information about

myself, such as my name, class, or place of origin. However, there are people who may be

interested in learning more about me beyond a simple introduction. This could encompass my

likes, dislikes, passions, goals, dreams, and more. And I need to analyze myself and identify the

strengths and qualities that truly define me.

I have a lot of belief in dreaming big and setting goals for myself. There are many things

that I would like to achieve and do systematically in life. It includes taking care of my parents,

siblings, and people around me. The most important thing is to dedicate myself to the service of

others. There is nothing more satisfying than helping others. Therefore, I have to educate myself

really well on things that I want to do. Apart from this, I am keen on learning new things each

and every day. While learning, I pay attention to developing important skills such as critical

thinking, problem-solving, decision making, analytical and communication skills. Moreover, I’m

very punctual and like to do things on time. I am extremely friendly to all the people around me

which makes me a happy person. There is a sense of happiness in spending time with friends.

This also gives an opportunity to be part of their lives. I am fortunate enough to see beautiful

places and learn new things from there. Besides this, I like to do crafts activities at home. This

will enhance my creativity and imagination to do something better.

In today's journey of self-discovery, I am actively engaged in the process of

understanding myself. Gradually, I am uncovering the intricacies of my personality and identity.

If asked the question, "Who am I?" at this juncture, I can confidently respond by saying that I am
a simple college girl named Dhen-Dhen who thrives in bustling and lively environments. I

embrace my extroverted nature and have a deep affection for the arts and the exploration of

concepts beyond reality. Above all, I am a dreamer with a strong aspiration to become a

Professional Teacher in the near future. Consequently, this is who I am, and I firmly believe that I

possess a unique essence that sets me apart. In conclusion, I hold the belief that there is no

incorrect answer to the question, "Who am I?" as long as one sincerely expresses their true self

and the motivations behind their actions. Answering this question leads to a profound

understanding of oneself, recognizing that each of us is distinct and unique in our own way.

Hence, I've come to realize that 'Who am I?' is a question with evolving answers. As life

unfolds and experiences shape me, I continue to refine my understanding of self. I am not just a

static entity but a constantly evolving being. My preferences, interests, and aspirations may

change, and that's perfectly fine. Embracing this fluidity, I've learned to appreciate the layers that

make up my identity and accept that they may shift over time. It's the beauty of growth and self-

awareness—knowing that there's always more to discover about myself, and I look forward to the

exciting journey ahead."

DE GUZMAN, DHEN-DHEN S. August 28, 2023



This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the

topics covered in Week 2 through the activity below.

Instructions: Write a one-sentence description of self according to

the following philosophers. Write your answers in a clean sheet of


Philosophers One sentence definition of self

Socrates He said that our self is the immortal and unified

entity that is consistent overtime.

Plato A student of Socrates, who introduced the idea

of a threepart soul/self that is composed of

reason, physical appetite and spirit or passion.

St. Augustine He believed that one's self is defined by one's

relationship with God and that human nature is

divided into two realms: God as the source of

all reality and truth, and man's sinfulness.

Descartes He is well known for his idea of "cogito, ergo

sum"—"I think, therefore I exist," which states

that in order to achieve genuine knowledge,

one must doubt everything, even one's own


Locke He is famous in his concept of “Tabula Rasa”

or Blank Slate that assumes the nurture side of

human development.

Hume He believed that there is no such thing as a self,

that it is only a collection of impressions

(fundamental feelings of human experience)

and ideas (copies from impressions include

thoughts and images).

Kant He made great contribution to the fields of

metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.

Freud Freud proposed that the mind is divided into

three components: id, ego, and superego, and

that the interactions and conflicts among the

components create personality.

Ryle He was an important figure in the field of

Linguistic Analysis which focused on the

solving of philosophical puzzles through an

analysis of language.

Churchland According to him, our concept of self is

derived from our brain.

Merleau-Ponty He took a very different approach to the self

and the mind/body “problem” and according to

him, the division between the “mind” and the

“body” is a product of confused thinking.

DE GUZMAN, DHEN-DHEN S. September 1, 2023



This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the

topics covered in Week 3 through the activity below.

Instructions: Differentiate the Sociological and Anthropological

views on self based on the above discussions in an essay form with

maximum of 150 words.

Sociology Anthropology

Sociology is like a compass for understanding Anthropology is the scientific exploration of

human behavior and society. It's all about people and their diverse cultures. It

figuring out why people do the things they do encompasses a broad spectrum of human

and how our culture and society shape those aspects, making it a comprehensive field of

actions. Think of it as peeling back the layers study. Anthropologists delve into human

of society to see what makes it tick. One of its evolution, examining the past, biological

main jobs is to study how different behaviors factors, environmental influences, and the

impact the smooth functioning of society. intricate web of cultural and social forces that

Whether it's looking at why some people break have shaped humanity. Their curiosity extends

the rules or understanding why crimes happen, to the human body, cultural expressions,

sociology is like a detective, trying to solve the interpersonal dynamics, and virtually every

mysteries of human behavior. But it goes even facet of human existence. Anthropology

further. Sociology is a deep dive into the branches into two primary areas: cultural

science of human society. It explores how anthropology and physical anthropology. In

societies have changed over time, how they cultural anthropology, researchers investigate

organize themselves, and how different groups specific societies, their growth, and the

of people interact. It's like a time machine that intricacies of their cultures. This involves the

takes us back to see how societies worked in examination of cultural variations, marriage

the past and how they've influenced our customs, hereditary influences on family

modern world. So, in a nutshell, sociology is structures, and sustainable food production
the key to unraveling the story of human practices. On the other hand, physical

society, how it has evolved, how it influences anthropologists explore evolution's impact on

our daily lives, and how it continues to shape physical traits and characteristics in human

the world we live in today. development. In essence, anthropology is the

captivating journey into the profound human

experience, bridging the realms of culture,

society, biology, and evolution.

DE GUZMAN, DHEN-DHEN S. September 4, 2023



This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the

topics covered in Week 4 through the activity below.

Instructions: Differentiate the following terms in the box in one

sentence. Write your answers in a clean sheet of paper.

Me-Self I-Self

The Me-Self, as per William James, represents In contrast, the I-Self, also defined by William

the aspect of our personality that is "known" to James, is the "knower" within us that reflects

others, encompassing the material, social, and our truest personality and holds the core of our

spiritual facets of our identity, which is the part self-identity. It's how we identify ourselves

of us that others perceive. Me-Self reflects how personally and encompasses our inner

we present ourselves in various social roles and thoughts, emotions, and subjective experiences.

contexts, shaped by societal norms and external I-Self represents our innermost, authentic self,

influences. often hidden from external observation, and it

forms the basis of our self-awareness and


Real Self Ideal Self

Carl Rogers described the Real Self is the The Ideal Self refers to the person an individual

authentic and genuine representation of who an aspires to become, embodying their highest

individual truly is, encompassing their innate aspirations, values, and goals. It represents the

personality traits, behaviors, and emotions. It idealized version of themselves that they strive

reflects a person's current state of being, shaped to achieve. The Ideal Self is often influenced

by their life experiences and self-awareness. by societal standards, personal desires, and

The Real Self is a reflection of an individual's cultural expectations, and it may evolve over

self-concept, as it represents their actual time as individuals set new goals and

thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without benchmarks for personal growth.

pretense or external influence.

Multiple Self Unified Self

The concept of Multiple Self suggests that The Unified Self signifies a cohesive self-

individuals have various selves or identities identity that remains consistent across different

that can change in different situations or situations, reflecting a sense of wholeness and

contexts, recognizing the adaptability of the self-awareness. It suggests that despite the

self to varying circumstances. This implies that potential for multiple selves, there exists an

a person may behave differently in various underlying unity in one's identity that

social settings or roles, reflecting the transcends various roles or contexts.

multiplicity of their self-identity.

True Self False Self

The True Self represents an individual's innate The False Self is a persona adopted by

and authentic identity, free from external individuals that doesn't align with their genuine

influences or pretenses. It embodies one's feelings or identity, often due to societal

genuine thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, pressures or expectations. It represents a facade

reflecting a core sense of self that remains or mask that conceals one's true thoughts and

constant regardless of external factors or emotions, leading to a disconnect between the

societal expectations. external presentation and internal self.

Proactive Self Agentic Self

The Proactive Self emphasizes an individual's The Agentic Self highlights a person's capacity

ability to take initiative and control over their to act autonomously and exercise agency in

actions and choices, reflecting a proactive decision-making and actions, signifying

approach to life. It highlights a sense of personal empowerment. It underscores the

personal responsibility and empowerment, individual's role as an agent of their own life,

where individuals actively shape their lives and capable of making independent choices and

decisions. pursuing goals with determination.

DE GUZMAN, DHEN-DHEN S. September 15, 2023

My Self: an Individualistic or Collective?

This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the

topics covered in Week 5 through the activity below.

Instructions: In a maximum of 300 words, write an essay with the

title, My Self: an Individualistic or Collective? Explain how you

consider yourself as individualistic or collective in nature. Write

your answers in a clean sheet of paper.

My self as an Individualistic

Navigating between individualistic and collective tendencies is a common experience for

most people. This inner conflict is entirely normal, and it's crucial to recognize it. Defining our

true selves is a challenging task that takes time. We should accept that pinpointing the question

"Who Am I" and instantly defining ourselves is no easy feat. I used to think I was like everyone

else, wavering between individualism and collectivism. However, I've come to realize that my

individualistic side predominates. This doesn't mean I isolate myself from others; it simply means

I find comfort in my own company. I value independence and self-reliance because, in the end,

the only person we truly have is ourselves.

I suddenly remembered something words resonate with me: "To be yourself in a world

that constantly tries to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" by Ralph Waldo

Emerson's. In which this quotation really defines who I am because living in a society around the

people who persuades me to be someone else and telling me to change everything about me does

not makes sense and does not bothered me at all maybe because I always have the strength to

stand against the wave’s others opinion since the one that matters to me is how I view and see

myself as I’m. I actually accept their opinions, but they will never be able to toss away my

individuality because I already accept the fact that all the things that I have makes me different

and unique from all the others. Other than that, I am indeed an individualistic since I prefer to

rely on myself more than anyone else and be independent because I always believe that at the end

of the day the only person, we have is ourselves. In conclusion, my individuality does not mean

standing alone or feeling the emptiness rather, it means that I just find uniqueness and be able to
share them for the enjoyment of self and other people. As such, being individualistic is not a bad

thing if you see yourself as one then claims it don’t let the pressure around you change you

because that won’t make you look cool rather think you are what you think you are and your

individuality is something you have to cherished.

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