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Art is a very and extremely vast concept. It encompasses a lot of different things, ranging from emotions,
feelings to materials, tangible and intangible things, all things can be considered art. Due to its nature,
art produces many different things, it can be sculptures, paintings or even as simple as images. Images
are produced in different times, with different contexts, and different people, however due to the
nature of art, similarities between these different images can be observed along with its default

Images of art, or in art, can be interpreted in many different ways. One person can say this about a piece
of art, and another person may say another thing completely unrelated to that thing. It can be
comparable to the images that we see in the traditional forms of art and images in everyday life. It has
its many similarities and differences.

In the case of traditional art, by the word itself, it is also considered as art, therefore some concepts of
art also applies to traditional art in the same way. The only difference is in traditional art, the
interpretations, the style and the materials are all fixed. From the processes of making such art to the
reasons as to why they make it are all preserved, meaning, the interpretations should be according to
what their tradition or culture says. This is because traditional art is part of a culture that cannot be
changed, it is related to beliefs and religion which is why it has a fixed meaning. From the word itself
“traditional”, meaning it is a part of a tradition that is passed on for generations, these types of art can
be observed in places with tribes and indigenous people that have preserved their old culture as time
passed. Contrary to art in general, paintings and sculptures are open to many interpretations and
meanings that people correlate that piece of art to. In some aspects like creativity and the form of both
art forms in itself, and it its essence, they are the same, the line is just drawn as to why they make it and
the meaning behind it.

The other type or form of image that is pointed out is the image of everyday life. In terms of images in
everyday life, these are images that are meant to catch our attention, examples of these would be
different types of advertisements like billboards, and the like. These are images that are meant to
advertise, meaning to entice people in to buying certain products and events, it is meant to attract eyes.
Also meant to promote ideals and social values that may or may not be wrong. Just like normal art, it is
also pleasing to the eyes, because how can it attract consumers if it is not? Also, these types of images
also need creativity, much like art in general, because it takes a creative mind to create an effective
advertisement. It is not simply putting a bunch of elements together; it takes someone who is intelligent
visually to create something alluring, much like art that takes a good artist to create a masterpiece. The
main difference between these two types of images is that art is meant to be a medium of expression,
and meant to be appreciated, on the other hand, images in everyday life is meant only to attract, there
is no deeper meaning behind it. It is a mere image meant to advertise and nothing more than what
meets the eye. Unlike art that expresses emotions, images of everyday life influences people to believe
in things or in propagandas, that is the main purpose of images in everyday life. Another difference
would be that art can be appreciated right off the bat, but images in everyday life needs critical thinking
if you do not want to be persuaded into believing something that is wrong.

In conclusion, images in art is similar to and different from traditional art and images in everyday life in
certain aspects. Art that we commonly know is much deeper than the two. Traditional art is studied and
has a fixed meaning and interpretation, and images in everyday life are used to simply advertise and
promote things, but art on the other hand, is used to be an outlet of feelings and can be viewed
differently by people from all walks of life. Traditional art should be respected because it is a part of a
certain culture of a certain group of people, it should be preserved and appreciated more because that
is where we came from, that is one of the earliest forms of art, without there would be no art in this day
and age. Images in everyday life should be studied carefully and be analyzed critically in order for us to
not be swayed easily. These images are meant to take advantage of the psychology of the human
person, which is why our intellect is extremely important in this type of image, for us not to believe in
things that we do not fully understand. For us to not fall in to the traps set by people in power like the
elite, the government, and all the rich businessmen in the world. In the end art is all around us, whether
we know it or not, from the plants and trees that we see every day, to the buildings and houses that
started from simple drawings on a piece of paper, it is all art. We only have to open our minds, hearts,
and eyes for us to see the beauty beyond reality. See all the possibilities of what can be, and appreciate
what is.


As I scroll through the gallery of artworks and see all these amazing artworks and masterpieces, one
thing has caught my attention. This sculpture of a white lady with a red face, and a what seems to be a
scaffolding. The sculpture is entitled Constructed Identity; it was made by Jonas Camposagrado. As I look
more and more into the sculpture, I see many, different, and interesting details that indicate that this
focuses on a certain human right, it is the Freedom of expression. This sculpture clearly shows that

As a human person, our identity and our personality is something that we need to express, and
according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is one of the fundamental rights that a human
person should have. However, as society progressed, stereotypes have been formed. People of all
shapes, sizes, genders, and ages have been confined in to standards that limit them as to who they are,
who they want to be, and who society wants them to be. Examples of these include racial stereotypes
like, Asians are bad drivers, or good at math, African-Americans are bad people and they commit crimes.
Another example would be gender stereotypes, the concept of masculinity and femininity have been
formed and society says that women are fragile, soft, emotional, and have been continuously judged by
extremely harsh standards of beauty, while men, on the other hand, should show no signs of weakness,
they should not cry, and they should be able to fight and overcome anything without crying or asking for
help. Such concepts and stereotypes are a result of a more progressive society, wherein roles of each
person is vital for improvements and progress.

The sculpture shows us a white lady, somehow like a blank canvas with grey spots waiting to be filled, a
red color covering the face, kind of like a mask, and a supporting scaffolding around the body,
representing what seems to be like a construction site. The sculpture fully embodies the society that we
live in today regarding freedom of expression. It depicts the lady being constructed by someone, being
painted by someone, and that someone seems to be the society that we live in.

The sculpture, as I have said, has many details on how it shows the lack of freedom of expression in our
present society in today’s age, one of these details is the white dominant color of the body. For me, or
how I interpret it, is that this represents the human person as a blank canvas. This shows how much we
can grow as a person, and how much our personalities, preferences, and identities can change overtime.
It would be proper if this white color of a canvas will be painted by different colors of expression by the
person itself right? However, the lady’s saddened face shows that it was not her choice at all. It showed
that the white color, red face and grey spots were not her choice, it was against her will to be that way,
because it was how society wants her to be.

Another one of the details would be the red paint on her face. As I have said earlier, it was a color
painted on her by society, covering her face, covering her identity, hence the sad and gloomy face that
she has. Aside from this, it is very important to me that the sculptor chose her face to be red, and not
the other parts of her body, why? This is because the face always represents the very core of our
identity, with the red paint on her face, it shows that the world she lives in has already controlled her
identity and it is the first thing that they targeted. The grey areas and spots and the fact that they seem
to be applied after the white paint, I think it is the attempt of the person to break free and restart anew.
It is a way to have another start, another blank canvas, with no other color. It can no longer be white
because that color is already tarnished.

Another detail would be the scaffolding around the body. I think this serves as the foundation built by
the world, the society. The world today builds people from the bottom up, from the very core of us as a
person, they control us on who we are supposed to be. Like I said, they formed stereotypes,
expectation, and standards to base on how certain people should act, or should be. These are the
scaffoldings, that we experience as we go on with our lives. The scaffoldings that support our identity, it
is only our choice if we make it to support us on who we are, or who the world wants us to be. One tiny
detail would be the way her arms are wrapped around the wood, to make it seem like a jail cell, and
those wood columns are metal bars that keep her from being free.

The key word here is “constructed” and “freedom”. The fact that the artist used the word “constructed”
as an adjective to identity means that her whole being, her whole perception of herself, is not of her
own. It is of how she needs to be, in order to be accepted. It is planted in her mind, and heart that that
is the way she should be. The freedom is taken away from her. That freedom to choose who she wants
to be was taken all because of the need to be accepted. Freedom is in our core as human beings, it is in
the very heart of every choice or decision we make every single day, and if that is taken away from us,
especially our choice on who we are, then why not break free? Why live a life that is not your own? Why
live a life that is full of lies that you tell yourself every day? It is your choice, and your freedom to be who
you truly are, no matter what anyone says.

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