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Engaging Activities
Activity 1.1
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a premise of Cell Theory?

I. All cells arise from other cells.
II. All living cells require water for survival.
III. All living things are only composed of cells.
A. I only B. I and II
C. II only D. II and III

2. Cell Theory states that:

I. All living cells must have a cell wall.
II. All living cells require glucose for survival.
III. The basic unit of life is a cell
A. I only B. III only
C. II only D. I and III

3. What did Schleiden and Schwann both discover individually?

A. All living things are composed of one or more cells.
B. Spontaneous generation of cells is an incorrect theory
C. All cells have organelles.
D. All living things engage in metabolic functions.

4. He advanced the cell theory with his conclusion that cells could only come from other
A. Anton van Leeuwenhoek C. Theodore Schwann
B. Rudolph Virchow D. Robert Hooke

5. Rudolph Virchow's observations helped to disprove the commonly held belief of the
A. evolution C. the existence of molecules
B. spontaneous generation D. atomic models

6. What did Mathias Schleiden find out?

A. All animal cells are made of cells B. All animals have voting rights
C. All animal cell have different functions D. All plants are made cells

7. Which scientist(s) proposed that all plants and animals are made of one or more cells?
A. Virchow and Schleiden C. Hooke and Leeuwenhoek
B. Schleiden and Schwann D. Brown and Hooke
8. ______ are made up of at least one cell. Which word best fits in the blank?
A. All living things C. Plants
B. Animals D. Atoms

9. What do we call the basic generalizations that are accepted by modern science about
A. Cell theory C. Spontaneous generation
B. The big three D. Biological foundation theory

10. Which technology was essential for the development of the cell theory?
A. telescopes C. antiseptics
B. microwaves D. microscopes

11. Which one of the following eukaryotic cell structures does not contain DNA?
B. nucleus C. mitochondrion
B. endoplasmic reticulum D. chloroplast

12. Which of the following statements does not apply to the nuclear envelope?
A. It is a double membrane B. It has pores through which material enters and leaves
C. It is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. D. It has inner folds to form cristae.

13. All peroxisomes carry out this function, EXCEPT:

A. Break down fats and amino acids into smaller molecules that can be used for energy
production by mitochondria
B. Digest macromolecules using the hydrolytic enzymes they contain
C. Synthesize membrane components such as fatty acids and phospholipids
D. Control the flow of ions into and out of the cell

14. A centriole is an organelle that is:

A. Present in the center of a cell's cytoplasm
B. Composed of microtubules and important for organizing the spindle fibers C.
Surrounded by a membrane
D. Part of a chromosome

15. Which of the following does not apply to chloroplasts?

A. They contain chlorophyll and the enzymes required for photosynthesis.
B. They contain an internal membrane system consisting of thylakoids.
C. They synthesize ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
D. They are bounded by two membranes, the inner of which is folded into the cristae.
16. The cellular structure that is involved in producing ATP during aerobic respiration.

A. nucleus C. mitochondrion
B. nucleolus D. endoplasmic reticulum

17. All of the following characterize microtubules EXCEPT;

A. They are made of protein tubulin
B. They are involved in providing cell movement
C. They are developed from the cell membrane
D. They make up the structures involved during cell division.

18. A smooth ER exhibits all of the following activities EXCEPT;

A. Assembling amino acids to make proteins
A. Manufacturing lipids
C. Manufacturing steroids
D. Breaking down toxins

19. What is the main function of the cell wall?

A. To protect and provide support for the cell.
B. Builds proteins
C. Converts light energy to chemical energy
D. Takes in carbon dioxide

20. Plant and animal cells differ mostly in the sense that
A. Only animal cells have mitochondria
B. Only plant cells have cell membrane
C. Only plant cells have cell walls
D. Only animal cells have ribosomes attached to endoplasmic reticulum
Activity 1.3
Complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or organelle in the
right hand column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column.


1. Stores material within plant cells. Vocuole

2. The sites of protein synthesis. Ribosome

3. Produce and transport protein within and out

iside the cell outside.

4. Jelly like substance in the cell. Cytoplasm

5. Organelles that manage and control all the V. Nucleus

function in a eukaryotic cell.

6. Closely stacked flattened sacs plant cell only. Chloroplast

7. An organelle that contains the chlorophyll for Plastids


8. Digest excess or worn-out cell parts, food Lysosome

particles and invading substance.

9. Firm, protective structure that gives the cell in Cell wall

shape in plants, fungi,most bacteria and some

10. Produce a usable from energy for the cell. Mitochondria

11. Package proteins for transport out of the cell. Golgi body

12. Produced lipids Endomembrane system

13. Site where ribosomes are made. Nucleus

14. The membrane surrounding the cell. Cell membrane

15. Provide cell shape and ternal organization and Cytoskeleton

basis of cell movement.

16. Structure that aid in the cell division. Centrioles

17. Digest fatty acid and animo acids. Peroxisome

18. Control the passage of molecules between Nuclear envelope

nucleus and cytoplasm.

19. They form a dynamic scaffolding for many Microtubules

cellular processes.

20. many of this type of the organelle transport Vesicles

substances from one organelle to another or to
and from the cell membrane.

II.Make a graphic organizer about the cell theory fill in the appropriate information give below
What is the Cell Theory ?SCHLEIDEN

What are the three components

of cell theory?

1.all living things are made up of

one or more cell.

2.Cell are the basic units of life in

which of life accur.
3. Living cells come only from
other existing and living cells.

version of the cell theory?

What are the ideas include in the modern

The classical interpretation of modern cell theory begins with
the premise that all life consists of one or more cells, cells
represents the basic building blocks of life, all cells result from
the division of pre-existing cells, the cell represents the unit of
structure and arrangement in all living organisms and finally
that the cell has a dual existence as a unique, distinctive entity
and as a fundamental building block in the framework of all
living organisms.

Plant cell vs. Animal cell

I. While cells differ in size and shape, most of them have a common structure. They
have three basic parts: cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Can you describe the
feature(s) of each?
1. Cell membrane -many properties of membranes are conferred by lipids bilayers that
form that basic structure for all biological members.
2. Cytoplasm - is unusual because it is unlike any others fluid found in the physical
3. Nucleus - a specialized structure occurring in the muscles except bacteria and blue
green algae double-layer the nuclear membrane.

II. Fill in the diagram below by writing the corresponding organelles found in each
type of cell. Write in the middle part the common features (organelles) of the two
types of cells.

PLANTS. Common feature. ANIMALS

Lysosome Flagella
Eukaryotic cell No cell wall
Cell wall, chloroplast Nucleus Cytoplasm No chloroplast
Large vacuole, Mitochondria Small or no vacuole

Endoplasmic reticulum

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