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TASK 1: (220 words)

The bar chart shows the proportion of how often Americans went to fast food
restaurants in 2003, 2006 and 2013.

Overall, it’s clear that almost people chose to eat fast food once per week or once
to twice a month. Very few people came to fast food restaurants every day and also very
few Americans had never eaten any fast food.

In particular, customers who opted for fast food everyday had fallen nearly 2%
from 2003 to 2006. But in the same time, the number of people who had never went to
fast food restaurants also decreased about 1%. Since then, there had been no change in
this two parts of the chart.

On the other hand, the regular diners of fast food restaurants who came once or
several times a week increased from 2003 to 2006 and then dwindled sharply in 2013. In
addition, the US citizens ate fast food once or twice a month declined rapidly between
2003 and 2006 but then rose dramatically in 2013 for nearly 8% and got peak at 33%.
There also had people who had never eaten fast food, they increased by about 2% from
2003 to 2006 and then stabilized the figure until 2013.

In sum, the US citizens had gradually reduced the frequency of fast food
consumption between 2003 and 2013.

TASK 2: (267 words)

Opinions are divided on whether the large investment of money on building new
modern railway systems for super-fast trains or advancing public transport is more
necessary. Personally, I do think both views are reasonable as each has its own merits.

It is certainly true that railway systems with super-fast trains are worthy to spend
money on as it has many benefits. First, it can contain a huge number of passengers and
cargo easily. Second, the speed of rail transport, especially bullet trains, is very fast and
not depend on the weather or any external factors , thus railway systems can operate all
year around. Last but not least, rail transport has little impact on the living enviroment of
humans and other species, on the contrast, it helps to solve partially the traffic

However, there are also other benefits in improving public transport. For each
individual, using public transport helps them to save travel expenses. For example,
traveling by bus only costs VND 7000 in Viet Nam, and if you register monthly, it only
cost VND 100 000 per month. In addition, public transport also restrict the stress of
driving by yourself, give you more time to do other necessary things as working on
laptop, doing homework, reading books, newspapers,…For society, public transport
reduces traffic jam and thereby reduces fuel conspumtion. Besides, it also helps to
decrease enviromental pollution problem.
In conclusion, I believe that both rail transport and pulic transport are worth for
government to pay attention to and invest money in, as they both have their own
advantages for not only individuals but also sociey.

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