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Khofifa Ramadhani – Task 1

The bicycle lanes and wide sidewalk in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta have been provided by the
government. This is done in order to relief some horrendous traffic problem, and also as the act of
Covid-19 spreading prevention.

Bicycle lane and wide sidewalk gave space for cyclist and urban people to avoid causing pollution and
decrease heavy traffic problems such as congestion that have been happening since years ago. Based on
TomTom Traffic Index data, in 2017 Jakarta was ranked the 4th most congested city in the world with a
congestion rate of 61 percent. Then, in 2018, Jakarta dropped to the 7th most congested city in the
world. In 2019, Jakarta is in 10th position, and in 2020, Jakarta is out of the top 10 and occupies the 31st
position of the most congested city in the world with a congestion rate of 36 percent. (

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of bicycle lane and sidewalk increase, especially at car-free day.
It is also caused traffic problem to decrease since many people tend to live a more healthy life,
preventing the Covid-19 virus by cycling.

However, by the time people started to go back to the old habit, by using motor vehicle. Wide sidewalk
also turn into stalls and block the cyclists and pedestrians. This situation leads to the Covid-19 case
spreading. According to data from the Covid-19 Task Force, as of Wednesday (29/9) there were an
additional 1,954 new cases of Covid-19 infected in Indonesia. This brings the total to 4,213,414 positive

To sum up, walkability in Indonesia during Covid-19 pandemic was not really improved. Many bike lanes
and sidewalks turned into stalls, and people tend to use motor vehicle more. To cover up this problem,
both government and general public must active and cooperate to use bike lane and sidewalk according
to the function. This would decrease the pollution, traffic problem and also Covid-19 cases by living
more healthy life.

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