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Fitness Training Log

Week 2  
Starting Post HR (10
Date Activity Duration Avg HR Reflection
HR Min)
 When I started
jumping it seems
easy but then I got
really tired really
 6/1 fast and my leg hurt
4  Jump rope  30  124/80  129/75  131/80 afterwards.
I did about 100 in 30
minutes haha… I had
to stop couples of
 6/1  30 times to rest but it
5  Jumping jacks minutes  121/80  126/80  135/75 was worth it.

 It was pretty easy

 6/1  25 so I had no
6  burpees minutes  125/80  129/74  132/80 problems doing it.
 It took me awhile to
get tired but then at
the end my legs
 6/1  30 were hurting pretty
6 Squat jumps minutes  121/80  129/75  150/70 bad.
Strength/Weight Training Log
Week 2
Date Activity Weight Sets Reflection

 This exercise was pretty easy for

me so I think that next time I
should challenge myself to do
 6/16 Lunges with dumbbell  10  10lb  4 more and exceed my potential.

 I got tired very fast, and it was

 6/17  plank  1 minute  No weight  2 hard to maintain my position.

 I just could not feel my arms

Dumbbell triceps afterward haha…. But it was
 6/17 kickback  10  10lb  3 worth it!

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