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Week 1 - Nature of Science

Science as a Body of Knowledge
When you were in the Basic Ed, I am sure that some of your teachers had provided you with a definition of the
word, “Science”. Can you recall how you defined it?

Your teachers, especially in elementary, may have made you memorize a certain definition of Science and it
usually includes the thought that it is a body of knowledge through various processes. Maybe, without you fully
understanding it back then, that is actually a good definition of the word. Science is a body of knowledge that deals with
the process of learning about the natural and physical world. Let us look into the etymology of the word to further
strengthen this point. The word Science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge.

Science is therefore a collection of information acquired through various processes such as observation,
experimentation, research, inference and the like. Science leads to formation of concepts, methods, principles, theories,
laws, and procedures which seek to describe and explain nature and its phenomena. (Aldea, 2018) Science,
however is more than a body of knowledge or a collection of information, it is also considered an intellectual, personal and
social activity. The Science Council, a membership organization for learned and professional bodies across science and
its applications and works in the entire European Union, had defined science as “Science is the pursuit and application of
knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on
evidence.” (Retrieved from on August 5, 2019

To further understand the nature of Science, consider the following descriptors:

Systematized, Dynamic, Requisite to Technology

1. Systematized – What distinguishes scientific knowledge from false claims or pseudo-sciences?

When can we consider a certain idea as scientific?
Science is an intellectual activity.
What does this mean?
This statement emphasizes that science encompasses a systematic and practical study of the natural
and physical world. This process of study involves systematic observation and experimentation.
(Serafica, 2018) Science is a product of a series of systematic processes which are highly
intellectual activities.
The evidences, data or information scientifically are reliable and valid because they are products of a
systematic set of procedures which include experimentation, observation, research, analysis of
results, conclusion and more. This set of procedures is known as the Scientific Method. The
Scientific Method is regarded as a systematic way of solving problems which involves a step by step
Science is an organized body of knowledge because it is gained through an organized/ systematized
series of processes/procedures.

Chart retrieved from on August 2019

2. Dynamic – Have you ever encountered a certain piece of information that was accepted in the
past and was considered scientific but at the moment is not considered as factual anymore?
For instance, in August 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of
Pluto to that of “dwarf planet”. (Retrieved from on September 2019) This
reclassification was based on new evidences collected about the properties of Pluto gathered through
new astronomical instruments. These evidences presented showed that Pluto has not cleared its
neighboring region of other objects, which is one of the criteria used by the IAU in defining a full-sized
planet. Thus, these days, we consider Pluto as a dwarf planet and accept the fact that there are eight
planets in the solar system. However, before that proclamation, Pluto was widely known and
considered as one of the planets of the solar system and was taught to students as such all science
The image was taken during the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) held in Czech
Republic on August 2006. The members of the organization are shown voting for and against the reclassification of Pluto.
(Image retrieved from on August 2019)

 Science is ongoing. Science is continually refining and expanding our knowledge of the
universe, and as it does, it leads to new questions for future investigation. Science will never be
"finished". (Retrieved from on August 2019)
 The example given about the classification of Pluto shows that Science is a
body of knowledge capable of changing. Thus, it is dynamic. New information gathered or new theory
developed through the Scientific Method may challenge the status quo or the currently accepted body
of knowledge.
 If the new information/theory is NOT inline or NOT in congruence with the present paradigm/
currently accepted information or theory, it may lead to a scientific revolution. The new “different”
information/theory is then considered as revolutionary science. Revolutionary because it is different
from the currently accepted theory or information by most people in the society.
 On the other hand, the currently accepted information or theory is called Normal
Science. Normal because is the norm or the currently accepted version by most people in the society.
 Let us consider the evolution of the atomic model from the time of Dalton to the present day.
As new information about the atoms, their sub-particles and other properties are discovered, a new
model is proposed and eventually becomes universally accepted in the scientific community with the
required evidences acquired through the scientific method and with the help of new forms of

 Image retrieved from on August 2020
3. Requisite to Technology – If Science is often described as a body of knowledge, how can we
make use of it for practical benefits? How can it become advantageous to us? How can you make
‘what you know’ advantageous?
 Most scientists utilize the information they gather from the scientific method and apply it in
practical form. The application of the body of knowledge can lead to the development or creation of
products and process that we can use to make life easier and better for humanity and for the world.
 These products and processes developed and created through the application of the body of
knowledge are considered Technology.
 Technology is NOT limited to products or materials. It also includes processes or procedures
developed based on a certain body of knowledge. The following are examples of processes and the
required body of knowledge.

1. For Education students, teachers and professors, pedagogy or the art of teaching is an
application of numerous theories in Child and Adolescent Development, Principles of Teaching-
Learning, Language, Ethics, and other fields.
2. The process of vinegar and wine production requires an in-depth knowledge of fermentation
and activities of microorganisms.
3. Business models and protocols are products of intense feasibility studies and of knowledge
and understanding of years of business history, full of successes and failures.
WEEK 1 - Interaction among Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society or Science and Technology Studies (STS) refers to the
interaction between science and technology and socio-cultural, political and economic context which
shape and are shaped by them. (Aldea, 2018) Understanding the interaction among these three
unveils how social, political and cultural values affect scientific research and technological innovation and
how these, in turn, affect the society.

I. What is the relationship between Science and Technology?

Technology is also called APPLIED SCIENCE because it requires scientific information in order to be
formed/developed. This means that changes in the scientific body of knowledge may lead to changes in
their application. Thus, changes in Science lead to the evolution of technology.
Here are some examples of some pieces of information used to form Technology.

Evaporation of water separates water from solutes The process of desalination or
such as salt as well as organism such as microbes the removal salt from sea water
present in sea water. to acquire drinkable water is
Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of done in freshwater-lacking
solvent molecules through a selectively permeable countries such as Saudi Arabia
membrane into a region of higher solute and UAE. In the plants,
concentration, in the direction that tends to equalize evaporation and reverse
the solute concentrations on the two sides. osmosis are required to achieve
(Campbell, 2011) the goal of desalination.

Muscles of the heart function in a synchronized

patterns as the heart beats to deliver needed The development of artificial
substances in the different parts of the body and heart is based on the known
collect waste products as it does so through the properties of the human heart.


Advancements in Technology can have a huge impact to the enhancement of Science. Some products of
technology are used as tools needed in the scientific method or scientific studies. Instruments and tools
are essential in acquiring required and sufficient data in order to prove a hypothesis or to further
strengthen a theory. Let us consider the succeeding instances:
 Galileo Galilei is often mistakenly credited for the invention of
 the telescope. The first telescope was actually invented by Hans Lippershey. Galilei’s
refinement of his telescope and his systematic use of this instrument made him observe several
celestial objects and phenomena and record significant discoveries, some of which were essential to
the Scientific Revolution of the 16th - 17th Century.
Image retrieved from

 Scientists position human-made satellites around Earth or in a specific location in space to

gather scientific data and information from their communication and transmission signals. Their
position is precisely determined using scientific principles like gravitational force and planetary motion.
Satellites are also important tools for research in space science, particularly in weather forecasting
and telecommunications.

Image retrieved from

 The first computers were generally used for calculating. Computers nowadays are widely used as
tools in researches in various fields of study, from genetic engineering to ethnology, to physics and
biology. Computers perform important roles for the research such as sampling, computations, storage and
sorting of relevant literature, data collection, analysis and many more.
In the given examples above, telescopes, computers and satellites, which are products of technology, are
used in studying certain fields of Science more specifically in the conduct of research or scientific studies.

II. What is the relationship between Science and Society?

“Understanding basic concepts and principles of science and technology should precede active debate
about the economics, policies, politics, and ethics of various science- and technology-related
challenges.” (Retrieved from on August 2019)
 Science aims to improve the society through the determination of prevailing problems and seeking
solutions to these problems by means of scientific inquiry and the scientific method. The present body of
knowledge and the current state of science in a particular society affect how people think of themselves,
other people and the environment.
 The amount of information a person knows affects how he/she thinks, acts and ultimately,
lives. Societies with more scientific progress tend to have a different approach in terms of problem solving
and dealing with social issues than those societies with slower scientific progress. The dynamism of
scientific progress also poses challenges and drawbacks to the way humans live.

 Challenges and issues in the society often serve as inspiration in formulating questions for
scientific research, and social priorities often influence research priorities through the availability of
funding for research. The societal needs are prioritized in most research agencies in the world. We
could consider our current situation as an example. A large portion of each nation’s budget is
allocated to research agencies in order to fuel the quick development of an Anti-COVID19 vaccine
and drugs that could cure the viral infection.
 Ethical dilemmas arise with the introduction of controversial research ideas and methodologies.
The presence of dilemmas vary from society to society and is dependent on societal factors such as
norms, culture, moral ideologies, beliefs and religion. Research methodologies, topics and risks from
the least to the most controversial include the use of animals for experimentation, data privacy
concerns, exposition of acquired sensitive data, involvement of human subjects in experimental
researches, the use of human DNA in genetic engineering studies, cloning and many more.
 How sensitive or restrictive a society is with their definition of “acceptable and allowable”
scientific activities could affect their scientific progress. Therefore, the society, based on their norms,
beliefs, moral ideologies, culture and other societal factors, sets and determines the boundaries that
could be reached by their science affecting the body of knowledge they could acquire and
III. What is the relationship between Technology and Society?

“Technological progress has merely provided us with the most efficient means for going backwards.” (Aldous Huxley).

 The continuous advancement of technology has affected the way of life of people all around
the world. Evaluation - Hidden Gem: (If you have found this, great! Input your answer in the Hidden
Gem Assessment- Essay) To further explain this one is kind of cliché. Give your insights about the
influence and effects of technology (as a boon or bane) to society and your reaction to the quotation
from A. Huxley stated above.


 The technological advancements in a society is primarily affected by the needs of the

people. The main goal of the creation of technology is to provide practical solutions to the difficulties
and issues of varied scale faced by the society. For instance, the growing hype for the development
of cheaper electric cars is influenced by the current issues and challenges on Global warming and air
pollution. Different versions of electric vehicles are developed and released each year and the
demand is increasing with time due to the urgency of the concerns related to them.
 Same as science, societal factors also influence the advancement of technology. Certain views
and attitude of the society towards particular technologies may affect their development.
 How sensitive or restrictive a society is with their definition of “acceptable and allowable”
technology could affect their technological progress. Therefore, the society, based on their norms,
beliefs, moral ideologies, culture and other societal factors, sets and determines the kinds of
technology that could be developed and used and the level of advancement they could reach.
WEEK 2 - Notable Values of Scientists
Notable Values of Scientists
Scientists and philosophers in all periods of time are driven by intellectual and moral virtues as they
explore or explored the physical and natural world. Their love for Science and knowledge itself is driven by
their deep passion to know and to discover. These virtues or values influence the development of scientific
ideas, discoveries and eventually technology through scientists, inventors and philosophers. Good scientists
share scientific attitudes, or habits of mind, that lead them to exploration and discovery.

The figure above shows the Impact of the Values of the Scientific Attitude to the Advancement of
Science and Technology
Scientists are not driven by clamor for honor and publicity. Thus, being honest is important in acquiring
knowledge as they fulfill their main goal. A scientist who gathers data from his or her work must reflect the
truth about his or her findings. Some misguided scientists have fallen into the practice of changing the
information they gathered to support a theory or idea that they are promoting. This practice of dishonesty
defeats the purpose of science-to understand our surroundings and contribute to a bigger body of knowledge.
A dishonest scientist provides wrong information that does not help in the development of science and
Intellectual honesty is also an important value. Nowadays, with the age of computers and the internet
and the so called “Googling Age”, plagiarism is unfortunately rampant. The habit of copy-pasting and improper
or omitted citation are common among students and definitely existing in the research and professional
communities. A survey in 2019 by the Psychological Record shows that 36% of undergraduates around the
globe have admitted to plagiarizing written material. A national survey conducted in the US published in
Education Week 2019 found that 54% of students admitted to plagiarizing from the Internet.
Scientists are inquisitive people. They have the desire to learn thus, they constantly ask questions
about what can be observed, what they already know and what they do not know. Curiosity drives scientists to
clarify unclear and misunderstood concepts and uncover what is unknown and unidentified.
A researcher, for example, may go to a forest or a shrub land and immediately ask, “What’s that plant?
Why is it growing here? Why are there differences in leaf coloration of the leaves? What is the soil composition
of the area?”
Good scientists are skeptics, which means that they question existing ideas and hypotheses, and they
refuse to accept explanations without evidence. They do not easily believe in any information unless it is
backed up by valid evidences and by the scientific method. These traits also help scientists determine what
could be wrong with a particular methodology, procedure, analysis or interpretation as well as redesigning the
process. Conclusions, theories and hypothesis become more valid and reliable as they are continuously
refined by questions and constructive criticism from the scientific community.
Creative scientists come up original and relevant ideas that could help in the scientific process.
Creativity is often applied with the identification of the research problem. The ability to use the imagination in
determining smaller questions and problems drives the scientific process. Creativity is also important in
designing the research methodology that should be fit with the locale and the time period among other factors.

A good scientist must never give up. A good scientist must be bold enough to do the impossible.
Thomas Edison once said, “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Discoveries do not happen
overnight. It takes lot of time, effort, sacrifice, and other resources. A string of failure should not stop anyone
from satisfying on his or her thirst of knowledge.
True scientists hold themselves accountable for the consequence of their study. As such, they must
exercise caution to avoid negative effects to living organisms and the environment as a whole. For example,
medical practitioners study all the possible effects of treatments before they try them on people. This will
ensure that the treatment will be safe for the patients who will receive them.
Scientists follow the scientific method, which is made up of series of steps that was established to
ensure the quality of a scientific study. More so, when scientists conduct experiments, they follow a procedure
or methodology. A good scientist follow these steps as closely as they can. If things won’t work as expected,
that is the time to change it and try again. Making shortcuts or cutting corners to make things easier is not a
good idea because it will prevent from finding the mistake made if the process did not work.
Week 3: Intellectual Revolutions and Society
Intellectual Revolutions and Society
Let’s remember! I know you have encountered them in your
history classes before so let’s review on their great
contributions in science.

1.) Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer known as the

father of modern astronomy. He was the first modern European
scientist to propose that Earth and other planets revolve around the
sun, or the Heliocentric Theory of the universe. Prior to the
publication of his major astronomical work, “Six Books Concerning the
Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs,” in 1543, European astronomers
argued that Earth lay at the center of the universe, the view also held
by most ancient philosophers and biblical writers. In addition to
correctly postulating the order of the known planets, including Earth,
from the sun, and estimating their orbital periods relatively accurately,
Copernicus argued that Earth turned daily on its axis and that gradual
shifts of this axis accounted for the changing
seasons. (

2.) Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist,
best known of his contributions to the science of evolution. His proposition
that all species have descended over time from common ancestors is now
widely accepted and considered a foundational concept in science. In a joint
publication with Alfred Russel Wallace, he introduced his scientific theory
that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he
called natural selection. (
3.) Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who
developed psychoanalysis, a method through which an analyst unpacks
unconscious conflicts based on the free associations, dreams and fantasies
of the patient. His theories on child sexuality, libido and the ego, among
other topics, were some of the most influential academic concepts of the
20th century.

Since we already have a brief background of our three great contributors, can you imagine a world
without science as an avenue for intellect? Do you think we can still live the society even without
these revolutionary intellectuals? Perhaps no, because without them science will not bring us this far,
into our own perspectives.
Therefore, for this discussion, intellectual revolutions should not be confused with the Greeks pre-
Socratic speculations about the behavior of the universe. In science and technology, intellectual
revolutions refer to the series of events that led to the emergence of modern science and the
progress of scientific thinking across critical periods in history. Although there are many intellectual
revolutions, this lesson focuses on three of the most important ones that altered the way humans
view science and its impacts on society: the Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian revolutions.
In understanding intellectual revolutions, it is worth noting that these revolutions are, in themselves,
paradigm shifts. These shifts resulted from a renewed and enlightened understanding of how the
universe behaves and functions. They challenged long-held views about the nature of the universe.
Thus, these revolutions were often met with huge resistance on controversy.
Week 3: Copernican Revolution

Refers to the 16th century paradigm shift named after the Polish mathematician and
astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. He formulated the HELIOCENTRIC MODEL of the universe.

“The center of the solar system was not Earth but the Sun”

This image is the heliocentric model. The sun being the center of the solar system.

Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model in a 40-page outline entitled Commentariolus. He

formalized his model in the publication of his treatise, De Revolutioibus Orbium Coelestium (The
Revolution of Celestial Spheres).
In his model, Copernicus repositioned the Earth from the center of the Solar System and introduced
the idea that the Earth rotates on its own axis.


The idea that the Sun is at the center of the universe was in conflict
with GEOCENTRISM (Ptolemy’s theory), as Earth being the center of the Solar System.

What happened to the heliocentric model?

One of the Renaissance men, particularly in the field of science, is Nicolas Copernicus. Knowledge
about the nature of the universe had been essentially unchanged since the great days of Ancient
Greece before Copernicus came on the scene. This continued up to the Renaissance period. In one
important way, Copernicus resembled the Greek ancient philosophers or thinkers- he did not do
anything extensive such as observing heavenly bodies or inviting people to test his ideas so it was
just a thought experiment. Copernicus was strongly influenced by a book entitled Epitome, Muller’s
book which contains observations of heavens and some commentary on earlier works especially that
of Ptolemy.
Copernicus’ idea and model of the universe was essentially complete in 1510. Not long after that, he
circulated a summary of his ideas to his few close friends in a manuscript
called Commentariolus (Little Commentary).

In his book, he wanted a model of the universe in which everything moved around a single center at
unvarying rates. Copernicus placed the Sun to be the centerpiece of the universe. The Earth
and all the planets are surrounding or orbiting the Sun each year. The Moon, however, would still be
seen orbiting the Earth. Copernicus’ model of the Earth orbiting around the Sun automatically
positioned the planets into a logical sequence. In his model, Copernicus outlined two kinds of
planetary motion:
The orbits of Venus and Mercury lay inside the orbit of the Earth, thus closer to the Sun.
The orbits of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter lay outside the Earth’s orbit, thus farther from the Sun.

From this model, he would work on the length of time it will take for each planet to orbit once around
the Sun. The result would form a sequence from Mercury, with a shortest year, through Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn with the longest year. He placed the planets in order of increasing distance
from the Sun. One of the great problems in the Copernicus model, however, was the position of the
stars. The stars cannot be placed in a fixed position like crystals in a distance sphere.
The concept of evolution is depicted in the pictures above. Charles Darwin’s famous Natural
Selection is one of the limelight of science. It tells us that organisms including humans, inherit, develop,
and adapt traits that favor survival and reproduction. I’m sure that this theory had been discussed
repeatedly in your history and science subjects before and this is not new to you. Come to think of it,
do we really come from monkeys? Up to now there are still no strong evidences that will support that
belief but I know some of you are really confused. If that’s the case, then Darwin’s theory did not fail
to prove the way how we see science. We are then products of the great influence of what we so call
Darwinian revolution.

What is Darwinian Revolution?

 The English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, Charles Darwin is credited for stirring
another important intellectual revolution in the mid-19th century. His treatise on the science
of evolution, On the Origin of Species, was published in 1859 and began a revolution that
brought humanity to a new era of intellectual discovery.

 This benefitted from earlier intellectual revolutions especially those in the 16th and
17th centuries, such that it was guided by confidence in human reason’s ability to explain
phenomena in the universe.

 This theory of evolution was, of course, met with resistance and considered to be
controversial. Critics accused the theory of being either short in accounting for the broad
and complex evolutionary process or dismissive of the idea that the functional design of
organisms was a manifestation of an omniscient God.
What happened to the Darwinian theory?
Darwin published his book The Origin of Species in 1589. This book is considered to be one of
the most important works in scientific literature. Darwin collected many significant materials in order to
present his theory with overwhelming evidence. His book presented evidence on how species
evolved over time and adaptation that differentiate species. Like many other scholars, Darwin
accumulated many pertinent materials data that he could ever possibly need to substantiate his
Darwin’s observational skills as scientist were extraordinary that moved beyond the realms of
plants and animals into the realms of humans. His book The Descent of Man was so impressive yet
very controversial. He introduced the idea of all organic life, including human beings, under the realm
of evolutionary thinking. This replaced the dominant views of a religious or biblical design that places
human beings in a privileged position of having been created by God. Darwin’s theory of evolution
scientifically questioned this view.
His accomplishments were so diverse that it is useful to distinguish two fields to which he made major
contributions: evolutionary biology and philosophy of science. More than these works, what made
Darwin truly remarkable was his courage to challenge religious and unscientific ideas that are
deemed to be prominent during those days. His unconventional way of pursuing science gave more
value to evidence-based science.
 Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freund, is credited for stirring a 20th- century intellectual
revolution named after him, the Freudian Revolution. Psychoanalysis as a school of thought
in Psychology is at the center of this revolution.

What is Psychoanalysis?
- A scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts
embedded within one’s personality, spring from free
associations, dreams and fantasies of the individual.

- Psychoanalysis is part of a larger movement known as depth psychology, which

argues that the most important aspects of personality lie below the level of
conscious introspection, and are not visible to those who confine their
observations to superficial features of social behavior. All depth psychologies
make use of the iceberg metaphor: just as only one-ninth of an iceberg is visible
above the surface of the ocean, so only a small portion of personality is apparent
in what people do, and think, in the ordinary course of everyday living. People
are not aware of, or at least cannot articulate, the reasons for their own behavior.
For this reason, overt behavior of the type assessed by trait psychologists is of
little interest -- the more appropriate focus is on what lies below.

Chart retrieved from: (

This flowchart summarizes the theory of Psychoanalysis. It has three psychoanalytic concepts which
include psychosexual development, libido and ego.

 Freud suggested that humans are inherently pleasure-seeking individuals.

 Scientists working on a biological approach in studying human behavior criticized
psychoanalysis for lack of vitality and bordering on being unscientific as a theory.
Particularly, the notion that all humans are destined to
exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes (Example: Sexual desire towards the
parent of the opposite sex and exclusion of the parent of the same sex) did not
seem to be supported by empirical data. They call then Psychoanalysis as an
ideological instance than a scientific one.
What happened to Freud’s theory?
Amidst controversy, Freud’s psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic
practice in the early 20th century. Psychodynamic therapies that treat a myriad of psychological
disorders still remain largely informed by Freud’s work on psychoanalysis.
Week 4: Developments of Science in
Since time immemorial, inventions in science and technology have contributed greatly to
improve our way of living. Can you imagine us today without these inventions? The world now will be
miserable if these were not invented. In order for us to better understand this, let us study three
developments of science in Mesoamerica, Asia, and Africa. At this point, let’s time travel and take a
look in the progress of our society with the help of our history.


Where is Mesoamerica?

The term Mesoamerica is derived from the Greek and

means "Middle America." It refers to a geographical
and cultural area which extends from
central Mexico down through Central America,
including the territory which is now made up of the
countries of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El
Salvador. It is therefore seen as partly in North
America, and encompassing a large part of Central

A. Maya Civilization

o It is one of the famous civilizations in Mesoamerica that lasted for approximately 2,000 years.
These people are known for their works in astronomy (Moon, planets, Milky Way, Sun, and
astronomical phenomena by the Pre-Columbian Maya Civilization of Mesoamerica)

Mayan knowledge and understanding about celestial bodies were advanced for their time, as
evidenced by their knowledge of predicting eclipse and using astrological cycles in planting and
harvesting. They are also known for measuring time using two complicated calendar systems. These
calendars were very useful for their life especially in planning their activities and in observing their
religious rituals and cultural celebrations.
o Mayans also developed the technology for growing different crops and building elaborate cities
using ordinary machineries and tools. They built hydraulics system with sophisticated waterways to
supply water to different communities.
o Mayans also built looms for weaving cloth and devised a rainbow of glittery paints made from a
mineral mica
o Famous of using a writing system Mayan hieroglyphic. Mayans made use of a very well-
developed and advanced written language. Since the language comprised of symbols and images,
resembling the language of ancient Egypt, the Spanish conquistadors termed it hieroglyphics. The
individual units in the language, or its alphabets, were called glyphs. The use of Mayan hieroglyphics
was limited to the Mayan priestly class. The priests used the language to pen down books on a wide
range of subjects, including books related to astronomy, religion, mythology and mathematics. Mayan
hieroglyphics were also inscribed on monumental structures as part of stelas or carvings. Skilled in
mathematics and created a number system based on the numeral 20.
o They are also believed to be one of the first people to produce rubber products 3,000
years before Goodyear received its patent in 1844.
o Developed the concept of zero and positive value even before the Romans did


o The Inca first appeared in the Andes region during the 12th century A.D. and
gradually built a massive kingdom through the military strength of their emperors.
Known as Tawantinsuyu, the Inca state spanned the distance of northern Ecuador to
central Chile and consisted of 12 million inhabitants from more than 100 different
ethnic groups at its peak. Well-devised agricultural and roadway systems, along with a
centralized religion and language, helped maintain a cohesive state. Despite their power,
the Inca were quickly overwhelmed by the diseases and superior weaponry of Spanish
invaders, the last bastion of their immense empire overtaken in 1572. The Inca first
appeared in what is today southeastern Peru during the 12th century A.D. According
to some versions of their origin myths, they were created by the sun god, Inti, who sent
his son Manco Capac to Earth through the middle of three caves in the village of
Paccari Tampu. After killing his brothers, Manco Capac led his sisters and their
followers through the wilderness before settling in the fertile valley near Cusco circa
1200. (
The Incas made advanced scientific ideas considering their limitations as an old civilization. The
following were scientific ideas and tools that they developed to help them in everyday life:

 Roads paved with stones

 Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters
 Irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types of lands
 Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting
 The first suspension bridge
 Quipu, a system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret
 Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specialties prized artistic achievements.




Aztec, self-name Culhua-Mexica, Nahuatl-speaking people who in the 15th and early 16th
centuries ruled a large empire in what is now central and southern Mexico. The Aztecs are so
called from Aztlán (“White Land”), an allusion to their origins, probably in northern Mexico. They
were also called the Tenochca, from an eponymous ancestor, Tenoch, and the Mexica, probably
from Metzliapán (“Moon Lake”), the mystical name for Lake Texcoco. From Tenochca was derived
the name of their great city, Tenochtitlán, and from Mexica came the name for the city that
superseded the Aztecs capital and for the surrounding valley, which was applied later to the whole
Mexican nation. The Aztecs referred to themselves as Culhua-Mexica, to link themselves with
Colhuacán, the center of the most-civilized people of the Valley of Mexico. See also pre-
Columbian civilizations: Aztec culture to the time of theSpanish
conquest. (

Following the Inca, the Aztec civilization has also made substantial contributions to science and
technology and to the society as a whole. Some of their contributions are the following:

 Mandatory Education. The Aztec puts value on education; that is why their children is
mandated to get education regardless of their social class, gender, or age. It is an early form of
universal or inclusive education.
 The Aztec in Mexico developed chocolate during their time. in the Mayan culture they used it
as a currency. The Aztec valued the cacao beans highly and made it as part of their tribute to their
 Antispasmodic medication. They used a type of antispasmodic medication that could
prevent muscle spasms and relax muscles, which could help during surgery.
 It is a form of Aztec technology for agricultural farming in which the land was divided into
rectangular areas and surrounded by canals.
 Aztec calendar. This enabled them to plan their activities, rituals and planting season.
 Invention of the canoe. A light narrow boat used for traveling in water systems.

Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient civilizations. It is a
host to many cultural, economic, scientific, and political activities of all ages. In the field of science,
technology, and mathematics, great civilizations have stood out: India, China, and the Middle
East Civilizations. These civilizations were incomparable in terms of their contributions to the
development of knowledge during their time.


 It is a huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains in its
northern boarders. The Indians creatively developed various ideas and technologies useful in their
everyday lives.
 They are known of manufacturing iron and in metallurgical works. Their iron steel is
considered to be the best and held with high regard in the whole of Roman empire.
 Famous also of medicine. For example, Ayurveda, a system of traditional medicine that
originated in ancient India before 2500 BC, is still practiced as a form of alternative medicine. They
discovered some medicinal properties of plants that led them to develop medicines to cure various
illnesses. Some ancient texts like Susruta Samhita, describes different surgical and other medical
procedures famous in ancient India.
 Notable in the field of astronomy. They developed theories on the configuration of the
universe, the spherical self-supporting Earth, and the year of 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30
days each.
 Siddhanta Shiromani – textbook of ancient India which covered topics such as: mean
longitudes of the planets; true longitudes of the planets; three problems of diurnal rotation; syzygies;
lunar eclipses; solar eclipses; latitudes of the planets; risings and settings; the moon’s crescent;
conjunctions of the planets with the fixed stars; and the paths of the Sun and Moon.
 Mohenjodaro ruler was designed by Indians in the Indus Valley Civilization to standardize
measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy.
 Aryabhatiya book made by Aryabhata (476-550) introduced a number of trigonometric
functions, tables, and techniques, as well as algorithms of algebra.
 Brahmagupta suggested that gravity was a force of attraction and lucidly explained the use of
zero as both a placeholder and a decimal digit along with Hindu-Arabic numeral system now used
universally throughout the world.
 Madhava of Sangamagrama is considered as the founder of mathematical analysis.
Ancient India was an early leader in metallurgy, as evidenced by the wrought iron Pillar of Delhi.

Astrolabe- The Astrolabe is an ancient instrument that measures the positions of stars and the solar


 One of the ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in many areas of life like medicine,
astronomy, science, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and music among others. Its civilization greatly
influenced many of its neighbor countries like Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand,
Cambodia, Myanmar, and other countries that belong to the old Silk Road.
 Known for traditional medicines. They discovered various medical properties and uses of
different plants and animals to cure human illness. Example is the practice of acupuncture.
 Invented compass, paper making, gunpowder, and printing tools.
 Invented also, tools like iron plow, wheelbarrow, and propeller.
 Developed design of different models of bridges, invented first seismological detector, and
developed a dry dock facility.
 Made significant records on supernovas, lunar and solar eclipses, and comets, which were
carefully recorded and preserved to understand better the heavenly bodies and their effects to our
 China made substantial contributions in various fields. The list of their discoveries and
inventions is overwhelming. These contributions were made along with mathematics, logic,
philosophy, and medicine. However, cultural factors prevented these Chinese achievements from
developing into modern science.




 The Middle East countries are dominantly occupied by Muslims. With the spread of Islams in
the 7 and 8th centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, or what is called the Golden Age of Islam

lasted until the 13th

 Muslim scientist named Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the Father of Optics in his empirical
proof of the intromission theory of light
 Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of algorithm while the
term algebra is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications.
 Jabir ibn Hayyan a Muslim chemist who was considered as the Father of Chemistry.
 Ibn Sina pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was the first physician to
conduct clinical trials. His two most notable works in medicine, the Book of Healing and The Canon of
Medicine were used as a standard medicinal text in both the Muslim world and in Europe during the
17th Among his many contributions are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases
and the introduction of clinical pharmacology.
 There are numerous Muslim scholars who made significant contributions in the field of science,
astronomy, philosophy, and even in the field of social sciences. The decline of this golden age of
Islam started in the 11th to 13th century due to the conquest of the Mongols whereby libraries,
observatories, and other learning institutions were destroyed.

Ibn al-Haytham Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi Jabir ibn Hayyan

(Father of Optics) (Father of Chemistry)


Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources. Science also emerged in this part of the
planet long before the European colonized it. The history of science and mathematics show that
similar to the other ancient civilizations, the early civilizations in Africa are knowledge producers too

 The ancient Egyptian civilization has contributed immensely and made significant advances in
the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. For example, the development of geometry was
a product of necessity to preserve the layout and ownership of farmlands of the Egyptians living along
the Nile River.

 Egypt was known to be the center of alchemy, which is known as the medieval forerunner of
chemistry. They tried to study human anatomy and pharmacology and applied important components
such as examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for the treatment of diseases. These
components displayed strong parallels to the basic empirical method of studying science.

 Astronomy was also famous in the African Region. For instance, documents show that
Africans used three types of calendars: lunar, solar, and stellar or a combination of three.

 Metallurgy was also known in the African regions during the ancient times. North Africa and the
Nile Valley imported iron technology from the Near East region that enabled them to benefit from the
developments during the Bronze Age until the Iron Age. They invented metal tools used in their
homes, in agriculture, and in building their magnificent architectures.

 Mathematics was also known to be prominent in the life of early people in the African continent.
The Lebombo Bone from the mountains between Swaziland and South Africa, which may have been
a tool for multiplication, division, and simple mathematical calculation or a six-month lunar calendar, is
considered to be the oldest known mathematical artifact dated from 35,000 BCE.

 The Islamic regions in Africa during the medieval period was also benefiting from mathematical
learning, which is considered advanced during those times such as algebra, geometry, and


Week 5: Science, Technology and
Nation Building
Science, Technology and Nation Building
For us to understand how science and technology began to thrive in our country, let’s know first about
the brief history of science and technology in the Philippines.

Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines

The history of science and technology in the Philippines started way back before the country gained
its independence from the American colonizers. Before the coming of the Spanish colonizers, the
early inhabitants of the archipelago had their own culture and traditions. They had their own belief
system and indigenous knowledge system that keeps them organized and sustained their lives and
communities for many years.

Let’s time travel!


 People used herbal medicine to treat illnesses

 To facilitate trading, Filipinos made use of writing, numerical, measurement, and calendar
 Farming, fishing, mining, and weaving were the first livelihood skills developed by Filipinos
 Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao was developed for livelihood purposes
 Technology is used by people in building houses, irrigations, and in developing tools that they
can use in everyday life
 Developed tools for planting, hunting, cooking, and fishing; for fighting their enemies during
war or tribal conflicts; and for transportation, both on land and waterways
 48,000 BC: Modern man from Asian mainland came overland to live in Batangas and
Palawan (Formed settlement in Sulu, Davao, Zamboanga, Samar, Negros, Batangas,
Laguna, Rizal, Bulacan and Cagayan.)
 40, 000 BC: simple tools and weapons for stone flakes were developed as a method of
sawing and polishing stones
The image shows example of stone flakes in the Philippines during the Pre-Colonial period

 3,000 BC: Adzes, ornament of seashells and pottery were developed (Pottery flourished for
the next 2000 years until completion with Chinese porcelain)
 Production of copper, bronze, iron and gold metal tools and ornaments
 Extraction, smelting and refining of iron from ores until the importation of cast iron from
Sarawak and later from China
 Cultivation of lowland rice, diking of terraced fields utilizing spring water in mountain regions
 They also learned to build boats for trading purposes (Spanish chronicles noted refined plank-
built warships called caracoa suited for inter-island trades)
 Spaniards later utilized Filipino expertise in boat-building and seamanship to fight the raiding
Dutch, Portuguese, Muslims and the Chinese pirate Limahong
 During the 10th-15th century AD Filipinos from the Butuan were trading with champa

 When Spaniards colonized the country, they brought with them their own culture and practices
 They established schools for boys and girls and introduced the concepts of subjects and
disciplines which was the beginning of formal science and technology in the country, known now as
school of science and technology
 Learning of science in school focuses on understanding different concepts related to the
human body, plants, animals, and heavenly bodies
 Technology focuses on using and developing house tools used in everyday life
 During this time, Philippines became modernized, adapting some Western technology and
their ways of life
 Medicine and advanced science were introduced in formal colleges and universities
established by Catholic orders
 Sanitation and more advanced methods of agriculture were taught to the natives
 Colleges and universities in the archipelago were established (University of Santo Tomas was
built and prioritized the study of medicine)
This is UST during the Spanish Regime

 The Galleon trade have accounted in the Philippine colonial economy (Trade was given more
focus by the Spaniard colonial authorities due to prospects of big profits and on the other hand,
agriculture and industrial development were neglected)
 The opening of Suez Canal saw the influx of European visitors to the Spanish colony (Filipinos
were able to study in Europe influenced by the rapid development of scientific ideals brought about by
the Age of Enlightenment)

The Galleon Trade

Later part of the 16th century, schools were developed:

Colegio de San Ildefonso, Cebu (1595)

Colegio de San Ignacio, Manila (1595)

Colegio de Nuestra Senora del Rosario, Manila (1597)

Colegio de San Jose, Manila (1601)

 During 17th-18th century, successive shipwrecks and attacks of pirates on the galleons led to
the declining profits from the trade
 In 1780, Real Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais de Filipinas (Royal Economic
Society of the Friends of the Country of Philippines) was founded by Governador Jose Y Basco)
- Encouraged research in agriculture and industry
- Promoted cultivation of indigo, cotton, cinnamon, and silk industry
 In 1789, Manila was opened to Asian shipping which is the era of increase in export of rice,
hemp, tobacco, sugar, indigo and imported manufacturing goods
 In 19th century, world trade was expanded and commerce led to the rapid development of
Manila as cosmopolitan center
 Modern amenities such as stream tramways, waterworks, newspaper, electric lights and
banking system were introduced
 In 1865, Jesuits promoted meteorological studies founding Manila Observatory at the Ateneo
Municipal de Manila


 The Americans have more influence in the development of science and technology in the
Philippines compared to the Spaniards
- Simultaneous government encouragement and support for an extensive public
education system
- Granting of scholarships for higher education in science and engineering
- The organization of science research agencies and establishment of science-based
public services
 In 1901, Bureau of Public Works was created
 The Americans found out that there were no competent Filipino engineers and American
engineers had to be imported
 Special efforts were made to attract Filipinos to pursue advanced studies leading to careers as
 Upon achieving their professional qualifications, they were employed as junior engineers in the
Bureau of Public Works
 The establishment of the University of the Philippines satisfied the short-run needs for
professionally trained Filipinos which increased social demand for professional education.

This is the University of the Philippines during the American Regime

 The University of the Philippines remained the only publicly-supported institutions for higher

 In 1901, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was established which was placed under
the Department of Interior
 Replaced the Laboratorio Municipal, which was established under the Spanish colonial era
 Dealt with the study of tropical diseases and laboratory projects (production of vaccine for
virus, serums and prophylactics)
 In 1993, the National Research Council of the Philippines was established
 The Bureau of Science became the primary research center of the Philippines in the World
War II
 Science was inclined towards agriculture, food processing, forestry, medicine and pharmacy
 Not much focus was given on the development of industrial technology due to free trade
policy with the United States
 Researches were done to control malaria, cholera and tuberculosis and other tropical
 Protestant church missions in different places in country brought hospitals and schools to far-
flung areas
However, with these advances that Philippines had during pre-colonial, Spanish, and American
regimes it became a turn down destabilizing the developments of the country in many ways.
Institutions and public facilities were turned into ashes, houses were burned, and many lives were
destroyed. The country had a difficult time to rebuild itself from the ruins of the war. Through the help
of Japan, reparation funds focused on building some institutions and public facilities like schools,
hospitals, and transportation systems. Since the establishment of the new republic, the whole nation
has been focusing on using its limited resources in improving its science and technological capability.
It has explored the use of ODA or Overseas Development Allocations from different countries to help
the country improve its scientific productivity and technological capability.

This is Philippines during the World War II

The development of science and technology in the Philippines, based on its brief history, is shaped by
several factors and influences. Like in the history of science in other countries, it is always shaped by
human and social activities, both internal and external. Science and technology may have significant
impact on lives of the people and in the development of the Philippine society. However, improving
the quality of science education still remains as a big challenge in the country. School science from
basic education to graduate education is improving slowly, and there are only few students enrolling
in science and technology courses.
The Philippine Government Science &
Technology Agenda
“Advancing science and technology is the best option for Philippines growth”


We are so lucky nowadays that our government is extending their support in developing science and

technology to create an avenue for researches and inventions that will help our country grow. Before,

science and technology has limited its resources of what is existing but now, science and technology

had improved and it is expanding its means for new studies and relevance. For us to have a better

picture on how our government can help us with our researches, this topic will make us be informed

on government’s policies in science and technology.

What is the role of our government in science and technology?

 The Philippine government introduced and implemented several programs, projects, and
policies to boost the area of science and technology. The goal is to prepare the whole country and its
people to meet the demands of a technologically driven world and capacitate the people to live in a
world driven by science.
 Padilla-Concepcion reported that in 2015, in response to ASEAN 2015 Agenda, the government,
particularly the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), has sought the expertise of
the National Research Council of the Philippines (NCRP) to consult various sectors in the society to
study how the Philippines can prepare itself in meeting the ASEAN 2015 Goals. As a result of the
consultation, the NCRP is expected to recommend policies and programs that will improve the
competitiveness of the Philippines in the ASEAN Region.

The NCRP clustered policies into four, namely:

1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance

 Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the curriculum
 Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue
 Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband
 Local food security
2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and

 Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities
 Outright grants for per mentoring
 Review of RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act)
 Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development

3. Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN-harmonized standards
by full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration
 Creating an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical services
and care
 Empowering food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based research as pool of
 Allocating two percent of the GDP to research
 Legislating a law supporting human genome projects

4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry

 Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full implementation of existing laws
 Use of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries
 Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and indigenous people conservation
 Formulation of common food and safety standards

There are also other existing programs supported by the Philippine government through the DOST.

Some of these projects are the following:

 Providing funds for basic research and patents related to science and technology.
The government funds basic and applied researches. Funding of these research and
projects are also from the Overseas Development Aid (ODA) from different countries.
 Providing scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies of students in the field
of science and technology. Saloma (2015) pointed out that the country needs to
produce more doctoral graduates in the field of science and technology, and produce
more research in these fields, including engineering.
 Establishing more branches of the Philippine Science High School system for training
young Filipinos in the field of science and technology
 Creating science and technology parks to encourage academe and industry
 Balik Scientist Program to encourage Filipino scientists abroad to come home and
work in the Philippines or conduct research and projects in collaboration with Philippine-
based scientists.
 Developing science and technology parks in academic campuses to encourage
academe and industry partnerships
 Establishment of National Science Complex and National Engineering Complex
within the University of the Philippines, Diliman.

The Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE, 2008) identified several
capacity-building programs such as:

 Establishment of national centers of excellence

 Manpower and institutional development programs, such as the Engineering and Science
Education Program (ESEP) to produce more PhD graduates in science and engineering
 Establishment of regional centers to support specific industries that will lead the country in
different research and development areas
 Establishment of science and technology business centers to assist, advise, and incubate
technopreneurship ventures
 Strengthen science education at an early stage through the Philippine Science High School

In the field of education, several science-related programs and projects were created to develop the
scientific literacy of the country. Special science classes were organized and special elementary
schools were established in different regions. Aside from this, science and mathematics in basic
education were continuously improved.

There are many other areas and fields that the country is looking forward to embark various research
and projects. The following are some of them:

1. Use of alternative and safe energy

2. Harnessing mineral resources

3. Finding cure for various diseases and illness

4. Climate change and global warming

5. Increasing food production

6. Preservation of natural resources

7. Coping with natural disasters and calamities

8. Infrastructure development
Major Development Programs and Personalities in Science
&Technology in the Philippines
Major Development Programs and Personalities in Science &Technology in the Philippines

Now, we already have an idea of the policies and agenda of the Philippine government in science and
technology. For us to appreciate more of their contributions, let us know some Filipino presidents and
scientists and the developments in science and technology under their administration and inventions.


 Mandated the Department of Education and

Culture (now DepEd) to promote science courses in
public high schools
 Additional budget for research projects in applied
sciences and science education
 War damage fund donated to private universities to
encourage them to create courses in science and
technology and to research

Establishment of:

Philippine Coconut Research Institute

Philippine Textile Research Institute

Philippine Atomic Energy Commission

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services


Philippine National Oil Company

Plant Breeding Institute

International Rice Research Institute

Bureau of Plant Industry

National Grains Authority (Now National Food Authority)

Philippine Council for Agricultural Research

 NSTA was renamed to DOST to be represented in the cabinet and

play an integral role in the country’s sustainable economic recovery
and growth
 Science and Technology Master Plan- to update the production
sector, improve research activities, and develop infrastructures for
science and technology sector


 In 1987, Philippines had approximately 3,000 competent scientists and engineers

 Doctors to the Barrio Program- made healthcare accessible in far-flung areas in the
 National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science & Technology- created for
high school students who want to major in science and engineering college
 RA 8439: Magna Carta for Scientist Engineers, Researchers, and other Science and
Technology in the government
 RA 7459: Inventors and Inventions Incentive Act
 RA 8293: The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines


 RA 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

 RA 8792: Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
 Implementation of cost-effective irrigation technologies and providing basic health care


 Science and technology sector were developed to strengthen the education system and to
address poverty
 Filipinnovation- coined to refer Philippines as an innovation hub in Asia
 RA 9367: Biofuels Act – to utilize indigenous materials as sources of energy
 Farmers were encouraged to use rice that can withstand environmental hazards
 RA 10601: Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law- to modernize
agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment

 Under his administration, new national scientists were named:

- Gavino C. Trono- made extensive studies on seaweed species which helped families
in the coastal populations
- Angel C. Alcala- served as the pioneer scientist and advocate of coral reefs
- Ramon C. Barba- studied the induction of flowering of mango and micropropagation of
important crop species
- Edgardo D. Gomez- national-scale assessment of damaged coral reefs which led to a
national conservation program


 Philippine Space Technology Program- launched Diwata-2 in 2018 after the launch of
Diwata-1 in 2016 that displayed the Philippine flag in space
 RA 11305” An Act Institutionalizing the Balik Scientist Program” was signed into law by
the president on June 15, 2018. This law would give more incentives to returning Filipino
experts, scientists, inventors, and engineers who would share their expertise in the country.
 271 new weather stations were installed by the Department of Science and Technology
throughout the country.

The Philippine Congress has also created various laws related to science and technology. These
laws serve as a legal framework for science and technology in the country. These laws vary
according to different themes such as conservation, health-related, technology building and
supporting basic research among others. Some laws and policies are in line with international treaties
such as United Nations (UN), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other international agencies.

The development of policies in science and technology is shaped or influenced by several variables:
policies need to be aligned to national goals, consider international commitments based on legal
frameworks, and respond to various social needs, issues, and problems. Science and technology
policies ensure that the whole country and all people will experience the progress that science can
Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science

School science is filled with names of foreign scientists: Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Newton, Faraday,
Darwin, and many other Western scientists. We rarely hear of Filipino scientists being discussed in
science classes. Lee-Chua (2000) identified 10 outstanding Filipino scientists who have made
significant contributions in Philippine science. These scientists are also famous abroad especially in
different science disciplines: agriculture, mathematics, physics, medicine, marine science, chemistry,
engineering, and biology.

These Filipino scientists are:

1. Ramon Cabanos Barba- for his outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine
2. Josefino Cacas Comiso- for his works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by
using satellite images
3. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr.- known internationally in the field of electrical engineering; was
elected as officer of the famous Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz- notable for her research on sea snail venom
5. Fabian Millar Dayrit- for his research on herbal medicine
6. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III- for his research on tilapia culture
7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.- for inventing the meconium drugs testing
8. Lilian Formalejo Patena- for doing research on plant biotechnology
9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz- for being an outstanding educator and graph theorist
10. Gregory Ligot Tangonan- for his research in the field of communications
11. Fe del Mundo- invented the incubator. An incubator is an apparatus used to
maintain environmental conditions suitable for newborn baby.

12. Gregorio Y. Zara- inventor of videophone. Videophone is a two-way television

patented as a photo signal separator network.

13. Agapito Flores - invented the fluorescent lamp which is the most widely used
source of lighting in the world today.

14. Daniel Dingel- inventor of the water - powered car in 1969. His hydrogen reactor
uses electricity to transform ordinary tap water with salt into deuterium oxide or heavy water.
15. Diosdado Banatao- most known for introducing the first single-chip graphical use
interface (GUI) accelerator that made computers work faster and for helping develop Ethernet
controller chip that made internet possible

16. Abelardo Aguilar- invented the antibiotic erythromycin from a strain of bacterium
called Streptomyces erythreus.

17. Rolando dela Cruz- invented mole remover that had the ability to easily remove
moles and warts on the skin without surgical procedures.

18. Maria Orosa- invented banana ketchup from the commonly known tomato ketchup

There are other outstanding Filipino scientists who are recognized here and abroad for their
outstanding contributions in science:

 Caesar A. Saloma- an internationally renowned physicist

 Edgardo Gomez- famous scientist in marine science
 William Padolina- chemistry and president of National Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST)- Philippines
 Angel Alcala- marine science

There are other scientists in the Philippines who were not identified in the list. Yet, the Philippines still
need more scientists and engineers, and there is a need to support scientific research in the country.

Many Filipino scientists, whether they are in the country or abroad, always excel in their job. The
Filipino spirit in their souls has never faded. They continue to bring honor to the country. They make
ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They are always at par with other scientists in spite of the
limited facilities we have here in the country.
Week 6: Science Education in the Philippines
Science Education in the Philippines
The Philippines is trying its best to improve the state of science education in the country. One of the
strategies is to establish science schools that will encourage students to pursue their career in
science and technology and to nurture their gifted potentials in science.

What is Science Education?

 Science education focuses on teaching, learning, and understanding science. Teaching
science involves developing ways on how to effectively teach science. This means exploring
pedagogical theories and models in helping teachers teach scientific concepts and processes
effectively. Learning science, on the other hand, includes both pedagogy and the most interesting
aspect, which is helping students understand and love science.
 Understanding science implies developing and applying science-processes skills and using
science literacy in understanding the natural world and activities in everyday life.
 Science education is justified by the vast amount of scientific knowledge developed in this
area that prepares citizens in a scientifically and technologically driven world.
 Science education will develop a strong foundation for studying science and for considering
science-related careers in the future.
 Science education also develops positive attitude such as: the love for knowledge, passion
for innovative things, curiosity to study about nature and creativity.
In order to enhance science and technology education, schools play a vital role in bringing out the
best in students who wish to pursue science and technology in the future.
Science Education in Basic and Tertiary Education
 In basic education, science education helps students learn important concepts and facts that
are related to everyday life which includes process skills, critical thinking, and life skills that are
needed in coping up with daily life activities.
 In tertiary education, science education deals with developing students’ understanding and
appreciation of science ideas and scientific works. This is done through offering basic science
courses in the General Education curriculum.
 Science education in the tertiary level also focuses on the preparation of science teachers,
scientists, engineers, and other professionals in various science-related fields such as engineering,
agriculture, medicine, and health sciences.
Where to study science education?
 One outstanding program for science education supported by the government is the
establishment of science schools in various parts of the country. There are also several government
programs implemented by the Department of Education and few private schools for science
Science Schools in the Philippines:
Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)
This is a government program for gifted students in the Philippines. It is a service institute of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) whose mandate is to offer free scholarship basis for
secondary course with special emphasis on subjects pertaining to the sciences, with the end-view of
preparing its students for a science career (RA 3661).
Since its inception, the PSHSS continues to pursue its vision to develop Filipino science scholars with
scientific minds and passion for excellence. PSHSS students have proven to be a beacon of
excellence, courage and hope for the country. They have brought honor to the Philippines through
their exemplary achievements in various international competitions and research circles. When the
students graduate from the school, they are expected to pursue degrees in science and technology at
various colleges and universities locally or abroad.

Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project

The Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project is in pursuance to DepEd Order No. 73 s.
2008, and DepEd Order No. 51 s. 2010. This project started in June 2007 with 57 identified
elementary schools that participated or were identified as science elementary schools in the country.
Since its inception, the number have grown to more than 60 schools nationwide.
The SSES Project aims to develop Filipino children equipped with scientific and technological
knowledge, skills, values. Its mission is to:
 Provide learning environment to science-inclined children through a special
curriculum that recognizes the multiple intelligences of the learners;
 Promote the development of lifelong learning skills; and
 Foster the holistic development of the learners

The subject Science and Health is taught in Grade 1 with a longer time compared to
other subjects: 70 minutes for Grades I to III and 80 minutes for Grades IV to VI. The
curriculum also utilizes different instructional approaches that address the learning
styles and needs of the learners like the use of investigatory projects.
Quezon City Regional Science High School
The school was established on September 17, 1967. Originally, it was named Quezon City Science
High School. It was turned into a regional science high school for the National Capital Region in 1999.
The school was a product of a dream to establish special science school for talented students in
science and mathematics. The focus of the curriculum is on science and technology. The school
teaches the basic education courses prescribed by the Department of Education (DepEd) for
secondary education. However, there are additional subjects in sciences and technology that
students should take. The school envisions to serve as a venue in providing maximum opportunities
for science gifted students to develop spirit of inquiry and creativity. The school is well-supported by
the local government unit and by the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA).

Manila Science High School

The school was established on October 1, 1963 as the Manila Science High School (MSHS). It is
the first science high school in the Philippines. The organization and curriculum of the school puts
more emphasis on science and mathematics. MSHS aims to produce scientists with souls. In order to
do this, humanities courses and other electives are included in their curriculum. Students are also
encouraged to participate in various extracurricular activities. The school administers an entrance
exam, the Manila Science High School Admission Test (MSAT), for students who wish to enroll. The
MSAT has five parts: aptitude i science, aptitude test in mathematics, problem-solving test in science,
problem- solving test in mathematics, and proficiency in English. The school prides itself from
producing outstanding alumni and for winning various national competitions.

Central Visayan Institute Foundation

It is the home and pioneer of the prominent school-based innovation known as the Dynamic
Learning Program (DLP). The DLP is a synthesis of classical and modern pedagogical theories
adapted to foster the highest level of learning, creativity, and productivity. The school takes pride in its
Research Center for Theoretical Physics (RCTP) established in 1992, which organizes small
international workshops to foster the informal but intense exchange of ideas and perspectives on
outstanding problems in physics and mathematics
Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines
Filipinos, especially during the early times, tried to invent tools that will help them in everyday life.
They also developed alternative ideas in explaining various phenomena and in explaining the world
around them. This system of knowledge is called indigenous knowledge, which is the foundation of
indigenous science.
What is indigenous knowledge?
 Indigenous knowledge is embedded in the daily life experiences of young children as they
grow up. They live and grow in a society where the members of the community prominently practice
indigenous knowledge. Their parents and other older folks served as their first teachers and their
methods of teaching are very effective in transmitting cultural knowledge in their minds. The lessons
they learned are intimately interwoven with their culture and the environment. These lessons
comprised of good values and life stories of people on their daily life struggles. Their views about
nature and their reflections on their experiences in daily life are evident in their stories, poems and

Some examples of indigenous knowledge that are taught and practiced by the indigenous people are:
 Predicting weather conditions and seasons using knowledge in observing animals’
behavior and celestial bodies
 Using herbal medicine
 Preserving foods
 Classifying plants and animals into families and groups based on cultural properties
 Using indigenous technology in daily lives
 Building local irrigation systems
 Classifying different types of soil for planting based on cultural properties
 Producing wines and juices from tropical fruits
 Keeping the custom of growing plants and vegetables in the yard
What is Indigenous Science?
 It is part of the indigenous knowledge system practiced by different groups of people and
early civilizations.
 It includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices, and representations that
guide human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural milieu: agriculture, medicine,
naming and explaining natural phenomena, and strategies for coping with changing environments.
 Includes everything, from metaphysics to philosophy and various practical technologies
practiced by indigenous peoples both past and present through science as part of culture and how
science is done largely depends on the cultural practices of the people.

1. Indigenous science uses science process skills such as observing, comparing,

classifying, measuring, problem solving, inferring, communicating, and predicting.
2. Indigenous science is guided by culture and community values such as the following:
 The land is a source of life. It is a precious gift from the creator.
 The earth is revered as “Mother Earth”. It is their origin of identity as people.
 All living and nonliving things are interconnected and interdependent with each
 Human beings are stewards or trustee of the land and other natural resources.
They have a responsibility to preserve it.
 Nature is a friend to human beings- it needs respect and proper care.

3. Indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge practiced and valued by people

and communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming methods, and
folk astronomy.
Indigenous science is important in the development of science and technology in the Philippines. Like
the ancient civilizations, indigenous science gave birth to the development of science and technology
as a field and discipline. Indigenous science helped the people in understanding the natural
environment and in coping with everyday life.
Week 7: Human Flourishing in terms of Science and

Are you flourishing as a human?
Similar to the first picture is that we are like plants. We have our own right time
when we will bloom and eventually when we will be fully-grown. On the other hand, are
we happy of growing? Some maybe unlocking some questions in life but most of us are
choosing happiness along with success. Look at the second picture, do you consider
yourself happy just like them? Then at this moment have some realizations and try to
connect these two images by simply answering this question: am I flourishing at the
expense of my happiness?
The Human Person Flourishing in terms of Science and Technology
 Science and technology continuously seep into the way
people go about their daily lives. However, the
omnipresence of science and technology must not eclipse
the basic tenets of ethics and morality. Instead, it should
allow the human person to flourish alongside scientific
progress and technological development.
As time passes by, elements that comprise human flourishing changed, which are
subject to the dynamic social history as written by humans. People found means to live
more comfortably, explore more places, develop more products, and make more
money, and then repeating the process in full circle. In the beginning, early people
relied on simple machines to make hunting and gathering easier. This development
allowed them to make grander and more sophisticated machines to aid them in their
endeavors that eventually led to space explorations, medicine innovations, and
ventures of life after death. Our concept of human flourishing today proves to be
different from what Aristotle originally perceived then- humans of today are expected to
become a “man of the world”. He is supposed to situate himself in a global
neighborhood, working side by side among institutions and the government to be able
to reach a common goal.
EASTERN vs. WESTERN CONCEPT on Society and Human Flourishing
 In Western civilization, Human Flourishing is focused on
the individual himself.
 In Eastern civilization, Human Flourishing pertains
into community-centric view.
(According to them, community takes the highest regard that the individual should
sacrifice himself for the sake of society.)
This is apparent in the Chinese Confucian system or the Japanese Bushido, both of
which view the whole as greater than their components. The Chinese and Japanese
encourage studies of literature, sciences, and art, not entirely for oneself but in service
of a greater cause.
However, human flourishing as an end then is primarily more concern for western
civilizations over eastern ones. The Greek Aristotelian view, on the other hand, aims
for eudaimonia as the ultimate good; there is no indication whatsoever that Aristotle
entailed it instrumental to achieve some other goals. Perhaps, a person who has
achieved such state would want to serve the community, but that is brought upon
through deliberation based on his values rather than his belief that the state is greater
than him, and thus is only appropriate that he should recognize it as a higher entity
worthy of service.
Why are Diversity and Collaboration in the Scientific Community important
towards Human Flourishing?
Science as a Social Endeavor
Here is an illustration of a Geeky Scientist, isolated in the windowless basement lab,
strictly following the rules of the Scientific Method, until he finished a great discovery. In
this picture science works even all the steps in the scientific method not followed. The
process of science is flexible and may take many possible paths. Science is done by
unique individuals without following a certain routine with motivation, ambition, and
creativity. Many of them are passionate about their work and many of them are creative
towards achieving their goals. Scientists do spend time working alone in their own lab,
field, or at the computer but also in collaborating with other scientists to widen their
perspective as scientist. Most scientific work also involves reviewing other scientists’
articles for journals, teaching, mentoring graduate students and younger scientists,
speaking at conferences, and participating in scientific societies. The job of a scientist
involves lot more than disappearing into a windowless lab and running an endless
series of experiments. Scientists from such diverse backgrounds bring many points of
view that have bearing on scientific problems.
The following are the importance of diversity and collaboration in the scientific
community towards human flourishing:

1. Collaboration and diversity balance possible ideas

Scientist benefits from other scientists and practitioners with different sets of beliefs, cultural
backgrounds, and values to balance out the possible biases that might happen if science were
practiced by a small group of humanity. Scientists should not be impartial but be objective in their
assessments of scientific issues. In those occasional cases in which personal biases sneak in,
they are kept in check by a diverse scientific community

2. Diversity and collaboration stimulate problem solving

Two heads are better than one. Science benefits greatly from a community. Problems
arise from different sectors of society. A diverse community is better able to generate a
new research methods, explanations and ideas, which can help science over
challenging obstacles and shed new light on problems for the betterment of the society.
3. Diversity and collaboration facilitate specialization. Scientists have different
strengths and different interests. Not only do people from different backgrounds
choose to investigate different questions, but they may have different approaches in
the same question. They may have different questions on a certain topic. They may
have different respondents to validate their hypothesis. They have different methods
that are based on their interests

4. Diversity and collaboration are inspiration and motivation. Interactions in

society encourage innovation and development of ideas about new lines of evidence,
new applications, new questions, and alternate explanations about technology. Some
people are driven by the thrill of competition like the runners run faster, politicians’
campaign harder, and students’ study more for college exams when they know that
they are competing against others. Scientists are not exempted. Some scientists are
motivated by the sense of competition offered by the community. Likewise, the
community offers scientists the prospect of recognition from the other well-known
scientists. In science, achievement is usually measured, not in terms of money or
titles, but in terms of respect and esteem from colleagues.

5. Diversity and collaboration divide labor. Science is too wide for an individual
on his or her own to handle. Collaborations and division of labor are increasingly
important today, as our scientific understanding, techniques, and technologies
expand. There is simply more to know than ever before and as we learn more about
the world, more research is performed at the intersections of different fields.
Scientific method gives a logical way on how to solve a problem and to improve
our daily living, but science does not work alone. There should be a collaboration
among individuals and have different ideas, drives, characteristics, motivations, culture
and beliefs that help us to attain what we call “human flourishing”.

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)

“The essence of technology is by no means anything technological”
 German philosopher who was part of the Continental tradition of
 Sternly opposes positivism and technological world domination
 Joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in 1933
 His membership to the Nazi Party made him controversial
 Focused on ontology or the study of being or dasein

More info:
The Essence of Technology
“We shall be questioning concerning technology, and in so doing we should like
to prepare a free relationship to it. The relationship will be free if it opens our human
existence to the essence of technology.”
One of Heidegger’s principal aims in his essay is to seek the true meaning of
essence through or by way of the “correct” meaning.
In his treatise, The Question Concerning Technology, Heidegger (1977)
explains the two widely embraced definitions of technology:

1. Instrumental definition: Technology is a means to an end.

 In this context, technology is viewed as a tool available to individuals,
groups, and communities that desire to make an impact on society.
 Technology is an instrument aimed at getting things done.

2. Anthropological definition: Technology is a human activity.

 To achieve an end and to produce and use a means to an end is, by
itself, a human activity.
 The production or invention of technological equipment, tools and
machines, the products and inventions, and the purpose and functions they
serve are what define technology.
echnology as a Way of Revealing

Humanity has indeed come a long way from our primitive ways, and as a general
rule, it is said that we are more “developed” than we were before. Modern humans are
reliant on technology in their search for the good life. We see ways and means from
nature to utilize and achieve growth- a goal that we believe would bring forth betterment.
In retrospect, this view of technology proves to be goal-oriented. It assumes that
it is instrumental in achieving a goal in mind, that it is a purposeful, deliberate craft
humans steer in order to reach some greater good. In the advent of postmodernism,
however, the deterministic view appended to technology crumbled as people began to
question if anything is deterministic at all. Apart from its purpose, what is technology?
Some tried to redefine technology away from its purpose. Heidegger argued that its
essence or purpose, and being are different from each other. He was able to expound
on this point upon identifying that technology can either be perceived as first, a means
to achieve man’s end and second, that which constitutes human activity. The second
perspective paints technology in such a way that each period reveals a particular
character regarding man’s being. A characteristic design, or flaw, unfolds based on the
repercussions brought upon by immersing ourselves with a piece of new technology. In
effect, through technology, a myriad of new questions begins to mount. Rather than
thinking that humans have a clear idea of what to expect in a good life, it can be stated
that technology allows humans to confront the unknown and see how they would react.
In that sense, technology is a way of revealing.
Heidegger envisioned technology as a way of revealing – a mode of ‘bringing forth’.
Poiesis – refers to the act of bringing something out of concealment.
 by bringing something out of concealment, the truth of that something
is revealed.
Aletheia – translated as unclosedness, unconcealedness, disclosure, or truth.
 Thus, for Heidegger, technology is a form of poiesis – a way of
revealing that unconceals aletheia or the truth.
 This is seen in the way the term techne is understood in different
 In philosophy, techne resembles the term episteme that refers to the
human ability to make and perform.
 Techne also encompasses knowledge and understanding.
 In art, it refers to tangible and intangible aspects of life.
 The Greeks understood techne in the way that it encompasses not only
craft, but other acts of the mind, and poetry.

Technology as Poiesis: Does Modern Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?

 Heidegger posited that both primitive crafts and modern
technology are revealing.
 However, he explained that modern technology is revealing not in the sense
of bringing forth or poiesis
 “The revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging, which puts to
nature the unreasonable demand that it should supply energy which can be
extracted and stored as such”.
 Modern technology challenges forth, because it makes people think to do
things faster, more effectively, and with less effort.
 It prompts people into dominating and enframing the earth’s natural
 Challenging forth reduces objects as standing reserve or be disposed of by
those who enframe them – humans.

Does the idea that technology is poiesis apply to modern technology?

Heidegger characterizes modern technology as a challenging forth since it is very
aggressive in its activity. Modern technology may also be a mode of revealing but not
as harmonious bringing forth that is described in his thesis of technology as poiesis.
Modern technology challenges nature and demands of its resources that are, most of
the time, forcibly extracted for human consumption and storage. It brings about a
“setting upon” of the land. Mining is an example of modern technology that challenges
forth and brings about the setting upon of land. It extracts minerals from the earth and
forcefully assigns the land as a means to fulfill the never-ending demands of people.
With modern technology, revealing never comes to an end. The revealing always
happens on our own terms as everything is on demand. Information at our fingertips,
food harvested even out of season, gravity defied to fly off to space-such is the capacity
of the human person. We no longer need to work with the rhythms of nature because
we have learned to control it. We order nature, and extract, process, make ready for
consumption, and store what we have forced it to reveal.

Bringing Forth vs. Challenging Forth

The field that the peasant formerly cultivated and set in order appears differently than it
did when to set in order still meant to take care of and maintain. The work of the
peasant does not challenge the soil of the field.
Agriculture is now the mechanized food industry. Air is now set upon to yield nitrogen,
the earth to yield ore, ore to yield uranium, for example; uranium is set up to yield
atomic energy, which can be unleashed either for destructive or for peaceful purposes.

Enframing as Modern Technology’s Way of Revealing

 Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing of modern technology by
considering it as a process of enframing.
 Humankind’s desire to control everything, including nature is captured in
this process.
 By putting things, in this case nature, in a frame, it becomes much easier
for humans to control it according their desires.
 Enframing, according to Heidegger, is akin to two ways of looking at the

1. Calculative thinking – humans desire to put an order to nature

to better understand and control it.
2. Meditative thinking – humans allow nature to reveal itself to
them without the use of force or violence.
 Calculative thinking tends to be more commonly utilized, primarily because
humans' desire to control due to their fear of irregularity.
 Enframing, then, is a way of ordering (or framing) nature to better manipulate
 Enframing happens because of how humans desire for security, even if it
puts all of nature as a standing reserve ready for exploitation.
 Modern technology challenges humans to enframe nature.
o Thus, humans become part of the standing reserve and an instrument of
technology, to be exploited in the ordering of nature.
 The role humans take as instruments of technology through
enframing is called destining.
 In destining, humans are challenged forth by enframing to reveal
what is real.
 However, this destining of humans to reveal nature carries with it the
danger of misconstruction or misinterpretation.
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Week 8: Art as the Saving Power
Art as the Saving Power

Necessary reflection upon and confrontation with technology are required in order to
proactively address the dangers of technology. Friedrich Holderlin, a German poet
quoted by Heidegger, said: “But where danger is, grows the saving power
also.” Following this, the saving power can be traced exactly where the danger is – in
the essence of technology.
 Heidegger proposed art as the saving power and the way out of
enframing: “And art was simply called techne. It was a single,
manifold revealing”
 Heidegger saw art as an act of the mind, i.e., a techne, that protected
and had great power over the truth.
 Art encourages humans to think less from a calculative standpoint
where nature is viewed as an ordered system.
 It inspires meditative thinking where nature is seen as an art and that, in
all of art, nature is most poetic.
The poetry that is found in nature can no longer be easily appreciated when nature is
enframed. If the Earth has just become a gas station for us, then we become enframed
as well. In modern technology, the way of revealing is no longer poietic; it is challenging.
When instruments are observed linearly, its poetry can no longer be found. For
example, the watermill is a primitive structure compared to the hydropower plant; or the
first iPhone model is just an obsolete piece of machine. People no longer realize how
the watermill is more in tune with the rhythms of nature or how much genius went into
building the first iPhone. Therefore, Heidegger proposes that art is a saving power. It
saves us from being unable to see the poetic side of the reality. This leads us to the
meditative way of thinking that we just need the nature to reveal itself without putting
any force. In other words, just like an art, let it portray its message for us without
interventions from external sources, most especially technology. How is this related
then to us humans? What is art as a human face in the modern technology? Art is just
like us humans. It depends on how someone see us relative to the message we want to
convey. For example, even there are lots of advances that we have in technology with
our modern world today, let us go back on how we look at ourselves from the very start.
If you wish to inspire other people by your story then be it. Be the purpose you want to
flourish as human. Afterall, it is not technology that will dictate us what to do. It is you,
yourself will help you build the ladder to your success. Yet, as an art having its various
meanings, humans too have his/her meaning in life. No matter what it is, relay your
message and be free from any force.
This is the human face of the modern technology today. We may be coexisting with
technology; this does not mean that we depend much of it. As humans we have lots of
areas to develop in order for us to flourish. We use technology as one means of
achieving our goal but may we not forget our essence as humans. Let us make use of
our own capabilities along with technological advancements. As an open-ended
question to you, what is your human face in the modern technology of today?

Here is an example:

Art by Vincent Van Gogh’s: A Pair of Shoes

Image retrieved from

Philosophy: For philosopher Martin Heidegger, it represents “silent call of the earth, its
quiet gift of the ripening grain and its unexplained self-refusal in the fallow desolation of
the wintry field”.
Message: The human face of the modern technology is like the pair of shoes.
Humans who depend much on technology gets ripen. Those who forgets his
essence as a human, as time passes by, like shoes it will look weary and old.
Keep shining your shoes to the best of your capabilities with a balance use of
technology. Since we are in modern world today, we need to adapt in
technological advancements to make our lives easier at pace.

Questioning as the Piety of Thought

Heidegger concluded his treatise on technology by saying:
“The closer we come to the danger, the more brightly do the ways into the saving
power begin to shine and the more questioning we become. For questioning is
the piety of thought.”
For Heidegger, there is unparalleled wisdom gained only when humans are able to
pause, think, and question what is around them. Humans are consumed by technology
when they are caught upon enframing.
Heidegger posited that it is through questioning that humans bear witness to the crises
that a complete preoccupation with technology brings, preventing them from
experiencing the essence of technology. Thus, humans need to take a step back and
reassess who they were, who they are, and who they are becoming in the midst of
technology in this day and age.

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Week 8: Technology and Human Condition before and during the

Common Era
Comparing the lives of the people before and now will make anyone realize the
changes that happened in society not just in terms of culture, language, or rights but
more importantly, changes in people’s way of life due to the existence of science and
In this module, it was previously discussed that technology is a way of revealing and for
us to understand how technology took us to the Common Era, our modern world today,
let us go back in time with the human condition in terms of science and technology.
The term “generation gap” is attributed mainly to the changes brought about by
technology. Although the original idea is for technology to help everyone, it cannot be
denied that until today, not everyone is comfortable in using the different kinds of
technologies. Mostly those who belong to the older generation think that these
technologies are too complicated to operate. They have been used to the simple living
in the past and these available technological devices, though very appealing, are a
difficult puzzle to them.
However, this gap is not something to be worried about. This does not in any way make
technology a villain, it is a challenge for people in the field of science and technology to
make these technological advancements more accessible and less confusing for
people who are not as young anymore. This is also a challenge for the younger
generation to take the older generation to an exciting journey in science and technology.
In this way, everyone can experience what it is like to live with ease and comfort
because of the availability of modern technology.

The Human Condition Before Common Era

 Our early ancestors’ primal need to survive paved way for the invention of
several developments. Gifted with brains more advanced than other
creatures, humans are able to utilize abundant materials for their own
ease and comfort. As it is difficult to pinpoint the particular period where
technology is said to have started, one can say that at the very least, the
motivation to make things easier has been around since humans are.
 Homo erectus have been using fire to cook, through chipping one flint over
the other to produce a spark, all the while without realizing the laws of
friction and heat. Tools from stone and flints marked the era of the Stone
Age, during the advent of our very own Homo sapiens, and humans
began to sharpen stones as one would a knife; an example of this is the
simple machine called
 This particular period proved to be difficult for our ancestors but in a
remarkably distinct way. There is little to no written accounts except for
several cave drawings and unearthed artifacts from various parts of the
world that narrate how their culture came to be. For instance, there are
several excavations in different parts of Europe of miniature statues
prevalent during the Paleolithic period, the so-called “Venus” figure. It
depicts a rudimentary carving of a voluptuous woman out of ivory or
 Soon enough, people discovered minerals and began forging metalwork.
They realized that these substances are more durable, malleable, and
have more luster than the previous material. On the other hand, there are
some indicators that humans in the past share the same concerns and
interests, suggesting that these inclinations persist through multitudes of
generation over several millennia.
 Fur clothing and animal skin are primarily used for comfort against harsh
winds- our ancestors are able to draw the connection between their
being naked and vulnerable due to some lack of fur or protective
covering which would otherwise allow them to withstand extreme weather
 Excavations on the latter half of the Stone Age include several figures
thought to be ceremonial, meaning, that perhaps people of the time had
also painstakingly wrought and hewed said figures in honor of some deity.
This notion, as it was then and as it is now, is often people’s resort to
make sense of events happening outside their control.
 The initial roster of primitive gods includes objects they encounter through
their day-to-day lives, so it is not surprising that different tribes may have
different gods. Those who might have lived alongside majestic creatures,
such as elephants and mammoths, might have been awed by their size
and worshiped them as the owner of the land, asking for blessings in
their hunting ground.
Nevertheless, it can be positively inferred that like the people of today, our ancestors
also found the need to explain things in a way that makes sense to them. They quickly
realized that there are events outside of their control and attempted to justify things as
being work of a supernatural being. Throughout the course of history, religion remains
to be the strongest contender to science arguably due to its being the most easily
grasped. Admittedly, once people stop connecting the dots between cause and effect,
they turn to something that could possibly explain their inadequacies in making sense
of the world. The people of yesterday appeared to have acknowledged early on they
could only do and understand as much, that perhaps other powers at play also existed
alongside them.

The Human Condition in the Common Era

Earliest case of man-made extinction occurred over 12,000 years ago, possibly
brought upon by hunting and territorial disputes. The Holocene extinction, also called
the sixth extinction or more aptly Anthropocene extinction, occurred from as early as
between 100,000 to 200,000 years up to the present. It pertains to the ongoing
extinction of several species-both flora and fauna- due to human activity.
 Growing population necessitated finding additional resources, leading to
overhunting and overfishing common prey, some of which were endemic to
the area
 Hunting, coupled with a changing terrain that the humans began cultivating
when agriculture emerged some 9,000 years ago, caused several species to
lose competition in territory and food resources.
 Formation of communities caused humans to expand more in territory and
more people to feed; large, separate communities hailing from the same
ancestors and residing in the same large community paved way for
 Trade emerged, leading to cross-town and eventually cross-cultural
interaction as more products were exchanged and the initial needs extended
to wants.
 Began to hunt, farm, and produce things with prospect of profit.
 Products of every kind were exchanged, ranging from necessary ones such
as crops, cattle, poultry, others of kind, and clothing materials, up to metals,
accessories, weapons, spices, literature, and entertainment.
 They were able to find and create niches for interests. When they could not
sell products, they used their skills and got compensated for it- bringing forth
a specialized group of artisans.
 Humanity became more complex and the primary goal was not merely to
survive, but to live the good life.
Technology has been instrumental in all of these because in searching for the
good life, people were able to come up with creations that would make life easier, more
comfortable, and more enriching. Although the good life envisioned before might be
pale in comparison to the multifariousness of today, it offered us the initial intricacies of
how today came to be. Such intricacies are also evident in the machines created and
causes endeavored by the people of long ago.
The humans of today are much better off compared to humans several centuries
ago. Advancements in medicine, technology, health, and education ushered in
humanity’s best yet, and show no sign of stopping. Below are some of the notable
comparisons then and now:

1. Mortality Rate – Due to technology, lesser women and children die during
birth, assuring robust population and strong workforce. Medical care for
premature infants allows them to survive and develop normally, while proper
maternal care ensures that mothers can fully recover and remain
2. Average Lifespan- Aside from the reason that people engage less in
combat and are less likely to die in treatable diseases now as opposed to
then, science is able to prolong lives by enhancing living status and
discovering different remedies to most diseases. Distribution of medicines is
also made easier and faster.
3. Literacy Rate- Access to education provided to more individuals generally
creates a more informed public that could determine a more just society.
4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- Although not an indicator of an average
person’s lifestyle in a certain country, it is often used to determine the value
of the country’s good and services produced within the territory given a
certain time period. Higher country income is brought upon by high
productivity, often an indicator of presence of technology.
Backtracking the Human Condition
Technology’s initial promises proved to be true, regardless of its ramifications. All
in all, the human condition improved, only if by improving we measure the level of
comfort, various scientific breakthroughs, and improved lifestyles of those who had the
luxury to afford to do so. Different machineries aid in prolonging lives- assisting those
with disabilities, honing efficiency in industrial workplaces, and even exploring the
universe for places we can thrive once all the Earth’s resources are depleted.
As to the initial aims, it appears that things really did not much differ. Some
places in the world are still battling for their daily survival- diseases, tribe wars, lack of
habitable territories, and competitions on resources are several factors contributing to
such. People still wage wars on the basis of races, belief, and abundance of resources
and/or territory; except that now, they are able to inflict such in a global scale. A lot of
people still subscribe to religion in explaining things that they do not know.
It seems that the human condition, although more sophisticated, is nothing but a
rehashed version of its former self. Nothing much has changed since then, and it
appears that nothing will change in the times to come if we fail to shift our view
elsewhere. While it is true that technology offered us one compelling notion of the truth
and the good, we should be staunch in our resolve if we want to know the real one
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Week 9: Introduction to the Lesson

In Ancient Greece, long before the word “science” has been coined, the need to understand
the world and reality was bound with the need to understand the self and the good life. For Plato,
the task of understanding the things in the world runs parallel with the job of truly getting into what
will make the soul flourish. In an attempt to understand reality and the external world, man must
seek to understand himself, too. It was Aristotle who gave a definitive distinction between the
theoretical and practical sciences. Among the theoretical disciplines, Aristotle included logic,
biology, physics, and metaphysics, among others. Among the practical ones, Aristotle counted
ethics and politics. Whereas “truth” is the aim of the theoretical sciences, the “good” or as said in
the previous lesson, the attainment of human flourishing. Rightly so, one must find the truth about
what the good is before one can even try to locate that which is good.
In the previous lesson, we have seen how a misplaced or an erroneous idea of human
flourishing can turn tables for all of us, make the sciences work against us rather than for us, and
draw a chasm between the search for truth and for the good. In this lesson, we endeavor to go
back a little and answer these questions: What does it really mean to live a good life? What
qualifies as a good existence? Granting this understanding, we are assumed to be in a better
position to reconcile our deepest existential needs as human beings and science as tool to
maneuver around the world.
Therefore, with our topics in this module, I expect you to become not just informed students, but to
be transformed students ready to seek knowledge and to do more with the knowledge that you
have! That maybe more challenging, especially with this pandemic we are experiencing, but with
the right motivation, we can still attain this goal. Let’s go!

Week 9: Human Flourishing in Progress and De-development

Before we proceed to the topic the good life, let us discuss the human flourishing
in progress and de-development for us to understand on how we will attain a good life
despite the challenges we face in our modern world, particularly science and
The Human Flourishing in Progress and De-development
Despite efforts to close out the gap between the rich and poor countries, in 2015
a report stated that the gap in growth and development just keeps on widening.
Although there is no standard measure of inequality, the report claimed that most
indicators suggest widening of the growth gap slowed during the financial crisis of 2007
but is now growing again. The increasing inequality appears paradoxical having in mind
the efforts that had been poured onto the development programs designed to assist
poor countries to rise from absent to slow progress.
With this backdrop and the context of unprecedented scientific and technological
advancement and economic development, humans must ask themselves whether they
are indeed flourishing, individually or collectively. If development efforts to close out the
gap between the rich and poor countries have failed, is it possible to confront the
challenges of development through a nonconformist framework?
To better understand this topic, here is an article by Jason Hickel, an
anthropologist at the London School of Economics, criticizes the failure of growth and
development efforts to eradicating poverty seven decades ago. More importantly, he
offers a nonconformist perspective toward growth and development.
Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to de-develop rich countries
By Jason Hickel
This week, heads of state are gathering in New York to sign the UN’s new sustainable development goals
(SDGs). The main objective is to eradicate poverty by 2030. Beyoncé, One Direction and Malala are on
board. It’s set to be a monumental international celebration.

Given all the fanfare, one might think the SDGs are about to offer a fresh plan for how to save the world,
but beneath all the hype, it’s business as usual. The main strategy for eradicating poverty is the same:

Growth has been the main object of development for the past 70 years, despite the fact that it’s not working.
Since 1980, the global economy has grown by 380%, but the number of people living in poverty on less
than $5 (£3.20) a day has increased by more than 1.1 billion. That’s 17 times the population of Britain. So
much for the trickle-down effect.

Orthodox economists insist that all we need is yet more growth. More progressive types tell us that we
need to shift some of the yields of growth from the richer segments of the population to the poorer ones,
evening things out a bit. Neither approach is adequate. Why? Because even at current levels of average
global consumption, we’re overshooting our planet’s bio-capacity by more than 50% each year.

In other words, growth isn’t an option any more – we’ve already grown too much. Scientists are now telling
us that we’re blowing past planetary boundaries at breakneck speed. And the hard truth is that this global
crisis is due almost entirely to overconsumption in rich countries.

Right now, our planet only has enough resources for each of us to consume 1.8 “global hectares” annually
– a standardized unit that measures resource use and waste. This figure is roughly what the average
person in Ghana or Guatemala consumes. By contrast, people in the US and Canada consume about 8
hectares per person, while Europeans consume 4.7 hectares – many times their fair share.

What does this mean for our theory of development? Economist Peter Edward argues that instead of
pushing poorer countries to “catch up” with rich ones, we should be thinking of ways to get rich countries to
“catch down” to more appropriate levels of development. We should look at societies where people live
long and happy lives at relatively low levels of income and consumption not as basket cases that need to
be developed towards western models, but as exemplars of efficient living.

How much do we really need to live long and happy lives? In the US, life expectancy is 79 years and GDP
per capita is $53,000. But many countries have achieved similar life expectancy with a mere fraction of this
income. Cuba has a comparable life expectancy to the US and one of the highest literacy rates in the world
with GDP per capita of only $6,000 and consumption of only 1.9 hectares – right at the threshold of
ecological sustainability. Similar claims can be made of Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Tunisia.

Yes, some of the excess income and consumption we see in the rich world yields improvements in quality
of life that are not captured by life expectancy, or even literacy rates. But even if we look at measures of
overall happiness and wellbeing in addition to life expectancy, a number of low- and middle-income
countries rank highly. Costa Rica manages to sustain one of the highest happiness indicators and life
expectancies in the world with a per capita income one-fourth that of the US.
In light of this, perhaps we should regard such countries not as underdeveloped, but rather as appropriately
developed. And maybe we need to start calling on rich countries to justify their excesses.

The idea of “de-developing” rich countries might prove to be a strong rallying cry in the global south, but it
will be tricky to sell to westerners. Tricky, but not impossible. According to recent consumer research, 70%
of people in middle- and high-income countries believe overconsumption is putting our planet and society at
risk. A similar majority also believe we should strive to buy and own less, and that doing so would not
compromise our happiness. People sense there is something wrong with the dominant model of economic
progress and they are hungry for an alternative narrative.

The problem is that the pundits promoting this kind of transition are using the wrong language. They use
terms such as de-growth, zero growth or – worst of all – de-development, which are technically accurate
but off-putting for anyone who’s not already on board. Such terms are repulsive because they run against
the deepest frames we use to think about human progress, and, indeed, the purpose of life itself. It’s like
asking people to stop moving positively thorough life, to stop learning, improving, growing.

Negative formulations won’t get us anywhere. The idea of “steady-state” economics is a step in the right
direction and is growing in popularity, but it still doesn’t get the framing right. We need to reorient ourselves
toward a positive future, a truer form of progress. One that is geared toward quality instead of quantity. One
that is more sophisticated than just accumulating ever increasing amounts of stuff, which doesn’t make
anyone happier anyway. What is certain is that GDP as a measure is not going to get us there and we need
to get rid of it.

Perhaps we might take a cue from Latin Americans, who are organizing alternative visions around the
indigenous concept of buen vivir, or good living. The west has its own tradition of reflection on the good
life and it’s time we revive it. Robert and Edward Skidelsky take us down this road in his book How Much is
Enough? where they lay out the possibility of interventions such as banning advertising, a shorter working
week and a basic income, all of which would improve our lives while reducing consumption.

Either we slow down voluntarily or climate change will do it for us. We can’t go on ignoring the laws of
nature. But rethinking our theory of progress is not only an ecological imperative, it is also a development
one. If we do not act soon, all our hard-won gains against poverty will evaporate, as food systems collapse
and mass famine re-emerges to an extent not seen since the 19th century.

This is not about giving anything up. And it’s certainly not about living a life of voluntary misery or imposing
harsh limits on human potential. On the contrary, it’s about reaching a higher level of understanding and
consciousness about what we’re doing here and why.
Week 10: The Good Life
The Good Life
Are we living the good life? This question is inarguably one universal human concern.
Everyone aims to lead a good life. Yet, what constitutes a happy and contented life varies from
person to person. Unique backgrounds, experiences, social contexts, and even preferences make
it difficult to subscribe to a unified standard on which to tease out the meaning of ‘good life’. Thus,
the prospect of a standard good life- one that resonates across unique human experiences- is
Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics and the Good Life
To answer the question, “Are we living the good life?”, necessary reflection must be made
on two things: first, what standard could be used to define “the good life”? Second, how can the
standard serve as a guide toward living the good life in the midst of scientific progress and
technological advancement?
In the documentary film, The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism,
C.S. Lewis posited that science must be guided by some ethical basis that is not indicated by
science itself. One such ethical basis is Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics.
Aristotle, who lived from 384 to 322 BC, is probably the most important ancient Greek
philosopher and scientist. He was a student of Plato, who was then a student of Socrates.
Together, they were considered the ‘Big Three of Greek Philosophy’.
What is Nichomachean Ethics?
 It is the fundamental basis of Aristotelian ethics consisting of ten books.
 Originally, they were lecture notes written on scrolls when he taught at the Lyceum.
 It is widely believed that the lecture notes were compiled by or were dedicated to one of Aristotle’s sons,
 Alternatively, it is believed that the work was dedicated to Aristotle’s father who was of the same name.
 This book is abbreviated as NE or sometimes EN based on Latin version of the name, is a treatise on the
nature of moral life and human happiness based on the unique essence of human nature. The NE is
particularly useful in defining what the good life is.

Everyone has a definition of what good is- getting a college degree, traveling across the
world, succeeding in a business venture, pursuing a healthy and active lifestyle, or being a
responsible parent. However, although everyone aims to achieve that which is good, Aristotle
posited two types of good. In NE Book 2 Chapter 2, Aristotle explained that every action aims at
some good. However, some actions aim at an instrumental good while some aim at an intrinsic
good. He made it clear that the ultimate good is better than the instrumental good for the latter is
good as a means to achieving something else or some other end while the former is good in itself.

Remember the following terms:

Ultimate/Intrinsic Good- the value is itself (Example: Happiness)
Instrumental/Extrinsic- in order to know the value, an action is needed to reveal it
(Example: Money, Justice)

Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good

What then is the ultimate good? Based on the contrast between the two types of good, one could
reflect on some potential candidates for the ultimate good. These are situations to better
understand the ultimate good.
Is pleasure an ultimate good?
You might aim for pleasure in the food you eat or in the experiences you immerse
yourselves into. Yet, while pleasure is an important human need, it can’t be the ultimate good.
Why? First, it is transitory- it passes. You might have been pleased with the food you had for
lunch, but you will be hungry again or will want something else after a while. Second, pleasure
does not encompass all aspects of life. You might be pleased with an opportunity to travel but
that may not make you feel good about leaving, say, your studies or the pandemic we have been
struggling now. So, is pleasure an ultimate good? It’s not.
Is wealth an ultimate good?
Others might think that wealth is a potential candidate for the ultimate good, but a critique of
wealth would prove otherwise. Indeed, many, if not most, aim to be financially stable, to be rich, or
to be able to afford a luxurious life. However, it is very common to hear people say that they aim to
be wealthy insofar as it would help them achieve some other goals. Elsewhere, it is also common
to hear stories about people who have become very wealthy but remain, by and large, unhappy
with the lives they lead. In this sense, wealth is just an intermediate good- that is, only
instrumental. It is not the ultimate good because it is not self-sufficient and does not stop one
from aiming for some other ‘greater’ good.
Is fame and honor an ultimate good?

Many people today seem motivated by a desire to be known- to be famous. Others strive
for honor and recognition. This is reflected by those people who use social media to acquire large
virtual following on the internet and wish to gain foothold on the benefits that fame brings. Many
people act according to how they think they will be admired and appreciated by other people.
However, these cannot constitute the ultimate good, simply because they are based on the
perception of others. Fame and honor can never be good in themselves. If one’s definition of
the good life is being popular or respected, then the good life becomes elusive since it is based on
the subjective views of others.
Unlike pleasure, wealth, fame, and honor, happiness is the ultimate good. In Aristotelian sense,
happiness is “living well and doing well”. Among the Greeks, this is known as eudaimonia from
the root words eu meaning good and daimon meaning spirit. Combining the root words,
eudaimonia means happiness or welfare. More accurately, others translate it as human flourishing
or prosperity. Aristotle proposed two hallmarks of eudaimonia,
namely virtue and excellence. Thus, happiness in the sense of eudaimonia has to be
distinguished from merely living good. Eudaimonia transcends all aspects of life for it is about
living well in whatever one does.

Eudaimonia: Uniquely Human?

Eudaimonia or happiness is unique to humans for it is a uniquely human function. It is
achieved only through a rationally directed life. Aristotle’s notion of a tripartite soul as
summarized in the diagram below nested hierarchy of the functions and activities of the soul. The
degrees and functions of the soul are nested, such that the one which has a higher degree of
soul has all of the lower degrees. Thus, on the nutritive degree, all living things for example
plants, animals and humans require nourishment and have the ability to reproduce. On the
sensitive degree, only animals and humans have the ability to move and perceive. Finally, on the
rational degree, only humans are capable of theorethical and practical functions. Following this,
humans possess the nutritive, sensitive, and rational degrees of the soul. More importantly, only
humans are capable of a life guided by reason. Because this so, happiness too, is a uniquely
human function for it can only be achieved through a rationally directed life.
Aristotle’s Tripartite Soul
Arete and Human Happiness
Eudaimonia is what defines the good life. To live a good life is to live a happy life. For Aristotle,
eudaimonia is only possible by living a life of virtue.
What is Arete?
 It is a Greek term defined as “excellence of any kind” and can also mean “moral virtue”. A virtue is what
makes one function well. Aristotle suggested two types of virtue: intellectual virtue and moral virtue.

Intellectual virtue- it is achieved through education, time, and experience. Key intellectual virtues
are wisdom, which guides ethical behavior, and understanding, which is gained from scientific
endeavors and contemplation. Wisdom and understanding are achieved through formal and non-
formal means. Intellectual virtues are acquired through self-taught knowledge and skills as much
as those knowledge and skills taught and learned in formal institutions.

Moral Virtue- it is achieved through habitual practice. Some key moral virtues are generosity,
temperance, and courage. Aristotle explained that although the capacity for intellectual virtue is
innate, it is brought into completion by practice. It is by repeatedly being unselfish that one
develops the virtue of generosity. It is by repeatedly resisting and foregoing every inviting
opportunity that one develops the virtue of temperance. It is by repeatedly exhibiting the proper
action and emotional response in the face of danger that one develops the virtue of courage. By
and large, moral virtue is like a skill. A skill is acquired only through repeated practice. Everyone is
capable of learning how to play the guitar because everyone has an innate capacity for intellectual
virtue, but not everyone acquires it because only those who devote time and practice develop the
skill of playing the instrument.
 If one learns that eating too much fatty foods is bad for the health, he or she has to make it a habit to stay
away from this type of food because health contributes to living well and doing well.
 If one believes that too much use of social media is detrimental to human relationships and productivity, he or
she must regulate his or her use of social media and deliberately spend more time with friends, family, and work than
in virtual platform.
 If one understands the enormous damage to the environment that plastic materials bring, he or she must
repeatedly forego the next plastic item he or she could do away with. Good relationship dynamics and a healthy
environment contribute to one’s wellness, in how he or she lives and what he or she does.

With the given three situations above, both intellectual virtue and moral virtue should be in
accordance with reason to achieve eudaimonia. Indifference with these virtues, for reasons that
are only for one’s convenience, pleasure, or satisfaction, leads humans away from eudaimonia.
What then is the good life?
Putting everything in perspective, the good life in the sense of eudaimonia is the state of
being happy, healthy, and prosperous in the way one thinks, lives, and acts. The path to the good
life consists of the virtues of thought and character, which are relative mediators between the two
extremes of excess and deficiency. In his way, the good life is understood as happiness brought
about by living a virtuous life.
One could draw parallels between moving toward the good life and moving toward further
progress and development in science and technology. In appraising the goodness, the next
medical procedure, the new social media trend, the latest mobile device, or the upcoming
technology for food safety, one must be guided by Aristotelian virtues. Science and technology
can be ruined by under-or-over-appreciation of the scope and function it plays in the pursuit of the
uniquely human experience of happiness. Refusing science and technology altogether to improve
human life is as problematic as allowing it to entirely dictate reason and action without any regard
for ethical and moral standards. By imposing on science and technology an ethical standard that is
not dictated by itself, as C.S. Lewis proposed, not only will scientific advancement and
technological development flourish, but also the human person.
To enhance your learning, watch the documentary film entitled “That Sugar Film” (2015)
Happiness as the Goal of a Good Life
In 18th century, John Stuart Mill declared the Greatest Happiness Principle by saying that
an action is right as far as it maximizes the attainment of happiness for the greatest number of
people. At a time when people were skeptical about claims on metaphysical, people could not
make sense of the human flourishing that Aristotle talked about in the days of old. Mill said that
individual happiness should be prioritized and collectively dictates the kind of action that should be
endorsed. Consider the pronouncements against mining. When an action benefits the greatest
number of people, said action is deemed ethical. Does mining benefit than hurt the majority? Does
it offer more benefits rather than disadvantages? Does mining result in more people getting happy
than sad? If the answers to the said questions are in the affirmative, then the said action, mining,
is deemed ethical.
Through the ages, man has constantly struggled with the external world in order to reach
human flourishing. History has given birth to different schools of thought which will be mentioned
below, all of which aim for the good and happy life.

1. Materialism
Do material things make you happy?

The first materialists were the atomists in Ancient Greece. Democritus and Leucippus led a school
whose primary belief is that the world is made up of and is controlled by the tiny indivisible units in
the world called atomos or seeds. For Democritus and his disciples, the world including human
beings, is made up of matter. There is no need to posit immaterial entities as sources of purpose.
Atomos simply comes together randomly to form the things in the world. As such, only material
entities matter. In terms of human flourishing, matter is what makes us attain happiness. We see
this at work with most people who are clinging on to material wealth as the primary source of the
meaning of their existence.

2. Hedonism
Are you the type of a happy-go-lucky person?

The hedonists, for their part, see the end goal of life in acquiring pleasure. Pleasure has always
been the priority of hedonists. For them, life is about obtaining and indulging in pleasure because
life is limited. The mantra of this school of thought is the famous, “Eat, drink, and be merry for
tomorrow we die”. Led by Epicurus, this school of thought also does not buy any notion of
afterlife just like the materialists.

3. Stoicism
Have you encountered a certain point of your life that there are events which were surprisingly
happened out of your plans? It may be good or bad, Stoics discussed it as “not within our control”
and acceptance is a key for us to be happy.
Another school of thought led by Epicurus, the stoics espoused the idea that to generate
happiness, one must learn to distance oneself and be apathetic. The original term, apatheia,
precisely means to be indifferent. For the stoics, happiness can only be attained by a careful
practice of apathy. We should, in this worldview, adopt the fact that some things are not within
our control. The sooner we realize this, the happier we can become.

4. Theism
Amidst the pandemic we are facing right now, we Filipinos have a strong faith with God that this
pandemic will end very soon. With that belief, everything will be at ease by putting our trust unto

Most people find their meaning of their lives using God as a fulcrum of their existence. The
Philippines, as a predominantly Catholic country, is a witness to how people base their life goals
and beliefs that hinged on some form of supernatural reality called heaven. The ultimate basis of
happiness for theists is the communion with God. The world where we are in is only just a
temporary reality where we have to maneuver around while waiting for the ultimate return to the
hands of God

5. Humanism
We are the ones making our own destiny. The question is, are you happy with the life you have?

Humanism as another school of thought espouses the freedom of man to carve his own destiny
and legislate his own laws, free from the shackles of a God that monitors and controls. Inspired by
the enlightenment in 17th century, humanists see themselves not merely as stewards of the
creation but as individuals who are in control of themselves and the world outside them. This is the
spirit of most scientists who thought that the world is a place and space for freely unearthing the
world in seeking for ways on how to improve the lives of its inhabitants.
Scientists of today meanwhile are ready to confront more sophisticated attempts at altering
the world for the benefit of humanity. Some people now are willing to tamper with time and space
in the name of technology. Social media, as an example, has been so far a very effective way of
employing technology in purging time and space. Not very long ago, communication between two
people from two continents in the planet will involve months of waiting for a mail to arrive. Seeing
each other real time while talking was virtually impossible. Now, communication between two
people wherever they are, is not just possible but easy. The internet and smart phones made real-
time communication possible not just between two people, but even with multiple people
Whether or not we agree with these technological advancements, these are all undertaken
in the hopes of attaining the good life. The balance, however, between the good life, ethics, and
technology has to be attained.
To better understand what is meant by good life with these school of thoughts, read the article
provided below.
What is the Good life?
The various meanings of “living well”
By Emrys Westacott

What is “the good life”? This is one of the oldest philosophical questions. It has been posed in
different ways—How should one live? What does it mean to “live well”? —but these are really just
the same question. After all, everyone wants to live well, and no one wants “the bad life.”
But the question isn’t as simple as it sounds. Philosophers specialize in unpacking hidden
complexities, and the concept of the good life is one of those that needs quite a bit of unpacking.
The Moral Life
One basic way we use the word “good” is to express moral approval. So, when we say someone is
living well or that they have lived a good life, we may simply mean that they are a good person,
someone who is courageous, honest, trustworthy, kind, selfless, generous, helpful, loyal,
principled, and so on.
They possess and practice many of the most important virtues. And they don’t spend all their time
merely pursuing their own pleasure; they devote a certain amount of time to activities that benefit
others, perhaps through their engagement with family and friends, or through their work, or
through various voluntary activities.
This moral conception of the good life has had plenty of champions. Socrates and Plato both gave
absolute priority to being a virtuous person over all other supposedly good things such as
pleasure, wealth, or power.
In Plato’s dialogue Gorgias, Socrates takes this position to an extreme. He argues that it is much
better to suffer wrong than to do it; that a good man who has his eyes gouged out and is tortured
to death is more fortunate than a corrupt person who has used wealth and power dishonorably.
In his masterpiece, the Republic, Plato develops this argument in greater detail. The morally good
person, he claims, enjoys a sort of inner harmony, whereas the wicked person, no matter how rich
and powerful he may be or how many pleasures he enjoys, is disharmonious, fundamentally at
odds with himself and the world.
It is worth noting, though, that in both the Gorgias and the Republic, Plato bolsters his argument
with a speculative account of an afterlife in which virtuous people are rewarded and wicked people
are punished.
Many religions also conceive of the good life in moral terms as a life lived according to God’s laws.
A person who lives this way—obeying the commandments and performing the proper rituals—
is pious. And in most religions, such piety will be rewarded. Obviously, many people do not receive
their reward in this life.
But devout believers are confident that their piety will not be in vain. Christian martyrs went singing
to their deaths confident that they would soon be in heaven. Hindus expect that the law of karma
will ensure that their good deeds and intentions will be rewarded, while evil actions and desires will
be punished, either in this life or in future lives.
The Life of Pleasure
The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus was one of the first to declare, bluntly, that what makes
life worth living is that we can experience pleasure. Pleasure is enjoyable, it’s fun,
it’s...well...pleasant! The view that pleasure is the good, or, to put I another way, that pleasure is
what makes life worth living, is known as hedonism.
The word “hedonist,” when applied to a person, has slightly negative connotations. It suggests that
they are devoted to what some have called the “lower” pleasures such as sex, food, drink, and
sensual indulgence in general.
Epicurus was thought by some of his contemporaries to be advocating and practicing this sort of
lifestyle, and even today an “epicure” is someone who is especially appreciative of food and drink.
But this is a misrepresentation of Epicureanism. Epicurus certainly praised all kinds of pleasures.
But he didn’t advocate that we lose ourselves in sensual debauchery for various reasons:
 Doing so will probably reduce our pleasures in the long run since over-indulgence tends to cause health
problems and limit the range of pleasure we enjoy.
 The so-called “higher” pleasures such as friendship and study are at least as important as “pleasures of the
 The good life has to be virtuous. Although Epicurus disagreed with Plato about the value of pleasure, he fully
agreed with him on this point.

Today, this hedonistic conception of the good life is arguably dominant in Western culture. Even in
everyday speech, if we say someone is “living the good life,” we probably mean that they enjoying
lots of recreational pleasures: good food, good wine, skiing, scuba diving, lounging by the pool in
the sun with a cocktail and a beautiful partner.
What is key to this hedonistic conception of the good life is that it emphasizes subjective
experiences. On this view, to describe a person as “happy” means that they “feel good,” and a
happy life is one that contains many “feel good” experiences.
The Fulfilled Life
If Socrates emphasizes virtue and Epicurus emphasizes pleasure, another great Greek
thinker, Aristotle, views the good life in a more comprehensive way. According to Aristotle, we all
want to be happy.
We value many things because they are a means to other things. For instance, we value money
because it enables us to buy things we want; we value leisure because it gives us time to pursue
our interests. But happiness is something we value not as a means to some other end but for its
own sake. It has intrinsic value rather than instrumental value.
So for Aristotle, the good life is a happy life. But what does that mean? Today, many people
automatically think of happiness in subjectivist terms: To them, a person is happy if they are
enjoying a positive state of mind, and their life is happy if this is true for them most of the time.
There is a problem with this way of thinking about happiness in this way, though. Imagine a
powerful sadist who spends much of his time gratifying cruel desires. Or imagine a pot-smoking,
beer-guzzling couch potato who does nothing but sit around all day watching old TV shows and
playing video games. These people may have plenty of pleasurable subjective experiences. But
should we really describe them as “living well”?
Aristotle would certainly say no. He agrees with Socrates that to live the good life one must be a
morally good person. And he agrees with Epicurus that a happy life will involve many and varied
pleasurable experiences. We can’t really say someone is living the good life if they are often
miserable or constantly suffering.
But Aristotle’s idea of what it means to live well is objectivist rather than subjectivist. It isn’t just a
matter of how a person feels inside, although that does matter. It’s also important that certain
objective conditions be satisfied.
For instance:
 Virtue: They must be morally virtuous.
 Health: They should enjoy good health and reasonably long life.
 Prosperity: They should be comfortably off (for Aristotle this meant affluent enough so that they don’t need to
work for a living doing something that they would not freely choose to do.)
 Friendship: They must have good friends. According to Aristotle human beings are innately social; so the
good life can’t be that of a hermit, a recluse, or a misanthrope.
 Respect: They should enjoy the respect of others. Aristotle doesn’t think that fame or glory is necessary; in
fact, a craving for fame can lead people astray, just as the desire for excessive wealth can. But ideally, a person’s
qualities and achievements will be recognized by others.
 Luck: They need good luck. This is an example of Aristotle’s common sense. Any life can be rendered
unhappy by tragic loss or misfortune.
 Engagement: They must exercise their uniquely human abilities and capacities. This is why the couch potato
is not living well, even if they report that they are content. Aristotle argues that what separates human beings from the
other animals is the human reason. So, the good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational
faculties by, for instance, engaging in scientific inquiry, philosophical discussion, artistic creation, or legislation. Was
he alive today he might well include some forms of technological innovation?

If at the end of your life you can check all these boxes then you could reasonably claim to have
lived well, to have achieved the good life. Of course, the great majority of people today do not
belong to the leisure class as Aristotle did. They have to work for a living.
But it’s still true that we think the ideal circumstance is to be doing for a living what you would
choose to do anyway. So, people who are able to pursue their calling are generally regarded as
extremely fortunate.
The Meaningful Life
Recent research shows that people who have children are not necessarily happier than people
who don’t have children. Indeed, during the child-raising years, and especially when children have
turned into teenagers, parents typically have lower levels of happiness and higher levels of stress.
But even though having children may not make people happier, it does seem to give them the
sense that their lives are more meaningful.
For many people, the well-being of their family, especially their children and grandchildren, is the
main source of meaning in life. This outlook goes back a very long way. In ancient times, the
definition of good fortune was to have lots of children who do well for themselves.
But obviously, there can be other sources of meaning in a person’s life. They may, for instance,
pursue a particular kind of work with great dedication: e.g. scientific research, artistic creation, or
scholarship. They may devote themselves to a cause: e.g. fighting against racism or protecting the
environment. Or they may be thoroughly immersed in and engaged with some particular
community: e.g. a church, a soccer team, or a school.
The Finished Life
The Greeks had a saying: Call no man happy until he’s dead. There is wisdom in this. In fact, one
might want to amend it to: Call no man happy until he’s long dead. For sometimes a person can
appear to live a fine life, and be able to check all the boxes—virtue, prosperity, friendship, respect,
meaning, etc.—yet eventually be revealed as something other than what we thought they were.
A good example of this Jimmy Saville, the British TV personality who was much admired in his
lifetime but who, after he died, was exposed as a serial sexual predator.
Cases like this bring out the great advantage of an objectivist rather than a subjectivist notion of
what it means to live well. Jimmy Saville may have enjoyed his life. But surely, we would not want
to say that he lived the good life. A truly good life is one that is both enviable and admirable in all
or most of the ways outlined above.
Week 11: When Technology and Humanity Cross

The worry begins when we question ourselves that what if we will be replaced by
robots 10 years from now? Where does humanity stand in the face of these
technological advancements?
The roles played by technology these days are very crucial not only to a few but
also to everyone. In one way or another, each person in the society is directly or
indirectly affected by technology whether he wills it or not. In fact, most people survive
their everyday lives with great reliance to the different technological advancements
already available to the masses. While there may be some who would claim that their
lives are not greatly affected by technology, the fact cannot be denied that technology
is already an inevitable part of the society.
It is with great effort that people were able to achieve such great inventions. It
makes life so much easier and more convenient than ever before. It can clearly be seen
from the simplest task at home to the most complicated ones inside the office or
laboratory. Technology these days enjoys such fame and glory because of the many
different benefits it brings to mankind. Some would even say that it does not only bring
convenience but also pleasure and happiness to people. This is because of the
different leisure activities that technology can offer to people. For example, it allows
people to listen to good music wherever they are. Another is, it allows them to
communicate with their loved ones anywhere in the world; but most of all, it allows them
to surf and play games anytime, anywhere.
The act of pinpointing a single activity that does not in any way require the use of
technology has become very hard because almost all activities that humans perform
already require the assistance of some kind of technological advancement. But this is
not all, for there are people who would even argue that technology has become a
necessity and no longer a want. At present, people work very hard in order to save
money to buy these necessities while in the past, people only used their money for the
things that would help them survive like food, housing, and clothing. In effect, anything
outside these categories was considered a luxury. However, that is no longer the case
at present.
In general, technology keeps on progressing due to not only the changing times
and environment but also to the ever-progressing mind of mankind. It would not be
possible for all these technological advancements to exist if it were not for the brilliance,
creativeness, and power of the mind. However, it is also important to note that anything
too much is bad. The same problem is faced by technology. Although it has been very
helpful to people, it is still not immune to criticisms and backlash. Various ethical
dilemmas have been identified throughout time involving the use of different
technological devices and its effects to humanity. Usually, different problems arise
when either the technological device available is misused or if in the first place, it was
invented to produce bad results. People who are aware of the possible dangers of the
use or misuse of technology are not keeping still. They lay these dilemmas for the
public to see and realize what they are in for.
There are lots of technological advancements that are available in our modern
world today and in this module, we mainly focus on the three most commonly used
(Television, Mobile Phone, and Computers/Laptops).


 According to Kantar Media, one of the most trusted television audience

measurement providers, in the Philippines, 92 percent of urban homes and
70 percent or rural homes own at least one television set that’s why
television remains to be the ultimate medium for advertisement placements.
 Filipinos have a big fascination with televisions because according to
Kantar Media, the current count of households with television set already
reached 15.135 million and counting.
How were televisions invented?
 Paul Gottlieb Nipkow,
a German Student, in the late 1800s was successful in
his attempt to send images through wires with the aid of a rotating metal
disk. This invention was then called the “electric telescope” that had 18 lines of

Electric Telescope

 In 1907, two inventors Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton (left) who was an

English scientist and Boris Rosing (right) who was a Russian scientist,
created a new system of television by using the cathode ray tube in addition to
mechanical scanner system.

cathode ray tube with mechanical

scanner system

This success story gave rise to two types of television systems,

namely, mechanical and electronic television. These experiments inspired other
scientists to improve the previous inventions, which led to the modern television we
have today. However, it is important to remember that several scientists and several
experiments were performed first before finally achieving the modern television at

Mobile Phones
 We Filipinos love to use our mobile phones anywhere, anytime.
We use it for different purposes other than communication. More than half of the
Filipino population own at least one mobile phone regardless of type.
 In 2010, global research agency Synovate conducted a survey and
declared 67 percent product ownership in the country. In fact, it was also claimed that
mobile phones are considered a must-have among young Filipinos.
 Ipsos Media Atlas Philippines Nationwide Urban 2011-2012 survey regarding
the love of Filipino people in using their mobile phones resulted that one in every three
Filipinos cannot live without a mobile phone. In other words, 30% of the Philippine urban
population nationwide said that mobile phones are necessities in life.
 Philippine streets are full of people using their mobile phones. Not
only this, there are some Filipinos who even own more than one mobile phone.
Brief Background of Mobile Phones
 On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola, made the
world’s first mobile phone call.
 He called their rival telecommunications company and properly informed
them that he was making the call from a mobile phone.
 The mobile phone used by Cooper weighed 1.1 kilograms and this
device was capable of a 30-minute talk time. However, it took 10 hours to
 In 1983, Motorola made their first commercial mobile phone available to
the public. It was known as the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.

 martin cooper

 Some Filipino families own more than one computer or laptop
while some own at least one computer or laptop. However, the number of computers or
laptops sold per year may not be as high as the number of mobile phones and
television sets because of the relative high cost of computers.
 In 2010, 3.6 trillion was the estimated total value output of all
manufacturing establishments. Semi-conductor devices and other electronic
components took more than half of the total value output of all manufacturing
establishments. 5.4 % of the total value output came from computers and peripheral
equipment and accessories.
 In line with growing number of computer and laptop sales, there
has also been a growing number of Internet users in the Philippines.

Charles Babbage- a 19th century English Mathematics professor, who

designed the Analytical Engine which was used as the basic
framework of the computers even until the present time. In general,
computers can be classified into three generations. Each generation
of the computer was used for a certain period of time and each gave
people a new and improved version of the previous one.
(Note: Before, the first design of computer was so big that it could
occupy whole floors of buildings. It was not long before people started dreaming that
they could bring their devices to any place they wished. Wish granted because in April
1981, the first true portable computer was released. It was called the Osborne 1.)

Osborne 1 Computer
Here are some facts about Filipinos and their use of gadgets and the Internet:

 Mobile phone subscription is at 119 million

 Filipinos spend approximately 3.2 hours on mobile and 5.2 hours
on desktop daily.
 Currently, the Philippines has one of the highest digital populations
in the world.
 There are now 47 million active Facebook accounts in the
 The Philippines is the fastest-growing application market in
Southeast Asia.
Roles Played by Television, Mobile Phones, and Computers/Laptops

1. Television
 It is mainly used as a platform for advertisements and information
dissemination. For example, speeches of VIPs, important interview of
politicians, and launching of rockets and space crafts, which are directly
telecast will make us feel as if the entire world has become our next-door
neighbor. Another example is the news that is daily broadcasted for us to
be aware of the happenings around us. As easy as that, we will be
connected to the world at the comfort of our homes.
 It is the most used avenue by different advertising companies not only in
the Philippines but also all over the world and it is still one of the most used
technological devices up until today. This is because television is able to
attract the audiences of all age groups, literate and illiterate and of all the
strata of the society. It has been also able to influence the people living in
remote areas of our country as its outreach has covered the remotest
villages and tribal pockets. Through this, it would bring about awareness
among the people of sociological problems and make them conscious of
national goals which will play a vital role in cultivating civic consciousness
and respect for law and public morality.
 It also serves as a recreational activity and good stress reliever to most
families, specifically to Filipino families. This has been one of our family
bonding since then. Through viewing as one family, we will be able to share
thoughts with each other and can be considered as a leisure time for
everyone. Most Filipino families love to watch comedy movies in television
that will make them laugh and relieve stress from work. Some also watch
educational movies which is suited for all especially those families with kids.
That is why television plays a big role in connecting every Filipino family
because through this technological advancement, it brings us closer to our
loved ones.
2. Mobile Phones
 Primarily used for communication and it can offer services like texting and
calling and additional features of mobile phones today
 Some people use their mobile phones to surf the Internet and to take
pictures more than to text or call people that’s why people prefer smart
phones for its additional features.
 It is like an all-in-one device. It is very portable and convenient because it
can fit into any space, may it be inside the pocket or bag. This is a good
example that we can even use our mobile phones in our work. It may help
us access anytime the important things we want to search with the aid of
the Internet. Unlike televisions and computers/laptops, mobile phones are
easy to bring anywhere. The good thing about mobile phones is it’s almost
similar with the features of television and computers/laptops, however, has
also its limitations that other gadgets can offer
 In Japan, mobile phone companies provide immediate notification of
earthquakes and other natural disasters to their customers free of charge.
In the event of an emergency, disaster response crews can locate trapped
or injured people using the signals from their mobile phones or the small
detonator of flare in the battery of every cell phone; an interactive menu
accessible through the phone's Internet browser notifies the company if the
user is safe or in distress.
3. Computers/Laptops

 It has a wide keyboard and screen compared to mobile phones that’s

why it is easy to type.
 Mouse and a touchpad are made available to easily maneuver than
mobile phones.
 For youth and those who love to play different computer games,
personal computers or laptops are really the better choice because these
allow them to play with comfort and convenience.
 Laptops/computers can help students write papers more easily as well.
Typing can make the writing process go faster, and the tools in word
processing software make it easier for students to edit their work. By
writing on laptops instead of a desktop computer, students can work at
home, in the library or during work time in class. A project to give students
laptops in the classroom in Maine resulted in an increase in student
writing achievement, according to The National Writing Project. Eighty
percent of students in the project said they would rather use their laptop to
do their work and were more likely to edit their work using their laptop. In
addition, 75 percent said that laptops helped them to be better organized,
while 70 percent said laptops helped them improve the quality of their
work. (Retrieved from:
 Group work is integral to student success. Students who learn how to
work in a team and benefit from the strengths of other students in the
group learn material in a new way. Laptops facilitate group work by
allowing students to meet at any location -- whether it's a library, school
room or a student's home -- and access all the materials they may need,
including classroom notes, journal articles, online research or software for
creating videos, slide shows or other items they may need for
Ethical Dilemmas Faced by these Technological Advancements
While it’s true that these technological devices are useful and beneficial, the fact
remains that there are several dilemmas faced by these “necessities”. Here are the
following ethical dilemmas that these technologies may bring:

1. Children becoming unhealthy with the use of technology

Are you becoming dependent on technology just like these kids? What might you
get from too much use of gadgets?
Most parents would argue that these devices make their children addicted and
unhealthy. This is because of the fact that people who are fixated on these
technological advancements start and end their day by using such devices. They have
a great tendency to sit and chill all day long without doing anything productive in their
homes, thus making them unhealthy because they do not just skip meals sometimes
but also lack exercise or any bodily movements.
For example, those who love to watch television shows stay in front of the
television for more than six hours a day while those who love to surf the Internet or play
computer games stay on their laptops, computers or mobile phones for more than a
half day. These people have the tendency to be unaware of the time because they are
so engrossed with the use of technological device. In fact, if they get disturbed, there is
a great chance that they will get mad or annoyed. Moreover, these are the same people
who are more likely to experience alienation because they no longer take time to get
out of their houses and mingle with other people.
On this first dilemma, it is really concerning to know that there are people who
develop different kinds of sickness because of too much use of technological devices.
Not only this, it also causes them to become reclusive, alienating themselves from
other people. Although some would argue that technology brings people together, it can
also be argued that this is not always the case in real world because it may bring them
virtually closer but not physically or personally. In fact, there are people who are friends,
for example, only on social media but not in real life. This just shows that there are
things that technology claims to do but in reality, does not. It is for these reasons why
there are people who call for the establishment of ethics of technology. This
subcategory of ethics will in one way or another guide people on how technology ought
to be used in order to prevent abuse and other unfortunate results.
The word “responsibility” in the sense of being accountable for and
accountable to is very appropriate to the ethics of technology because it makes each
and every person in the scientific-technological development a proxy with reference to
one another. In other words, each person must indicate the priorities, values, norms,
and principles that constitute the grounds for one’s actions and define one’s
contribution to the scientific-technological event. The ethics of responsibility focuses on
the positive rather than negative. Instead of asking “What ought not to be allowed?” ask
“What ought to be allowed?” To put it in another way, people who are part of the
scientific development ought to let the public know the good in their respective
technological contribution/s. in this way, the people will have an idea how the devices
ought to be used in order to maximize their positive results.
2. Moral dilemma
Technology is accessible to anyone. Can you imagine your brothers/sisters at an
early age were exposed already to the use of technology?
People, especially the children who are not capable yet of rationally deciding for
themselves what is right or wrong, are freely exposed to different things on television,
mobile phones, laptops, or computers. Due to the availability and easy access to the
Internet, they can just easily search the web and go to different websites without
restrictions. This allows them to see, read, or hear things which are not suitable for their
very young age. This makes them very vulnerable to character change and can greatly
affect the way they view the world and the things around them.
In this sense, moral dilemma can be a danger to the children brought by
technology. Why? Moral dilemma is defined as a conflict between what is the right or
wrong decision to be made in particular situations or whether an action will have good
or bad consequences. In the context that these children are not yet capable to decide
for themselves and determine what is right or wrong, they tend to acquire both good
and bad consequences. Good consequences like for example, at an early age, they will
be corrected and properly educated by their parents on how these technologies should
be properly used and pose an awareness the next time they encounter these gadgets.
On the other hand, the children will also be prone to bad consequences because at an
early age, they are already exposed to these technological advancements where in fact
they should be more of interpersonal activities with the family and should be developing
their skills and talents at this age. The consequence is later on when they grow older,
they might be lacking in some parts of their developmental growth that will lead to
However, on this second dilemma, neither the people in the scientific world nor
the children are blameworthy because first, the children are not yet capable of rationally
deciding for themselves what is good and what is bad. Second, even if creators of
these technologies went out of their way to inform children of the pros and cons of
these technological contributions, it would still be useless because the children have no
capacity to understand them yet. So, in this dilemma, the ones to be blamed are the
adults who allowed the children to have access to such devices in the first place without
any supervision. It is the recklessness and overconfidence of the adults that cause the
character change in children. However, we should not be putting blames into anyone
else now, instead, we should always be there to supervise our youngsters and assist
them in any technological endeavor they might be in or better, limit them in using any
Week 12: Robotics and Humanity
The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) and United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe (UNECE) made it their task to formulate a working definition for
service robots. A robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes
with a degree of autonomy, moving within environment, to perform intended tasks.
Autonomy is the ability to perform intended tasks based on current state and
sensing without human intervention.
 A service robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment
excluding industrial automation application.

At your service! Robots are now made today to aide and assist humans in the
form of service.
Note: A robot may be classified according to its intended application as an industrial
robot or a service robot.
 A personal service robot or a service robot for personal use is a service robot
used for a noncommercial task, usually by laypersons.

Robots as humans’ friend? If not for service, robots are made to be one’s friend
and will be there anytime.
Examples are domestic servant robot, automated wheelchair, personal mobility
assist robot, and pet exercising robot.
 A professional service robot or a service robot for professional use is a
service robot used for a commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained
Operator – a person designated to start, monitor, and stop the intended operation of
a robot or a robot system.

Look! Robots are on the go to be people’s customer representative. This is how

they can professionally act.
Other examples are cleaning robot for public places, delivery robot in offices or
hospitals, firefighting robot, rehabilitation robot, and surgery robot in hospitals
Germany was one of the first countries to develop service robots. As part of the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s “Service Robotics Innovation
Lead Initiative”, it sponsored a collaborative project called DESIRE (Deutsche
Servicerobotik Initiative- Germany Service Robotics Initiative) which was launched on
October 1, 2005.
The following are the DESIRE objectives:
 To achieve a technological edge toward attaining key functions and
components that are suited for everyday use.
 To create a reference architecture for mobile manipulation
 To promote the convergence of technologies through integration into a
common technology platform
 To conduct pre-competition research and development activities for new
products and technology transfer in start-up enterprises in the field of
service robotics
Some of the expected work to be performed by DESIRE are the following:

1. “Clear up the kitchen table” – all objects on top of the kitchen table will be
moved to where they belong.
2. “Fill the dishwasher” – the dirty dishes will be sorted correctly into the
3. “Clear up this room” – all objects that are not in their proper places will be
moved to where they belong.
The earliest conception of robots can be traced around 3000 B.C. from the
Egyptians. Their water clocks used human figurines to strike the hour bells. This
mechanical device was built to carry out specific physical task regularly.

Water clocks of Egyptians manipulated by

From that time on, different machines were
already built that displayed the same mechanism
and characteristics as the robots in the present.
For example, there was a wooden pigeon that
could fly, a talking doll, steam-powered robots,
and hydraulically-operated statues that could
speak and gesture. However, the earliest robots
as people know them were created in the early
1950s by George Devol. “Unimate” was his first
invention from the words “Universal Automation”.
Unfortunately, his attempt to sell his product to
the industry did not succeed. After Unimate,
several robots were also invented which were
better versions of the previous ones. Ever since,
people never stopped their quest in the field of robotics.
Roles Played by Robotics
Robots play different roles not only in the lives of the people but also in the
society as a whole. They are primarily used to ease the workload of mankind and were
invented to make life more efficient and less stressful. Just like people living in the
society, robots also have their own set of rules and characteristics that define what a
good robot is. These laws were formulated by Isaac Asimov back in the 1940s, when
he was thinking of the ethical consequences of robots.
LAW ONE: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
LAW TWO: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
LAW THREE: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Ethical Dilemma/s Faced by Robotics

1. SAFETY- Who should be held accountable if someone’s safety is compromised
by a robot? Who should be blamed, the robot, the agent using the robot, or the
maker/inventor of the robot? It is important to know who should be blamed and who
should be held responsible if such thing happens.
2. EMOTIONAL COMPONENT- What if robots become sentient? Should they be
granted robot rights? Should they have their own set of rights to be upheld, respected,
and protected by humans? This may seem a little absurd as of the moment, but looking
at how fast technology progress nowadays, it is not completely impossible for robots to
develop emotions. It is interesting to know how people would react if the time comes
when robots can already feel pain and pleasure. Would they act differently or not at all?
The question now is, are you ready when that time comes?

In the field of robotics, there are the so-called partial autonomy and full
autonomy. Partial autonomy includes active human-robot interaction while full
autonomy excludes active human robot other words, a robot with full
autonomy can perform actions or activities without a master telling it what should be
done or what should be performed next.

Using Asimov’s laws for robots, it can be concluded that robots are ethical but
only if they strictly follow the laws formulated by Asimov ensure the safety of not only
the users of the technology but also the people around him. Remember that these
service robots are already available to the public; thus, they can already be found
inside the homes. Having said that, the safety of not only the owner of the technology
but also all the people inside the house should be the priority more than anything else.
In other words, the service robots only follow what their masters tell them to do with
great consideration to the laws formulated by Asimov. However, if the agent using the
technology misuses the robot to achieve personal agendas, then without a doubt, the
agent should be held accountable for any consequences it may bring. It is important to
note that this is under the assumption that the robot strictly followed the laws specified
without any form of deviation.

If the problems arise when the robot deviates from the laws specified, then the
maker or the inventor of the machine should be blameworthy. It just means that the
robot was not programmed very well because it violated the laws. Other problems may
arise when the machine develops the ability to think for itself. In this case, the one that
should be blame can both be the maker or inventor and the robot itself. This is because,
in the first place, the maker gave the robot the capacity to think for itself so he should
be very much aware of its possible consequences. To put it in another way, the maker
programmed the robot in such a way that it can already think for itself without an active
participation from a human being. In addition, since the robot thinks for itself, whatever
decision it makes and whatever consequence it may bring, the robot itself should be
held responsible.

For the second dilemma, it is just right for the robots to be given their own set of
rights should they develop the ability to feel different kinds of emotion. It can be argued
that the same thing happened with animals. Before, animals did not have their own set
of rights because people believed that they were not capable of having emotions.
However, after years of testing and experimenting, it was concluded that animals are
indeed capable of emotions. It is for the reason that people decided to give them rights
that are due to them. The same should be done to robots without any reservations.
Should that time come, they ought to be treated differently and they ought to have new
laws to follow in order to accommodate the new characteristic they have developed.

Why the Future Does Not Need Us

Why the Future Does Not Need Us
Can you imagine a future without the human race? Do you think that robots and
machines can replace humans? Do you believe that there will come a time when
human existence will be at the mercy of robots and machines? It is also possible that
medical breakthroughs in the future may go terribly wrong that a strain of drug-resistant
viruses could wipe out the entire human race?
For some, imagining a future without humans is nearly synonymous to the end
of the world. Many choose not to speculate about a future where humans cease to exist
while the world remains. However, a dystopian society void of human presence is the
subject of many works in literature and film. The possibility of such society is also a
constant topic of debates.
William Nelson Joy- an American computer scientist and chief scientist of Sun
Microsystems, wrote an article in April 2000 for Wired magazine entitled Why the
Future doesn’t need us? In his article, Joy warned against the rapid rise of new
technologies. He explained that 21st century technologies- genetics, nanotechnology,
and robotics (GNR)- are becoming very powerful that they can potentially bring about
new classes of accidents, threats, and abuses. He further warned that these dangers
are even more pressing because they do not require large facilities or even rare raw
materials- knowledge alone will make them potentially harmful to humans.
What are the arguments of Joy in his article?
 He argued that robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology pose much
greater threats than technological developments that have come before.
 He particularly cited the ability of nanobots to self-replicate, which could
quickly get out of control.
 He also cautioned humans against overdependence on machines that if
machines are given the capacity to decide on their own, it will be impossible to predict
how they might behave in the future. In this case, the fate of the human race would be
at the mercy of machines.
 He voiced out his apprehension about the rapid increase of computer power
which made him concern about computers will eventually become more intelligent than
humans, thus ushering societies in dystopian visions, such as robot rebellions.
 His concern was drawn from Theodore Kaczynski’s book, Unabomber
Manifesto, where Kaczynski described that the unintended consequences of the design
and use of technology are clearly related to Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go
wrong, will go wrong” Kaczynski argued further that overreliance on antibiotics led to
the great paradox of emerging antibiotic-resistant strains of dangerous bacteria. The
introduction of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to combat malarial
mosquitoes, for instance, only gave rise to malarial parasites with multi-drug resistant
Joy’s arguments against 21st century technologies have received both criticisms
and expression shared concern. John Seeley Brown and Paul Duguid, in their
article A Response to Bill Joy and the Doom-and-Gloom Technofuturists, criticized
Joy’s failure to consider social factors and only deliberately focused on one part of
the larger picture. Others go as far as accusing Joy of being a neo-Luddite,
someone who rejects new technologies and shows technophobic leanings.
As a material, Joy’s article tackles the unpleasant and uncomfortable
possibilities that a senseless approach to scientific and technological advancements
may bring. Whether Joy’s propositions are a real possibility or an absolute moonshot,
it is unavoidable to think of a future that will no longer need the human race. It
makes thinking about the roles and obligations of every stakeholder a necessary
component of scientific and technological advancement. In this case, it is
preeminently necessary that the scientific community, governments, and businesses
engage in a discussion to determine the safeguards of humans against the potential
dangers of science and technology.
To enhance your learning watch this film: A.I Artificial Intelligence, 2001
Week 13: Information Age
Highly modernized, automated, data-driven and technologically advanced- these best
describe our society nowadays, as evidenced by how information could be transferred or shared
quickly. The different areas of society have been influenced tremendously such as
communications, economics, industry, health and the environment. Despite our gains due to
growing development of information technology, the rapid upgrade of information also had
disadvantages. This lesson will discuss the history and impact of technological advancements to
Life is accompanied by endless transmission of information that takes place within and
outside the body. According to Webster’s Encyclopedia Unabridged Dictionary, information is
“knowledge communicated or obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance.” Hence,
information is a very important tool for survival.
The Information Age is defined as a “period starting in the last quarter of the 20th century
when information became effortlessly accessible through publications and through the
management of information by computers and computer networks” ( n.d.). The
means of conveying symbolic information (e.g., writing, math, other codes) among humans has
evolved with increasing speed. The Information Age is also called the Digital Age and the New
Media Age because it was associated with the development of computers.
According to James R. Messenger who proposed the Theory of Information Age in 1982,
“the Information Age is a true new age based upon the interconnection of computers via
telecommunications, with these information systems operating on both a real-time and as needed
basis. Furthermore, the primary factors driving this new age forward are convenience and user-
friendliness which, in turn, will create user dependence.

Lesson Proper:

What is Information Age?

Information Age
 “period beginning in the last quarter of the 20th century when information became easily
accessible through publications and through the manipulation of information by computers and
computer networks” – WordNet
 also known as Digital Age and the New Media Age
 a true new age based upon the interconnection of computers via telecommunications,
with these information systems operating on both real-time and as-needed basis. Furthermore, the
primary factors driving this new age forward are convenience and user-friendliness, which, in turn,
will create user dependence.” – James R. Messenger

Do you happen to ask yourself one time, what is the origin of scripts and how it turned out into a
valuable and reliable information that we use today? Here is its history.
The table below traces the history and emergence of the Information Age.

Year Events
3000 B.C Sumerian writing system uses pictographs to represent words.

2900 Beginnings of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

1300 Tortoise shell and oracle bone writing.

500 Papyrus roll.

220 Chinese small seal writing developed.

100 A.D. Book (parchment codex).

105 Wood-block printing and paper is invented by the Chinese.

1455 Johann Gutenberg invents printing press using movable metal type.

1755 Samuel Johnson's dictionary standardizes English spelling.

 The Library of Congress is established.
 Invention of the carbon arc lamp.

1824 Research on persistence of vision published.

 First viable design for a digital computer.
1830s .
 Augusta Lady Byron writes world's first computer program

1837 Invention of telegraph in Great Britain and the United States.

1861 Motion pictures projected onto a screen.

1876 Dewey Decimal system introduced.

1877 Edweard Muybridge demonstrates high-speed photography.

1899 First magnetic recordings.

1902 Motion picture special effects.

1906 Lee DeForest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode).

1923 Television camera tube invented by Zvorkyn.

1926 First practical sound movie.

1939 Regularly scheduled television broadcasting begins in the U.S.

1940s Beginnings of information science as a discipline.

1945 Vannevar Bush foresees the invention of hypertext.

1946 ENIAC computer developed.

1948 Birth of field-of-information theory proposed by Claude E. Shannon.

1957 Planar transistor developed by Jean Hoerni

1958 First integrated circuit.

1960s Library of Congress develops LC MARC (machine readable code).

1969 UNIX operating system developed, which could handle multitasking.

1971 Intel introduces first microprocessor chip.

1972 Optical laserdisc developed by Philips and MCA.

1974 MCA and Philips agree on standard videodisc encoding format.

1975 Altair Microcomputer Kit: first personal computer for the public.

1977 RadioShack introduces first complete personal computer.

1984 Apple MacIntosh computer introduced.

Mid-'80s Artificial intelligence separates from information science.

1987 Hypercard developed by Bill Atkinson recipe box metaphor.

1991 Four hundred fifty complete works of literature on one CD-ROM.

RSA (Encryption and network security software) Internet security code cracked for a
Jan. 1997
48-bit number.

As man evolved, information and its dissemination has also evolved in many ways.
Eventually, we no longer kept them and manage them in different means. Information got ahead of
us. It started to grow at a rate we were unprepared to handle. Because of abundance of
information, it was difficult to collect and manage them starting in the 1960s and 1970s. during the
1980s, real angst set in, Richard Wurman called it “Information Anxiety.” In the 1990s, information
become the currency in the business world. Information was the preferred medium or exchange
and the information managers served as information officers. In the present generation, there is no
doubt that information has turned out to be a commodity, an overdeveloped product, mass-
produced and unspecified. Soon, we become overloaded with it.

Different authors have diverse, contrasting ideas on the evolution of the Information Age.
In spite of this, we can still say that information is a very important tool that helps improve our way
of life. On thins is for sure, the Information Age will continue to move forward and far greater than
our minds could imagine.

Gutenberg’s Press up to the Era of Social Media

German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg, invented the printing press around 1440. This
invention was a result of finding a way to improve the manual, tedious and slow printing methods.
A printing press is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface lying on a print medium, such
as cloth or paper, to transfer ink. Gutenberg’s hand mold printing press led to the creation of metal
movable type. Later, the two inventions were combined to make printing methods faster and they
drastically reduced the costs of printing documents.
The beginnings of mass communication ca be traced back to the invention of the printing
press. The development of a fast and easy way of disseminating information in print permanently
reformed the structure of society. Political and religious authorities who took pride in being learned
were threatened by the sudden rise of literacy among people. When rise of the printing press, the
printing revolution occurred which illustrated the tremendous social change brought by the wide
circulation of information. The printing press made the mass production of books possible which
made books accessible not only to the upper class.
As years progressed, calculations become involved in communication due to the rapid
developments in the trade sector. Back then, people who complied actuarial tables and did
engineering calculations served as “computers.” During World War II, the Allies countries that
opposed the Axis power were challenged with a serious shortage of human computers for military
calculations. When soldiers left for war, the shortage got worse, so the US addressed the problem
by creating the Harvard Mark 1, a general-purpose electromechanical computer that was 50 feet
long and capable of doing calculations in seconds that usually look people hours. At the same time,
Britain needed mathematician to crack the German Navy’s Enigma code. The Enigma was an
enciphering machine that the German armed forces used to securely send messages.
Alan Turing, an English mathematician, was hired in 1936 by the British top-secret
Government Code and Cipher School at Bletchley Park to break the Enigma code. His code-
breaking methods became ab industrial process having 12,000 people working 24/7.
To counteract this, the Nazis made the Enigma more complicated having approximately
10 possible permutations of every encrypted message. Turing, working on the side of the Allies,

invented Bombe, an electromechanical machine that enabled the British to decipher encrypted
messages of the German Enigma machine. This contribution of Turing along with the other
cryptologist shortened the war by two years (Munro, 2012).
In his paper, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem,
first published in 1937, Turing presented a theoretical machine called the Turing machine that can
solve any problem from simple instructions encoded on a paper tape. He also demonstrated the
simulations of the Turing machine to construct a single Universal Machine. This became the
foundation of computer science and the invention of a machine later called a computer, that can
solve any problem by performing any task from a written program (Dehaan, 2012).

In the 1970s, the generation who witnessed the dawn of the computer age was described
as the generation with "electronic brains." The people of this generation were the first to be
introduced to personal computers (PCs). Back then, the Homebrew Computer Club, an early
computer hobbyist group, gathered regularly to trade parts of computer hardware and talked about
how to make computers more accessible to everyone. Many members of the club ended up being
high-profile entrepreneurs, including the founders of Apple Inc. In 1976 Steve Wozniak, co-founder
of Apple Inc., developed the computer that made him famous: The Apple I. Wozniak designed the
operating system, hardware, and circuit board of the computer all by himself. Steve Jobs,
Wozniak's friend, suggested to sell the Apple I as a fully assembled printed circuit board. This
jumpstarted their career. Figure 27. Apple l, also called as founders of Apple Inc. Apple-I or Apple
Computer 1
From 1973 onward, social media platforms were introduced from variations of multi-user
chat rooms; instant-messaging applications (e.g. AOL, Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger,
Windows messenger); bulletin-board forum systems, game-based social networking sites (e.g.
Facebook, Friendster, Myspace) and business-oriented social networking websites (e.g., Xing);
messaging, video and voice calling services (e.g., Viber, Skype); blogging platform, image and
video hosting websites (e.g., Flicker); discovery and dating-oriented websites (e.g. Tagged,
Tinder); video sharing services (e.g., YouTube); real social media feed aggregator (e.g.,
FriendFeed); live-streaming (,; photo-video sharing websites (e.g., Pinterest
Instagram, Snapchat, Keek, Vine); and question-and-answer platforms (e.g., Quora). To date,
these social media platforms enable information exchange at its most efficient level.
The information age, which progressed from the invention of the printing press to the
development of numerous social media platforms, has immensely influenced the lives of the
people. The impact of these innovations can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on
the use of these technologies. Examples of these are the following:

Are among the most important contributions of advances in the Information Age to society
An electronic device that stores and processes data and runs on a program that contains the exact,
step-by-step directions to solve a problem
Types of Computers
Personal computer (PC)- single-user instrument and first known as microcomputers
because they were a complete computer, but built on a smaller scale than the enormous systems
operated by most businesses.Desktop Computer

1. Desktop Computer
a PC that is not designed for portability and it is set up in a permanent spot.
Workstation – a desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, additional memory, and
enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of tasks (e.g. 3D graphics) and offers more
storage, power, and versatility than their portable counterparts.
2. Laptops
also known as notebooks or portables that integrate the essentials of a desktop in a battery-
powered package somewhat larger than a typical hardcover book.
3. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
tightly integrated computers that usually do not have keyboards but rely on a touchscreen for user
input and typically smaller than a paperback, light-weight, and battery powered.
4. Wearable Computers
integrated into cell phones, watches, and other small objects or places and they perform such
common computer applications as databases, e-mail, multimedia, and schedulers.
a computer that has been improved to provide network services to other computers that usually
boast powerful processors, tons of memory, and large hard drives.
huge computer systems that could fill an entire room or even a floor of rooms.
the term mainframe has largely been replaced by enterprise server and used especially by large
firms, to process millions of transactions every day. Most comprise multiple, high-performance,
parallel computers working as a single system.
 a worldwide system of interconnected networks that facilitate data transmission among
innumerable computers.
 developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense and used mainly by scientists
to communicate with other scientists.

considered as the "Father of Information Theory"
he published a paper proposing that information can be quantitatively encoded as a sequence of
ones and zeroes.
Since Internet is widely used, here are some tips in validating and verifying a credible web source.
Criteria to evaluate Web Source
1. Authority. Who is responsible for the website on which the web page resides? What is the
website author's background?
Here are ways on how to find out:
 Look for an “About” or “More About the Author” link at the top, bottom, or sidebar of the
webpage. Some pages will have a corporate author rather than a single person as an author. If no
information about the author(s) of the page is provided, be suspicious.
 Try searching on the Internet for information about the author. The following questions must
be answered: What kinds of websites are associated with the author’s name? Is he or she
affiliated with any educational attainment? Do the websites associated with the author give you
any clue to particular biases the author might have?
2.Link checking. Most search engines allow you to type the URL (entry code) of the page you’re
browsing to find out what other sites link to the one you’re examining. This can help you determine
how well thought of a site is.
Here are ways on how to find out:
 Look at the domain name of the website that will tell you who is hosting the site. For
instance, the Lee College Library website is The domain name
is “”. This tells you that the library website is hosted by Lee College.
 Search the domain name at The site provides information about the
owners of registered domain names.
 Do not ignore the suffix on the domain name (the three-letter part that comes after the “.”).
the suffix is usually (but not always) descriptive of what type of entity hosts the website. Keep in
mind that it is possible for site to obtain suffixes that are misleading. Here are some examples:
.edu = educational
.com = commercial
.mil = military
.gov = government
.org = nonprofit
3. Purpose and objectivity. Why has this information been posted, and how impartial is it? The
following listed below are some of the major purposes of the website.
 To sell a product
 As a personal hobby
 As public service
 To further scholarship on a topic
 To provide general information on a topic
 To persuade you of a particular point view
4. Content and coverage. How comprehensive is the web site? How accurate is the page content?
Are references or bibliographies posted on the page?
5. Currency. How up-to-date the information is? When was the website first published? Is it
regularly updated? Check for dates at the bottom of each page on the site. Does the author cite
sources? Just as in print sources, web sources that cite their sources are considered more reliable.
6. Types of web pages Advocacy; business; entertainment; informational; and personal
Week 14: Biodiversity and a Healthy Society
What is Biodiversity?
 Defined as the vast variety of life forms in the entire Earth.
 The variations of climatic and altitudinal conditions along with varied ecological habitats
are the reasons for the richness in biodiversity of a particular region on Earth.
 The variability among living organisms from all sources and the ecological complexes of
which they are part; this includes diversity within, between, and of ecosystems.
 Its definition is in the structural and functional perspective and not as individual species.

To further understand what comprises the biodiversity, provided above is the organizational structure of
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
 Understanding biodiversity within the concept of ecosystem needs a thorough study on
the relationship of the biotic and the abiotic factors.
 Interdisciplinary approach is needed to study the ecosystem.
Example: Large number of golden snails in a rice field can help predict a low production of rice
*Golden snail eggs are considered pest for rice plants
Note: The large number of different species in a certain area can be a predictor of sustainable life
in that area. Sustainability of the ecosystem ensures a better survival rate against any natural
disaster. For example, here in the Philippines, rice is one of the major food productions and the
presence of pests like snail eggs would help them determine if it will be a good harvest for the
Importance of Biodiversity

Listed below are the importance of biodiversity in different sectors:

Society benefits greatly from the richness of biodiversity since humans can source from nature
biological resources such as food, medicine, energy, and more. Biodiversity in natural ecosystems
can also regulate climate, flood, pollination, water and air quality, water storage, decomposition of
wastes, among others.
1. Health and Medicine
Since 2600 BC, people have been using plants to treat illnesses, hence the practice of
herbal medicine. Cupressus sempervirens (Cypress) and Commiphora myrrha (myrrh), for
instance, have been used to treat coughs, colds, and inflammation since the ancient times. Herbal
medicines were also used in healing rituals and in the treatment of injuries resulting from wars or
accidents. Various plant-based drugs such as gargles, pills, infusions, and ointments were used in
Ancient Egypt as well as in Ancient China. Beginning 100 BC to 300 BC, the Greeks recorded the
collection, storage, and use of medicinal herbs. During the Dark and Middle Ages, monasteries in
England, Ireland, France, and Germany preserved the Western knowledge of treating illnesses
using herbal medicine. As such, the use of herbal medicine in ancient civilizations was dependent
on the biodiversity present in their respective environments.

The following examples are the herbal plants used by ancient civilizations:
Salvia apiana (California sage)- was an herbal plant used by Indian tribes of Southern
California to aid in childbirth and was believed to protect the immune system from respiratory
Alhagi maurorum (camel thorn)- secretes a sweet and gummy substance from its stems
and leaves called manna during hot days. Manna from the camel thorn contains melezitose, and
sucrose, an invert sugar. It is believed to have diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, expectorant,
gastroprotective, antiseptic, and anti-diarrheal properties. Israelis were known to use the roots of
the plant to treat diarrhea. The Konkani people smoked the plant to treat asthma, and Romans
used the Plant to treat nasal polyps.

Ligusticum scoticum (Scottish lovage)- is believed to treat hysterical and uterine

disorders. Its seeds are used to relieve flatulence and to stimulate the senses.
Many medicinal products available in the market today are derived from natural substances
from plants. Salicylic acid, the active ingredient of the anti-inflammatory drug, aspirin, for example
is derived from the bark of a willow tree. Morphine, one of the most widely known painkillers
which was first marketed and used in the 1800s, is derived from Papaver somniferum commonly
known as opium poppy. Digitoxin, used in the management of congestive heart failure, is derived
from Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) which has already been used to treat heart conditions since
the 1700s.
The transmission of diseases due to the movement of organisms amplified the need to
study the environment in relation to human health. As time went by, information regarding different
diseases and how to treat them has been extensively documented to come up with more effective
ways of treating them.
2. Food
Food is a basic need for human survival. During the Stone Age, humans relied only on
hunting and foraging to get food. They depended on what the ecosystem could readily provide
them. As the Earth's population grew, the demand for food increased. Crops that can be grown
were discovered and cultivated and animals were domesticated. Throughout history, agriculture
and cultivation evolved from picking desirable crops and breeding animals to maintaining stable
supply of food to last for long periods of time as preparation for the changing seasons and the
possibility of natural disasters. Ways to cultivate desired species of crops and animals suitable for
consumption also evolved throughout time. The increasing demand for food as the world
population grew also resulted in the development of more lands for agriculture.

3. Energy
Humans rely on energy provided by ecosystems to do the necessary activities in order to
survive. In the Stone Age, heat energy was used mainly for survival against harsh cold
environments, for cooking, and for communication with nearby tribes in the form of smoke. In 1000
BC, coal as a source of energy was used by people in Northeastern China for heating and cooking.
It eventually became popular in other civilizations, such as the Romans and Northern Native
Americans. In 400 BC, water energy or hydro power was used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans
and for irrigation. In 347 AD, the earliest known oil wells were developed in China. They made use
of extensive bamboo pipelines with depths of 800 feet for lighting and heating.
Wind energy was also used to navigate through bodies of water. During the 1700s to 1800s,
at the time of the Industrial Revolution, biomass as a primary source of energy was replaced with
coal and the British discovered that by burning, coal is transformed into hot burning coke, a fuel
with a high carbon content and few impurities. With this, the use of coal became widespread all
over the world.
4. Water Storage and Food Control
The earliest recorded civilizations were situated near rivers or lakes which made their
livelihoods dependent on water, with increasing demand for potable and drinkable water along
with the discovery of groundwater 2,000 years ago, wells began to be used in the Middle East.
Water from rivers and lakes was also used for irrigation. Aqueduct floodways were utilized to
prevent flooding in nearby communities that usually result in damaged crops. Aqueducts were
invented and built by the Romans and the Greeks, to maintain stable water supplies to
communities that were far from bodies of water. Then, in the late 19th century, with the increasing
demand for pot able water and irrigation of crops, dams were built to maintain water supply in
Biodiversity in forests plays an unquestionably crucial role in water resources. Forests
provide natural filtration and storage systems to provide freshwater. The roots and leaves of trees
create conditions that promote the infiltration of rainwater into the soil to fill up the aquifer systems
with groundwater, while percolation occurs allowing the movement of surface water into rivers and
lakes. Forests also play a major role in the water cycle by affecting rates of transpiration and
evaporation and water storage in watersheds. There seems to be a synchrony between
indigenous forests and biodiversity so that, in various ways, they contribute and regulate the
quantity and quality of freshwater.
5. Air and Water Treatment
Nitrogen is the element most abundant in air. Excessive nitrogen stimulates the growth of
nitrogen-loving plant species but reduces the occurrence of plant species adapted to low nitrogen
environment. Nitrogen reduces the resilience of forests to other environmental stresses such as
drought, frost, pests, and diseases. The concentration limit of nitrate in drinking water is too high to
protect natural ecosystems particularly the plant species. Widespread exceedance of nitrogen
critical concentrations will adversely affect the structure and function of ecosystems.
The effects of excessive nitrogen in the environment may not be felt at once. It may take
decades but this will definitely weaken the resilience of soil and plants. From 1990 to 2006, there
was an extensive vegetation damage around the world due to ozone. Ozone can be good or bad,
depending on where it is found—the earth's upper atmosphere or at ground level. Ozone found at
ground level is known as the bad ozone. It is created by chemical reactions between oxides of
nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) under the presence of sunlight. High levels
of ground level ozone promote early flowering, affecting the synchronization of pollinators and
flowers. Ground level ozone also damages the leaves of salad crops, consequently reducing their
market value. In 2000, ozone pollution reduced wheat yield by 14 percent and the tomato yield by
9 percent which created a domino effect in the overall production and consumption of goods.
Negative impacts on vegetation reduce the sink capacity for carbon dioxide and ozone,
enhancing their atmospheric concentrations and affecting the global water cycle. The effects of
global warming are harmful to the environment and its inhabitants. Soils store air pollutants
temporarily that affect water purification. Stored pollutants have adverse effects on soil functioning
(e.g., microbes and invertebrates) and create problems when the retention capacity of soil is
reached or disturbed. Worldwide efforts are being made to decrease nitrogen deposition to the
biosphere to enhance plant species diversity and relative species richness in grasslands.
However, with this importance of biodiversity enumerated above may sometimes lead to
exploitation wherein humans should be held responsible.
What are the threats to Biodiversity?

 Habitat loss and destruction

Major contributing factor is the inhabitation of human beings and the use of land for economic

 Alterations in ecosystem composition

Alterations and sudden changes, either within species groups or within the environment, could
begin to change entire ecosystems.

Alterations in ecosystems are a critical factor contributing to species and habitat loss.

 Over-exploitation
Over-hunting, overfishing, or over-collecting of species can quickly lead to its decline.
Changing consumption patterns of humans is often cited as the key reason for this unsustainable
exploitation of natural resources.
 Pollution and contamination
Biological systems respond slowly to changes in their surrounding environment.
Pollution and contamination cause irreversible damage to species and varieties.
 Global climate change
Both climate variability and climate change cause biodiversity loss.
Species and populations may be lost permanently if they are not provided with enough time to
adapt to changing climatic conditions.

Additional impacts of biodiversity are noted as follows:

 Nutritional Impact of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is a major factor that contributes to sustainable food production for human
A society or a population must have access to a sufficient variety of nutritious food as it is a
determinant of their health as human beings. Nutritional composition between foods and among
varieties/cultivars/breeds of the same food can differ dramatically, affecting micronutrient
availability in the diet. Healthy local diets necessitate maintenance of high biodiversity levels.
 Health, Biology, and Biodiversity
Almost all living organisms are dependent to their environment to live and reproduce.
 basic needs (air, water, food, and habitat) provided by the environment.
 Improved access to these basic needs may lead to evolution of human beings
 Advances in agriculture, sanitation, water treatment, and hygiene have had a far
greater impact on human health than medical technology. Although the environment
sustains human life, it can also cause diseases.
 Environmental hazards increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and
many other illnesses. Physical (pollution, toxic chemicals, food contaminants, etc.)
Social (dangerous work, urban sprawl, poverty, etc.)
Example: Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation and hygiene are responsible for
various infectious diseases such as schistosomiasis, diarrhea, cholera, meningitis,
and gastritis.
From the steam engines of the First Industrial Revolution, we had found ways to make all
of those technological advancements more efficient and more portable. Electrical sources have
been greatly shrunk to our familiar triple A- batteries. This undertaking of the technological age
from the beginning, catalyzed by the World Wars and the Space Race, has moved into making
technological devices portable yet multi-tasking. Communication, health and medicine, industry,
and others benefitted from these improvements. In that sense, tube-powered computers of the first
part of the 20th century quickly evolved into our mobile phones and watches that can do things
beyond our imagination. But, technology seems to be unsatisfied yet with this concentration. With
that said, scientists and engineers delved into the world of nanotechnology. With this branch of
applied science, humankind reached a new height capacitating itself to make wonders smaller
than cells themselves. With all of these said, we are going to journey in the Nano World in this
As with health, we all know we have been through a lot to get to the health care of today.
Many diseases are now perceived to be treatable and preventable at the very least. Yet, the
deadliest of these diseases source deeply from our very own fundamental instruction book, the
DNA and other genetic materials. But with the continuous research of our biotechnologists and
geneticists, it seems a solution is at hand and that is gene therapy. Yet, ethical concerns are
raised especially of the development of the infamous Human Genome Project. What are the
ethical and moral issues that must be settled in this debate?
Lesson Proper:


The prefix “nano-” has been ingrained in our minds to mean something diminutive. But can we
imagine how tiny a nanometer is? According to the National Nanotechnology Initiative (2020), to
imagine the size of a nanometer here are some examples.
A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick
A strand of human DNA is 2.5 nanometers in diameter
There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch
A human hair is approximately 80,000- 100,000 nanometers wide
A single gold atom is about a third of a nanometer in diameter
On a comparative scale, if the diameter of a marble was one nanometer, the diameter of the
Earth would be about one meter
One nanometer is about as long as your fingernail grows in one second
To introduce the topic of Nanotechnology, we must first define nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100
nanometers (National Nanotechnology Initiative, n.d.). Implications of this are broad and extensive;
from pure sciences like Physics to the greater direct and obvious connection to mankind like
health and communication. But what could be the ethical, moral, and ecological problems that
could occur as we continue to use this technology?

Potential and Realized Major Impacts of Nanotechnology in the Society

As stated nanotechnology has many uses and could be used in our society. With its direct
uses to society, health seems to be the number one to be given substantial support from this
science, for example, surgical nanobots. Communication and engineering seem to follow in
benefit after health. Transfer of information through nanotubes is being looked into and strong
nanomaterials are continuously developed.

1. Medicine

The application of nanotechnology to medicine is called nanomedicine (Freitas,1999).

The medical field has been intrusive to one’s body but nanotechnology is changing the
game of medicine. Nanomaterials called nanoparticles are being used to deliver medicine
and RNA vaccine to fundamental parts of the body. These same nanoparticles are being
utilized to diagnose diseases that require extensive examination and they can even be used
in surgery where the standard procedures will be deemed too dangerous. Yet the use for
nanomedicine has not yet peaked.

Many potential ailments are being looked into to be treated like brain tumors (Lalatsa, 2018). These innovations in medicine have moved the area of nanomedicine to the forefront
for the new generation of practice. The increasing funding and interest in this method have opened
a new dilemma, are there any bad consequences of the use of nanotechnology in the body?

2. Environment

The environment has been one of the main points of the international agreements in the past
few years. The world is beginning to capacitate itself with the dream of using nanotechnology to fix
the problem they have started. More sustainable energy sources and utilization has been
developed and continuously improved upon which lessens the production of air pollutants and to a
greater extent, greenhouse gases. Substances that toxify our rivers and oceans can be
remediated now with new nanomaterials. But are all these sustainable to heal our ailing world?
Nanotechnology is seen as a major driving force to the upgrade of industry. Foods, textiles,
cosmetics, sports, aerospace and vehicle manufacturers, construction, and even the military are
starting to look into nanotechnology as its source of a new and improved market. But do all of
these benefits enable only good things to the society, or darker sides of the technology loom
II. Issues in the Technology
Many inherited ailments are suffered by millions of people. Even animals cannot escape gene-
based diseases. In the early 20th century, under the foundation of evolution and genetics, DNA has
been discovered by Rosalind Franklin but credited largely to Watson and Crick. This changed the
understanding of humans to their make-up. It has been pointed out that many of the ailments we
suffer result from the mutation of these genetic materials. As such, our scientists focused on these
nanoscopic bio compounds to find the cure for many diseases. The answer they found is Gene
Therapy. At this topic, we are going to learn what gene therapy is and what are its implications to
our social and moral upbringing?
1. What is Gene Therapy?
Gene Therapy is a medical field that focuses on the utilization of the therapeutic delivery of
nucleic acids into a patient's cells as a drug to treat disease (Kaji,2001). It was first developed in
1972 but still with limited success to humans.
1. Somatic gene therapy: transfer of a section of DNA to any cell of the body that doesn’t produce
sperm or eggs. Effects of gene therapy will not be passed onto the patient’s children.
2. Germline gene therapy: transfer of a section of DNA to cells that produce eggs or sperm.
Effects of gene therapy will be passed onto the patient’s children and subsequent generations.
1. Gene Augmentation Therapy
This is used to treat diseases caused by a mutation that stops a gene from producing a
functioning product, such as a protein. This therapy adds DNA containing a functional version of
the lost gene back into the cell. The new gene produces a functioning product at sufficient levels to
replace the protein that was originally missing. This is only successful if the effects of the disease
are reversible or have not resulted in lasting damage to the body. For example, this can be used to
treat loss of functional disorders such as cystic fibrosis by introducing a functional copy of the
gene to correct the disease.
2. Gene Inhibition Therapy
Suitable for the treatment of infectious diseases, cancer, and inherited disease caused
by inappropriate gene activity. The aim is to introduce a gene whose product either: inhibits the
expression of another gene or interferes with the activity of the product of another gene. The basis
of this therapy is to eliminate the activity of a gene that encourages the growth of disease-related
cells. For example, cancer is sometimes the result of the over-activation of an oncogene (a gene
that stimulates cell growth). So, by eliminating the activity of that oncogene through gene inhibition
therapy, it is possible to prevent further cell growth and stop cancer in its tracks.
3. The killing of Specific Cells
Suitable for diseases such as cancer that can be treated by destroying certain groups of cells. The
aim is to insert DNA into a diseased cell that causes that cell to die. This can be achieved in one of
two ways:first, the inserted DNA contains a “suicide” gene that produces a highly toxic product that
kills the diseased cell. Second, the inserted DNA causes the expression of a protein that marks
the cells so that the diseased cells are attacked by the body’s natural immune system. And
lastly, It is essential with this method that the inserted DNA is targeted appropriately to avoid the
death of cells that are functioning normally.
1. III. Challenges of gene therapy
1. Delivering the gene to the right place and switching it on
-the new gene must reach the right cell
-delivering a gene into the wrong cell would be inefficient and could also cause health problems for
the patient
-even once the right cell has been targeted the gene has to be turned on
-cells sometimes obstruct this process by shutting down genes that are showing unusual activity.
2. Avoiding the immune response:
-The role of the immune system is to fight off intruders.
-Sometimes new genes introduced by gene therapy are considered potentially-harmful intruders.
-This can spark an immune response in the patient, that could be harmful to them.
-Scientists, therefore, have the challenge of finding a way to deliver genes without the immune
system ‘noticing’.
-This is usually by using vectors that are less likely to trigger an immune response.
3. Making sure the new gene doesn’t disrupt the function of other genes:
-Ideally, a new gene introduced by gene therapy will integrate itself into the genome of the patient
and continue working for the rest of their lives.
-There is a risk that the new gene will insert itself into the path of another gene, disrupting its
-This could have damaging effects, for example, if it interferes with an important gene involved in
regulating cell division, it could result in cancer.
4. The cost of gene therapy:
-Many genetic disorders that can be targeted with gene therapy are extremely rare.
-Gene therapy therefore often requires an individual, case-by-case approach. This may be
effective, but may also be very expensive.
IV. Gene Therapy in the current events
-Gene Therapy in the Philippines offers genetic diagnoses, management, and genetic counseling
to families. Clinical genetics services are rendered at the Philippine General Hospital (PGH)
Department of Pediatrics.
-The new method for deploying the genetic snipping tool directly into target cells is a big step
towards more effective, safer and cheaper gene therapy with treatment potential for multiple
genetic disorders.
-Lead researcher, Associate Professor Ravi Shukla, said MOFs, which are versatile and
biocompatible nanomaterials, were a promising alternative to existing viral methods for delivering
the gene editing tool CRISPR/Cas9.
-Awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, CRISPR/Cas9, is widely acknowledged as a
breakthrough in genetic editing for its ability to remove and replace defective DNA, however the
biggest challenge remains effectively delivering it to cells.
-There are currently just 13 approved methods in trial globally and all rely on viral therapies, an
approach which is both extremely costly and has associated health risks.
-The latest findings build on previous work by the team who developed a proof of concept for the
delivery model late last year.
-As of now, they will work to further test this technology for its application in targeting several other
disease-causing genes.


The global warming debate is interesting in several respects. First off it is not even much of a
debate as many of its major players actively acknowledge the facts behind climate change if only
passively; after all, it is hard to argue with a thermometer. Second, the outcome of the global
warming issue is also known. By the 22nd Century, the majority of the world’s energy supply will
move beyond fossil fuels since there will simply be fewer fossil fuels left and mostly in harder to
reach places. Furthermore, dramatic moves away from fossil fuels will probably occur even before
the last barrel of oil is burned as the true costs of climate change become more visible. And
therein lies the paradox. If fossil fuel consumption has negative effects on the wellbeing of people
and if humanity must move to sustainable energy eventually then why delay.
Climate change will have negative impacts on the political, economic, and demographic
structures of society. These include a rise in ethnic tensions in the Indian Sub Continent, massive
immigration to Europe, regional economic collapse and political destabilization in Africa, the
inundation of island nations, and economic losses in the Americas among many other changes
that will combine to destabilize humanity for generations. Archipelagos face crises in agriculture
due to frequently changing weather conditions and even the danger of being wiped out due to
intense flooding. The Philippines, being an archipelago near the pacific ring of fire is one among
International affairs have failed to come up with a solution because global warming is a
universal prevention-focused problem that trades short term gains for long term losses. Global
warming will be solved by the onset of grid parity within the next few decades, but it will be too late
to avert drastic consequences. Humanity has developed a resilient attitude towards these extreme
weather conditions for now, but will ultimately find a way to cope in an age of global warming. The
Filipinos, for example, display positive resilience towards typhoons and flooding but this is
somewhat negative. Resilience should be coupled with a sense of readiness which is coupled with
responsible usage of energy and resources.
Forty-six nations and 2.6 billion people are now at risk of being overwhelmed by armed
conflict and war-related to climate change. A further fifty-six countries face political destabilization,
affecting another 1.2 billion individuals.1 Climate change is today’s biggest threat to international
security and will intensify North-South tensions. The world has to end growth in greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions within seven years (by 2015) and reduce emissions by about 80 percent by
2050. At least two-thirds of energy demand over the next twenty-five years will come from
developing countries. The world must reduce annual carbon emissions from today’s 8 billion tons
down to about 2 billion tons to balance the assimilation capacity of the world’s carbon sinks (such
as oceans, forests, and other biomass).
The Energy Sector
The Energy Sector The energy industry calculates that several thousand billion tons of coal remain
in the ground - 150 years’ worth at current extraction rates. It is therefore clear that most of the
remaining coal has to stay in the ground if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. Threequarters of
coal reserves are in five nations: The United States, Russia, China, India, and Australia. Canada
should be added to the list of critical nations because of the scale of its deposit of extremely heavy
crude known as Athabasca tar sands, and its boreal peat deposits. The boreal peats accumulate a
mass of decayed organic materials which store a large amount of carbon dioxide. Thus, the fate of
human civilization probably centers on the coal decisions of six nations and on preventing
extensive forest fires in three others (Brazil, Indonesia, and Congo).
Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task – that is,
eliminating energy waste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our costs on a household and
economy-wide level. While renewable energy technologies also help accomplish these objectives,
improving energy efficiency is the cheapest – and often the most immediate – way to reduce the
use of fossil fuels. There are enormous opportunities for efficiency improvements in every sector
of the economy, whether it is buildings, transportation, industry, or energy generation.
Building designers are looking to optimize building efficiency and then incorporate
renewable energy technologies, leading to the creation of zero-energy buildings. Changes in
existing buildings can also be made to reduce energy usage and costs. These may include small
steps, such as choosing LED light bulbs and energy-efficient appliances, or larger efforts like
small-scale using solar panels to power some appliances.
Many things can improve energy efficiency primarily through technology and design.
However, the way people use these technologies will significantly impact their effectiveness. What
impact can a highly efficient technology have if households and businesses are not motivated to
buy, install, and/or activate it? How do driving behavior and unnecessary idling impact gas mileage?
How many people will use public transportation if there is a cultural stigma against it? Research
has shown that 30 percent of the potential energy savings of high-efficiency technologies are lost
due to a variety of social, cultural, and economic factors. Addressing these factors is also an
important component of making our economy more energy-efficient.
1. Coal. There are 28 coal-fired power plants currently operating throughout the Philippines, with a
total installed capacity of 9.88 gigawatts. Twenty-two proposed plants have been approved by the
energy department; adding them into the energy mix would increase coal's share to 53% by 2030
Care must be taken to ensure that all former coal industry employees are retrained for sustainable
jobs or fully compensated. Boosting efficiency by retrofitting existing coal power plants should be
accelerated, as should phase-out of the dirtiest coal plants.

2. Clean Coal. Clean coal usually means capturing carbon emissions from burning coal and
storing them under Earth. No reliance should be placed on “clean coal” because it does not yet
exist. It could become available after 2020, too late for the climate crisis. In any event, if clean coal
is achieved, it will be about 25 percent more expensive and nearly impossible to monitor. Carbon
capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is being experimented with, but on 30 January 2008,
the US government canceled its first pilot CCS project (FutureGen in Matoon, Illinois) after five
years of costly delays. No replacement plans have been announced.
3. Carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing
atmospheric carbon dioxide. There is scope for carbon sequestration by reducing deforestation,
planting trees, and managing land on a global scale. However, extreme caution is needed to
ensure that such plantation schemes do not undermine the rights or livelihoods of poor people
living in what is sometimes viewed as “degraded” forest environments, but which comprise
occupied subsistence farmland. Also, micro-algae have been demonstrated to sequester more
than 80 percent of daytime CO2 emissions from power plants and can be used to produce up to
10,000 gallons of liquid fuel per acre per year. It seems likely that the world cannot afford to burn
its remaining oil. The era of cheap oil is already over; exploration for new deposits should be
discouraged. Canadian tar sands should be left in place and re-vegetated.
4. Natural Gas. Natural gas is ‘cleaner’ than coal: It contains 70 percent less carbon per unit of
energy than coal. As the transition to renewables will be wrenching, natural gas will have a role as
a bridging fuel. But gas leaks are inevitable, it (methane) is 21 times more climate forcing than
CO2, and liquefaction, transport, and regasification emit substantial quantities of GHG, so the
gains are limited and temporary.
5. Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy is not a panacea. Full environmental and social costing,
including the risk of terrorism and accidents and the diversion of radioactive materials to weaponry,
must be mandated. The industry must pay for the permanent storage of nuclear wastes. All waste
storage and insurance against accidents must be the responsibility of the nuclear industry from
now on. All subsidies to the nuclear industry must cease and preferably be reallocated to
renewable forms of energy.
6. Hydro projects. Reservoirs are the largest single source of anthropogenic methane emissions,
contributing around a quarter of these emissions, or more than 4 percent of global GHG emissions.
The recommendations of the World Commission on Dams should be followed. In particular,
hydroelectric projects likely to emit substantial amounts of GHG should be banned. Carbon
emissions from any dam should be subject to the proposed global carbon tax. Generating
hydrogen from fully renewable energy systems (such as solar and wind) by electrolyzing water
(even seawater) seems hopeful. This is one of the main technologies for research. Hydrogen fuel
cells to promote the “hydrogen economy” may prove to be among the best bets for temporary
Environmental Awareness

Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the

importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an
environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for our children.
What is Environmental Awareness?
To define environmental awareness we must first understand the environmentalist
movement. Environmentalism is an ideology that evokes the necessity and responsibility of
humans to respect, protect, and preserve the natural world from its anthropogenic (caused by
humans) afflictions. Environmental awareness is an integral part of the movement’s success. By
teaching our friends and family that the physical environment is fragile and indispensable, we can
begin fixing the problems that threaten it.
How to Promote Environmental Awareness
Before you can begin promoting environmental awareness in your community, you must
first make sure that you have a thorough understanding of environmental issues. Stay up to date
on environmental news, read books and other resources, and learn about the issues affecting your
community. It’s much easier to talk to others about the environment if you’ve already taken the
time to educate yourself.
Numerous resources are available to promote environmental awareness and education:
group learning (inside or outside of the classroom), informational and inspirational seminars,
online courses, books, articles, videos, and brochures are just a few of the tools that can get you
involved in promoting the environment.
A good course of action that ensures your continued participation is to pick an
environmental issue that strikes you like the most urgent. The amount of environmental issues
seems limitless, and while they are all important, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Try choosing one
issue to focus on at a time. You will soon see that all environmental issues are intertwined and will
find your niche of interest.
Examples of Environmental Issues
Here are several cause-and-effect problems that harm our environment:
1. Oil Drilling- This issue is one that causes a great deal of environmental destruction. Our
dependence on fossil fuels is a global addiction that affects every aspect of the world. Oil spills
and offshore drilling poison marine life, oil drilling (on land) suffocates the earth, and the
combustion of fossil fuels adds to the increased atmospheric CO₂, which in turn causes the
progression of global warming and ocean acidification. This is a multifaceted issue and is a good
cause to get involved with because it covers such a broad spectrum of issues.
2. Deforestation- Millions of acres of forest are cut down for industrial benefits, such as large
scale farming, oil mining, and the production of paper goods. Deforestation causes wildlife and
biodiversity extinction because the loss of habitat threatens many species’ existence. The
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has a Red List of environmentally
threatened species with up-to-date information.
3. Production of Plastic Goods- Currently our society creates a great deal of waste and
much of that waste consists of plastic. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in
2010 alone 31 million tons of plastic waste was created. This waste ends up all over the globe in
both land and water, a good example is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Not only is plastic waste
an issue, but the production of plastic is also dependent on fossil fuel combustion.
Make a Difference!!!
Once you’re well versed in environmental issues, you can use that knowledge to start
beneficial projects in your home and/or in your community.
Possible Project Ideas

-Instead of driving to work or school, take the bus, carpool, walk, or ride your bike to cut down on
greenhouse gas emissions. According to the EPA transportation adds to 33% of the total
atmospheric CO₂.
-Consider investing in appropriate technology like clean power (solar or wind), if not for your home
then maybe for a community center. This supports a transition to clean and renewable energy.
-Buy reusable products such as glass bottles, reusable bags, and reusable cups. Avoid buying
disposable goods such as paper towels, plastic bottles, and plastic bags.
-Start composting and recycling, which will help cut down our waste production.
-Support local businesses and farmers, and buy organic and pesticide-free food when you can. Or,
start your community garden.
Once you have chosen your cause and have started a personal or community project,
share it with the world! Get your coworkers, neighbors, friends, family, or even your local
government involved. It’s much easier and more effective to spread environmental awareness and
start a local project if you collaborate with others in your community. Promoting environmental
awareness is a crucial part of being an environmental steward. Start participating in the change
and teach your community what is needed to create a sustainable future.
Alternative Energy Resources
1. Solar Energy - Sunlight is one of our planet’s most abundant and freely available energy
resources. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface in one hour is more than
the planet’s total energy requirements for a whole year. Although it sounds like a perfect
renewable energy source, the amount of solar energy we can use varies according to the time of
day and the season of the year as well as geographical location.

2. Wind Energy - Wind is a plentiful source of clean energy. Wind farms are an increasingly
familiar sight in the UK with wind power making an ever-increasing contribution to the National
Grid. To harness electricity from wind energy, turbines are used to drive generators which then
feed electricity into the National Grid. Although domestic or ‘off-grid’ generation systems are
available, not every property is suitable for a domestic wind turbine.
3. Hydro Energy - As a renewable energy resource, hydro power is one of the most commercially
developed. By building a dam or barrier, a large reservoir can be used to create a controlled flow
of water that will drive a turbine, generating electricity. This energy source can often be more
reliable than solar or wind power (especially if it's tidal rather than river) and also allows electricity
to be stored for use when demand reaches a peak. Like wind energy, in certain situations hydro
can be more viable as a commercial energy source (dependant on type and compared to other
sources of energy) but depending very much on the type of property, it can be used for domestic,
‘off-grid’ generation.

4. Tidal Energy - This is another form of hydro energy that uses twice-daily tidal currents to drive
turbine generators. Although tidal flow unlike some other hydro energy sources isn’t constant, it is
highly predictable and can therefore compensate for the periods when the tide current is low.
5. Geothermal Energy - By harnessing the natural heat below the earth’s surface, geothermal
energy can be used to heat homes directly or to generate electricity. Although it harnesses a
power directly below our feet, geothermal energy is of negligible importance in the UK compared
to countries such as Iceland, where geothermal heat is much more freely available.

6. Biomass Energy - This is the conversion of solid fuel made from plant materials into electricity.
Although fundamentally, biomass involves burning organic materials to produce electricity, and
nowadays this is a much cleaner, more energy-efficient process. By converting agricultural,
industrial and domestic waste into solid, liquid and gas fuel, biomass generates power at a much
lower economic and environmental cost.
The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse,

Reduce: One way to conserve resources is to reduce the amounts that are utilized and
consumed. Using less energy conserves fossil fuels. Using less paper conserves forests. Using
fewer bottles and cans conserves minerals.
Reuse: Another way to conserve resources is to reuse things. Paper or grocery bags can
be reused by taking them back to the store or they can be used as garbage bags or lunch bags.
Recycle: Many things that can’t be reused can be recycled. Recycling is the process of
taking back a resource used to make a new product. Many communities have programs for
collecting newspapers, glass, aluminum, and plastic. Trucks carry these materials to recycling
centers where they are broken down into raw materials to make new products. I some countries,
recycling is not just an idea, it is part of the law.
The Earth has a limited supply of natural resources, they must be conserved so that they
will last as long as possible. Protecting resources from damage and overuse is a part of
conservation. Reusing and recycling products saves resources needed to make new products.

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