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Julia May Loria


Performance Task #1

It was May 10, 2004, when my mother gave birth to me. I am her second
daughter and my older sister is named “Trisha Mae. For the first time she
saw my face, she was filled with tears and the first name that pop-upped
into her mind is the name, Julia. For my mom, it was a glamorous and
aberrant name, and since my birth month is in May, she added it to “Julia”
and came out with the name, Julia May. I am fortunate to have a mother like

The time flies fleetly, and the little girl named Julia May is now almost
a decade and eight. Like other teenagers nowadays, I don’t abstain from
experiencing heartbreaks, stress, and depression, especially today that
we’re in the pandemic. To lessen those feelings, I need to be invincible and
regale myself to the things that make me happy. At my age, I am still shy and
frightened to communicate with other people, and that caused me to be
insecure about those blatant ones, but I realized that I need to be confident
in being able to grow personally, mentally, and spiritually. Of course, some
good-hearted people will help me and stay by my side unconditionally, and
those are my family and friends. My friends and I were together since 2019
and they treated me like their true sister in blood, they are very glib when the
topic is about their crushes. My family has a solid bond and every time that
we’ re having a reunion, my father is the one who’s wag. What they’re
doing makes my amygdala loves it very much. It fills my hippocampus and
makes me serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins active. Maybe some things are
nebulous but some people have helpful hands to make them clear and

I am a teenager who ’ ll give my best and effort in everything.

Sometimes I soar up high, and sometimes I am down. I am not a perfect
friend and daughter. I am weak and cry sometimes. However, I stand up
stronger to become ultimate. I am pursuing my studies even it makes me
having a breakdown. Someday I will reach my dreams and finally will be called
nurse Julia.

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