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Week I
1. What characteristics that you can observe or see that is common to
They are all innovators, risk-takers, and more inclined in developing new
products that would provide solution to present problems. They also share
some factors such as: Perseverance, Problem Solver, Persuasion,
Proactive and many more.

2. Who among the entrepreneurs you mentioned that you admire

most and why?
Among the entrepreneurs mentioned above, I would pick Jack Ma
because of his perseverance in the face of difficulties and discrimination.
After we conclude our class on entrepreneurship past Tuesday, I decided
to head on to investigate his journey on how he became the person we
know he is today. And as I scour through texts I saw one article, from that
on I was mesmerized by Ma’s perseverance as I’ve read that he failed
class five times! But look at what he reached today. I also admire his
sense of commitment throughout the business community as he helps
other entrepreneurs who are just starting their businesses. I also admire
his philanthropic work through his foundation. The one quote from Ma
engraved on me, "Never give up. Today is hard. Tomorrow will be worse,
but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine"
Also if I could pick an entrepreneur outside of the preference, I would
pick Elon Musk, not just that I like his work, but also his sense of humor
and persistence throughout the scientific-business communities.

2. In your own opinion, what do you need to possess to become a

successful entrepreneur?
For me, PERSEVERANCE was a committing word. As it engraves
factors that every entrepreneur must-have. If you are persistent
throughout your works just like Ma and Musk then somewhat somehow
you'll get through it and ultimately reach your goal.
Learning Task III
Personality Factor Yes No
Initiative /
Proactive /
Problem Solver /
Perseverance /
Persuasion /
Planner /
Risk-taker /

Learning Task IV
A. From my perspective, a true entrepreneur and leader show courage over
everything. As if they don’t know the word “risk” and seize every opportunity and
moment they soon to grab. They are the monument and model for their employees as
they also possess a strong set of values and a clear vision.

B. A true entrepreneur and leader, in my opinion, demonstrates and promotes vision.

By sharing their vision, they instill a sense of purpose in their employees, the
business, and the company itself. It also gives its members direction and motivation.
A true leader can sell their vision convincingly, whether by making it relatable to
employees or by creating a narrative that helps them see the end result. This will assist
your team in focusing by defining goals throughout their projects and explaining how
meeting these goals advances the vision.

C. A great entrepreneur and leader, in my opinion, demonstrates honesty, values

relationships, and assists others in improving. A strong leader establishes a solid
foundation of principles, which subsequently helps to encourage personnel. By
assisting individual team members in developing their skills, they increase the
potential of the team and, as a result, benefit the organization as a whole. When your
team members feel valued as individuals, they will be more motivated since they
know their efforts are recognized. When employees realize they're performing well at
work, the confidence they experience can help them accomplish even better.

1. Overall, how did this pictures make you feel about being an
It all demonstrates the attributes of a good leader and entrepreneur. True leadership is
exemplified by how you collaborate with your team to achieve goals. A true leader
makes an effort to help their team members develop their talents so that they can
attain their maximum potential. A true leader demonstrates integrity and aids in the
development of others by striving to grow their team members to their greatest
potential. A true leader is unafraid of potential conflict or criticism, especially when
they are confident that what they are doing is for the sake of the team. The most
important aspect is that they respect workplace connections; when employees realize
they are doing well at work, the confidence they feel can assist raise their work even
2. What did you think about the people in the pictures?
The pictures tells us exactly about being a good leader or entrepreneur
looks like and also the challenges that comes with it.

I understand that being a leader and an entrepreneur is hard, but with hard
work, we can achieve our greatest goals.

I realize that it may not be today, tomorrow, or the day ahead that we’ll
become successful but that special time will come so we need to work
hard on every opportunity we got.

I need to learn more about managerial skills and other tips on how to be
more effective as an entrepreneur. Also the skills and traits an employee
must possess.

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