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According to the story our God the Father is loving and merciful.

When we call upon him in

times of trouble, he always comes to our rescue. When we fully trust in him, he will never fail to
protect us. God has more than a thousand ways to save his children from harm. He even
sacrifices his only begotten son to save us from our sins and that’s how much he loves us. “For
this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, is that everyone who believes in
him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.

True fathers are fathers not because they have children but because they forgot themselves as
they strive to build someone’s else’s life up. They are those fathers who believe that their
purpose in life is to bless the world with well loved, will raised citizens. They are heroes who
make every sacrifice to give every child the best of life. We are certainly blessed because of our
fathers. Who we are now and what we have achieved are largely because of them. Wherever
we may be or whatever we may be doing, let us honor our fathers, for they are Gods invaluable
gifts to us. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land
which the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12

As I think about it on how our Heavenly Father and earthly father’s have done and continue to
do for us. We are all God’s children, and in his eyes, we are all the same. Where humans love
fails, and even when our earthly father fails, remember that we have a God who is love endures
forever. Following God’s Commandments may seem very restrictive. We feel that we are on a
leash. But they are truly Gods way of safeguarding us from the damaging garbage of the sinful
world. God has a timetable for each of us. He knows what’s best for us. We are blessed with the
interest lies, our choice, and our abilities to him. The best things happen when we let him be in
control. Let us dwell on our heavenly fathers consistent and reliable love.

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