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Tests of pulmonary function Learning objectives

before thoracic surgery After reading this article, you should be able to discuss:
Andrew N Davies
C when pulmonary function testing should be considered
C the available tests of pulmonary function
Palanikumar Saravanan C the difference between static and dynamic tests of pulmonary
C how these tests contribute to the pre operative assessment of
Respiratory complications contribute significantly to perioperative patients
morbidity and mortality after surgery. There are evidence-based guide-
lines that support the use of pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and cardio-
pulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in the preoperative assessment of removed during surgery. Patients with lung cancer may also have
patients undergoing lung resection surgery to determine whether patients abnormal pulmonary function prior to surgery, most often due to
can tolerate the resection. Spirometry, lung volumes and flowevolume smoking. These patients are at risk of both immediate perioper-
analysis provide information on the respiratory mechanics of the patient ative pulmonary complications and long-term disability
while transfer factor and arterial blood gas analysis help to evaluate the following curative intent surgery while suboptimal lung resection
ability of lung parenchyma in gas exchange. CPET evaluates the dynamic decreases the survival benefit. PFTs are used to stratify the risk of
response of the cardiac and pulmonary function to exercise. The forced lung resection and predict the risk of postoperative
expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) and predicted postoperative FEV1 complications.
(ppoFEV1) are useful indicators of postoperative respiratory complica- To minimize postoperative respiratory complications, medical
tions following thoracic surgery. CPET measures VO2Max and can help in therapy can be instituted in patients with pre-existing respiratory
the selection patients for lung resection. problems to optimize the pulmonary function before surgery.
Keywords Cardiopulmonary exercise test; lung function tests; preoper- PFTs help in identifying patients with preexisting respiratory
ative assessment; spirometry; thoracic surgery problems and evaluating their response to such optimization
therapy. This concept has been expanded into ‘preoperative
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD matrix: 3G00 pulmonary rehabilitation’ where patients are given a 2-week
period of intense breathing exercises including incentive
spirometry and regular nebulized bronchodilators. The evidence
for this is still limited.
Pulmonary function tests are used to evaluate the patients before
lung resection surgery. Patient’s general clinical state including Tests of pulmonary function
their co-morbities such as any cardiac or other systemic diseases,
Pulmonary function is measured in a three-legged approach, with
anaemia, and nutritional status are important in the preoperative
tests for respiratory mechanics, lung parenchymal function and
evaluation of these patients. Weight loss greater than 10% and
cardiorespiratory reserve comprising the three legs of the
low serum albumin are markers of advanced disease and indicate
assessment. There are other tests such as imaging which provide
increased risk during surgery. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
additional information and are used along with the conventional
are used in conjunction with these findings to evaluate the risk of
tests in risk stratification and perioperative management of pa-
resection and risk of postoperative complications.
tients for lung resection.
Reasons for PFTs before thoracic surgery
The most common problem after thoracic surgery is atelectasis, Tests for respiratory mechanics
which reduces lung compliance and functional residual capacity. Spirometry and flowevolume analysis
In addition, lung resection surgery is associated with marked The most commonly used test to assess suitability for lung
changes in respiratory function, both as a consequence of lung resection surgery is spirometry. Spirometry with flowevolume
resection and as a result of altered chest wall dynamics due to loops assesses the mechanical properties of the respiratory sys-
thoracotomy incision. These changes include significant re- tem by measuring expiratory volumes and flow rates. It is a
ductions in maximal expiratory force, vital capacity (VC), forced versatile test of pulmonary physiology. The patient breathes
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow through the mouth into the spirometer with nose clipped. At the
rate (PEFR). The decrease in VC often exceeds the volume of lung end of a normal tidal volume expiration, the patient breathes in
up to the total lung capacity and performs a forced vital capacity
(FVC) manoeuvre and a volumeetime curve is recorded
(Figure 1). A flowevolume loop is recorded when the patient
Andrew N Davies FRCA is an ST6 in Anaesthesia in the North West
breathes in, after complete expiration to residual volume, to
Deanery, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
reach the total lung capacity and forcefully breathes out back to
Palanikumar Saravanan FRCA is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist residual volume (Figure 2).
at Lancashire Cardiac Centre, Blackpool, UK. Conflicts of interest: none FEV1 and FVC, which is the largest volume expired from the
declared. total lung capacity, are measured from these tests. Results are

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:11 495 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

expiratory flow and FVC can be derived from the loop. It is also
useful to evaluate the nature of lung disease (restrictive or
obstructive) and, in addition, presence of any major airway
Spirometry and flowevolume analysis are performed whilst
the patient is at rest and so they do not reflect the way the whole
cardiorespiratory system responds to increasing workload.

Tests for lung parenchymal function

Diffusion capacity of lung
Diffusion capacity of the lung is the ability of the alveolar
capillary membrane to transfer gas across it. Diffusion capacity of
lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) is used to assess alveolar
membrane efficiency. Carbon monoxide (CO) is 400 times more
avid to haemoglobin than oxygen and hence is rapidly taken up
by haemoglobin with its transfer limited mainly by diffusion. The
patient takes a VC inspiration from the residual volume and in-
hales a mixture of 0.3% carbon monoxide and 10% helium. The
gas mixture exhaled following 10 seconds breath-holding is
Figure 1 analysed and DLCO is calculated using a formula. DLCO is the
volume of CO transferred across the alveoli per minute per unit
typically reported in both absolute values and as predicted per- alveolar partial pressure and is reduced with increased alveolar
centages of normal. Normal values vary, depending on gender, membrane thickness as in pulmonary fibrosis. It will also be
race, age and height, and can be used to determine the pattern of reduced following pneumonectomy as a result of reduced total
lung disease as well as to establish any reversibility with bron- alveolar membrane area. DLCO is also expressed in absolute
chodilators. The results obtained from the volumeetime curves values and in percentage predicted values. The predicted values
are effort dependent and can be underestimated. In normal in- are reference values generated from a healthy population. The
dividuals, the FEV1 and FVC should be more than 80% of pre- normal values vary depending on age, sex, height, exercise, body
dicted values for their height and weight. These values and the position and altitude and it should be interpreted taking these
FEV1/FVC ratio are used to determine the nature of the lung factors into consideration. DLCO is identified as one of the in-
disease. The flowevolume loop is used to measure the flow dependent predictors of major complications following
pattern during inspiration and expiration (Figure 2). Peak pneumonectomy.

Figure 2 A, normal lung. Normal PEF is achieved during forced expiration. B, obstructive lung pathology. Flow rate is low during expiration and the
prolonged expiration causes the typical concave pattern of the waveform. Less PEF is achieved during expiration. C, restrictive lung pathology, lung
volumes and PEF are less. D, variable extra thoracic airway obstruction. Flow is normal during expiration and decreased during inspiration. E, variable
intrathoracic airway obstruction. Flow is normal during inspiration and decreased during expiration.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:11 496 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Arterial blood gases complete 25 shuttles is considered to indicate a good cardiore-

Arterial blood gas values can also indicate abnormal gas ex- spiratory reserve.
change in presence of unexplained hypoxaemia or hyper- The ability of the patient to climb stairs is used more often as
capnoea. A baseline blood gas value is obtained by taking an it is easy to perform. The number of flights climbed is correlated
arterial blood sample in a heparinized syringe and measuring pH, to how fit the individual is. Ability to climb three flights corre-
partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in lates with an FEV1 of more than 1.7 litres while five flights of
a blood gas analyser using glass pH electrode, polarographic stairs with an FEV1 of over 2 litres. The drawbacks with these
oxygen electrode and Severinghaus carbon dioxide electrodes tests are lack of standardization of how they are performed and
respectively. Many blood gas analysers also calculate the actual inability of patients with neurological diseases, musculoskeletal
and standard bicarbonate values and base excess using Siggaard- diseases and peripheral vascular diseases to perform these tests.
Andersen nomogram. The PaO2 and PaCO2 values on room air Failure to complete 6 minutes of walking, inability to walk 600 m
will provide some guidance on fitness of the individual when the in 6MWT, inability to complete 25 shuttles in SWT and inability
results from the standard tests are inadequate for decision to climb a flight of stairs or severe oxygen desaturation during
making. PaCO2 levels of more than 45 mmHg/6 kPa and satu- any of these tests (>4% from the baseline) indicates a higher risk
ration of arterial oxygen (SaO2) less than 90% while spontane- for postoperative complications.
ously breathing room air are considered to be associated with
increased risk of postoperative complications. However there is Other tests
no evidence for using any absolute values on deciding the fitness
for surgery. Ventilationeperfusion (V/Q) scanning and CT scanning are also
used to assess lung function before thoracic surgery when the
results from the other tests are inadequate for decision-making.
Tests for cardiopulmonary reserve
These scans provide additional information on the extent and
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing nature of the disease and are useful in predicting the post-
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a non-invasive, operative function. They may also be more sensitive indicators of
objective method of assessing the response of the heart, lungs any diffuse parenchymal lung disease.
and musculoskeletal and circulatory systems to incremental ex- Predicted postoperative (ppo) lung function can be calculated
ercise. It relies on breath-by-breath analysis of carbon dioxide by estimating the amount of functioning lung tissue that would
production and oxygen consumption (VO2) at rest and at graded be lost with surgical resection. The methods available for this are
exercise. The exercise ECG and the heart rate response to exer- V/Q scan, quantitative CT scans and anatomic estimation. The
cise are also recorded. A computer programme is used to increase anatomic estimation is based on counting the number of seg-
workload according to a set protocol. The test can be stopped by ments to be resected and reducing the lung volumes propor-
the patient at any time because of exhaustion, breathlessness or tionately. The advantage of quantitative CT scans is that it is
chest pain and by the technician if significant ST changes in the routinely performed for staging purposes and allows calculation
ECG or dysrhythmias are noted. A computer software package is of postoperative lung function without the need for further
used to calculate the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2Max) and scanning. The ventilationeperfusion scan is used to measure the
the anaerobic threshold (AT). VO2Max is the maximum amount of postoperative lung function by taking into account the contri-
oxygen in millilitres the individual can use in 1 minute/kg body bution of the lung segments to be resected to the overall venti-
weight and this usually is the value of VO2 at the termination of lation and perfusion. This helps in predicting the impact of
the test. AT is the point of VO2 at which the oxygen demand resection on postoperative lung function. Various formulae are
exceeds the supply and the individual moves from aerobic to used to predict the postoperative FEV1 and DLCO.
anaerobic metabolism. While VO2Max may vary with patient
motivation, AT will not vary and it provides a reliable and pa- ppoFEV1 post-resection ¼ preoperative FEV1  ð1  y=zÞ
tient-specific measurement of cardiorespiratory reserve. The where y is the number of functional segments resected and z is
higher the values of AT and VO2Max, the fitter is the individual. the total number of functional segments. ppoDLCO can be
The test requires complex equipment and trained personnel and calculated using a similar formula. These values can be con-
is contraindicated in patients with significant heart disease. verted to percentage values using standard calculations and can
be used for decision-making.
Other exercise tests
The 6-minute walk test (6MWT), shuttle walk test (SWT) and
Role of PFTs in thoracic surgery
stair-climbing test are used as surrogates for CPET. In the 6MWT,
patients are asked to walk on level ground without stopping at The American College of Chest Physicians, the British Thoracic
their own pace. The oxygen saturation is measured continuously Society, the European Respiratory and European Thoracic Sur-
and recorded. The total distance the patient is able to cover in 6 gery Societies and NICE have produced evidence-based guide-
minutes is recorded and if this is more than 600 m, it indicates lines on the selection of patients for lung cancer surgery
good cardiorespiratory reserve. In the SWT two cones are placed (Table 1). Prior to lung resection surgery, if the FEV1 is greater
10 m apart on level ground. A pre-recorded series of tones set the than 80% predicted or over 2 litres and there is no evidence of
pace the patient is required to walk at between the cones. When either undue dyspnoea on exertion or interstitial lung disease,
the patient can no longer keep up with the required walking pace the patient is suitable for resection including pneumonectomy
because of breathlessness, the test is stopped. The ability to without further evaluation. If there is evidence of undue

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:11 497 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

It is generally accepted that a ppoFEV1 of 0.8 litres is the lower

Suggested lung function criteria for lung resection limit for allowing patients to undergo surgical resection. A
surgery ppoFEV1 or ppoDLCO of less than 40% indicates an increased
For pneumonectomy FEV1 2 litres or 80% predicted risk of perioperative death and cardiopulmonary complications.
DLCO 80% of predicted It is recommended that these patients undergo exercise testing
VO2Max >75% or >20 ml/kg/minute preoperatively. Lung cancer patients with a ppoFEV1 under 30%
ppoFEV1 40% or >800 ml should be counselled about non-standard surgery and non-
ppoDLCO 40% operative treatment options. Arterial PaCO2 of more than 45
For lobectomy FEV1 1e1.5 litres or >40e50% mmHg/6 kPa is considered to indicate a ppoFEV1 of less than 800
predicted ml though this is not an independent predictor for postoperative
For wedge resection FEV1 0.6e0.8 litres respiratory complications. Patients with greater than 20% ppo-
For lung volume reduction ppoFEV1 >20% FEV1 and ppoDLCO can undergo lung volume reduction surgery
surgery ppoDLCO >20% for emphysema.
Unsafe for resection surgery FEV1 <1 litre Recently it has been shown that ppoFEV1 is not a reliable
VO2Max <35% or <10 ml/kg/minute predictor of complications in patients with chronic obstructive
ppoFEV1 <30% or <800 ml pulmonary disease (COPD). Often the early postoperative func-
ppoDLCO <30% tion is underestimated. Patients are worse than predicted and in
Arterial PaCO2 >45 mmHg patients with a ppoFEV1 less than 40% the mortality is not as bad
SaO2 <90% on room air as it was thought to be. This is especially true in COPD patients
and it has been postulated that this is due to the ‘lung volume
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec; DLCO, diffusion capacity for carbon reduction effect’ in patients with obstructive airflow disease. A
monoxide; VO2Max, maximal oxygen consumption; ppo, predicted postopera-
tive; PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; SaO2, arterial oxygen
Aubrey W, Saravanan P. Tests of pulmonary function before surgery.
Table 1
Anaesth Intensive Care Med 2011; 12: 539e41.
British Thoracic Society and Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great
dyspnoea on exertion or interstitial lung disease, measurement of Britain and Ireland Working Party. Guidelines on the selection of pa-
DLCO is recommended even if FEV1 appears adequate. If either tients with lung cancer for surgery. Thorax 2001; 56: 89e108.
FEV1 or DLCO is less than 80% predicted, it is recommended that Brunelli A, Charloux A, Bolliger CT, et al. ERS/ESTS clinical guidelines on
postoperative lung function should be predicted through addi- fitness for radical therapy in lung cancer patients. Eur Respir J 2009;
tional testing or calculation and the patient should undergo some 34: 17e41.
form of CPET to stratify the risk of postoperative complications Colice GL, Shafazand S, Griffin JP, et al. Physiologic evaluation of the
and the risk of long-term disability from surgical resection. This patient with lung cancer being considered for resectional surgery.
allows the patient to make the most informed decision about ACCP Evidenced based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2007;
undergoing surgery. 132(suppl 3): 161Se77.
Patients with a preoperative VO2Max of 15e20 ml/kg/minute NICE Guidance. Lung Cancer. The diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.
can undergo curative lung resection surgery with a low risk of April 2011,
mortality. Patients with a VO2Max of less than 10 ml/kg/minute 54202.pdf (accessed 5 Jun 2014).
have a very high risk of perioperative mortality and are consid- Powell ES, Pearce AC, Cook D, et al. UK pneumonectomy outcome study
ered unsuitable for any form of resection. Inability to climb one (UKPOS): a prospective observational study of pneumonectomy
flight of stairs is associated with a VO2Max of less than 10 ml/kg/ outcome. J Cardiothorac Surg 2009; 4: 41.
minute while inability to walk 600 m in 6MWT or to complete 25 Slinger PD, Johnston MR. Preoperative assessment for pulmonary resec-
shuttles on two occasions in SWT is associated with less than 15 tion. 2005. Available at:
ml/kg/minute. Patients with a VO2Max under 10 ml/kg/minute Tho VYS, Mackay J. Tests of pulmonary function before thoracic surgery.
are at high risk for all forms of surgery. The American and Eu- Anaesth Intensive Care Med 2008; 9: 523e6.
ropean guidelines suggest that a VO2Max of 20 ml/kg/minute or Weissman C. Pulmonary function after cardiac and thoracic surgery.
higher is suitable for pneumonectomy while NICE guidelines Anesth Analg 1999; 88: 1272e9.
suggest 15 ml/kg/minute or higher.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:11 498 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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