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Draw tree structures for the following complex English words:

Realization- noun


verb affix (suffix)

realize - ation

Misplacement- Noun



(prefix) verb/noun affix(suffix)

mis – place - ment

Unintelligible - Adjective



(prefix) adjective affix(suffix)

un - intelligent - ible

2. The following word can be draw in two different ways. Draw the correct tree. Provide an
argument that your tree is correct.

Impossibility - Noun



affix(prefix) adjective affix(suffix)

im - possible - ility
This is the correct presentation is of the structure of the word “impossibility”. Structurally
speaking, the original functionality of the word impossibility is a noun. In structuring, it needs to
be formed first knowing which is the base word. Since the word as whole is noun, it is
important to note that the affix “im” was first attached forming an adjective word “impossible”
and not with the affix “ility-ity”. First thing first, the original formation of the word impossibility
starts with the word impossible before possibility came out and later on merged into

3. Shortstop is a compound word. Provide two arguments (not based on spelling or

meaning to distinguish the compound word from the phrase. Make the argument. Don't just
name the tests.
Answer: Structurally, shortstop is a compound word but there were arguments that
surrounds it. As stated in some definitions, compound words can be presented in ways such
as closed words and hyphenated compounded word. Some examples of compound words
are formed thru closed word such as doorknob, a two-word combined together to form a
single word. Another one is hyphenated compounded word. This is formed thru combining
two words by putting a hyphen in between the words. Arguably, Rochelle Lieber in her journal
pointed out that this process of combining words are just unacceptable and obscure making
it complex. This seems to describe that word shortstop is sometimes confusing structurally.
But the idea of having compound word as unacceptable was also asserted as untrue since
in today’s linguistic process, that is totally allowed.

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