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Section A (28 marks)

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-16 on p.2-4.

1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Dolphins are not smart.
B. Dolphin shows are no fun to watch.
C. Dolphins have fun performing. A B C D
D. Performing dolphins are not happy.    

2. Find a word in paragraph 1 that has a similar meaning to ‘smart’.


3. In paragraph 1, what example does the writer give to show that dolphins are smart?
(They can easily be trained to) do clever tricks.

4. *According to paragraph 2, where do people catch dolphins?

(People catch dolphins) in the ocean.

5. *According to paragraph 2, why are dolphins locked up in the tanks?

(Dolphins are locked up in the tanks) for entertainment.

6. *According to paragraph 2, does the writer think the dolphins’ lives in the tanks are good?
Why or why not? Give one sentence from the text to support your answer.
(2 marks)
No, he doesn’t (1 mark) because the writer thinks ‘the dolphins spend their whole lives
as prisoners’ (1 mark).

7. *According to paragraph 2, can children learn a lot from the dolphin show? Why or why
not? Give one sentence from the text to support your answer. (2 marks)
No, they can’t (1 mark) because ‘the unnatural surroundings make it impossible to study
the dolphins in any meaningful way’ (1 mark).

8. Find a word in paragraphs 1 and 2 that has a similar meaning to each of the following
words or phrases. (3 marks)
a) suffering pain (paragraph 1)
b) viewers audience (paragraph 2)
c) extremely useful invaluable (paragraph 2)

9. Read paragraphs 1 and 2 and decide whether the following statements are True (T),
False (F) or the information is Not Given (NG). Put a tick (✓) in the right box.
(4 marks)
a. The writer thinks that dolphins are smarter than humans. ✓
b. The writer thinks that dolphins can speak. ✓
c. The dolphins in dolphin shows are either caught in the ocean or ✓
born in the tanks.
d. The tickets of the dolphin shows are expensive. ✓

10. Below are pictures of show dolphins. Read paragraphs 1 and 2. Then label each action
with words or phrases from the text. One has been done for you as an example.
(4 marks)

jump through hoops clap catch balls

wave give ‘high fives’

11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Performing animals, especially dolphins, are treated cruelly.
B. Glass tanks are not the best homes for dolphins.
C. Dolphins are the smartest show animals. A B C D
D. All dolphins suffer from depression.    

12. What do the following words refer to? (3 marks)

They (line 2) Dolphins / dolphins
they (line 8) dolphin shows
They (line 15) Show dolphins / show dolphins

13. In paragraph 4, what adjective does the writer use to describe dolphin shows?

14. Which countries have banned dolphin shows?
Costa Rica, Hungary, Chile and India (have banned dolphin shows).

15. *What does the writer suggest doing to protect dolphins?

(The writer suggests) banning dolphin shows.

16. *Do you think dolphin shows should be banned? Give ONE reason to support your
answer. (1 mark)

Yes / No, plus ONE sensible reason (1 mark).

Section B (31 marks)

Read Text 1 and answer the following questions.

17.According to paragraph 1, what is “global warming”?

Global warming means the temperature of the Earth has increased.

18.Name the TWO gases that originally keep the temperature of the Earth stable.
Carbon dioxide and ozone

19.What do the following pronouns refer to? (2 marks)

a. their (line 8) people’s
b. our (line 10) everyone’s / readers’ & Jack’s

20.Which of the following can best replace the word “altered” in line 8?

A. changed
B. burnt A B C D
C. helped    
D. found

21.Fill in the blanks with ONE word that MAY or MAY NOT appear in paragraphs 1 & 2.
(5 marks)
In the past (a) ten years, there has been an (b) increase of 1.5-3.5 (c) degrees in global
temperature due to the greenhouse effect. The release of harmful gases brings
negative effects to our (d) health and (e) ecosystem.

22.Read the following statements and decide whether they are True, False, or the
information is Not Given. BLACKEN the correct circle. (4 marks)
True False Not Given
a. Creating food waste causes greenhouse effect.   

b. Jack is encouraging his readers to take action.   

c. Jeff thinks that we should buy more disposable batteries.

  

d. Catherine thinks we should not use plastic cutlery.   

23.According to paragraph 2, our Earth has become warmer because …

A. the sunlight has increased in intensity.
B. the world population is on an increase.
C. human activities have increased air pollution.
   
D. human beings have destroyed too many forests.

24. In paragraph 2, find a word that has a SIMILAR meaning to the following words.
(4 marks)
a. increasing rising
b. dangerous harmful
c. lead to cause
d. damage harm

25.*According to paragraph 3, what can we do to save energy?

We can change our own habits to conserve energy. / We should turn off the electrical
appliances when not in use and we should also use energy-saving devices.

26. Who responded to Jack’s post?

Jeff and Catherine

27. According to the blog comments, what did Jack and Catherine suggest to save the
environment? BLACKEN ALL the correct circles. (2 marks)
A. B.

 

C. D.

 

28. Which of the following can best replace the word “informative” in line 19?

A. incorrect
B. information A B C D
C. detailed    
D. comfortable

29. Find TWO adjectives in Jeff’s comment. (2 marks)

Informative, disposable, harmful, rechargeable (any two @ 1 mark each)

30. *What is Catherine’s concern? What suggestions did she give? (2 marks)

Catherine is concerned about the environment. She suggested that people should reuse
and recycle paper and plastic cutlery.

31. Name ONE positive effect of replacing private cars by public transport.
Reduce carbon foot print.

32. *Apart from waste and air pollution, can you think of other kinds of pollution in Hong
Kong? What can people do to solve the problem? (2 marks)
waste/ water/ water pollution (1 mark) + any reasonable explanations (1 mark)

End of Section B

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