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Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING


fy main bar = 414 MPa

f'c = 20.00 MPa
fyv Secondary = 227 MPa
Stirrup f = 10 mm
CC = 40 mm
b1 = 0.8500
rmax = 0.0155


d (mm) As a (mm) cb (mm) ab (mm) Ccb (KN) T (KN) DUCTILITY MU (KNm)
Mark B (mm) H (mm) Layer 1 Layer 2 Bar f
2G1 250 400 4 0 16 342.0 804 78 202.4 172.0 548 333 PASS 90.75
2G2 250 400 4 2 16 321.5 1206 118 190.2 161.7 515 499 PASS 118.10
2G3 250 400 4 2 16 321.5 1206 118 190.2 161.7 515 499 PASS 118.10
2B1 200 350 2 0 16 292.0 402 49 172.8 146.9 375 166 PASS 40.08
2G4 250 425 4 2 16 346.5 1206 118 205.0 174.3 556 499 PASS 129.34
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! -29.6 -25.1 0 0
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! -29.6 -25.1 0 0


d (mm) a (mm)
Mark B (mm) H (mm) Beff (mm) tf (mm) Beff - B Layer 1 Layer 2 Bar f cb (mm) ab (mm) Ccf (KN) Ccw (KN) T (KN)
2G1 250 400 645.83 100 395.83 2 0 16 342.0 15.16 202 172.0118 673 731 166
2G2 250 400 1,437.50 100 1,187.50 2 0 16 342.0 6.81 202 172.0118 2019 731 166
2G3 250 400 645.83 100 395.83 2 0 16 342.0 15.16 202 172.0118 673 731 166
2B1 200 350 1,387.50 100 1,187.50 3 2 16 271.5 17.64 161 136.5533 2019 464 416
2G4 250 425 1,187.50 100 937.50 4 0 16 367.0 16.49 217 184.5858 1594 784 333
-50.0 #DIV/0! -30 -25.1479 0 0 0
-50.0 #DIV/0! -30 -25.1479 0 0 0


Vu (KN) d (mm) 1/6f'cbd Vs (KN) Vcap (KN) 2/3f'cbd Vs REMARKS
Mark B (mm) H (mm) SPACING Legs # Bar f Check
2G1 250 400 125 2 10 117 342.0 64 97.558 121 PASS PASS
2G2 250 400 125 2 10 117 321.5 60 91.710 114 PASS FAIL
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

2G3 250 400 100 2 10 111 321.5 60 114.638 131 PASS PASS
2B1 200 350 125 2 10 74 292.0 44 83.295 95 PASS PASS
346.5 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

MU (KNm)

PASS 50.11
PASS 50.73
PASS 50.11
PASS 98.39
PASS 107.50
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING


fy main bar = 518 MPa

f'c = 20.00 MPa
fyv Secondary = 227 MPa
Stirrup f = 10 mm
CC = 40 mm
b1 = 0.8500
rmax = 0.0112


d (mm) As a (mm) cb (mm) ab (mm) Ccb (KN) T (KN) DUCTILITY
Mark B (mm) H (mm) Layer 1 Layer 2 Bar f Mu
2G1 250 400 4 0 16 342.0 804 98 183.6 156.1 498 416 PASS 121.96
2G2 250 400 4 2 16 321.5 1206 147 172.6 146.7 468 624 FAIL 154.86
2G3 250 400 4 2 16 321.5 1206 147 172.6 146.7 468 624 FAIL 154.86
2B1 200 350 2 0 16 292.0 402 61 156.8 133.3 340 208 PASS 54.40
2G4 250 425 4 16 367.0 804 98 197.0 167.5 534 416 PASS 132.37
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! -26.8 -22.8 0 0
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! -26.8 -22.8 0 0


d (mm) a (mm)
Mark B (mm) H (mm) Beff (mm) tf (mm) Beff - B Layer 1 Layer 2 Bar f cb (mm) ab (mm) Ccf (KN) Ccw (KN) T (KN)
2G1 250 400 645.83 100 395.83 2 0 16 342.0 18.95 184 156.0805 673 663 208
2G2 250 400 1,437.50 100 1,187.50 2 0 16 342.0 8.52 184 156.0805 2019 663 208
2G3 250 400 645.83 100 395.83 2 0 16 342.0 18.95 184 156.0805 673 663 208
2B1 200 350 1,387.50 100 1,187.50 2 0 16 292.0 8.82 157 133.2617 2019 453 208
2G4 250 425 1,187.50 101 937.50 2 0 16 367.0 10.31 197 167.4899 1610 712 208
-50.0 #DIV/0! -27 -22.8188 0 0 0
-50.0 #DIV/0! -27 -22.8188 0 0 0


Vu (KN) d (mm) 1/6f'cbd Vs (KN) Vcap (KN) 2/3f'cbd Vs REMARKS
Mark B (mm) H (mm) SPACING Legs # Bar f Check
2G1 250 400 125 2 10 117 342.0 64 97.558 121 PASS PASS
2G2 250 400 125 2 10 117 321.5 60 91.710 114 PASS FAIL
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

2G3 250 400 100 2 10 111 321.5 60 114.638 131 PASS PASS
2B1 200 350 125 2 10 74 292.0 44 83.295 95 PASS PASS
367.0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
-50.0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

DCTLTY Probable
PASS 69.20
PASS 70.28
PASS 69.20
PASS 59.85
PASS 75.30
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

T- Girder Design (Deflection Check)

Beam Mark Label 2G-2
T-Beams at Midspan
Design Parameters
F'c 20 MPa
Fy 414 MPa
Fy (secondary) 227 MPa
Rebar Diameter (Main) 16 mm
Rebar Diameter (Stirrups) 10 mm
Concrete Density 24 kN/m3

Beam Width 0.2 m

Beam Depth 0.35 m
Tributary Width 4 m
Thickness of Slab 0.1 m
Clear Span Length 4.75 m

Max. Moment From STAAD 92 kN-m

Effective Width of Slab for T Beams

A. 16tf +bw 1.8 m
B. Center to Center Space of Beam 4 m
C. L/4 + bw 1.3875 m
Effective Width for L Beams
A. 6tf +bw 0.8 m
B. Center to Center Space of Beam 4 m
C. L/12 + bw 0.59583 m
Governing Effective Width 1.3875 m

Assuming a < thickness of Slab

a= 100 mm
Solving Area of Steel =
Assume # of Layers = 2 layer of rebars
d = 271.5 mm
As = 1114.73 mm2
Number of Bars = 6.000 pcs 16 mm rebar
Actual As = 1206.37

Solving for Actual a = 21.1738 < 100 - - - - - - - assumption is correct

Solving for Actual Mu = 117.279 kN-m
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

Checking For Shear Capacity

Actual Ultimate Shear Vu = 118 kN
Vud (Shear @ dist. d) = 118 kN

If Vud > ØVc/2, stirrups is needed

ØVc = 1/6*(f'c)^0.5*b*d = 30.3546 kN
ØVc/2 = 15.1773 kN < 118 kN - - - - - Stirrups is Needed

Vud < Ø(Vc + Vs)

S = Avfyd/Vs = 82.84 mm

Check Limitations for Vs, it must be less than Ø(2/3) (f'c^0.5)bd

Ø(2/3) (f'c^0.5)bd = 121.418 kN
Vs = (Vud - ØVc)/Ø = 116.861 kN < 121.418 kN - - - - - Vs Limits is Okay
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

Max Spacing of Shear Reinforcement

if Vs < 0.33(f'c)bd max spacing is 135.75 mm or 600mm = 135.75
if Vs > 0.33(f'c)bd max spacing is 67.875 mm or 300mm 67.875

0.33 (f'c)^0.5bd = 80.9457 kN

Vs = (Vud - ØVc)/Ø = 116.861 kN > 80.9457 kN 67.88 mm spacig O.C.

There fore, use 2 legs of 10 mm rebar @ 67.875 mm O.C.

Checking For Ductility

Cb = 160.651 mm
ab = 136.553 mm
Acb = 146061 mm2
Ccb (Capacity of Conc.)= 1862.27 kN (Capacity of Concrete at Balance Condition)
Actual Tension Force (Tf) = 499.438 kN
If Tf < Ccb , Pass Ductility 499.438 kN < 1396.7 kN Beam Pass For Ductillity Requirement

Checking For Deflection

Ec = 4700(f'c)^2 = 21019
Modular ration = Es/Ec n = 9.51518
nAs = 11479 Equivalent Concrete Area of Steel
neutral axis (y) = 66.1625
Icr = 633275492.3 mm4 Icr = Summation of I + Ad2 (Cracking Moment of Inertia)
Ig = 1501662528 mm4 Gross Moment of Inetria of Concrete
fr = 2.77272 0.62λ(f'c)^0.5 Rupture Stress
Mcr = 16.4156 kN-m frIg/c c = distance from tension side to N.A.
MDL = 29.232 kN-m Moment due to Dead Load
MTotal= 34.7996 kN-m Moment due to Dead Load + Live Load
Ie for DL = 787058855.1 mm4 Ie = Icr + (Ig - Icr)(Mcr/M)3
Ie for TL = 724426649.7 mm4 Ie = Icr + (Ig - Icr)(Mcr/M)3
Ec = 21019 Elasticity of Concrete
ԾDL = 6.30781 mm 5WuL4/384EI (Deflection due Dead Load)
ԾTL = 7.81833 mm 5WuL4/384EI (Deflection due to Total Service Load)
ԾLL = ԾTL - ԾDL = 1.51051 mm Deflection Due to Live Load
ԾAllowable = 13.1944 mm L / 360 Allowable Deflection
If ԾLL< ԾAllowable , Pass Deflection 1.51051 mm < 13.1944 mm Beam Pass For Deflection, OK

Provisions in Designing a Girder Subjected to Seismic Load

1. width of beam (B) > 250mm
width of beam 200 mm < 250 mm Adjust Beam size
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

2. B/H > 0.3

B/H 0.57143 ratio > 0.3 ratio - - - - - Pass

3. L > 4d
Spand of Beam (L) 4750 mm > 271.5 mm - - - - - Pass

4. Bmax < width of Column + 1.5H

Column width = 375 mm
B= 200 mm < 900 mm - - - - - Pass
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

k) Beam Type


1 layer' 0.058
2 layer d' 0.0785

is correct
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

is Needed
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

mm spacig O.C. 0.3333333333 201.0619

4.472135955 fc'^0.5
200 b
326 d

157.0796327 Av
227 fy
271.5 d
116.8605029 Vs
uctillity Requirement 82.84147388 spacing

A B C y
100 130229 -9054006.74 66.16245
100 130229 -9054006.74 -1368.451

oment of Inertia) 8000000

Cracking Moment of Inertia of T Beams (Icr)
Width Depth Area
Governing Effective Width 1387.5
Beam Width 200 66.16245166 13232.49
T-Part 1187.5 100 118750
nAs 11478.85

Service Load) Gross Moment of Inertia of T Beams (Ig) 1501662528

Width Depth Area

or Deflection, OK Area 1 1387.5 100 138750

Area 2 200 250 50000
Atotal 188750
Bard Y =
Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

Gross Moment of Inertia of T Beams (Ig) 1501662528

Width Depth Area

Area 1 1387.5 100 138750

Area 2 200 253.6423841 50728.48
Area 3 200 -3.642384106 189478.5
Bard Y =

Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

Distance From Neutral Moment of Inertia

33.08122583 4827069.13178918
16.16245166 98958333.3333333

Distance From Bottom Moment of Inertia

300 115625000
125 260416666.666667

Engineering Report Structural Calculation PROPOSED TWO STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING

Distance From Neutral Moment of Inertia

46.35761589 115625000
126.8211921 271965759.392836
-1.821192053 -805.389523916378

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