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HRF and Body Ways of development

Muscular Regular dance exercise improves the
Endurance endurance of body muscles, allowing them
to work harder for longer periods of time
Modern Dance Contemporary
without getting tired easily.
Strength Dancing may not be the Dancebest choice for building
Characteristics Modern Dance in strength,
bodily a style however,Contemporary
dance exercise Dance
offersisaa kind
completelyway lackto
all theupper and lower
of dance style which
body strength. A dancers
restrictionsofimposed by classical who did not want
dance styles requires lifting, leaping, and to follow strict
ballet, the body moves
prancing with free
of which classical
require balletdrive
a muscular and that
lyrical dance
interpretations originating from forms,
will eventually builds up overtime but instead wanted to
Flexibility the inner enormous of the explore the area
Training your body to be flexible is something of revolutionary
dancer. dancing is good at. Mostunconventional movements
dance styles involve a that
were gathered
fine range of motion and movement, allowing from all dance
major muscle groups to be styles of the
flexed andworld.
Indicators - Contact release
worked out. -quick oppositional movements
Social Aspect - FloorworkDance
– fall offers a vast of ways
-shifting alignments
of meeting people,
- Recovery allowing
– improvisation -expression
you to make friends of raw your
and improve emotions,
- more on ballet movements systematic breathing
social skills. Whether you`re already a vivacious
party machine, or an introvert, dancing find absolute
will help limits
you build up your confidenceof human physique
for new social
Person/s who Isadora Duncan
opportunities. Martha Graham
founded the dance
Emotional Aspect Ruth St. Denis
Dancing doesn`t just help with physical health but
Famous Dancers - Ted Shawn Merce
also with the inside, regular Cunningham
exercise will also
- Hanya Holm Lester Horton
reduce mental tension and lead you on the path to
- Dori`s Humphrey
a stress-free mind. Dance stimulates happiness
- Ruth St. Denis
endorphins in the brain to alleviate day-to-day
- Twyla Tarp worries and concerns.
Mental Health - Bela Lewitzky
Move your body when your mind is loaded with
stress. Dancing can also help you improve your
memory through remembering dance steps and
develops an alert mind.
Injuries Definition Signs and First Aid
Symptoms Treatment
Dehydration It occurs when you use or • Thirst It must be treated by
lose more fluid than • Dry or Sticky Mouth replenishing the fluid
you take in, and your • Dry Skin level in the body. This
body doesn’t have enough • Rapid Heartbeat can be done by
water and other • Rapid Breathing consuming clear fluids
fluids to carry out its • Dark Yellow Pee such as water, clear
normal functions. • Muscle Crumps broths,and frozen water.
• Headache People who are
• Sunken eyes dehydrated should
avoid drinks containing
caffeine such as coffee,
tea and sodas.
Overexertion It occurs when people • Dizziness and vomiting Immediate treatment for
push themselves too • Fatigue overexertion is to stop the
hard during physical • Pain task or activity
activity. In terms of • Difficulty of speaking and rest. Take stock of
overexertion injuries, • Feeling faint any signs and symptoms
strains and sprains is the • Lightheadedness for treatment. Use ice or
most common. Strain • Nausea heat compress for muscle
Injury is the • Shortness of breath and joint soreness or
tearing or stretching of • Thirst stiffness.
the muscle or tendons;
and Sprains are
stretching or tearing
Hypothermia Is a medical emergency • Shivering Cover the person
that occurs when your • Slurred speech or completely with foil or a
body loses heat faster mumbling space blanket, or use your
than it can produce heat, • Slow, shallow breathing own body heat to help
causing a • Weak pulse warm him/her. Use warm
dangerously low body • Clumsiness or lack of compresses on the neck,
temperature. coordination chest, and groin. Give
• Drowsiness or very low warm,sweet fluids. (Any
energy fluids given should be
• Confusion or memory nonalcoholic, as alcohol
loss interferes with the blood's
• Loss of consciousness circulation.)
• Bright red, cold skin (in
Hyperthermia It refers to a group of Heat Fatigue and Cramps A person should stop
heat-related conditions • Excessive Sweating what they are doing and
characterized by • Exhaustion move to a cool,
abnormally high body • Flushed on red skin shaded place with good
temperature- in other • Muscle cramps, spasm, airflow. Seek medical
words the opposite of and pain attention if heat
hypothermia. The • Headache or mild light- cramps last longer than
condition occurs when the headedness one hour after they have
body’s heat-regulation • Nausea rested in a cool
system becomes place. Medical attention
overwhelmed by outside Heat Exhaustion should also be sought for
factors, causing a • Cold, pale, wet skin general
person’s internal • Extreme or heavy symptoms that do not
temperature to rise. sweating improve for 30 minutes of
• Fast but weak pulse rest and care.
• Nausea, Vomiting, and
• Headache, Muscle
Cramps, Exhaustion,
Intense Thirst and
• Less frequent urination
and dark urine

Heat Stroke
• Fast, strong pulse or
very weak pulse
• Fast, deep breathing
• Reduced sweating
• Hot, red, wet or dry skin
• Nausea, Headache,
Dizziness, Confusion,
Blurred Vision

To: the human whom I want to spend my whole life with

I always thought that a year won`t do much to a person but looking back, from 1 year ago Janine and now, you really can tell a
lot of things had changed. Before, I am a girl who is ambitious but not really planning on doing what she truly wants, always the
“go with the flow or just playing safe” however when I meet you, I realized a lot of things, you taught me how to love, how to
express my feelings, how to become at least a little gentle, and a whole lot of things that I cant put into words. I am very grateful
that I met you, I became more confident, more serious in life and just really an amazing person.

To be honest I struggle on the first months of our relationship, because I thought that you are too sensitive but it turns out I am
always want to hear your voice it gives me comfort; I just want to keep talking to you, not chatting but talking. We, made a lot of
plans, I was really looking forward for it but the Universe have a different plan for us. I was really devastated with it but I tried to
be strong because I saw that you`re struggling too! It hurts me to see you cried and drained and just sad. Remember? When you
used to say that you will kill yourself, if you cant go here, it really hurt me raj, so much, like how can u say that when I am here
in front of you? I begged and begged to you not to do it, that everything is gonna be alright, but you will just say that `I already
have peace with myself` but what about me raj? You`re just going to leave me? Stupid motherfucker. Thankfully, you did not do
it, I was legit going to message your mom about it, I was worried about you baby, If only I could hug you.

When I first met you, you we`re so broken, so lack of confidence, I hope I helped you healed at lease a little luv. I don’t know
what to write anymore, but always remember baby that whatever happens, you will always be in my heart, you`re my favorite
human in this world, I am very comfortable with you that sometimes it scares me, I wanna be with you always, I feel save, loved
and free when I am with you. I just wish that we could change your college address, and make it CDU or any medical school in
Cebu. It scares me that you will go to college now, it scares me that we can`t talk like how much we talk before, you may find me
annoying but, we are long distance baby, I am longing for you. Whatever happens in the future, bear in mind that you will always
be my Doc, I will find you after I graduate and if I have enough money, I will hug you soooo much and I will watch you work
and just take action in the hospital, I am so proud of you baby, despite of all the things that happened to you, you fought, for your
future. Okay I think this is too long, idk if this letter is heartwarming or something but I hope it touch your heart.

Happy Anniversary Raj, Deathangel, Doc, Luv, bb, kid. Cheers for forever <8



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