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Activity 1:For each type of speech according to purpose, give two possible topics that can be expanded
into speech.

A.Informative Speech

1. Health benefits of engaging in recreational activities.

2. Cause and effect of using prohibitted drugs to the body.

B.Persuasive Speech

1. Reasons why I should be elected as the mayor of this city.

2. We should start planting trees.

C.Argumentative Speech

1. Dress code should be followed by students in college.

2. The partylist system in the government should be abolished.

D.Entertaining Speech

1. The weirdest date I ever had

2. How to make your "Toyoin" girlfriend happy.

E.Inspirational Speech

1. How I came from rags to riches.

2. The struggle of an athlete to reach the top.


Activity 2:Choose one type of speech according to purpose. Then write a short speech in accordance to
your chosen type. Your output will be graded based on these criteria: organization 5, content 5,
effectiveness (based on chosen purpose) 5, grammar and mechanics 5.


A script:

Everything We Should Know About Depression

Good morning everyone. I am Ammiel L. Diwayan, a student and is infront of you to share a very
important information that each of us should be aware of. It is about depression. What is depression,
what is the cause of depression, what is the effect of depression to our health, what are the symptomps
that someone is depressed, what are the treaments we can apply when we are suffering depression and
what are the ways we can do to avoid getting depressed? So, let us start.

These past few months, I am being bothered by the increasing number of suicide in the community.
Some people I know in social media who I thought were happy and enjoying life as seen in their posts
suddenly commit suicide. I was shocked and sad of what is happening. So, I decided to make a research
on what could be the cause of it, and found out that it is depression. What is depression?

According to the World Health Organization, depression is a common mental disorder affecting more
than 264 million people worldwide. They also added, that depression is a leading cause of disability
around the world and contributes greatly to the global burden of disease. Aside from that, according to
Dr.Bhargava (2020), depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that
makes you feel constant sadness or lack of interest in life. She also added that when you feel intense
sadness, including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless that lasts for many days to weeks and keeps
you from living your life, it may be something more than sadness. You could have clinical depression.
Some symptomps that occur when you suffer a clinical depression is when your mood is depressed for
most of the day, especially in the morning, you feel tired or have a lack of energy almost every day, you
feel worthless or guilty almost every day, you feel hopeless or pessimistic, you have a hard time
focusing, remembering details, and making decisions, you can’t sleep, or you sleep too much, almost
every day, you have almost no interest or pleasure in many activities nearly every day, you think often
about death or suicide (not just a fear of death), you feel restless or slowed down, you’ve lost or gained
weight, you feel cranky and restless, you lose pleasure in life, you overeat or stop feeling hungry, you
have aches, pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that don’t go away or get better with
treatment and you have sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings.

Moreover, depression is caused by factors that has greatly affected us physically, mentally and
emotionally. According to Dr. Bhandari (2021), physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can make you more
vulnerable to depression later in life. People who are elderly are at higher risk of depression. That can be
made worse by other factors, such as living alone and having a lack of social support. Some drugs, such
as isotretinoin (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase
your risk of depression. Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to it may result from
personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends. Sadness or grief after the death or loss of
a loved one, though natural, can increase the risk of depression. Women are about twice as likely as
men to become depressed. No one's sure why. The hormonal changes that women go through at
different times of their lives may play a role. A family history of depression may increase the risk. It's
thought that depression is a complex trait, meaning there are probably many different genes that each
exert small effects, rather than a single gene that contributes to disease risk. Even good events such as
starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or
income, getting divorced, or retiring. However, the syndrome of clinical depression is never just a
"normal" response to stressful life events. Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses
or being cast out of a family or social group can contribute to the risk of developing clinical depression.
Sometimes, depression happens along with a major illness or may be triggered by another medical
condition. Lastly, nearly 30% of people with substance misuse problems also have major or clinical
depression. Even if drugs or alcohol temporarily make you feel better, they ultimately will aggravate

Lastly, there is a proper treatment that must be done, to help those people who are suffering from
depressionnto get back up on their feet. As Dr. Bhargava (2020) found out, you should talk to your
doctor, if you or someone you know has symptoms of the condition. They can evaluate you and offer
you treatment or refer you to a mental health professional. Moreover, Antidepressant medications (in
combination with therapy) are effective for most people with depression. There are many types of
antidepressants. You may have to try several kinds before you find the one that works best for you. You
may need a combination of two. Aside from that, Talking to a mental health professional on a regular
basis about your depression and other issues can help treat the symptoms. Different methods are
available, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and talk therapy. In addition, If your depression is
severe enough that you’re having trouble taking care of yourself or may harm yourself or others, you
may need psychiatric treatment in a hospital or residential facility. Also, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
passes electric currents through your brain to help your neurotransmitters work better. Typically, you
wouldn’t use this therapy unless antidepressants aren’t working or you can’t take them for other health
reasons. And lastly, Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS )treatment that uses a coil to send magnetic
pulses through your brain to help stimulate nerve cells that regulate mood. Your doctor typically
suggests this only after antidepressants haven’t worked.

We can also follow simple ways to avoid getting depressed. As suggested by Casarella (2019), to avoid
getting into depression, we can find ways to handle stress and improve our self-esteem, take good care
of ourselves. Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly, reach out to family and friends when
times get hard, we can also get regular medical checkups, and see your provider if you don’t feel right
and lasyly, get help if we think we’re depressed. If we wait, it could get worse.

To sum things up, depression trully is a serious problem that everyone should know and be aware of. It
has affected many lives in different ways and has caused suffering to all people who has faced it and tk
those who are currently suffering from it. Thus, let us encourage each and everyone of us to take a step,
and mitigate and stop depression. Let us be a helping hand to those that need help and together, we will
live a better and brighter life


Activity 3:In your own words, discuss the differences among the types of speech according to delivery.
Then choose the type that you think is the best and explain your choice. (Criteria for grading: Content 5;
organization 5; Grammar and mechanics 5).

There are different types of speeches according to delivery namely, Impromptu speaking,
extemporaneous speaking, speaking from a manuscript and lastly, speaking from memory. These four
are all designed different from each other. But, when they are used correctly, they are proven to be
very useful in delivering an effective and understandable speech. Impromptu speaking, is used when the
speaker is asked to deliver a short speech without advanced preparation at all, or given a very little ttime
to collect his thoughts before speaking infront of an audience. Although, even if the speech's message is
a little disorganized when contrasted from prepared speeches, I find it to be very amazing since we see
that the message told by the speaker is honest and from his heart. On the other hand, extemporaneous
speaking is a very well prepare speech, where the speaker has prepared and planned his or her speech
very carefully to be delivered fluently, clearly and very easy to comprehend by the listeners. The speaker
also use notes as guide to maintain the flow of his or her speech smoothly. This type of speech is
commonly used when the speaker is invited ahead of time to deliver a speech at a certain occation.
Thirdly, Speaking from a manuscript is delivering a speech by reading the script which isngiven to him or
her. Though this type of speech is a little boring to the listeners since the speaker may lack connection to
them because of focusinh his attention to thw manuscript, and also disadvantageous to the speaker if
the script would by any chance get lost, this type of speech is still very useful when delivering a very long
speech, like in the State of the Nation Address (SONA) which are done by the head of the country every
year, where in it would take a long period of time for them to deliver or finish their speech. Lastly,
speaking from memory is a speech where the speaker delivers the message to his or her audience
without using any manuscript or notes to guide. The speaker, has planned, written and memorized his or
her speech ahead of time, before delivering it. Thus, it is very effective for him or her to connect to the
audience since the speaker's attention is not focused to any manuscript, he or she can maintain eye
contact to the audience and can move freely and can also use non vernal communication to more
effectively deliver hisnor her message.

To me, the best speech according to delivery would be speaking from a memory. For me, delivering the
speech without using any script or note will prove that I have prepared myself very well, I have given
enough time and effort for my speech that I will be delivering. Through this type of speech, I can also
focus on my audience, since there won't be any hindrance between us, I can maintain an eye contact to
them, and I can also do gestures and walk freely on the stage, which would also help in delivering an
effective and fluent speech to my listeners.

Activity 4:Below are speaking prompts to choose from. Choose one from the prompts and using your cell
phone or any available gadget, make a self-video delivering a one-minute speech about the chosen
topic. Criteria for grading: (Delivery 10; Content 5; organization 5; Grammar 5)

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