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Ogsimer, Joaquin Tyson C.

Readings in Philippine History | DEN 214

September 10, 2021 | Assignment # 1

1. Define the following words based on your understanding (5 points each).

a) History
- Based on what I learned in the lessons of Readings in Philippine History, I define history as
another word for inquiry. It is the knowledge acquired of not just Philippine history but generally
on past events. It is also considered as another word for origin or phenomena that
encompasses our discovery and interpretation of how we understand the world today.

b) Past
- I define past as an even that occurred before the present time. In the context of Philippine
history, it is a set of events that have occurred in the history of the Philippines before this current

c) Controversy
- The term controversy is another word for disagreement. In today’s lesson, controversy in
history happens when we question ourselves on historical events. It may be because of either
misinformation or supplementary details that were not included in the sources we’ve read. It is
up to our analysis to understand the sources, investigate other sources, and finally arrive with
our own conclusion.

d) Multi Perspective
- Multi perspective is defined as perspectives or angles seen by more than one person. It is
considered objective as it is experienced by a group of people rather than a single individual.
When we view history, there will be events wherein it is viewed at another angle or events
generally experienced through other people. This perspective can give high credibility of the
interpretations our history of what is considered a fact rather than pure misinformation.

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