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Try using the different shortcut Keys to see what effect it has on the FHC drawing.

You will find a full list of the shortcut keys

in Appendix A


Now we know how to change the display view will show you how to calculate the hydraulic model in its simplest form you can just press the [F12] key and
this will calculate all the heads on the system If you press the key now you should see the following window.

We don't need to worry about all the settings at this time will explain them to you later just check that the minimum velocity, maximum velocity and maximum
pressure drop is as shown above and then press the OK button. Once FHC has completed the calculation it will display a summary window and you
will see at the top the source duty this is the flow and pressure which is required at the starting node in the system to meet the systems design criteria and will
look into this in more detail later on.


Now we have calculated the system we may wish to interrogate the hydraulic model to find out what flows and pressures in
the pipes or what the various pipe losses are by using these commands you be better able to understand hydraulic model
which you have entered you will use this information to diagnose errors or to optimise your system. If you place your mouse
cursor anywhere over the FHC drawing area and then press the right hand mouse button you will see a context menu with a

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