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Change Encoder value ZennaCAD

First close the Machine Software (HMI):

To do so you need to bring Application Monitor to the front by pressing and holding the [ Alt ] key on your
keyboard and while holding click on the [ Tab ] key till you see the Application Monitor:

Click in the application Monitor on [ Stop all ]. And wait 10 seconds for all software to have stopped.

Go to: C:\MachineSoftware\sc_zenna\tools\ and start: sc_setup.exe:

Click on: HardwareSettings:

Below Settings file select: sc_gm_settings.sam (Step 1) and then click on [<-Load] (Step 2) and click on
[Settings] (Step 3):

Do not use the one with ‘light’ in the name, actual names can be different on your system. If you are not sure

with file to edit send me a screenshot of your system Settings files and I will tell you which is the right one.

In the next windows click on [Driver Settings] :

Do not change anything else is this window at all, numbers in screenshots above can or will be different

than on your system. Also checkboxes can be checked and/or unchecked in the screenshot above and

can be different than on your system.

In the next window click on [Settings] in the ‘Mark on fly’ section:

Do not change anything else is this window at all, numbers in screenshots above can be different than

on your system. Also checkboxes can be checked and/or unchecked in the screenshot above and can

be different than on your system.

In this next window you can change the encoder value. Kx and Ky. Kx is the one you need to change.
Try to change these numbers, For example Kx = 0.02499 try changing it in to 0.026 or 0.024.
Only try with small steps at a time.

If you changed the encoder value click on [OK] to close this window.

Click on [OK] in the previous window and click on [OK] again.

When you have reached this window below, follow next steps.

Click on [Save->] (Step 1) and [OK] (Step 2):

Close sc-setup.exe with the [X] in the upper right corner.

Restart the MachineSoftware through Application monitor (see first page) and click on [ Start all ] which is
located left of [ Stop All ] test the laser with moving material to determine if the encoder value is okay now. If
it is okay you leave it, if not repeat step above.
For example, if the opening at starting and stopping point of a circle is getting bigger change the value in
opposite direction.

Test with circles like shown in the picture below:

The black circle is the circle you need to cut, pay attention to the material direction, with wrong encoder value
the starting and stopping points in the red circle do not overlap.
The starting and stopping points of the black circle should not be on top or on the bottom of the circle, then
you won’t be able to see a wrong encoder value as good as in example above.

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