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Đề bài số 1: Many people go to university for academic study ( QD 1).More people should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as
electricians and plumbers.To what extent do you agree or disagree?/ Do you agree or
disagree? Why? Write at least 250 words

Mở bài: It is an undeniable fact that... (Quan điểm 1). In contrast, other people believe that
(quan điểm 2). Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the statement
of that …( quan điểm 1 hoặc 2)

 It is an undeniable fact that a lot of young people enter university for academic study/
purposes nowdays. In contrast, other people believe that young generations should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as
electricians, factory workers and plumbers. Therefore, from my point of view. I am
totally in agreement with the statement of thatpeople should go to university for
academic study (People should do the vocational training).

Thân bài To begin with, I strongly agreethat .( quan điểm đã lựa chọn của mình) because of
some following reasons. The first reason is that (lý do 1 + ví dụ). The second reason could be
explained that (lý do số 2 + ví dụ ) . The third reason is that (lý do 3 + ví dụ). Last but not
least, (lý do 4 + ví dụ) . In short, there are several reasons that I am totally in agreement with
(nhắc lại quan điểm đã lựa chọn)

Going to vocational schools

- help to reduce the burden for their parents
- get early several skills which are more important and necessary in the life
- students who do vocational training could reduce their time in study and can support
themselves because completing a program in vocational schools takes less time than that in
ordinary colleges or universities
- vocational training specializes in providing students with the vocational education and
technical skills, so students could gain useful working skills quickly in actual situations
- The fees are reasonable so they can afford to pay their tuition fee

 C. Duyên; To begin with, I strongly agree that going to vocational school is the
best choice because of some following reasons. The first reason is that vocational
training specializes in providing students with the vocational education and
technical skills, so students could gain useful working skills quickly in actual
situations. The second reason could be explained that the fees are reasonable so
they can afford to pay their tuition fee. For instance, many young peoples must
stop their studying because they don’t have money but they can go to work and
go to vocational school to build up their working skills. The third reason is that
doing the vocational training helps people to get early several skills which are
more important and necessary in their life. The employers are always looking for
the employees who have as more skills as possible to save the training cost for
their business. In short, there are several reasons that I am totally in agreement
with going to vocational school. Overall: 8.0
 C. Tiên: To begin with, I strongly agree that people should do vocational training
because of some following reasons. The first reason is that vocational schools help
students to reduce the burden for their parents. As we know, auniversity student
must pay a huge fee for their studying which concludes the school fees, the
materials and so on. These are really a serious problem for students, especially for
those who are in plight. It can be interestingly noted that the fee for vocational
schools are reasonable,hence they can afford to pay their tuition fee. The second
reason could be explained that when coming to vocational training, students can
get early several skills which are more important and necessary in fact. It is due to
the fact that they are provided the vocational education and technical
skills.Therefore, students could gain useful working skills quickly in actual
situations. Last but not least, students who do vocational training could reduce
their time in study and can support themselves because completing a program in
vocational schools takes less time than that in ordinary colleagues or universities.
For example, although a university student must take about 3 or 4 years to
complete their course, a vocational student just takes part in 2 years. Therefore,
they will have more time to support themselves. In short, there are several reasons
that I am totally in agreement with people should do vocational training.

 In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that young generation should
do vocational training because of reducing the burden for their parents,
reasonable fees and time management. It is suggested that the Government
should have policy to encourage students to do vocational training. (Overall: 8.5)

 C. Liễu: To begin with, I strongly agree that the pupils who are graduated from high
school should continue their studies at vocational school because of the following
reasons. The first reason is that the person who can get early several skills which are
more important and necessary in their life, For example, from a high school, they only
understand fundamental theory or water pressure when entering vocational training,
they understand these issues when they practice and interact directly with the job. The
second reason should be explained that the students who do vocational training could
reduce their time in study and can support themselves because completing a program
in vocational school take less time that that in ordinary colleges or Universities. For
instance, the lead time of vocational school has only from 6 tháng to a year, while in
college, it takes from 4 to 6 years, depending on the field of study. Last but not least,
the fees are reasonable so they can afford to pay their tuition fee. In general,
vocational school tuition is only about 10 million VND per year while at university,
30 million VND and more. In short, I am absolutely agreement with the point that
young generations should enter vocational training right after graduating their high

 In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that people should go to vocational
training because of some reasons which help them to get early several skills which are
more important and necessary in their life; reduce their time in study and can support
themselves and tuition fees are reasonable. It is suggested that the Governments
should encourage and support the student who are graduated from the vocational
school to find suitable jobs as soon as possible. Overall: 8.0
Going to universities
=>To begin with, I strongly agree that young people should go to university for academic
successbecause of some following reasons. The first reason is that people can get more
knowledge and experience from their professors, accordingly they can get a better job in the
future because all the companies require bachelor degree for their work. The second reason
could be explained that going to university can help people to meet up new friends, open up
social relationship, develop their creative thinking and soft skills such as communication and
time management. The third reason is that people can become global citizens easily. In short,
there are several reasons that I am totally in agreement with people should enter universities
for better life

Kết bài:In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that (quan điểm đã lựa chọn)
because of ( lý do 1,2,3,4).It is suggested that the Government/ parents/ teachers/individuals

 In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that people go to university for
academic study because of getting more knowledge and experience from their
professors, having a better job in the future, meeting up new friends, opening social
relationship and becoming global citizens. It is suggested that the Government should
be free for tuition fee of higher education to create chances for everyone to enter

Going to universities
-people can get more knowledge and experience from their professors
- get higher education and find a good job with high salary
-become global citizen easily
- going to the university helps people have better job in the future because all the companies
require bachelor degree for their work
- meet up new friends, open up social relationship, develop their creative thinking and soft
skills: communication, time management
Going to vocational schools
- help to reduce the burden for their parent
- get early several skills which are more important and necessary in fact
- students who do vocational training could reduce their time in study and can support
themselves because completing a program in vocational schools takes less time than that in
ordinary colleges or universities
- vocational training specializes in providing students with the vocational education and
technical skills, so students could gain useful working skills quickly in actual situations
- The fees are reasonable so they can affort to pay their tuition fee
It is an undeniable fact that a lot of young people go to university for academic study/
purposes nowdays. In contrast, other people believe that young generaltions should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as
electricians and plumbers. Therefore, from my point of view I am totally in agreement with
people should go to university for academic study/ I am partly (partially) agree that people
should go to both university and vocational school.

To begin with, I strongly agree that young people should go to university for academic
successbecause of some following reasons. The first reason is that people can get more
knowledge and experience from their professors, according they can get a better job in the
future because all the companies require bachelor degree for their work. The second reason
could be explained that going to university can help people to meet up new friends, open up
social relationship, develop their creative thinking and soft skills: communication, time
management. The third reason is that people can become global citizens easily. In short,
people should enter universities for better life

In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that people go to university for academic
study because of getting more knowledge and experience from their professors, having a
better job in the future, meeting up new friends, opening social relationship and becoming
global citizens. It is suggested that the Government should be free for tuition fee of higher
education to create chances for everyone to enter universities.

Cách trình bày bài luận Agree&Disagree

Mở bài: It is an undeniable fact that... (Quan điểm 1). In contrast, other people believe that
(quan điểm 2). Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the statement
of that …( quan điểm 1 hoặc 2)

Thân bài To begin with, I strongly agree that .( quan điểm đã lựa chọn) because of some
following reasons. The first reason is that (lý do 1). The second reason could be explained that
(lý do số 2) . The third reason is that (lý do 3). Last but not least, (lý do 4) . In short, (nhắc lại
quan điểm đã lựa chọn)

Kết bài:In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that (quan điểm đã lựa chọn)
because of ( lý do 1,2,3,4).It is suggested that the Government/ parents/ teachers/ should….

Bài mẫu 1:
It is an undeniable fact that a lot of young people go to university for academic study/
purposes nowdays. In contrast, other people believe that young generaltions should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as
electricians and plumbers. Therefore, from my point of view I am totally in agreement with
people should go to university for academic study/ I am partly (partially) agree that people
should go to both university and vocational school.

To begin with, I strongly agree that young people should go to university for academic
successbecause of some following reasons. The first reason is that people can get more
knowledge and experience from their professors, according they can get a better job in the
future because all the companies require bachelor degree for their work. The second reason
could be explained that going to university can help people to meet up new friends, open up
social relationship, develop their creative thinking and soft skills: communication, time
management. The third reason is that people can become global citizens easily. In short,
people should enter universities for better life
In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that people go to university for academic
study because of getting more knowledge and experience from their professors, having a
better job in the future, meeting up new friends, opening social relationship and becoming
global citizens. It is suggested that the Government should be free for tuition fee of higher
education to create chances for everyone to enter universities.

C Thanh Tam: On the one hand People should encourage younger generation to study in
university because of some following reason. Firsly, students who learn in university would
accrue high knowledge. This is because learning time in university is longer than vocational
schools . Secondly, students would collect a lot of soft skills such as presentation,
discussion, group working … The reason is that lecturers give students diverse situations to
solve. Therefore, students’ skills can be extremely improved. Finally, students will achieve
higher education such as master degree, doctoral degree if they graduate from university. It
is of course that this is the necessary workforce of the society which can help to expand the

A Ngoc; To begin with, studying vocational education will be provided them huge
opportunities in their professional job. Firstly, students will reduce time when they study
vocational program. It means that they just spend less 2 years to complete the training
program, which are enough basic knowledge. Therefore, they will apply a job where they
innovate new products for our society. As a result, they could save more experience in their
career, which helps to develop their ability in future.

C Tram Nguyen: On the one hand, young generation should be encouraged to go to

university. First and foremost, people should recognize that individuals who go to
university will focus on the field in which they are interested. This is because of the fact
that university provides opportunities for students to study a lot of subjects in their
particular fields. Another point I would like to mention is that people who achieve the
bachelor's degree will have chances to gain the high - paid jobs. This is due to the fact that
many companies are likely to offer the high salary to candidates who graduate from the
university. Therefore, they will attain a position which supports for their living in the
future. To sum up, it had better to enter university / offer an admision to university after
high school

Thanh Huy: On the one hand, it is undeniable fact that learning at university for academic
study is really essential for people’s future. First of all, with an excellent and official
university degree, young generation could have more wonderful opportunities to apply for
expected jobs. Thus, when setting the application to every company, which is from normal
to well known one, they would be appreciated highly and would satisfy the interviewer.
Another reason is that the official university processing could specialize in providing
student with more valuable expertises and some efficient skills in some harsh
circumstances. Therefore, it is facilitating for them to adapt and integrate in professional
work environment. As a consequence, they could enhance more experience themselves in
order to gain a higher expected position and contribute partly to revenue’s workplace.

In conclusion, studying in university and studying in vocational training have different

advantages. However, we should encourage more young people to do vocational training
not only because of its advantages but also to solve the problem of lacking of qualified
workers today. It is suggested that the Goverment, parents ...

A Ngoc; In conclusion, studying in college and learning in vocational program have diverse
benefits. However, I totally support for young generation should do vocational training
because it brings many advantages such as creating opportunities job, saving training time
and enriching their own experience. I highly suggested that the government should build
infrastructure education like school or practicing equipment learning for students studying.

Thanh Huy: In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that it is strongly crucial to
study university for boost up young generation expertise’s and vital skills for their career
after graduation. Beside, occupational training could be one of the essential solutions to
address shortage of qualified workers. Personally, I would deeply recommend that the
Government should upgrade more infrastructures and bring more opportunities for each job
so as for people to have an appropriate decision in the future

Thanh Tam: In conclusion, studying in university and vocational school has diverse
advantages. However, parents should base on their family’s financial capacity to choose a
suitable programme for their children. If they can afford the university expenses, their
children will learn at the bachelor degree. If their financial situation is limited, learning in
vocational school is a good idea. It is suggested that the Government should invest to build
more vocational schools for more teenagers’ learning opportunities. Moreover, the
expansion of the industrial zones is necessary to create more careers/ employment

Ngoc Tram: In conclusion, the above mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people
make a decision between going to the university and studying in vocational training,
therefore it is still a controversial issue. As far as I am concerned, both of those opinions
could have both positive impacts. I highly recommend Government and officials should
invest in building more universities for individuals who tend to spend time achieve
academic goals as well as more occupational schools for people who want to gain actual
skills related to their future career.
De bai so 2: The subjects that children are taught in schools are decided by central authorities.
Some people say that teachers, not politicians, should be responsible for this task. To what
extent you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Mở bài: It is an undeniable fact that... (Quan điểm 1). In contrast, other people believe that
(quan điểm 2). Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the statement
of that …( quan điểm 1 hoặc 2)

 C. Tiên: It is undeniable fact that the subjects that children are taught in schools are
decided by central authorities. In contrast, other people believe that teachers, not
politicians, should be responsible for this task. Therefore, from my point of view, I am
totally in agreement with the statement of that teachers should be responsible for
choosing subjects that children are taught in schools.

Thân bài To begin with, I strongly agree that .( quan điểm đã lựa chọn) because of some
following reasons. The first reason is that (lý do 1). The second reason could be explained that
(lý do số 2) . The third reason is that (lý do 3). Last but not least, (lý do 4). In short, (nhắc lại
quan điểm đã lựa chọn)

Teachers should take in turn of choosing subjects that are taught at schools
-The teachers have a lot of experiences to develop pupils’ psychology in order to encourage
them to enjoy the subjects.
- the teachers are direct teaching with their pupils so teachers have a deep understanding about
students’ educational background, students’ psychologies and abilities.
-Teachers are curriculum advisers for the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to
develop a national curriculum framework, therefore teachers know the ability of students to
prepare curricula accordingly.
-Teachers are the one who directly teach the student, so they know their students’ need and

=> To begin with, I strongly agree that teachers should take in turn of choosing subjects that
are taught at schools because of some following reasons. The first reason is that the teachers
have a lot of experiences to develop pupils’ psychology in order to encourage them to enjoy
the subjects. The second reason could be explained that the teachers are direct teaching with
their pupils so teachers have a deep understanding about students’ educational background,
students’ psychologies and abilities . The third reason is that teachers are curriculum advisers
for the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to develop a national curriculum
framework, therefore teachers know the ability of students to prepare curricula accordingly. .
In short, teachers should be responsible for choosing subjects at schools

The subject should be in the hand of the Government

- The Government can decide the number of subjects in the curriculum, the number of hours
of instructions includes theory and practice, thus they can develop a general curriculum which
can be synchronized through out the nation, accordingly The Government will decide the
same national curriculum.
- The Government can create equal opportunities study for students
- The Government assesses subjects that are appropriate to the culture of the country.
- The Government are responsible for choosing curriculum oriented towards the national
Kết bài:In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that (quan điểm đã lựa chọn)
because of ( lý do 1,2,3,4).It is suggested that the Government/ parents/ teachers/ should take
consideration this issue thoroughly

 In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that teachers should be responsible
for choosing subjects at schools because teachers have better understanding students’
need, purpose, abilities and they are also curriculum advisers for MOET. It is
suggested that the teachers should take consideration this issue thoroughly

Bài mẫu:
It is undeniable fact that the subjects that children are taught in schools are decided by central
authorities. In contrast, other people believe that teachers, not politicians, should be
responsible for this task. Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the
statement of that teachers should be responsible for choosing subjects that children are taught
in schools.

To begin with, I strongly agree that teachers should take in turn of choosing subjects that are
taught at schools because of some following reasons. The first reason is that the teachers have
a lot of experiences to develop pupils’ psychology in order to encourage them to enjoy the
subjects. The second reason could be explained that the teachers are direct teaching with their
pupils so teachers have a deep understanding about students’ educational background,
students’ psychologies and abilities . The third reason is that teachers are curriculum advisers
for the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to develop a national curriculum
framework, therefore teachers know the ability of students to prepare curricula accordingly. .
In short, teachers should be responsible for choosing subjects at schools

In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that teachers should be responsible for
choosing subjects at schools because teachers have better understanding students’ need,
purpose, abilities and they are also curriculum advisers for MOET. It is suggested that the
teachers should take consideration this issue thoroughly

De bai3:Some people prefer to prepare and eat at home. Others think that it is better to eat in
restaurants. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Eating at home:
- Preparing and eating at home help to protect the health of the family because home cooked
food consumes less sugar and processed foods, which can result in higher energy levels and
better mental health, the foods they cook at home feel safer and suitable for family's taste
- eating at home is more economic than eating in the restaurants because people don’t have to
take a taxi or drive their car to get take-out at the closest restaurant. Furthermore, buying food
from the supermarket is cheaper and fresher and can cook meals for the whole family member
in several days
- Can warm up or strengthen the love of family members because eating at home gives the
whole family time to talk to share about their daily life

Eating in restaurants:
- Eating in restaurants, there are several delicious and a variety of dishes that we can
- eating in restaurants can save a great deal of time, especially for working parents who
have to work in the office and take care of their kids at the same time.
- it is very fantastic and romantic with soft music, nice view and good service if we go
to the restaurant
- you don’t have to worry about doing the cooking, doing the cleaning and clearing the
table or washing the dishes when eating out

Đề số 4:Computers are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Some people
believe that computers are more harmful than beneficial. Other say that computers are more
beneficial than harmful. Do you agree or disagree?

Cách trình bày bài luận Agree&Disagree

Mở bài: It is an undeniable fact that... (Quan điểm 1). In contrast, other people believe that
(quan điểm 2). Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the statement
of that …( quan điểm 1 hoặc 2)

Thân bài To begin with, I strongly agree that .( quan điểm đã lựa chọn) because of some
following reasons. The first reason is that (lý do 1). The second reason could be explained that
(lý do số 2) . The third reason is that (lý do 3). Last but not least, (lý do 4) . In short, (nhắc lại
quan điểm đã lựa chọn)

Kết bài:In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that (quan điểm đã lựa chọn)
because of ( lý do 1,2,3,4).It is suggested that the Government/ parents/ teachers/ should….

Harms of computers
- overusing computer has many negative effects on people's health and people's work.
For example, sitting too much in front of the computer will harm eyes and obesity
because of eating habit when using computers
- Using computers for a long time with doing nothing leads to time-consuming
- the Internet-addicted person is often unsociable because they do not take part in social
activities, accordingly they can be autism easily
- Different tasks are performed automatically by using computers, as a result it reduces
the need of people labour and increases unemployment in the society.
- Many people use computers without positive purposes because they play games and
chat for a long period of time. It causes wastage of time and energy. Young
generationsare now spending more time on the social media websites like Facebook,
Twitter, Zalo etc or texting their friends all night through smartphones which is bad
for both studies and their health
- The data stored on a computer can be accessed/ hacked by unauthorized persons
through networks. It has created serious problems for personal privacy and security
Benefits of computers
- Computer are considered as educational tools which provide variety of information
and knowledge that everybody needs for academic purposes
- Computers can be a means of entertainment which helps learners to find information
faster, watch movies, listen to music after hard working days
- During Corona pandemic, using computers for meeting, talking, teaching and learning
online is very necessary because people not only can improve their knowledge but
also obey the Government discipline which is social distance
- - Computers help to increase your productivity, connects you to the world through the
- - Computers help to save your a huge information or data in a small disk
- - Computers help to broaden your knowledge, learn new things and open social
- - During corona pandemic, people can learn, talk, meet friends, shop online through
- - Computer help to find every useful information at google when we need

A Ngoc: People have different opinions about the achievement of computers in the modern
life. Some consider that it is provided many advantages while others disagree with this view.
Personally, I totally agree that computers bring more benefits than drawbacks for some
C Kim; It is undenied that the development of information technology is beneficial for our
life.However, the misuse of information technology equipment such as like computers has
brought some/ numerous negative health effects. From my point of view,________
A Tran Huynh Than Huy : It is apparent to say that computers have grown rapidly for recent
years so that more and more people believe that they will develop more dramatically and
bring more benefits in the future. While others think that computers have their drawbacks as
well. To a certain extent, I would agree that technology in general and computers in particular
will be quite more beneficial, however I do consider that they will also have some negative
Thanh Tam: It is interesting to say that nowadays the popularity of using computers is
significantly increasing. People have different views about computers. Some people believe
that computers are extremely useful. Others think that using computers brings positive
problems drawbacks/ shortcomings/ disadvantages. In my opinion, while I accept that
computers are effective, I believe that computers are harmful as well

Đề số 5:Buses are more convenient and faster than private cars (xe hơi cá nhân).
Do you agree or disagree?

Cách trình bày bài luận Agree&Disagree

Mở bài: It is an undeniable fact that... (Quan điểm 1). In contrast, other people believe that
(quan điểm 2). Therefore, from my point of view, I am totally in agreement with the statement
of that …( quan điểm 1 hoặc 2)

Thân bài To begin with, I strongly agree that ( quan điểm đã lựa chọn) because of some
following reasons. The first reason is that (lý do 1). The second reason could be explained that
(lý do số 2) . The third reason is that (lý do 3). Last but not least, (lý do 4) . In short, (nhắc lại
quan điểm đã lựa chọn)

Kết bài:In a nutshell, I would come up with the conclusion that (quan điểm đã lựa chọn)
because of ( lý do 1,2,3,4).It is suggested that the Government/ parents/ teachers/ should….

- Buses are quicker and more convenient than private cars because your journey from
one place to the other place will be quicker and often direct as more because it is
always followed the bus routes
- all forms of public transport like buses pose less of a cost to the traveller. If you’re
regularly visiting a place, or planning a trip in advance, you can get seasonal tickets or
advance booked tickets for a reasonable price
- As we know that one of the most unsatisfying things about driving a car or motorbike
is the hunt for a parking space once you arrive at your destination. However, when
using buses, you don’t have to worry about car parking because all the buses have bus
- Đề bài số 1:Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers such as
electricians and plumbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?/ Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
- Đề bài số 2: The subjects that children are taught in schools are decided by central
authorities. Some people say that teachers, not politicians, should be responsible for
this task. To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion?
- Đề bài số 3 :Some people prefer to prepare and eat at home. Others think that it is
better to eat in restaurants. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- Đề bài số 4:Computers are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Some
people believe that computers are more harmful than beneficial. Do you agree or
- Đề bài số 5:Buses are more convenient and faster than private cars. Do you agree or
- Đề bài số 6: Art is regarded as an important part in the culture of every country in the
world. Thus, which some people think that art is being inspired. However, more and
more children seem to have less interest in art. Do you agree or disagree?
- Đề bài số 7: In the 21st century, more and more females are career women. They
spend more time at work than at home. Most of them earn enough to have a
housemaid and to eat out. Some people believe that children, especially GIRLS do not
need to learn how to cook or do housework/ household chores? Do you agree or
- Đề bài số 8: English should be taught by native English teachers only. Do you agree
or disagree?
- Đề bài số 9: When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
- Đề bài số 10:The number of children who are considered overweight is increasing.
This is a negative consequences of modern life habits such as eating fast food or
playing video game. Therefore, some people think increasing the time spent on
physical education at school is the best way to deal with the problem of overweight
children. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statement and give your
own opinion, reasons and examples.

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