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1. (18/04/2015) Some people think that schools should reward students

who show the best academic results, while others believe that it is more
important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

It is true that the question of whether to
reward students with excellent a source of controversy a subject of
academic results or those showing public discussion, about which people
great improvements remains a source strongly disagree.
of controversy in the education field.
While a number of people believe that
only students achieving the highest
grades deserve rewards, I would argue
that praising students who achieve
improvements is much more

On the one hand, there are a variety of

highly competitive= a situation in
reasons why awards should be given to which people or organisations have to
students having excellent academic compete against each other.
performances. [1] Firstly, this could .
create a highly competitive studying
environment at school, seeing that
students often desire to win prizes. As
a consequence, school children could
be encouraged to put their effort into
studying for the highest scores. [2]
Secondly, by adopting this approach,
gifted students who are outstanding
nurture their abilities= to develop
could be given opportunities to
their capacity to learn or do things
nurture their abilities. My secondary


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school, for instance, selects students while they are growing.
with the best results for extra classes to
develop their capabilities in order to
take them to national competitions.
make strides in= to make great
improvements in the way that
On the other hand, I believe that giving something is developing.
encouragement to those who make
strides in their studies results in more
favourable outcomes. [1]The first
benefit is that this could give equal the highest achievers= the students
chances for every student to receive who have the most success and the
awards, rather than only focus on the highest marks.
highest achievers. Instead of feeling
disappointed when competing with
their top classmates, students who are
recognized for their effort during
semesters will feel motivated if they
are rewarded for making significant the holistic principle of learning=
progress. [2] Another benefit is that considering education as a whole thing,
rather than as separate facts or subjects.
this form of recogniton follows the
holistic principle of learning, which is
to access the world of knowledge, not
just to gain high scores. Consequently,
several common phenomena which
occur when examinations approach,
including pressure, anxiety and
cheating, would be reduced.

In conclusion, although rewarding

students with the highest scores is
advantageous to some extent, it seems
to me that it is better to give
encouragement to those who have
improved their level of academic


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318 words
2. (21/11/2015): Many people go to university for academic study. More
people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack
of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
It is true that many people prefer to vocational training: training in the
pursue academic studies at university skills and knowledge that you need in
rather than to follow a vocational order to do a particular job
training course. While nobody can
deny the need for university graduates,
I totally agree that we should
encourage more people to qualify as manual work: a type of work in
electricians, plumbers or other essential which you use you use your hands and
manual workers. your physical strength.

There are two important reasons why

more workers must be trained in skilled
professions such as plumbing or
electrical work. Firstly, such workers
are vital when new buildings are renovate: to repair something so that
constructed or when existing buildings it is in good condition again.
have to be renovated or simply
maintained. Indeed, in many countries, tradesmen: skilled men, especially
a permanent maintenance staff of those who work with their hands in
skilled tradesmen is employed in some professions. A woman is referred
hospitals, schools or museums, to as a ‘tradesperson’.
ensuring the safety of all who use the
buildings. Secondly, in some
developed countries, there is an imbalance: a situation in which two
existing imbalance in the economy, things are not the same size, in a way


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resulting in graduate unemployment, that causes problems.
while at the same time there is a
shortage of skilled labour.
Governments in those countries need,
therefore, to work with employers to
ensure that extra vocational training is
onus: the responsibility or duty to do
More people must be encouraged to to incorporate sth into sth: to add or
attend vocational training courses. [1] include something as part of something
The onus is on schools to incorporate else
relevant subjects into the curriculum,
so that not all the emphasis is placed on
preparation for academic study at
university. Many boys and girls are academically inclined: having natural
not academically inclined, but this artistic, technical, etc ability
does not mean that schools should
consider them as failures. For
example, workshops in schools could hands-on skills: skills got from doing
something rather than just reading
provide an opportunity to learn ‘hands-
about it or seeing it being done
on skills’, adapting the theory of the
physics lessons to practical practical applications: the use of
applications. [2] Parents should also something for a reasonable purpose
help their children to choose vocational
careers, explaining the good employment prospects: the
employment prospects and probability or chance for future success
remuneration for manual workers in a profession
with qualifications and skills
remuneration: money paid for work
or a service
In conclusion, I agree that it is vital that
we encourage more people to do
vocational training because without
such skilled workers, society cannot
function effectively.


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279 words

3. (09/01/2016) It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about

local history than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that some commentators argue
that it is more important for children to
study the history of their own country
or region, rather than the history of the
world. I disagree with this view,
because I believe that schools should
teach local, national and world history.

On the one hand, it is significant that

schoolchildren should learn about their
local history. [1] Firstly, knowing
about the past of their region or country
will foster a sense of belonging and foster a sense of belonging: develop a
pride in each child. For example, by feeling of being part of a community.
studying how earlier generations
fought and made sacrifices for the
freedom of the country, Vietnamese
youngsters will appreciate more the
value of the way of life and liberty that
they enjoy today. [2] Secondly, young
core values: the most important or
children also learn about the origins central values of something.
and core values of their motherland
through history lessons. As a result,
they will gain a deeper understanding
of each traditional event, and be
motivated to carry on the best customs
for generations to come.

On the other hand, the value of


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studying world history must not be
underestimated. [1] The modern trend
towards globalization makes it all the ethnic groups: people belonging to a
more necessary for schoolchildren to nation that share a cultural tradition.
have some knowledge of people from
other ethnic groups and different armed with: knowing something that
you need in order to perform a certain
traditions. Armed with this broader
perspective, it will be easier for them
to form a mutual understanding if they broader perspective: a wider and
know about the origins and past more complete understanding of
development of other people across the something.
world. [2] Another important factor is
that a study of world history provides
youngsters with an overview of the
inter-relationship of nations and how colonialism: the practice by which a
international historical events, such as powerful country controls other
the end of colonialism, have shaped countries.
contemporary society.
contemporary: belonging to the
present time.
In conclusion, I would argue that it is
equally important for schoolboys and
schoolgirls to study local history as
well as world history.
291 words

4. (19/05/2016) It is observed that in many countries not enough students

are choosing to study science subjects. What are the causes? And what will be
the effects on society?
In recent years, fewer students have
preferred to study science subjects and
this seems to be an increasingly


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common trend in many countries.
There are a number of reasons behind
this tendency and I would argue that it
has a serious negative impact on

opt for: choose a particular course of

Two important factors influence the
decision of some students not to opt
for science modules in school or widely perceived: understood or
university. Firstly, science subjects are thought about in a particular way – by
widelyperceived as demanding in a lot of people.
terms of both workload and
intellectual content. Thus, the workload: the amount of work that
reluctance of some students to embark has to be done by a particular person or
on subjects such as biology, physics or organisation.
chemistry, which they fear will be too
challenging, is understandable. intellectual content: the things
Secondly, it is true that in many studied in science courses which
Western countries, the public image of require thought and intelligence to
science and scientists is unglamorous.
In popular TV programmes, for embark on: start to do something new
example, science students are portrayed or difficult.
as boring ‘geeks’, and this deters
youngsters from taking up science as a unglamorous: not attractive or
career. exciting.

‘geeks’: people who are boring, wear

The effects of this trend on society are unfashionable clothes and do not know
potentially grave. One significant how to act in social situations.
problem may be that not enough
qualified science students come take up: start something, such as a job
through the educational system to or hobby.
supply the trained workforce that
certain branches of industry require for
grave: serious.
their research and development


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purposes. This will, in turn, affect economic expansion: the situation in
national economic expansion, which the economy of a country is
essential for raising living standards. growing.
Another negative impact is the
imbalance in the economy which imbalance: a situation in which two or
results from the growing number of more things are not the same size, in a
way that causes problems.
students who choose to take arts and
humanities subjects rather than to
humanities: the subjects of study
study science. Almost certainly, this which deal with how people think and
will result in rising unemployment behave.
among school leavers and graduates
who have followed such courses.
Surveys of graduate unemployment in
the USA and Europe indicate that this
is a real concern.

In conclusion, there are dangers in the shift: a change in direction.

increasing shift away from studying
science subjects and the causes of this address: think about a problem and
decide what you are going to do to deal
phenomenon should be addressed
with it.
291 words

5. (21/05/2016) In developing countries, children in rural communities

have less access to education. Some people believe that the problem can be
solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the
problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
In less developed countries, the lack of
educational provision for children in


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rural areas is a serious issue. While
there are strong arguments that
installing: fixing equipment into a
installing more computers and position so that it can be used.
extending internet connection could
top priority: something that you think
help to tackle this problem, I believe is more important than other things and
which should therefore be done first.
that the top priority should be to build
more schools and employ more

On the one hand, providing computers

remote: far from places where other
and wider internet connection for people live.
remote rural areas is important.
Firstly, internet access offers an
unlimited source of information.
distance learning: a system of
Therefore, it is possible for pupils in education in which people study at
home with the help of the internet or
rural communities to take advantage of
TV programmes and e-mail work to
distance learning educational their teachers.
programmes, giving them the same
opportunities as children in
city acquire: gain something by your own
efforts or skills.
schools. Secondly, the introduction of
computers enables children to acquire
IT skills. It is evident that without such
skills, pupils cannot learn how to use
employment prospects: the chances of
Microsoft Office or search for
successfully finding a job.
information online, abilities which will
increase their future employment


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On the other hand, I agree with those

who contend that it is better to provide
more schools and teachers in rural literacy and numeracy: the ability to
read, write and understand numbers.
areas. The principal reason is that
teachers play a vital role in the early playthings: toys.
stages of teaching basic literacy and
mentor: an experienced person who
numeracy, without which the helps and guides someone younger or
with less experience.
computer and the internet are little
more than playthings. In these early enlighten: give information to
someone, so that they understand
years, the teacher is a mentor who
something better.
interacts directly with pupils,
instil: make someone feel, think or
enlightens them and instils in them the
behave in a particular way.
value of learning. Another reason is
realisation: the process of achieving
that the more schools that there are in
an aim or ambition.
rural communities, the more likely is
the realisation of the goal of universal
education. With proper guidance from
teachers, pupils can make the most of
online resources, and the educational
level in developing countries will be
In conclusion, I would argue that the
provision of more schools and teachers
is a vital first step in widening access


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to education for children in rural
299 words

6. (03/11/2016) Schools should not force children to learn a foreign

language. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
It is true that some people argue that a
foreign language should not be one of
the compulsory subjects studied in
schools. While I believe that it is
useful for schoolchildren to learn a
foreign language, I agree completely
that they should not be forced to do so.
On the one hand, it will benefit the
education of most children if they are
encouraged learn a foreign language
during their school years. Firstly,
exchange visit: an arrangement when
through studying the language they will
children from schools visit each other
learn about the culture of that country,
for a short period in their different
and some schools even arrange countries
exchange visits, to enable students to
briefly immerse themselves in the
culture of the foreign country whose immerse: to become completely
language they are learning. Secondly, involved in something
children can access information in
another language. For example, if they
are studying English, they can enjoy
websites which are only available in enjoyable: giving pleasure
English on any topic in which they are
interested. Finally, children can be
encouraged to learn a foreign language fun: amusing and enjoyable


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through the range of enjoyable and fun
materials available nowadays, interactive: that allows information to
especially interactive online learning. be passed continuously and in both
On the other hand, it would be directions between a computer and a
counterproductive to forcibly oblige person who uses it
schoolchildren to learn a foreign
language. One reason is that children
counterproductive: having an
will not learn effectively through
opposite result or effect to the result
compulsion alone. They must be that you want
motivated to do so and this is only
achieved through enthusiastic teachers
who select stimulating language- forcibly: using force
learning activities. Another reason is
that schoolchildren will be reluctant to
learn a foreign language if they cannot oblige: to force somebody to do
see why it might be relevant to their something, because it is a rule or law
present or future lives. For example,
individual Vietnamese pupils should
compulsion: strong pressure to do
not be forced to learn English if they
something that you do not want to do
are certain that they will never need or
want to use it in the future.
In conclusion, I would argue that stimulating: full of interesting ideas
schools should encourage, but not and making people feel enthusiastic
compel, children to learn a foreign
reluctant: hesitating before doing
292 words something because you do not want to
do it
compel: to force somebody to do

7. (12/01/2017) It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide

university places for a high proportion of young people. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?


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In some countries, educational policy
is aimed at expanding the number of impractical: not sensible or realistic
university places available for
youngsters leaving school. While
there are economic and social
advantages of this policy, I completely feasible: that is possible, and likely to
agree with the idea that it is be achieved
impractical for a high proportion of prohibitive: such a high cost that it
young people to pursue university prevents people from buying
studies. something or doing something
It is not feasible to offer university intake: the number of people allowed
places for most youngsters. Firstly, the to enter a school or college in a
particular period
cost of the practical measures required
would be prohibitive. Without a vast unprecedented: that has never
programme to construct new happened or been known before
campuses, it would be physically
impossible to cope with a new intake
of unprecedented student numbers.
Even if new campuses were gain admittance: to be allowed to
enter a building or an institution
constructed, they would have to be
maintained and staffed. Secondly,
university entrance standards would
need to be lowered, enabling those
desirable: worth having or doing
with lower grades in the entrance
exams to gain admittance. Inevitably, service sector: the part of the economy
the existing quality of learning in that does not produce goods, but
provides things which the public needs
higher education would suffer.
pursue: to do or to try to achieve
In terms of the economic needs of a something over a period of time
country, it is also not useful to provide
university education for a high
proportion of young people. A nation vocational: connected to the skills or
of expensively-trained academic knowledge that you need to do a


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graduates might be very desirable particular job
socially, but there would be a lack of
skilled technicians and employees in
manufacturing and service sectors. school-leaver: a person who has just
Instead, governments should pursue a finished school
more realistic policy of increasing the on the job: while doing a particular job
provision of vocational courses for
school-leavers, combined with
internship opportunities and on the job diverse : very different from each other
training. These could cover diverse and of various kinds
fields such as construction, agriculture,
nursing and tourism. Sustaining a
balanced economy means providing
good work opportunities in all sectors
of the economy.
In conclusion, I fully agree with the
statement on the basis of the wide
range of skills required by all modern
268 words

8. Everyone should stay at school until 18. To what extent do you agree or

There is a body of opinion which
advocates that all youngsters should higher education: education at
stay on at school until they are 18. I university or college level
agree with this view, despite the
arguments for leaving school at an
earlier age. vocational courses: courses which
provide students with the skills and
knowledge that they need to do a
There are two important arguments in


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favour of quitting school before the age particular job
of 18. Firstly, in some countries
continuing school until 18 is simply a
preparation for entering higher
education. There may be a lack of to acquire experience and skills: to
vocational courses to prepare young gain experience, knowledge or skills by
people to acquire experience and your own efforts over a period of time
skills to enter trades such as
electricians, car mechanics or
professions such as nursing. Those
who are not intending to pursue an to fall behind with your studies: to
academic career may fall behind with improve more slowly in studying than
their studies or even disrupt lessons. other people, so that you fail to learn
Secondly, family background must be the course material at the necessary
considered. In poor families, young speed
people must leave school and start to
earn money to contribute to the family
income. Not all families can afford to to disrupt lessons: to behave in such a
way that the teacher is unable to teach
let children stay on at school until 18.
the students properly
However, in spite of these objections, I
concur with those who believe in
compulsory education until 18. The family background: the details of a
provision of a wide range of courses person’s family
would make learning meaningful, so
that all young people could put the
to put knowledge gained into
knowledge gained at school into
practice: to put to practical use the
practice. The global economy now knowledge that you have acquired
demands high skill levels, and
educational qualifications are essential
if youngsters are to have good job job prospects: the chances of being
prospects and to pursue a successful successful and having a successful
career. In financial terms, national career at work
and local authorities must provide
funding for poor families to maintain
children at school. Children are the to pursue a successful career: to have
shapers of a nation’s tomorrow, so a series of jobs in a particular field of


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all must have the chance to make the work, with more responsibility as time
grade by benefitting from the best passes
possible education during their
formative years.
national and local authorities:
government organizations acting at a
In conclusion, I would argue that national level or within a smaller, local
staying at school up to the age of 18
would be of enormous benefit to all to provide funding for: to give money
youngsters. to enable something to be done
295 words
the shapers of a nation’s tomorrow:
refers to the younger generations who
decide the future of a country

to make the grade: to successfully

reach the necessary standard

the shapers of a nation’s tomorrow:

refers to the younger generations who
decide the future of a country

formative years: a period of a person’s

life – usually when they are young –
that has a big influence on the person
that they become later in life

9. (02/12/2017) Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so

much information available through the internet, and they can study just as
well at home. To what extent do youagree or disagree?
It is true that the digital revolution has
had profound affects on important


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aspects of our lives, including the digital revolution: the
education. While advances in advancement of technology to the
technology have led some people to digital technology available today
argue that children no longer need
schooling, but should instead study advances in technology: the
online at home, I completely disagree improvement or development in
with such a view.
to be computer-literate : able to use
Schools are necessary because they computers well
play an essential role in educating
children. Firstly, even assuming that to have access to the internet:
to have the opportunity to use the
all children are computer-literate and
have access to the internet at home,
teachers impose discipline. In many
to impose discipline: to make students
households, both parents are out at
obey the rules of the school or college
work, so it is unrealistic to imagine a
child sitting alone studying online all
to study under supervision: study
day, without distractions. Secondly, under the direction of a responsible
studying under supervision, children person
are not only disciplined but their
progress is monitored and supervised, to give feedback: to give guidance on
with teachers giving feedback and the work of a student through
guidance. In this way, children will not comments or corrections
fall behind with their studies. Finally,
student interaction in the classroom to fall behind with your studies:
promotes vital social skills of to improve more slowly in studying
cooperation and teamwork, for than other people so that you fail to
example through classroom projects. learn the course material at the
necessary speed

On the other hand, the internet is to tailor teaching strategies : to

unsuitable as a unique teaching tool for make or prepare teaching styles
children to educate themselves at following particular instructions
home. Whereas teachers tailor their
teaching strategies to meet the needs interactive learning: refers to a
method of teaching and learning in
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of individual students, the internet has which teachers ask questions in class,
no such flexibility. Interactive assign and check homework, or hold
learning is possible through some class or group discussions.
online sites, but this can only take the
form of multiple-choice questions and face-to-face learning: to study in the
answers. It is no substitute for face-to- traditional way in a classroom with
facelearning in which students interact fellow students and a teacher
with both teachers and fellow-students.
There is another important to sift information: to remove
consideration. The development of the unwanted or less useful information
ability to sift information available
online only comes later when students higher education: education at college
enter higher education or enrol on a or university level
vocational course.
a vocational course: courses which
provide students with the skills and
In conclusion, although there are knowledge that they need to do a
particular job
excellent study sites online, schools
provide the necessary structural
framework in which learning can take
place in a disciplined study
289 words

10. (21/07/2018) Many university students live with their families, while
others live away from home because their universities are in different places.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both situations?
It is true that, although some university
students are able to live with their
families while studying in their home
town, others are forced to live away to pursue their studies : to continue
from home in order to pursue their studying
studies. There are advantages and


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disadvantages of both these situations.

If university students are able to live

with their families, there are both to economize : to use less money than
benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, one you normally use
major advantage is that they are able to
economize, since they do not have to
pay for accommodation. Secondly,
they enjoy family support in terms of
sharing meals, heating costs, possibly
even sharing a room with a brother or disruptive : causing problems, such as
sister. However, the home situation noise, so that something cannot
may also have its disadvantages. continue normally
Family routines are often disruptive
for students who have to concentrate
on their studies in a quiet atmosphere. dedicated : used for one particular
Without a dedicated space in which to purpose only
study, for example in the evenings or at
weekends, it is hard to keep up with a
study schedule.
to keep up with : to make progress at
the same rate as something
On the other hand, when students live
away from home, they also face
challenges. One disadvantage is
having to find accommodation.
Universities are often located in major to face challenges : to have to deal
urban centres, where rents are high if with situations which may be difficult
students have to find a room with even
the basic facilities. However, there are
benefits of learning to study
independently in another city. Students facilities : equipment provided for a
are able to escape the distractions of particular purpose
family life, and thereby establish study
routines and form friendships with


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other students who find themselves in distractions : things that take your
the same situation. These factors may attention away from what you are
help them in their studies. doing

In conclusion, while there will clearly to form friendships [expressions]: to

be differences in the personal start to create and develop friendships
circumstances of individual university
students, some potential advantages
and disadvantages of living at home or circumstances : the facts and
conditions which affect a situation
away from home can be identified.
280 words

11. (27/07/2019): Schools should focus on academic success and passing

examinations. Skills such as cookery, dressmaking and woodwork should not
be taught at school as it is better to learn these from family and friends. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that many people believe that a formal examination: a test
schools should only teach academic conducted under strict, regulated
subjects and prepare students for conditions
formal exams. I disagree completely
with this view, and I would argue that
teaching practical life skills is essential. to tailor teaching styles/ strategies: to
make or prepare teaching styles
following particular instructions
Firstly, it is a mistake to tailor teaching
strategies to the narrow focus of
academic subjects and exam success. to pursue a successful career: to have
It is impossible for every student to a series of jobs in a particular area of
pursue a successful career with work, with more responsibility as time
fantastic job prospects in fields such as passes
finance, medicine, law or education.
All of these demand academic skills,
but the job market for these professions job prospects: the chances of being


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is relatively small. Those who fail successful and having more
their exams will consider themselves as opportunities at work
failures. Such negative feelings will
inevitably shape a child’s personality
and values during their formative the job market: the market in which
years. Only a few students who are employers search for employees, and
high-flyers will succeed and enjoy the employees search for employers
material rewards of their academic
to shape a child’s personality/ values:
to decide or influence the form of a
Secondly, while children need to child’s personality
acquire practical skills, there may be no
family or friends to help them.
Consider, for example, single-parent a high-flyer: someone who has the
households, with no father to teach desire and ability to be very successful
DIY skills, or households in which in their studies
working mothers have no time to teach
children to cook or sew. There are,
too, many dysfunctional families in to acquire
which, for whatever reasons, parental
experience/knowledge/skill: to gain
involvement in bringing up their
offspring is almost completely absent. experience/knowledge/skill by your
Yet children need to learn these own efforts or behavior
domestic skills, and the only place for
many of them to do this is in school.
Otherwise, when they enter adult life, a single parent household: a family in
they will rely on expensive ready meals which one person takes care of their
or on buying new clothes and furniture child or children without a husband,
when all that is needed is a simple wife or partner

DIY: ‘do it yourself’: the activity of

In conclusion, I totally disagree with making, repairing or decorating things
an educational policy which focuses in the home yourself, rather than
only on academic subjects and exam paying someone to do it
success. Schools must place equal
value on life skills to ensure the full
development of children. working mothers: Mothers who have


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to go out to work as well as to look
291 words after children

formative years: a period of a

person’s life, usually childhood, that
has a big influence on the person they
become later in life
a dysfunctional family: a family in
which the relationships are bad or

parental involvement: the act or

process of parents when taking part in
their children’s activities.

to bring up their offspring: to bring

up means to raise; this is what you do
as a parent with your children; you
educate them, nurture them, etc.;
offspring refers to your children
to enter adult life: the stage when
adolescents are almost old enough to
be legally independent of their parents

otherwise: used to state what the result

would be if something did not happen
or the situation was different

12. (13/08/2019): Students should pay the full cost for their own study,
because university education benefits individuals rather than society. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that students to pursue a successful career: to have


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should not receive help with the costs a series of jobs in a particular area of
of their university education. While work, with more responsibility as time
graduates may benefit individually passes
later in life from the opportunity to
pursue a successful career, I would
argue that the government should
provide funding for students. to provide funding for: to give
money to enable something to be done

In many cases, it is true that students

benefit from their university education headhunting: connected with the
in terms of future salaries.
Headhunting corporations compete activity of finding people who are
with each other to offer attractive suitable for top jobs and persuading
employment to graduates. Graduates them to join a company
can expect to have better job prospects
than non-graduates, enjoying higher
pay and good promotion opportunities. job prospects: the chances of being
They will, therefore, be more likely to successful and having more
live in prosperous neighbourhoods,
with an enviable lifestyle. For opportunities at work
example, in the USA college graduates
may earn two or three times as much as
an unskilled worker. promotion opportunities: chances to
move to a more important position in a
company or organization
However, I consider that there are two
important reasons why students should
not pay the full cost of their university
education. Firstly, they acquire skills prosperous: rich and successful
which are useful, and sometimes
essential, to society as a whole. enviable: something that is enviable is
Doctors, scientists and engineers are something that is good and that other
obvious examples, but other people want to have too
professions should not be forgotten,
such as teachers, artists or
philosophers. Secondly, if students
have to pay for their education, they
may be forced to pay off a huge student


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loan when they graduate, or they may
have to work their way through
college. In the latter case, their studies
will suffer, and some may fall behind
with their studies or even drop out of

to acquire
In conclusion, I disagree that students experience/knowledge/skill: to gain
should pay the full cost of their experience/knowledge/skill by your
university education. Although in
own efforts or behavior
some cases they benefit individually
from having a degree, they also
contribute to the prosperity and well-
being of society and, therefore, deserve to pay off a student loan: to repay
some financial support while studying. money borrowed in order to study at
college or university
279 words to work your way through
university: to have a job when you are
at college/university in order to help to
pay for your studies

to fall behind with your studies: to

improve more slowly in studying than
other people so that you fail to learn
the course material at the necessary

to drop out of college: to leave

college or university without finishing
your studies


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