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Tugas Individu

Untuk memenuhi tugas Bahasa Inggris

yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius Irham, S.Pd., MM.


Nama : Yenny Yulistiani

Nim : P17212215119





TM 6 R4 (Debate)

Motion: “ This house will develop more chemical medicine than the traditional
one. (pemerintah akan mengembangkan obat kimia ketimbang obat tradisional) “

As proposer for motion .

From a health perspective

The development of this chemical drug is a pretty good step by the
government, because the use of doctor's prescriptions has been adjusted according
to the results of research by health experts. long. This opinion is supported by the
article on the website In its use, the majority of
chemical drugs do not have a negative impact on patients compared to traditional
medicines, this is because chemical drugs are the result of continuous research
with trials many times by determining the dose of use at the level of the disease,
while the use of traditional medicine needs to see if the patient can consume these
drugs because each individual has not been confirmed to be able to consume the
recommended drugs

From the economic side

The development carried out by the government in the field of chemical
drugs is reasonable to help implement the manufacture of medicines in Indonesia
in the industrial era. In addition, the pharmaceutical sector is one of the industries
that has a fairly high demand, especially during a pandemic condition that makes
the consumption of supplements, vitamins, and drugs to increase the body's
immune system increase drastically. As well as to attract investors to buy shares
in order to help increase the capabilities of the production of these drugs.

From the technology side

With the entry of industry, the government began to integrate production
from the pharmaceutical sector, especially chemical drugs in order to compete
with foreign pharmaceutical companies. In the manufacture of medicines, it is also
easier to implement technology on chemical drugs because they can be mass-
produced with machines and the quality can be adjusted to conform to the
standards that have been set from the results of research by experts, while for
traditional medicines it is quite difficult to mass-produced and of the same quality
due to natural ingredients with quality depending on several factors such as
weather conditions, soil fertility levels, and plant care methods. Thus, the
development of chemical drugs is more applicable with a slight adjustment of the
technology used, this is supported by the website related
to the development of the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices in the
industrial era.

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