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CHANGE SCAMMING: The Aftertaste of Five Years of Incompetence

By Ma. Lizalyn M. Barizo

With incompetence as his patronymic, President Rodrigo Duterte has taken a one-
size-fits-all approach to governing: more brutality, more imperialism, and less discussion. On
July 24, 2021, Rappler compiled some of Rodrigo Duterte's most controversial moments that
defined his legacy as president. Five years of his leadership turned the country into a cluttered
land known for violence and lawlessness; extrajudicial killings; a nation with a sexist and
misogynist head; repression of free speech and the press; red-tagging; complaisant servility to
China; poor education system; and terrible COVID-19 pandemic response.

Politics is a part of all human relations and interactions in all areas of life. The
documentary emphasized that politics exists not only in the realm of the state but also in
education, health care, business, and personal relationships. The way the president uses his
presidential power affects every citizen; everything is indeed political. As a leader, Duterte
used all the advantages of his power; said differently, he tried to steer outcomes in a system
to get a benefit or to meet his agenda. The video presented the massive effect of presidential
power in both domestic and international concerns. Government and political power form and
regulate people's attitudes. Being a leader requires being able to change, inspire, and impact
others' decision-making. Thus, political power is about persuasion as much as manipulation.
Politics is the act of persuasion, power acquisition, and exercise. With graft, ineffectiveness,
and propaganda as Duterte's primary competencies and his main accomplishments have been
to increase corruption and deception of sympathetic Filipinos, Rodrigo Duterte was never a
dignified statesman. He admitted to committing crimes. He is also known for his off-the-cuff
remarks with regard to criticisms. This is alarming because anything he says or does has a
concrete and tangible effect on the image of the Philippines. As head of state, he holds
executive power over a nation. The executive branch of our government is composed of the
president and the administration. That equates to one-third of our government. The
president's power should never be absolute and should always be limited aligned to the
Constitution. Its purpose is to guide the president in serving the people because that is what
he is paid to do. High crime rates, betrayal of public trust, and abuses of power are the
possible outcomes of misused presidential power.
It is correct that leaders do come and go but electing a competent and accountable
president is a duty of the citizens. A president's legacy would not end after his six-year term;
the countrymen would carry the burden for the next decades. Indeed! Politics is ubiquitous.
Desirable or not, politics affects everyone – from homeless people to the ones with privilege
reek. For that reason, a president should always know how to use his political power correctly
for the nation's sake.

Ma. Lizalyn M. Barizo| 2021-06449

Pol Sci 101-2 Student
September 23, 2021
Prof. Rosalie Arcala – Hall, PhD

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