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List poems

Begin a list poem by brainstorming ideas about the subject.

Write your ideas in a list.
A list poem can be any length and may be rhymed or unrhymed.
Symbolism and imagery will be introduced to the students.
List poem can be an inventory of items, people, places, or ideas.
involves repetition
include rhyme or not
can be purely a list without transitional phrases
don’t have any fixed rhyme or rhythmic pattern and the order of the list poem
can either serve to provide.
Contain lists of symbols and images that would relate to a particular idea or
List poems are poems made of lists applying figures of speech particularly the
metaphor which uses the direct comparison;

Agnes is a heaven sent
… a glimpse of grace
…a rainbow after the rain
…a sunshine to everyone
…a dream come true.

Goodbye means a packed suitcase

…an empty house
…a broken heart
…a promise
…an oblivion.

A prayer is a loud whisper

…an intense plea
… a source of strength
…a warm comfort
…a covenant.

Love is a mystery to unfold
…a warning signal
… a trick to escape
…a heavenly suspense
…a doorway to the heart.

Memories are thrashes we keep

... Spring of inspiration
…a jar of joy
…fantasy to enjoy
…nightmare forgotten.

Life is a mountain to climb

…a kingdom to explore
…a puzzle to solve
…a mission to accomplish
…a battle to win.

Parents are pillars of hope

…the light of life
…mirrors to reflect
…medicine that cures

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