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(real name unrevealed),

Fighting: GOOD
Endurance: GOOD
Kurt Wagner, student/adventurer Reason: POOR
Fighting: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD
Agili ty: AMAZING Psyche: POOR
Strength: TYPICAL Health: 90
Karma: 18
Resources: POOR
Peter Nlkolalevitch Rasputln, student Intuition: EXCELLENT Popularity: o
Fighting: GOOD Powers:
Agility: GOOD Health: 1 06
Karma: 50 POWER ABSORPTION. Rogue has the ability
Resources: POOR to absorb other beings' powers or abilities by
[MONSTROUS] touching her skin to theirs. Unless the victim Is
Popularity: 2
Endurance: EXCELLENT [AMAZING] willing, Rogue must make a FEAT roll using her
Reason: TYPICAL Powers: power rank (Amazing) to touch the victim.
Intuition: TYPICAL TELEPORTATION. Nightcrawler can move him­ Rogue can possess the powers of more than
Psyche: EXCELLENT self Instantaneously from point to point. He one victim at once. A single louch transfers ali of
never teleports to a place he'S never seen. the victim's Powers or Abilities to Rogue for four
Health: 60 [145] rounds. Staying In contact with someone longer
Nlghtcrawler can teleport as much as 2 miles
Karma: 32 east-ta-west, 3 miles north-to-south, and 2 miles than one round Is very dangerous, because the
Resources: POOR up or down. Teleporting near these limits, or car­ transfer can become permanent, even to the
Popularity: 10 rying along additional weight, requires an point of transfering ali of the victim's memories
Endurance FEAT rol l . Failure means to Rogue and leaving the victim's mind blank.
Powers: Rogue must make a Psyche FEAT roll to prevent
Nlghtcrawler becomes unconscious for 1 to 10
ARMORED FORM . Peter can convert his body rounds. Nlghtcrawler can perform a second this. If she falis, Rogue takes on a new persona
tissue to organic osmium steel at will, changing action In a round when he teleports if he makes and her Psyche Is lowered by one rank. If her
himself Into an armored giant. In his armored an Endurance FEAT roll. His teleportatlon is Psyche ever falls below Feeble, she goes mad.
accompanied by a cloud of sulphurous smoke Rogue's victims remain unconscious until their
form, he has these powers:
and a "Bamf" sound. power returns. Rogue can't absorb artificial abil­
1 ) His Strength becomes Monstrous and his ities (like Iron Man's Strength), or extra limbs or
Endurance becomes Amazing. This also PREHENSILE TAI L. Nightcrawler can support other extreme physical dlHerences (like
raises his Health to 1 45 . Damage to Colos­ his own weight with his long, thin tail, or use It as Nlghtcrawler's tail).
sus doesn't carry over when he changes an additional grasping limb.
FLIGHT. Rogue can fly at Good speed, an ability
back to his human form unless Colossus'
INDIGO FUR. Nightcrawler's dark fur allows she drained permanently from Ms. Marvel.
Health Is below SO. If Peter's Health is 60
him to blend into deep shadow. Anyone looking
when he changes to Colossus, he gets his BODY ARMOR. Another theft from Ms. Marvel,
for him in these conditions shifts his Intuition
full Health of 1 45 points. If Colossus Is Rogue has Incredible Body Armor.
two columns to the left.
knocked unconscious, he automatically
changes back to his normal, unarmored Talents: Kurt Wagner is a skilled acrobat and CONFLICTING PERSONAS. Because she has
form. fencer. He gets one column shift to the right two separate patterns In her brain, Rogue has
when fighting with a sword or other sharp Unearthly resistance to mental probes and
2) ColOSSUS has Amazing body armor, Mon­ attacks.
weapon. He also is skilled in first aid, electron­
strous resistance to hot and cold extremes,
ics, and mechanical repair. Talents: none.
and Remarkable resistance to radiation and
electricity. Background: Kurt Wagner was born In the Background: Rogue's early background is a
Bavarian Alps and raised by a gypsy circus. mystery. She worked with the Brotherhood of
Talents: none.
Accused by townspeople of being a demon, the Evil Mutants for a short while, but came to Prof.
Background: Peter was born near Lake young German was rescued by Prof. X and Xavier seeking help when she completely lost
Baikal in the Soviet Union. recruited Into the X-Men. control of her power.

They are children of the atom, former SUPER HEROESTN Battle Book, and outdoor area on the other. This map and
students of Professor Charles Xavier, pages 36-37 of the Campaign Book. the map from the boxed game are used in
mutants: feared and hated by the world This adventure is set up for a Judge and this adventure.
they have sworn to protect. They are up to six players. The Judge should read When the adventure starts, the X-Men
Storm, Ariel, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wol­ the whole adventure before starting to have a Karma pool that contains 200
verine, and Rogue. Together they are the play. Each player controls one of the six Karma points. Any X-Man can use that
Uncanny X-Men. active X-Men. If six players aren't availa­ Karma.
He is Magneto, the Master of Magnet­ ble, then either use the extra heroes as Throughout this adventure, the Judge
ism. He is a mutant like the X-Men, but one NPCs, let some players control more than should keep in mind that the X-Men are
who has devoted his life to conquest and one hero, or just leave the extra heroes out mutants. The number of mutants in the
to making the world safe for his kind. The of the game (say they're on "personal mis­ Marvel Universe has been growing stead­
X-Men have blocked his schemes before. sions"). ily since the end of World War II, due to a
Now he is back, but is he friend or foe? Besides the adventure booklet in your rise in Earth's background radiation lev­
Breeder Bombs is an adventure for hands, this package includes a loose els. The general public fears mutants,
MARVEL SUPER HEROES'" Role-playing cover/screen and a separate map. The X­ regarding them at best as freaks and at
Game, featuring the X-Men and their old­ Men's information cards are printed on the worst as dangerous monsters that will
est foe. The adventure is divided into inside of the folding cover (except Wolver­ someday wipe out mankind. These atti­
seven chapters. Each chapter is divided ine's; his information card is in the boxed tudes will affect the way normal humans
into a campaign, battle, and aftermath game, and is summarized in Chapter react to the X-Men.
section. Advice on how to run an adven­ One). The map shows two levels of the X­ Now, we present the children of the
ture is given on page 8 of the MARVEL Men's mansion on one side and a typical atom: the Uncanny X-Men!

TSR,lnc. 394-53798XTSR0600
Designed by Jolly Jeff Grubb
POB 756 0-88038-125-6
Edited by Smllln' Steve Winter Lake Geneva, WI 53147 0-46363-06851
Graphic Design by Ray "What a Day" Slibersdorf
Cover by Sal Buscema
Line Art by Sal Buscema & John Byrne
TSR, Inc.
Maps by Dave "Diesel" LaForce

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Campaign 1
When the adventure starts, the X-Men The figure in the cage is an illusion, a all movements, including flight and tele­
are working out in their Danger Room. All holograph prOjected by the room's com­ portation. When Nightcrawler teleports,
of them but one, that is. One of the heroes puters. The real hero is in the kitchen, he appears halfway between where he
is in the kitchen on the ground floor, mak­ making lunch. Of course, the only people started and where he wanted to go.
ing lunch. Choose one of the heroes to be who know this are the Judge and the WOLVERINE: If Wolverine is in the
in the kitchen, secretly explain the situa­ player whose hero is upstairs. Let that Danger Room, his opponent is Fluffy, a
tion to that player, and then set up the Dan­ player control the holograph as if the hero giant lion robot with an electrified mane.
ger Room battle. When everything is really was there. He can offer sugges­ Fluffy rises through a hidden trapdoor in
ready, read the boxed paragraph to the tions, cheer, and tease or congratulate his any area adjacent to Wolverine during the
players whose characters are in the Dan­ teammates as they meet their tests. first round and attacks immediately. Fluffy
ger Room. can take 80 points of damage before it's
You are standing at the Ready Room
Battle 1 wrecked, but shuts itself off after only 40.
The robot tries to grapple Wolverine. If it
door to the Danger Room, a huge room The free X-Men are in area A in the Dan­ gets a hold, Fluffy has knocked Wolverine
designed to challenge and sharpen ger Room, just outside the Ready Room. down and is sitting on him. Fluffy doesn't
your mutant powers. Through alien The holographic X-Man is projected into a hurt Wolverine while sitting on him.
technology, the room can simulate any cage in area B. Professor X (an NPC) is
terrain or opponent. Right now, nothing supervising the test from the main control FLUFFY:
is showing but bare walls, though those room.
bare walls may conceal any number of The X-Men pass the test if they reach
Ex Ex Ex Ex Pr Pr Rm
traps. At the far end of the room is a the cage. The room tries to stop them with
square cage, with an X-Man trapped traps and robots. If all the free X-Men are Electrified mane causes Excellent (20
inside. captured, or anyone is knocked out, the points) damage when it touches someone,
The voice of Charles Xavier, founder Danger Room stops attacking. The traps or someone touches it.
of the X-Men, crackles over the loud­ are described below; if a hero isn't in the STORM and ROGUE: Storm and
speaker. "Good morning, X-Men. This test, a trap designed for that hero is not Rogue are attacked by six flying hoops
morning's exercise is a simple rescue. activated. that try to slip around the heroes and con­
Your teammate is held captive in a cage ALL X-MEN: An optical illusion created strict. This is a Grappling attack, and the
that prevents him from using his by the Shi'ar computers makes the Dan­ effect is the same as being held. The
powers. You must rescue him. You may ger Room look smaller than it really is. hoops have Remarkable Strength. They
begin anytime." Each area costs the same as two areas for can be torn apart like any other Remark-

able material, or destroyed by 40 points of large. Ebersol escaped from Ryker's are made strong enough to kill, so that
electrical damage. The hoops move two Island prison using a mechanical dig­ anyone whose Health they drain below 0
areas per round. They appear on round must make an Endurance FEAT roll.
ger built from silverware stolen from
one directly over the cage. They attack the prison kitchen. Ebersol was serving All other doors and windows lock auto­
Storm, Rogue, and any other X-Man in the a 20-year sentence for his part in the matically. In four rounds Professor X can
air (including anyone being thrown across Octodroid rampage ... "
bring the auxiliary computers on line, cut
the room). The newscaster's voice suddenly is the mains out of circuit, and close down
COLOSSUS: In the second round of lost in a terrific blast as the kitchen win­ the Danger Room. An override button in
the battie, the floor around the young Rus­ area C also shuts down the room; all X­
dow explodes inwardl
sian sprouts 10 "octopus" tentacles. The Men know about this. Kitty can walk
tentacles' Strength is Incredible, as is the When the window shatters, let the hero through the machinery, but the Shi'ar
material they're made of. These tentacles in the kitchen make an Intuition FEAT roll. computer will be wrecked if she does.
attack Colossus and everybody else in the If the roll fails, the hero takes 20 pOints of
area, dividing evenly among all the possi­ damage from flying glass. If the roll suc­ Aftermath
ble targets (any leftovers attack Colos­ ceeds, the hero is unhurt. In either case, Contrary to appearances, the Fixer is
sus). Each tentacle is a separate attacker. when the character gets back on his feet not out to kill the X-Men, at least not until
NIGH TC RAW LER and ARIE L: Kurt he is facing an angry figure in green cover­ he gets some information. He doesn't
Wagner and Kitty Pryde must deal with alls: the Fixer! want to hurt anyone except Wolverine.
"ghosts." Four holographic ghosts appear Battle 2 In the rare event that all the X-Men are
on round two, and split into pairs to attack. defeated by the combination of Fixer's
These illusions can teleport and move Both characters start in the kitchen area assault and a Danger Room gone mad,
through solid objects. They have Excellent on the main floor of the mansion. The Professor X can fell the Fixer with a
Fighting ability, and when one touches an Fixer has an axe to grind with the X-Men, thought bolt, once he gets the Danger
X-Man, it drains 30 points of Health. These Wolverine in particular (if Wolverine is in Room under control. Injured characters
points return after 10 rounds. These illu­ the game; otherwise, Fixer is looking for can recover up to twice their Endurance
sions can't kill anyone (a knocked-out some other X-Man. See the note in Chap­ number in Health points from Shi'ar treat­
opponent doesn't need to make an Endur­ ter 2.) If the hero in the kitchen isn't Wol­ ments in the auto-doc.
ance FEAT roll). Ariel's phasing power verine, the Fixer tries to knock out that Some Karma awards are suggested on
doesn't protect her at all from these opponent and keep looking for Wolverine. Table 1: Danger Room Karma.
ghosts. The only things that hurt them are The Fixer's abilities and powers are
electricity and metal (including Colossus' given in MH 0, Day of the Octopus, and Table 1 : Danger Room Karma
fists). Their Health is 20 points. are summarized at the end of this chapter. Free the captive teammate ·30
The training session ends when the The Fixer may have any of the gadgets Defeat personal test in Danger Room ·10
cage is opened (Amazing material with an listed in MH 0, but definitely has these Group cooperates as a team -10
electronic lock requiring a Reason FEAT additional items: Defeat the Fixer ·40
roll to pick), or when all the X-Men are cap­ CAP TURE SPHERE: a small spring­ Good role-playing .10
tured or someone is knocked uncon­ loaded device that expands into a 10-foot­ Character in kitchen remembers
scious. wide sphere of clear, Incredible material lunch • 5
when it hits something. A hero hit by this
Campaign 2 device is trapped inside. Defeated by Danger Room or Fixer -20
GAS BOMB: This small grenade will fill Damage computer or mansion -20
As soon as the Danger Room battle is Allow Fixer to scramble computer -10
finished, read the following to the player an area with Amazing knock-out gas. The
Fixer is protected by a gas mask. Character in kitchen forgets lunch - 2
who was "imprisoned" during that battle.
SCRAMBLER: One round after the
Professor X excused you from the Fixer breaks in, he releases a small
morning drill to take care of personal "smart missile" designed to home in on WOLVERINE:
business, but asked you to fix lunch for the electrical activity generated by com­
your "rescuers." puters and scramble their input. Fixer F A S E R I P
The lights dim slightly in the kitchen, intended this device to knock out security In Rm Gd Rm Ty Mn Rm
indicating the training session has just alarms. If released, it tracks the Shi'ar Health: 110
begun. Behind you, the radio main computer, reaching the computer in Powers: Unearthly Healing, Adamantium
announcer begins the noon news: one round.
Skeleton, Claws, Extraordinary Sense.
" The United Nations is meeting this If the missile attaches itself to the com­
afternoon to discuss the situation in puter, the mansion goes haywire. Every
Arganistan. That country was invaded security system becomes active and the
by a Soviet peace-keeping force four Danger Room is powered up to its highest FIXER:
days ago. Arganistan has been torn by level. The following things happen imme­
civil war for over a year. diately:
Ty Ty Ty Ty In Ex Gd
"In Pennsylvania, another shipment Blast doors shut across Danger Room
of nuclear supplies, including some fis­ entrances and the observation booth, cut­ Health: 24
sionable material, has been stolen. Six ting off Professor X and sealing the X-Men Powers: Typical Body Armor, Good
similar disappearances have occurred inside. Resistance to Electricity, Light, and Radia­
in the past month, without clues or wit­ The tests are upped in power. Fluffy tion, Flight (Incredible speed).
nesses. Law-enforcement agencies reactivates, and his mane causes Amaz­
are baffled. ing damage (50 points). The tentacles and
"Norbert Ebersol, a criminal better flying hoops will attack anyone and cause
known as the Fixer, is once more at 20 points of damage per turn. The ghosts



Chapter Two:

Any heroes wounded in t e Fixer's �
attack are in the medical center In the sub­ The Professor pushes the play but­
the videotape) aside and tell him that Wol­
basement. All others are in the kitchen. ton of the video recorder. The television
verine has never met any Mentallo, much
Read the following paragraph to the play­ screen shows a grisly scene: a berserk
less had a desire to put him to th� cla�.
ers. Wolverine" slashing Mentallo to death
The player must decide how Wolvenne Will
in a rooftop battle. The tape has no
defend himself, and the other players
An hour ago, Professor X seques­ sound, but skylights and a water tower
decide how the remaining X-Men react to
tered himself with the Fixer, after are visible behind the two men.
the tape. If Wolverine says h� is i�nocent,
removing the villain's various gizmos The tape runs out and the Fixer
Xavier will believe him. Xavier thinks the
and gadgets and dumping them on the breaks the silence. "Up to about four
film was a set-up, meant to �ake the Fi�er
kitchen table. months ago Mentallo was my partner.
hunt down the X-Men, possibly destrOYing
Suddenly, a calm, familiar voice We started together, he and I, running
several of them and himself in the proc­
resounds within your heads: the tele­ rings around S. H. I.E. L. D. A couple of
ess. The Fixer won't be convinced by
pathic contact of Professor X. "Come months back, he disappeared, Without
arguments or Xavier's mind sca�s, but he
to the Library, X-Men. We have a small so much as a warning or a note. I was
is willing to look at evidence. Untll W?lver­
problem." suspicious, and went looking for hi"!". .
. ine proves he is innocent, the Fixer Will call
There is no urgency In the former Poor choice of partners landed me In
mentor's voice. Xavier, thoughtful as I !
prison. When escaped, found this
him Xavier's "hired gun" or "assassin."
If the characters watch the tape again,
always, is waiting in the library with a waiting for me In my mailbox, al�ng
. one of the X-Men might recognize the
woozy Fixer (in a bathrobe). A video with this address. I came expecting
area. Make a yellow Reason FEAT roll for
security systems, but nothing like this.
recorder is set up between them. each character watching the tape; Wo! ver­
Your hairless leader tells me you're
Professor X nods toward the group. ine gets a one-column shift to the ngh�.
"Mr. Ebersol has explained his rather clean but I'm not too quick to believe .
rude incursion on our Sunday morning. If
him. you're innocent, then who killed
Several factories and warehouses are VISI­
ble in the background, including the o�d

There is nothing to fear. I have foug t Mentallo?"
Globe Press building. That should be a big
Ebersol before. ' Without his gear he IS enough clue to lead players to the filmed
almost safe, and my mental scan of his ( " If Wolverine isn't in the game, use battleground: the roof of Minski's Cannery,
mind will alert me of any danger. I another member. Storm would attack with in the northwest corner of Side One of the
thought all of you should see this." bolts of lightning, Kitty with a gun, etc.) MARVEL SUPER HEROES.... map.
At this point, take the character playi�g If no one recognizes the area, Professor
(' in MTU #118-No..Jive Jeff) Wolverine (or whichever character was In Xavier can locate Mentallo by using Cere-

bro. Cerebro amplifies Xavier's own B) Cuts off the area the machine is in from Table 2: Battle at Mlnski's Karma
mutant-detection power. It has memory the rest of the room with a force field;
Discover location without help +20
files on all of the various mutants that the C) Swings a pair of small attack lasers out
Defeat the robots +20
X-Men have discovered or fought. from their hidden sockets in the walls.
Free Mentallo ·10
Because Xavier has battled him before,
Mentallo is on that list. ( The Fixer is not Battle Allow Mentallo and Fixer to escape -80
considered a mutant, so he isn't moni­ The X-Men start in any office area or on Damage Minski's Cannery -20
tored.) the roof of Minski's Cannery. If the Fixer is Take the Fixer along -'0
Minski's Cannery is an abandoned with the X-Men, the Judge can control him
warehouse on the corner of 8th and as an NPC. The Mentallo and Wolverine
Hayes. The X-Men can take the school's robots start on the roof and head for the
limousine to the area. Professor Xavier
skylight, attacking from above and behind
will stay at the mansion. as much as possible. F A S E R I P
The Fixer wants to come along to find A force field separates the area where Rm Pr Ex Rm Fb Fb Fb
out what really happened to his former the machine is from the rest of the build­ Health: 84
partner. If the X-Men object, the Fixer will ing. It can be broken by a hero with at least Special: Claws cause Remarkable dam­
argue that the mutants need him in case Amazing Endurance who makes a suc­ age (20 points) and use the Hack & Slash
they find Mentallo alive, because only he cessful red Endurance FEAT roll. Kitty can table.
can convince Mentallo that the feared X­ pass through it by making a red Endur­
Men are friendly. (Fixer won't mention that ance FEAT roll. In three rounds, the Fixer ROBOT MENTALLO:
Mentallo can read the X-Men's minds.) can whip up a device from pieces of a F A S E R I P
The players must decide whether the smashed laser that will let him (and only Pr Pr Pr Pr Fb Fb Fb
Fixer can come along, and whether they him) through. The force field extends only
should give back his costume and gear. along the dotted area perimeter. Heroes Health: 16
The Fixer will help the X-Men until they can get around the force field by breaking Special: Carries a laser that causes
find and free Mentallo. Then both crimi­ through the ceiling or the wall. Incredible damage (40 points) and has
nals will turn on their temporary allies and The lasers are in the northeast and Good range (3 areas).
try to escape. southeast corners. Both have Good range
When the players reach Minski's Can­ (3 areas), cause Incredible damage (40
nery, read them the following information. points), aim themselves with Excellent
Agility, and can take 25 points of damage.
Minski's is an abandoned food can­ Once a laser chooses a target it keeps fir­
ning factory in a seedy section of the ing at that target until the target is out of
city. Its doors and windows have been action, out of range, or out of sight.
nailed and chained shut, making them The machine itself is made of Remark­
Excellent Strength material. The only able material and has 30 Health points.
things on the roof are a billboard sign, a Besides its force field, Kitty's phasing and
skylight, a water tower, dust and soot. Storm's electrical attacks will cause dam­
age to the machine only if it fails a FEAT
roll on the Shift 0 column.
The front and back doors are new, and Mentallo can be freed easily once the
made of reinforced steel (Incredible mate­ machine is destroyed, but he will be dizzy
rial). They are bolted from the inside. The and unable to stand for the first two rounds
water tower is empty except for robot dou­ after he is released. Once Mentallo is free
bles of Mentallo and Wolverine. The Men­ and back on his feet, he tries to escape. If
tallo robot is wearing Mentallo's old outfit. the Fixer is present, he turns on the X-Men
Wolverine picks up Mentallo's scent on the and tries to escape with Mentallo. Men­
robot if he makes a successful Intuition tallo uses his flight disks, and Fixer uses
FEAT roll. If the Fixer is with the group, he any devices that he still has, including the
will ask to examine the robots. If the X­ machine's lasers.
Men let him, he inspects the machines
carefully, tinkering, bending, poking, and
finally declaring them "first-rate pieces of
work" and apparently still in operating
condition. Aftermath
The front and back offices have been
After the battle, Professor X contacts
gutted, and the canning floor is empty
the group and asks them to gather up
except for the machine noted on the map.
pieces of the destroyed robots and bring
This complicated-looking machine gives
them along back to the mansion.
off a sub-sonic hum, so low that the char­
Any characters who were injured can
acters can't hear it, but they can feel it.
recover twice their Endurance rank num­
Mentallo is strapped to the machine, his
ber in Health paints by using the X-Men's
head covered by a glass helmet filled with
pale, red gas.
If the Fixer or Mentallo are still being
The machine has security devices
held by the X-Men they should be turned
watching the doors, windows, ceiling, and
over to the authorities. Xavier advises that
floor. As soon as someone enters the
the pair be kept at X-Men mansion until
room, the security device:
the X-Men find out who made the mysteri­
A) Activates the two robots stashed in the ous videotape and what Minski's Cannery
water tower; was being used for.

Chapter Three:

After the cannery battle is mopped up If the X-Men are still holding Mentallo, He and Nightcrawler can install on the
and the X-Men have reassembled at the the evil mutant will reveal (after question­ Blackbird a special detector that can
mansion, read the following paragraphs to ing) that he was recruited by Magneto to locate Magneto's device within a 10-mile
the players. help steal nuclear materials. Magneto radius. The X-Men must leave at dawn the
built a mental booster to amplify Mental­ next day. Professor X will stay at the man­
Once again, you are gathered lo's power. Using the booster, Mentallo sion and try to figure out where the other
around the VCR in the library. Every­ could create an illusion to conceal Mag­ devices are hidden.
one has rested overnight since the bat­ neto as he walked into a high-security area As the players will learn later, the figure
tle at the cannery, but Professor X looks and took whatever he wanted. When Mag­ in the videotape is not the true Magneto,
worried and worn. neto had what he needed, he turned Men­ but a robot imposter. Don't tell the players
"I had you salvage the robots' mem­ tallo's booster machine into a prison, this, but don't stand in their way if they
ory chips because there was some­ where the X-Men found him. start figuring it out, either. Evidence that
thing familiar in their style and Mentallo also knows that Magneto used might lead someone to the truth includes
programing. Their memory banks con­ the stolen material to build "breeder the following singularities:
firm my suspicion." Leaning forward, bombs." They are not real bombs, but A) Magneto is strong. but not strong
Xavier presses the recorder's play but­ open-air reactors designed to spew radia­ enough to tear the doors off an
ton. tion into the upper atmosphere. In 10 to 15 armored truck with his hands.
" This tape was made from the mem­ years, the increase in radiation will B) The equipment in the cannery, the con­
ory bank of the Wolverine robot," he increase the number of mutants on Earth. sole, and the breeder bombs themsel­
says. " The false Mentallo contains sim­ It also will kill millions of normal people. ves look crude and sloppy, considering
ilar information." Everyone recognizes If Mentallo escaped, then a video Magneto's intelligence. Any character
the scene on the television as the inte­ screen above the electronic map shows who checks one of these machines
rior of the cannery, but besides the two scenes side-by-side. One, seen closely will notice this if he passes an
machine it contains a large console through a guard's eyes, is completely nor­ Intuition FEAT roll.
and an electronic map mounted mal. The second, seen through the cam­ C) Magneto's scent is noticeably missing
against the south wall. Four green era, shows Magneto walking past the from the cannery. Wolverine notices
spots shine on the electronic grid, in guards, ripping the doors from an armored this if he checks and makes a success­
North America, South America, Asia, truck with his hands, and helping himself ful Intuition FEAT roll. The scent could
and Australia. A lone figure in a purple to the truck's cargo. have been removed by careful clean­
cape and red helm works at the con­ Without Mentallo's information, the X­ ing.
sole. As the figure turns toward the Men can't be sure what Magneto's The player who first comes up with the
robot Wolverine and smiles, the open devices are designed to do. idea that the filmed Magneto is a fake
front of the helm reveals the sharp, Professor X deduced the exact location earns 30 Karma points, but only If he can
cruel features of the X-Men's greatest of the first device: on a United States mili­ support the idea with evidence or a rea­
enemy, Magneto. tary reservation in the Colorado Rockies. sonable theory.
Chapter Four:

The X-Men should leave for Denning Mili­ 2) They are not going to hurt him; and
tary Reservation at dawn. If they approach 3) His piece of scrap is dangerous and
the area without using the Blackbird's must be deactivated.
Shi'ar cloaking device, Xavier reminds
Augie is an NPC under the Judge's con­
them that mutant heroes aren't on the best
trol. This is a good opportunity for the
of terms with the U.S. government.
Judge to do some role playing. Augie is a
nice enough fellow, but if the characters
Flying over the area indicated by Pro­ threaten him or make him mad, he fires
fessor Xavier, the Blackbird's detector another shot just over their heads. He has
locates the first device in a mining town heard of super-powered mutants, but
in western America, inside the bound­ doesn't believe such "hawg-warsh."
ary of Denning Military Reservation. Augie isn't unreasonable, though, and
The Blackbird touches down without logical arguments plus some proof that
incident outside the town. the characters are what they claim to be
convince him to cooperate. He pretends to
be unimpressed by the X-Men's powers,
The Blackbird can land anywhere on
but absolutely refuses to unload or put
Wilderness Map B. The detector indicates
down his shotgun. There is no reason to
that the device is inside building D. When
hurt Augie, and anyone who does should
any character moves within one area of
lose Karma.
building D, a shotgun blast sends a mix of
When the heroes get inside the build­
salt, rocks, and gravel zinging inches
ing, read them the following description:
above his head. A crackling, reedy voice
shouts out " That's a warnin' shot! Come
The inside of this old barracks is
any closer and I'll pepper your gov'ment
ripped out to make room for the huge,
hides! This doo-hicky is mine, and no army
two-story machine that almost fills the
types are gonna take it away'"
building. Enough room was left
Meet Augustus Hickman: prospector,
between the machine and the walls to
miner, reclaimer of lost goods. He's been
walk around the machine, and ladders
tramping through these hills for 50 years.
lead up to the higher controls. The
In that time, he's never found anything like
deactivation controls are in plain sight.
this huge, gleaming piece of machinery.
but are protected by a series of
It'll sell nicely as scrap, and he's not about
mechanical locks.
to give it up. Unfortunately, that scrap hap­
pens to be Magneto's breeder bomb, and Deactivating the bomb takes 10 min­
Augie's tampering could set it off. utes, plus a variable number of rounds.
After 10 minutes the character working on
AUGIE HICKMAN the bomb makes a Reason FEAT roll. If the
F A S E R I P roll succeeds, the bomb is deactivated If
Ty Pr Ty Gd Pr Gd Gd the roll fails, try again on the next round. If
the deactivation is interrupted, the bomb
Augie is armed with a shotgun, but will aim
starts spewing out radiation, causing one
over the heroes' heads (he doesn't want to
point of damage every four rounds to
hurt anyone). Augie knows he is breaking
every character within a two-area radius.
the law by trespassing on army land, but
If Ariel phases out and walks through
he's been getting away with it for a long
the bomb's circuits, make a FEAT roll for
the bomb; its circuits are Incredible. If the
Augie won't come out of building D until roll fails, the bomb is wrecked and deacti­
the X-Men convince him that: vates itself.
1) They are not government agents; When the characters have started work-

ing on the machine, read them the follow­ been replaced with a large fluid cannon guarded by 10 soldiers with assault rifles.
ing: that fires a fast-setting adhesive. This Twenty more, also with assault rifles,
Unearthly gluey mixture surrounds and arrive three rounds after an alarm goes
The work goes smoothly for the first traps Colossus. After 10 minutes, its off. Any Sentinels that had more than half
nine minutes. Then, suddenly, a huge, Strength drops one rank per minute. of their Health pOints left after the battle
humanoid shadow falls across the TYPE A. A low-intensity force field sur­ show up three rounds after the extra
area. A huge robot towers over the rounds this Sentinel, increasing its Body guards.
building-the Sentinels have arrived! Armor by one rank. In addition, it has a
Denning Military Reservation is used for wave-modulator unit mounted in its right Table 4: Sentinels Karma
new weapon testing. The weapons being palm. This unit can speed up or slow down
Deactivate the bomb ·20
tested right now are new versions of Pro­ atoms, forcing Kitty back into phase for
Leave no trace of the bomb + 10
ject Wideawake's mutant-hunting Mark V one round, making her easier to capture.
Convince Augie to help ·10
"S" Sentinel. Each is specially designed TYPE S. The Sentinel programmed to
Defeat an attacking Sentinel +50
and equipped to help defeat the X-Men. attack Storm has surface sensors wired to
Defend yourself in court + 5
They were on a routine shakedown patrol internal batteries, letting it absorb and
Declared innocent in military court + 5
when their sensors detected the mutants. store electrical attacks and fire them back
Their mission-capture the X-Menl at its attacker on the next round. As a side Fail a deactivation attempt -10
effect, this Sentinel has Monstrous resist­ Leave the bomb behind, deactivated - 5
Battle ance to any electrical attack. Attack Augie -30
TYPE R. Sentinels are naturally Get captured -20
There is one Sentinel for every two X­ immune to Rogue's power-stealing Attack U.S. soldiers -10
Men at the bomb. The Sentinels start at because they are robots. The Type R's
point A on Wilderness Map B. The X-Men right hand can fire a fiber of Monstrous
can set up inside or next to building D. If material with Remarkable Agility to a
the character deactivating the bomb inter­ range of three areas. If the cable hits its
rupts his work, the bomb starts releasing target, it tangles around the target and has
radiation (one point of damage every four the same effect as a grappling hold. It
rounds). causes 20 pOints of damage per round,
The Sentinels' statistics are listed in the and is anchored to the Sentinel's palm.
back of this book. A few Sentinels have Any Sentinel that catches a mutant
special abilities to deal with particular leaves the area and tries to return to its
mutants. Roll one die for each Sentinel main base. There, the captive X-Men are
and check Table 3: Special Sentinels. fitted with inhibitor bracers that prevent
Table 3: Special Sentinels them from using their mutant powers, and
Dice held for military trial. The charges are tres­
Roll Type passing, a misdemeanor; terrorism, a
crime of violence; and conspiracy against
Type N, the government of the United States of
designed to stop Nightcrawler America. The government believes that
2 Type C, the X-Men built and planted the bomb.
designed to stop Colossus
3 Type W, Aftermath
designed to stop Wolverine
If the X-Men defeat the Sentinels, they
4 Type A, designed to stop Ariel
have 15 minutes to finish their business,
5 Type R,
get back to the Blackbird, and out of the
designed to stop Rogue
area. After 15 minutes a patrol of 20 sol­
6 Type S, designed to stop Storm
diers arrives, along with a military helicop­
7-10 Normal Sentinel, as described
ter armed with rockets (AgilcExce,
on p. 14
TYPE N. This sentinel has fast tracking If the X-Men leave the breeder bomb
radar, boosting its Intuition to Remarkable. behind without deactivating it, the military
Besides standard weapons, it has heat­ holds them responsible. A government
seeking missiles that home in on press release accuses "mutant outlaws"
Nightcrawler's bursts of brimstone. These of invading a top secret testing ground,
missiles are filled with Incredible potency destroying experimental weapons, and,
knock-out gas. leaving behind deadly radiation genera­
TYPE W. The steel tendrils within this tors.
Sentinel's right hand are made of adaman­ Captured X-Men are tried according to
tium steel, an Unearthly material. The joint the rules on page 29 of the Campaign
at the base of the tendril is steel, so Wol­ Book, except they don't get a preliminary
verine can break a tendril at a joint by mak­ hearing. The trial is held the day after their
ing a red Strength FEAT roll. The tendrils capture. Feel free to run the X-Men's trial
are electrically charged to deliver 30 as a separate part of this adventure.
points of damage per round until the target An escape is possible, but not easy. The
is unconscious. captured X-Men are held in a high security
TYPE C. This robot's right arm has building with Incredible walls. The area is


When the X-Men are free and safely out of Agility or Reason FEAT roll, shifting one flee and call reinforcements. The X-Men
Denning Military Reservation, read the fol­ column right if the pilot has aeronautics have one hour to deactivate the bomb and
lowing paragraph to the players. talent. Failure means the plane made a repair the Blackbird before 40 normal
hard landing: the plane and all passen­ Soviet soldiers armed with assault rifles
Your minds feel the brush of tele­ gers suffer 20 pOints of damage and all and accompanied by two tanks descend
pathic contact, and the image of Pro­ passengers must check for stun. on the valley. The Blackbird can be
fessor X stands before you. "My The Crimson Dynamo detected the repaired in 30 minutes by anyone who
X-Men," he says, "I have determined Blackbird's wake. He and a unit of Soviet makes a successful Reason FEAT roll.
the exact location of the Asian bomb. It Super-troopers immediately land near the If the X-Men surrender, the Soviets hold
is in the country of Arganistan, on the crashed plane and demand that the occu­ them for military trial: handle this just like
Soviet border. I will give you the coordi­ pants surrender. the trial described in Chapter 3, with a
nates..." four-column shift to the left on all dice rolls,
Battle as the X-Men are five foreigners and a trai­
Wounded characters can be taken back tor.
X-Men who rode the Blackbird to the If all of the X-Men are knocked uncon­
to the mansion for treatment in the auto­
ground begin in area 0 on Wilderness scious, they awaken one hour later in the
doc before pushing on. Read the following
to the remaining players: Map B. Heroes who bailed out can land ruins of a battlefield. The Super-troopers'
wherever they want. The Crimson suits are torn rivet from rivet. The Black­
Dynamo and his Super-troopers begin two bird stands repaired, the bomb is missing,
The flight across the Atlantic goes
areas away from the plane. Set up at least and a scarlet "M" is carved into the nose
smoothly, and soon the Blackbird is
two Super-troopers for every X-Man in the of the jet. Someone saved the X-Men, and
soaring through the hostile skies over
battle. it wasn't Santa Claus!
Arganistan. Several patrols of Russian
The Super-troopers shoot to kill. I f
MiGs pass by without incident, unable
Colossus i s present, the Crimson Dynamo
to see the Blackbird through its Shi'ar Table 5: Arganistan Karma
concentrates on capturing him so he can
screens. But as you approach the tar­

Defeat the Crimson Dynamo -75
be tried as a traitor to the motherland. If
get, a ruby-red energy ray lances Defeat an attacking Super-trooper .20
the Crimson Dynamo is knocked out of the
through the left wing, killing the port Land the Blackbird without damage -10
fight, the Super-troopers pull out as soon
engine and sending the plane into a Found innocent in military court ·10
as half of their men are down.
steep banking dive over the valley hid­ Deactivate the bomb 0
ing the Asian bomb. Fight norma! Soviet troops -10
Aftermath Surrender to the Soviets -15
The character flying the Blackbird must If the X-Men defeat the Crimson Crash the Blackbird -20
land it safely in enemy territory. Make an Dynamo and half of his troopers, the rest Saved by "M" -20

When the X-Men are safely out of Arganis­ the device unless the government lently. First, he puts the canister of radio­
tan, they are contacted again by Professor meets their demands. Apparently, the active material in a safe place: in orbit.
X and sent to Australia. Read the following terrorists are demanding freedom for Then, taking advantage of the metal in
paragraph to the players. all prisoners, legal protection for the Wolverine and Colossus, Magneto uses
Great Barrier Reef, and safe passage these characters as weapons against the
The Blackbird stands alone among for themselves out of the country." others. But he doesn't want to fight; he
the rock outcroppings scattered wants to escape off the north edge of the
throughout Australia's Great Dividing Once in the air over the city, the Black­ map. If Magneto gets off the north map
Range. Professor X's machines indi­ bird's detection gear easily locates the edge, he has escaped and the X-Men
cated the third bomb was in this rocky stolen material. can't catch him.
waste, and he was right. The bomb is
here, but its plutonium heart is missing. Battle Aftermath
All that's left is a twisted pile of metal in
The trail leads to a large mall that has Magneto is telling the truth. He did not
a cave strewn with trash.
been turned into a battle zone. The plant the bombs, and he is trying to find
The cavern floor is littered with Cigarette Australian army has the area cordoned and destroy the bombs. Magneto realizes
butts, old bottles. and shredded pieces of off and ringed with heavy tanks and that the radiation will produce as many
a revolutionary newspaper. Tracks of a guns. On the roof stands Magneto, cra­ destructive mutations as beneficial ones.
jeep lead up to the cavern, and away dling a metal object in his arms. If the X-Men defeat Magneto, he tries to
again. Any character who passes an Intui­ convince them that they are working
Set up this battle on Side 1 of the MAR­
tion FEAT realizes that the trash and the toward the same goal. As a token of faith,
VEL SUPER HEROESno map. Magneto
tracks were left after Magneto set up the stands in any area in the Keesh Mall. The he claims to know where the final bomb is
bomb. Wolverine can detect Magneto's hidden. If arguments fail, he tries to
army has closed the streets one block
scent in this cave by making a successful escape.
away in every direction. The X-Men may
Intuition FEAT roll. In the trash at the back land in any clear street area. Table 6: Land Down Under Karma
of the cave is a map of Australia's East
Magneto will not attack on the first
Coast. Someone has drawn a skull and Follow clues to the stolen material .20
round, but does have his force field up. He
crossbones over Sydney, the capital city. Recover material from Magneto +10
explains (in haughty terms) that he is
If the players miss the map, or aren't Defeat Magneto· ·50
tracking down the breeder bombs himself.
interested in going to Sydney, they hear an Reason with Magneto .10
The core to this one was stolen by foolish
announcement over the Blackbird's radio. Join forces with Magneto 0
humans. He offers as proof five uncon­
Read the following paragraph to the play­ Defeated by Magneto -20
scious men in the mall; the real thieves,
ers. Damage the mall or surrounding -20
whom he defeated. Magneto knows noth­
"We interrupt our regularly sched­ ing about the Fixer, Mentallo, or the tape
uled program for this special news bul­ made at Minski's Cannery. He is willing to * The award for defeating Magneto is
letinl Terrorists who claim to have a let the X-Men help him destroy the bombs. reduced because Magneto is trying to
nuclear weapon threaten to detonate If the X-Men attaCk, Magneto reacts vio- help.

Chapter Seven:

Campaign 1
By this time, the heroes have either If the X-Men stay together, they avoid GIANT a large humanoid with blue, peb­
teamed up with Magneto or watched him some of the opponents in the halls, but ble-marked skin, carry ing a club.
escape. If Magneto didn't say where the then these opponents show up in the final
final bomb is, Professor X contacts the battle.
Ex Pr In In Fb Fb Fb
heroes with the information. When the If Magneto is with the X-Men, he insists
characters have the location, read this on trying one entrance alone. If he enters Health: 104
paragraph to the players. alone, he defeats the Deviants in that hall­ FLYER: a small humanoid with wings and
way. If any X-Men demand to go with him, claws, capable of flying at Incredible
The last bomb is in an ancient, Magneto slips away during the fight and Speed for two rounds, but then must move
ruined city in the Chilean Andes. A heads deeper into the pyramid. This isn't
on the ground.
great civilization rose here once, but cowardice; Magneto wants revenge on
this city was abandoned before Euro­ whoever is impersonating himl F A S E R I P
peans came to the New World. At the Gd Ex Pr Gd Fb Fb Fb
very heart of a great stone pyramid lies Battle 1
Health: 44
the fourth and last of the breeder The hallways in the pyramid where the
bombs. X-Men are attacked are 15 areas long and
1 area wide. There is no hallway map; use SPECIALS: The specials are wingless fly­
No battles or encounters take place one of the long streets on side one of the ers with uncommon individual mutations.
above ground in the ruined city. The city is MARVEL SUPER HEROES'" map. The The three specials are the shooter, the
similar to the Aztec and Incan cities to the X-Men start at one end and their oppo­ reaper, and the phantasm.
north, but is far older. None of the build­ nents start in the middle. The tunnel is lit The shooter can fire Remarkable
ings are standing except a large, central by cold light panels. The ceiling is 10 feet energy rays through its large eyes. Other­
step pyramid. This monument has been high. wise, the shooter is identical to a flyer.
cleared and renovated recently. Each hallway is defended by three crea­ The reaper can project illusions of death
The pyramid has three entrances, on tures: one giant, one flyer, and one spe­ into its enemies' minds by making a suc­
the north, east, and west. If the team splits cial. These guards are members of a weak cessful Psyche Feat roll. The victim then
to use different entrances, each group Deviant tribe forced into serving the false makes a Psyche FEAT rol l . Success
runs into a fight in the halls of the pyramid. Magneto. means the victim resists the attack, failure

means the victim falls unconscious for 1 to bers of the Brotherhood (robots created by but his power rank is only Excellent. His
10 rounds. the False Magneto) start in the areas force field provides only Good protection.
The phantasm projects the illusion that marked X, one per area. The real Magneto His power can't affect living creatures the
it is a giant. Everyone who sees the phan­ and any captured X-Men are hanging way Magneto's can.
tasm must make a Psyche FEAT roll. above the console, secured by metal Besides his magnetic force field, the
Those who succeed see through the illu­ bands around their arms and legs. Impris­ robot has Remarkable Body Armor (30
sion and can attack the phantasm. Those oned X-Men become conscious on the points) and Incredible resistance to elec­
who fail see the giant illusion, and can't second round of fighting, and Magneto tricity and other energy attacks.
hurt the phantasm. wakes up on the sixth round. The other robots are controlled directly
Deviants try to knock out their oppo­ by the Magneto robot. If Magneto is
nents so they can bring the unconscious destroyed or deactivated, all the others
prisoners to their master. They fight to the F A S E R P shut down automatically. These robots
bitter end, because they fear the false Ex Pr Am Ex Fb have the same personalities as their real
Magneto and his servants more than any counterparts. Toad is cowardly, Quicksil­
intruders. ver is hot-tempered. the Scarlet Witch is
Health: 94
The Deviants are a variation on the unwilling to kill, and Blob blusters and
Powers: Spurs and Monstrous Body
human race, so Rogue can drain away brags and blows hot air.
their abilities and powers. The robots have no Karma to spend;
Blob's claws anchor him to the floor so
they used it all fighting the real Magneto.
that he cannot be moved against his will
Campaign 2 The machinery and computers in this
without ripping up the floor (Excellent
room are protected by a Good force field.
When the heroes get past the Deviants material).
in the halls, read the following paragraph FALSE SCARLE T WI TCH: Aftermath
to the players.
F A S E R P If the X-Men are having a rough time
The center of the pyramid is a cav­ Gd In Gd In Fb and the fight lasts longer than six rounds,
ernous room, lined with banks of wink­ Magneto wakes up in round six, breaks
ing computers and tell-tale lights. A free in round seven, and blasts the false
Health: 100 Magneto into smoking bits of metal in
huge console, shaped much like a Powers: Energy Bolts, Flight.
steam organ, dominates the far end of round eight. With his business finished,
The robotic Scarlet Witch can cast Magneto leaves the X-Men to mop up
the chamber. Laughing in front of the energy bolts that cause Incredible dam­
console is Magneto. Hanging uncon­ what's left and deactivate the bomb.
age (40 points) with a range of three areas. I! all the X-Men are defeated before
scious from a harness above the con­ She can fly at Typical speed.
sole is another Magneto (as well as any Magneto breaks free, Magneto bides his
captured X-Men). Standing between FALSE QUICKSILVER: time until his old enemies are strapped up
the entrance and Magneto is the origi­ the way he is. The false Magneto insists
F A S E R P that everyone must be awake when he
nal Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: Blob, Rm Rm Gd Gd Fb
the Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver (in his seals their doom. At this point, Magneto
green costume), and Toad. Mastermind shatters his bonds and frees the others,
lies crumpled to the floor near the wall, Health: 80 telling them to flee while they can. Immedi­
the victim of an earlier fight. Powers: Remarkable Speed, Electrical ately, the pyramid starts quaking and
Touch. buckling, threatening to collapse at any
The Magneto suspended above the Quicksilver's speed lets him move and moment. Any heroes who don't leave
console is the real McCoy, defeated in bat­ attack in one round with no penalty. His immediately are pelted by falling stones
tle with the robot versions of himself and fists cause Remarkable electrical damage and lose 10 Health points per round until
his original team (Mastermind went down (30 points). they leave the central room. As soon as
with him, though). The Magneto in front of the X-Men are out, the pyramid collapses
FALSE TOAD: in one mountain-shaking crash, burying
the console is a robot, created long ago by
the Sentinels and almost destroyed by F A S E R P the central room under tons of rock. Pre­
them. Saved by its self-repair mecha­ Gd Rm Gd Rm Fb sumably, Magneto must be in there some­
nisms, the Magneto robot believes it is the where, but the X-Men will not find him if
Health: 80 they search the rubble.
original, and intends to take over the
Powers: Leaping. Adhesion.
world. The members of the Brotherhood of
The Toad robot causes Remarkable
Evil Mutants are robots created by the
damage (30 points) if it charges an oppo­
robot Magneto. The robot Magneto never Table 7: End of Magneto Karma
nent by leaping. Toad also can stick to a
met these mutants, so his knowledge of
wall or ceiling without making a FEAT roll. Defeat the Deviant guards .30
them is limited. As a result, his robot dupli­
cates are far from perfect copies. The last Defeat the Magneto robot +30
and largest of the breeder bombs is in the Defeat the Scarlet Witch robot +40
F A S E R I P Defeat the Quicksilver robot +30
wall behind the console.
Ty Ex Rm Ex Ex Gd Pr Defeat the Toad robot +30
Battle 2 Defeat the Blob robot . 50
Health: 76
The X-Men start in the West, North, or Powers: Magnetic Control, Remarkable Captured by Deviant guards -20
East hallways, depending on where they Body Armor, Robot Control. Defeated by robot Brotherhood -30
entered the pyramid. The false Magneto The false Magneto can manipulate Defeat robots with Magneto's help -30
starts in area D. The four surviving mem- metal objects much like the real Magneto, Rescued by Magneto -50

The sad truth is, the X-Men get no credit if additional 300 Karma points to the
they save the world and a lot of blame if X-Men's pool.
they fail. No one will thank them; not the The heroes, villains, and locations in
U.S. or Soviet governments for saving the this story can easily move on to new
world, nor the Fixer for saving his partner, adventures. Once the Danger Room is
nor the Australian terrorists for saving repaired, it can test the X-Men under any
their country and the Great Barrier Reef. conditions, in any place, against any foe.
Any failure or bad publicity means more ill­ And while Magneto leans toward becom­
feeling toward mutants, besides the nor­ ing a force for good, his power and person­
mal dangers. The only people who know ality make him explosively dangerous.
and care about the heroic X-Men are Pro­ The X-Men are guaranteed to have plenty
fessor X and his gifted students , and of enemies, challengers, dangers, and
somehow, that's enough. If the players adventures as they search for a place
pull off this adventure gracefully, award an where they, and all mutants, can be free
and equal under the sun.

ENERGY CONTROl. Besides his almost limit­

MAGNETOTM less magnetic powers, Magneto has Monstrous
Magnus (?), conqueror control over all electro-magnetic energy: heat,
light, electricity, x-rays, even gravitons. He can
F1ghting: GOOD use these energies to cause Amazing damage
Agility: REMARKABLE (50 points) from a distance or Monstrous dam­
Strength: GOOD age (75 points) when touching his victim, and to
Endurance: MONSTROUS fly with Remarkable speed.
Intuition: GOOD ASTRAL PROJECTION. Magneto has some
Psyche: AMAZING limited mental powers. He can project his spirit
into the astral dimension with Typical power.
Health: 1 25
Karma: 1 00 TELEPATHY. Another of Magneto's mental
Resources: AMAZING powers, he has Typical telepathic abilitt. This is
Popularity: 10 enough to control a weak (or badly defeated)
Talents: Genetics, Electronics.
Background: Magneto is devoted to pre­
MAGNETIC CONTROl. Magneto is the Mutant serving and protecting mutants. He will take any
Master of Magnetism. He uses his power to action he deems necessary to preserve his
manipulate iron and iron-based materials with race, even the enslavement of the human
Unearthly power. He can assemble complicated majority. His use of force to protect the rights of
machinery by force of will and manipulate fer­ mutants separates Magneto from his long-time
rous objects (including such heroes as Iron Man rival, Professor Xavier. The two have clashed
and Colossus) at any distance, if he can see his often, Professor Xavier and his X-Men against
target. Magneto also can generate an Unearthly Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
force field around an entire area. This force field Magneto's attitude toward humans has soft­
becomes one rank weaker for each additional ened a bit since the birth of his completely
area it encloses. Unlike most force fields, Mag­ human granddaughter (Luna, daughter of
neto can attack through this field. Quicksilver and Crystal, an Inhuman).

MENTAL BOLTS. Xavier can attack a living tar­
get with bolts of mental force, with a range of
Charles Xavier, Geneticist and Teacher two areas. He attacks using his Monstrous
Psyche rank and the Slugfest column of the Bat­
Fighting: FEEBLE tle Effects Table. These bolts can cause up to
Agility: TYPICAL Unearthly damage ( 1 00 points). and are unaf­
Strength: TYPICAL fected by body armor or (non-telepathic) force
Endurance: REMARKABLE fields.
Intuition: AMAZING MUTANT DETECTION. Professer X is sensitive
Psyche: MONSTROUS to the mental wave-lengths of fellow mutants.
He can detect another mutant four areas away.
Health: 44 This range is boosted significantly by Cerebro, a
Karma: 1 65 detection enhancement machine.
Popularity: 20 ASTRAL FORM. Xavier can separate his astral
self from his body and enter the mystic planes
Powers: closest to our own.
TELEPATHY. Xavier can read and alter the Talents: Genetics, Electronics.
minds of others at an Unearthly level. He can
Background: Charles Xavier is the world's
contact other minds at a range of 250 miles, or
most powerful telepath and an authority on
500 miles if he makes an Endurance FEAT roll.
genetics. The latter is public knowledge. but his
He can alter the thoughts of one target per turn,
mutant powers and his connection with the
but only if the target is in his presence. Xavier
X-Men are hidden behind his guise as the
can generate illusions, make himself seem
founder of a school for gifted students in Salem
Invisible, or induce temporary paralysis In oth­
Center, New York. Professor X founded the
ers. All these actions require a Psyche FEAT
school as a cover for his original X-Men. The
roll. subtracting the target's Psyche rank from
team in this adventure is the second that Xavier
Xavier's Unearthly Telepathy rank. Xavier
has trained.
doesn't like interfering with other people's
minds; he loses 20 Karma points every time he
attacks someone telepathically.

SENTINELSTM BODY ARMOR. Sentinels have Remarkable

Fighting: EXCELLENT COLD BEAMS. Sentinels can project beams of
Agility: EXCELLENT intense cold from their eyes. An opponent hit by
Strength: AMAZING this beam makes an Endurance FEAT roll and
Endurance: UNEARTHLY checks the Stun column of the Battle Effects
Reason: GOOD Table. The target also is frozen inside a sheath
Intuition: TYPICAL 01 ice (Good material).
Psyche: POOR
LEARNING. The greatest danger posed by Sen­
Health: 1 90 tinels Is their ability to learn from mistakes. After
Karma: three rounds of fighting with one opponent, all
Resources: Sentinels get one column shift to the right when
Popularity: fighting that character. Within this adventure, all
the X-Men except Kitty Pryde and Rogue have
fought Sentinels before.
FLIGHT. The Sentinels fly at Excellent speed by
Background: The Sentinels are 20-loot-tall
using built-in boot Jets.
robots designed to locate, capture, and kill
ENERGY BOLTS. The Sentinels have energy mutants. Currently the Sentinels are under the
blasters in their palms. These blasters cause control 01 Project Wideawake. an illegal govern­
Amazing damage (50 points) with a range of two ment operation under the control of National
areas. Security Council member Henry Peter Gyrich.

of anyone within 5 miles. Besides its obvious
M ENTALLOTM advantages, Mentallo gets a +1 modifier on his
Marvin Flumm, professional criminal initiative dice roll.

Fighting: TYPICAL IMAGE GENERATION. This is a form of thought

Agility: GOOD projection. The image can be seen by only three
Strength: TYPICAL opponents per round. These opponents can
Endurance: REMARKABLE make a Psyche FEAT roll when they first see the
Reason: GOOD image. Failure means the character believes
Intuition: REMARKABLE the image is real.
Psyche: AMAZING Talents: Electronics.
Health: 52 Background: Flumm honed his power to a
Karma: 90 sharp edge while working with S.H.I.E.L.D., but
Resources: TYPICAL his conspiracy to take over the spy agency
Popularity: 5 flopped.
TELEPATHY. Mentallo has Amazing telepathic
power, and is capable of scanning the thoughts

Agility: GOOD
Intuition: TYPICAL
Health: 50 [90)
Karma: 18
CRI MSON Powers:
DYNA MOTM ARMOR. All of the Crimson Dynamo's powers
All of the Super-troopers' powers come from
are installed in the carborundum alloy battlesuit
Dimitri Bukharin, that he wears. This armor has the following their armor:
special operative for USSR powers: 1 ) Remarkable Strength and Remarkable
Fighting: REMARKABLE 1) Remarkable Agility, Incredible Endurance;
Agility: EXCELLENT Strength, and Monstrous Endurance; 2) Flight, at Typical speed;
[REMARKABLE] 2) Amazing Body Armor (50 points); 3) An energy blast that causes Remarkable
Strength: GOOD [INCREDIBLE] 3) An electrical attack weapon that causes damage at a range of 3 areas;
Endurance: EXCELLENT Incredible damage at a range of 3 areas; 4) Remarkable Body Armor.
[MONSTROUS] 4) Amazing resistance to temperature
Reason: TYPICAL Background: The Soviet Super-trooper
extremes, fire, and radiation;
Intuition: EXCELLENT armor was invented for use against the Hulk.
5) Flight, at Good speed.
Psyche: GOOD The Super-troopers are led by Devastator,
Talents: Law Enforcement. another hero of the Soviet state. Until a new
Health: 80 [1 75] Devastator unit is built" the Super-troopers are
Karma: 36 Background: Five men have worn the armor under the Crimson Dynamo's command.
Resources: (supplied by USSR) of the,Crimson Dynamo. All but Dimitri Bukharin
Popularity: 20 have met disgrace in the eyes of the Soviet [" The last one was destroyed in ROM 1144-
State, to whom the armor belongs. Got it?]

-- . - - - - - -

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6851 XXX1401
Fighting: TYPICAL
Strength: FEEBLE
Endurance: GOOD
Reason: ?
I ntuition: EXCELLENT
Health: 48

FLIGHT. Lockheed flies at Typical speed, and
can hover in place.
FLAME BREATH. Lockheed can breathe a rib­
bon of flame at a target up to one area away,
causing Remarkable damage. If he does this
more than once per day, he must make an
STORMTM Endurance FEAT roll each time.
Background: Lockheed was found on
Ororo Munroe, adventurer
another planet that was visited by the X-Men.
Fighting: EXCELLENT ARIELTM He became attached to Kitty Pryde and
Agility: REMARKABLE returned with her to Earth. Lockheed's primary
Strength: TYPICAL Katherine "Kitty" Pryde, student concern is for his stomach, but he will jump into
Endurance: AMAZING Fighting: TYPICAL a fight to defend Kitty.
Reason: TYPICAL Agility: GOOD
Intuition: EXCELLENT Strength: POOR
Psyche: GOOD Endurance: EXCELLENT
Health: 1 06 Reason: REMARKABLE
Karma: 36 Intuition: GOOD
Resources: POOR Psyche: TYPICAL
Popularity: 4 Health: 40
Karma: 46
Resources: POOR
WEATHER CONTROL. Storm has the power to Popularity: 10
manipulate existing weather patterns, creating
wind, rain, and lightning at will. This power's Powers:
rank Is Amazing. She can cause up to Amazing
damage (50 points) with weather attacks. By
PHASING. Ariel can de-synchronize the mole­ LOCKHEED
cules in her body, allowing her to pass
controlling the wind, she can fly at Excellent unharmed through solid structures. She hasn't RS-1 S0
speed, and can create enough wind to carry ott,. found a limit to how long she can stay out of
ers along. If Storm uses her power at Its maxi­ phase, but she can stay Inside a solid object BLACKBIRDTM
mum (Amazing) level when she's angry or under only as long as she can hold her breath. Ariel
very unusual circumstances, she must make a Control: EXCELLENT
cannot be harmed while out of phase, but she Is
power FEAT roll each round to keep it under Speed: MONSTROUS
affected by force fields. Her phasing also
control. Body: EXCELLENT
scrambles electrical eqUipment. Most equip­
Talents: Ororo Is an experienced lockplck,
ment can make an Endurance FEAT roll to avoid This Is the only surviving model of the Lockheed
thief, and escape artist. being scrambled, but equipment without an reconnaissance plane originally used by
Endurance rank Is scrambled automatically. S.H. I . E . L.D. This Blackbird was modified with
Background: Ororo lost her parents when Mechanical beings take 30 points of damage Shl'ar equipment. These modifications include
she was young, and wandered the African conti· from this scrambling, while battle suits and most Vertical Take-off and Landing gear (VTOL) and a
nent until her powers matured. She was wor­ machines are incapacitated for 1 0 rounds. Shi'ar cloaking device (detecting it is a red I ntuI­
shipped as a goddess In Kenya until Prof. X tion FEAT). It carries a crew of three (pilot, co­
Talents: Kitty's Reason is Incredible when
recruited her for the new X-Men. She Is cur­ pilot, and flight engineer) and four passengers
she works with computers.
rently the team leader. She is nominal leader of in safety cushions. More passengers can get
the Morlocks, a group of mutants living beneath Background: A native of Deerfield, Illinois, inside, but only four passengers and the crew
New York City. Ariel's powers are stili new to her. are protected in case of a crash.
Front Drive




U81n Computer


X-MenTM Mansion, by Floors

Attic: storage, Ororo's room

Second Floor: workshops, playroom,

X-men living quarters,
New Mutants living quarters,
... .... .. . ..

Day Room
Informal Dining Room



I Chambera


Outside Wall

Inside Wall

High-Strength Wall
Second Floor: workshops, playroom ,
X-men living quarters,
New Mutants living quarters,
Xavier's upstairs chambers

G round Floor: shown above

Basement: generator and fuel

wine cellar, book storage,
hot water heater, laundry room,
computer main memory, Shl'ar
back-up power supply

Sub-Basement: gymnasium , steam room ,

sauna, Indoor pool, lockers,
robotic research,
back-up computer memory,
shuttle terminal to Blackbird hangar,
auto-doc, operating room , recovery room ,
chemical and electrical labs

Danger Room Level: shown at right �

Ready Room Debriefing

Shl'ar Danger Room

Support Computers

Intelligence Gathering Room

I •
• •
• •

I •



Area Border

111111111] Staircase

� Spiral Staircase

Control Rooms ·

Power Room (Sht'• .,

Secret exit

Living Reading Room
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