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As of 2021, 

100 Nobel laureates have been affiliated with Columbia University in New York City,
and 84 of them are officially listed as "Columbia's Nobel Laureates" by the university. The Nobel
Prizes, established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel, are awarded to individuals who make
outstanding contributions in the fields of Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or
Medicine. An associated prize, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of
Alfred Nobel (commonly known as the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences), was instituted
by Sweden's central bank, Sveriges riksbank, in 1968 and was first awarded in 1969. Among the 100
laureates, 71 are Nobel laureates in natural sciences; 44 are Columbia alumni (graduates and
attendees) and 33 have been long-term academic members of the Columbia faculty or Columbia-
affiliated research organizations; subject-wise, 32 laureates have won the Nobel Prize in Physics,
more than in any other subject for the university.

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