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14th World Congress oflFAC

Copyright © 1999 IFAC P-8b-03-3

14th Triennial World Congress, Beijing, P.R. China



Dlof Lindgarde *,1 Matz Lenells "'*

* Control Engineering Laboratory, Department of Signal and

System!J, Chalmers University of Technology, 5E-41£ 96
Gotebo1g, Sweden, ol@s2.chalme'f'
U ITN, Vii:rjo University College, 5E-351 95 Viixjii, Sweden

AbstI'act: In this work a semi-physical model is developed £0£ an industrial clry lime
slaking process. The model is based on mass and heat balances for two non-stationary
ideal stirred tank reactors in series. The balance equations are described by two
partial differential equations. It is shown how the total reaction rate is derived from
the conversion rate for lime particles. The evaporation model is based on experimental
data from the pilot plant slaker. The slaker model is simulated and compared to a
step response experiment performed on the slaker. Copyright © 1999 IFAC

Keywords: Lime, dry slaking, physical model, segregated flow, local reaction rate

1. INTRODUCTION good servo performance is desirable, so that the

slaker can respond to changes in the flue-gas flow.
The industrial applicat.ion studied in this work is
a dry lime slaking process at ABB Environmental
Systems AB. The slal{ing process is used in con-
nection with flue-gas cleaning and sulfur dioxide
removal. ABB uses a Ilumber of different tech-
niques to clean the flue-gas from sulful' dioxide.
One of them is a newly developed type, called
the NID-tcchniqllc (Novel Integrated Dcsulphur-
ization). The absorbent in NID is foilaked lime. Tank 1 Tank 2
Slaked lime is obtained by mixing burned lime
with water. Today this process is not integrated Figure 1. The lime slakeI' at ABB seen side-face
with the cleaning process. Instead, slaked lime is
produced separately or is bought from an external
distributor. The ambition is. to slake the lime at
the power plant and to integrate the lime slaking
process (henceforth called tbe slaker) with the
cleaning process.
A problem with the dry slakers of today is the
risk of process breakdowns. Theff~fore, a robust I
Lefl side Right side
control design is needed. Also, a controller with
Figure 2. The lime slaker at ABB seen from above
1This work is supported by NUTEK within the Regina
The ambition is to derive a physical model of the
program. The project i~ entitled "Multivariable control for
sampled-data system" (project number P7896-1). slaker, so that a proper control design can be

Copyright 1999 IFAC ISBN: 0 08 043248 4

made. In this \vork we have taken advantage of (C), i.e. the mole fraction of slaked lime, see Fig. 3.
ABB's in-house NID pilot plant., where a number Init.ially, when burned lime is mixed with water
of experiments have been carried out. the reaction is very fast. However, when a layer
of slaked lime has been formed around the lime
Industrial lime slaking is a complex process and
particle the reaction rate is diffusion controlled
is difficult to model. There are several reasons for
and much slower. It is therefore said that lime
this the complexity. Lime slaking is a heteroge-
slaking is product inhibited. This means that the
Ileous reaction between a solid phase (lime) and
local reaction rate of each particle is a function of
a liquid phase (water) and furthermore, lime is
the conversion x(t), i.e.
a natural product where the lime partides vary
in Hize and in reactivity. It is therefore difficult to x(t) = lex , t) x(to) =0 (2)
model the kinetic properties of the slaking process.
The slaking process at ABB is a so called "d!'Y" It is assumed that the reaction rate also depends
process. This means that moisture content in the on a number of global time-dependent parameters,
lime outflow is low (0-20 w%). This complicates and that i~ t.he reason why the time t appears
the modeling and it means that the water inflow in f(x , t). In this work the glohal time-dependent
plays an important role in the process behavior. parameters will considered to be the temperature
In the literature on the subject a number of T(t) and moisture content ZB(t).
models for fluid-solid or gas-solid reactions are
suggested, see e.g. (Bhatia and Perlmutter, 1980;
Bhatia and Perlmutter, 1981; Smith, 10Sl; Adrover
and Giona, 1997). The shrinking-core and the
grain models are examples of well-known models Figure 3. A schematic description of how a particle
for heterogeneous reactions. However, there is lit- is converted from A to C. The reaction starts
tle work published on modeling lime slaking pro- at t = to and is completed as t --+ 00. Note
cesses, and in the field of "dry" industrial lime pro- that x(to) = 0 < X(tl) < X(t2) < x(oo) = 1
cesses ,ve have not found any published material. Let r denote the total rate of reaction in a tank
In (Irabien et aL 1989; Sohn and Chaubal, 1986) reactor. The reaction rate r and the mole number
kinetic expressions for lime slaking are suggested. N A in the reactor satisfies the following mole
The model proposed in (Irabien et al., 1989) is balance relation
further commented on in Se( ~tion 2.2.
A more thorough description of this work is pre-
sented in (Lindgarde et al., 1998; Lindgarde and
Lenelis, 1998; Lindgarde, 1998). where Q~ and Q~ denote the mole inHow and
outflow of burned lime.
The proposed model describes how the total re-
2. MODELING A LHvIE SLAKING PROCESS action rate r is based OIl the local reaction rate
f(x , t). The problem is non-trivial since the re-
The purpose of this section is to desc.ribe the actor contains particles with different degrees of
mass and heat balance equations in the lime conversions. Also, the model has to include the
slaker model. The results presented in Section 2.1 dynamics of the reactor inflow and outflow. It
and Section 2.2 are described in more detail in will be assumed that the conversion rate of each
(Lindgarde et al., 1998; Lindgiirde, 1995). In this new infinitesimal batch Q~ (T )dT proceeds inde-
work the lime slaker at ABB, see Fig. 1, is de- pendently and is given by (2).
scribed as two ideal stirred-tank reactor in series.
Thi;; assumption is motivated in Section 3.

2.1 Mass and heat balance equations for a tank

reactor with segregated flow

In the slaker the following reaction between

burned lime CaO (A) and water H 2 0 (B) oceurs:
Figure 4. Two ideal stirred-tank reactors in series.
Ca.Q(.';) + H 2 0(I) --t Ca(OHh(.s) (1)
Consider the two ideal stirred-tank reactors tanks
The product is hydrated or slaked lime Ca(OH)2 in Fig. 4. Let Pl(X,t) denote the density of A + C
(C). The lime consists of particles which inde- with respect to the conversion x at the time t,
pendently reacts with the water. Consider a lime
particle and let x denote its conversion from (A) to
Le. J:Pl(X, t)dx denotes the amount of A +C in
the reactor at the time t of which the conversion

Copyright 1999 IFAC ISBN: 0 08 043248 4

D2 =cc (CA1

x E [a, b]. The total amount of A and C is then DJ == (CpANAI + CpBNsl + CpeNel + mWlCpWl)

given by N Al (t) + NCI (t) = J~ PI (x, t)dx and D2 =cc (Cp ANA2 + C pI3 "VB2 + C yC NC2 + mW2CpW2)
1 EQl = (Q~1 CpA Qivcpw l(TI - TA)
/(1 -

NAJ(t) = X)Pl (x, t)dx (4) + Q'aCpS(Tl - T1)

o EQ2 = (Q AI C pA + QIn CpD + Q~l C pW1
+ Q Cl Gpe )(72 - Td
The total rate of reaction 1""1 is then given by, see
(Lindgarde et al., 1998), Here CpA, CpB , Cpc denotes the specific heat
capacity in fJ /moljK] while Cpw denotes an es-
timat.ed value of the specific heat capacity in
1'1 (t) =/ PI (x, t)f(x, t)dx (5) [J j gjK] of the inert material (W). The variables
o w
Q and mw are given hy the degree of purity of
burned lime RA.
L et ()1 ( t ) = (NAl (t)+NCl
(QAl (<)+'2 C1 (I}
(T . Then ..
given y Equations (9) -(12) together with (6) and (8) are
the differential equations of the model that de-
-[) PI (x, t) =- -I)
a fPl(X, t)f(x, t)J scribe the behavior in the slaker. In the deri"vation
t x above the local reaction rate lex, t) is assumed to
1 be identical for all infiniteflimal volumes in the two
- (h(t)pdx: t) (6) tankl'l. In practice the slaker will contain particles
that vary in size and in reactivity. Therefore, the
with the boundctry condition pJ (0, t)f(O, t) local reaction rate used in the model is an average
Q~ (t). Here, it is assumed that f(l, t) = O. In . value estimated from a batch of lime particles.
(Lindgarde et al., 1998) it is shown that (3) can
he derived by using (4)-(6).
The result in (6) can be generalized to the case 2.2 Estimating the local reaction rate
with a series of ideaJ stirred-tank reactors, Bee
(Lilldgarde et al., 1998). Consider the second tank The local reaction rate is determined by studying
. F·Ig. 4 . Let e2 (t) = (Q~2t)+QC2
reac t or III (N 12f t l+ NC2ft)) Th
i))' e
the slaking process in a batch reactor. Parameters
that have a great impact on the conversion rate
total reaction rate for the second tftuk is given by
in the mixture, besides from the conversion itself,
are t.he temperature T{t) and the moisture content

r2(t) = P2(X, t)f(x, t)dx (7) zBCt). It is well known that slaking is independent
of zn when it is above a certain threshold /3, Le.

where x(t) = f(x, t) = f(x, T, ZB)

= g(x, T) ZB > (3 (13)
8 8
8tPz(x, t) = - oX [P2(X, t)f(x, t)] The case when the moisture content ZB is belo,'"
1 1 the threshold (3 is discussed in Section 2.3.
- e2(t)P2(X,t) + Bl (t)Pl(X,t) (8)

with the boundary condition P2(O, t)f(O, t) = o.

The mass balance of the water is given by

NB1 = -7'1 + Qk - Q'},n - Q-;i (9)

IVB2 = -1'2 + Q'i:il - Q'}32 - q';f (10)

Here Q};'I' and Q';f denote the water evaporation

flow from Tank 1 and Tank" 2. The model of the
water evaporation flow i~ discussed in Section 4.
The heat balance equations for two ideal t.anks are
given by

Figure 5. The local rea.ction ra.te 9 as a function

Tl = -1/ Dl (T16 e H(TJ) + Q~ar l'.v..pH + EOl) (ll) of the conversion x and the temperature T.
7'2 = -1!D2 (r26. H(T2) + ,r;fc,.vapH + EQ2)
T (12)
Lindgarde (1998) report.s how the local reaction
where rate g(x, T) is estimated. The identification of

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

g(x, T) is based on a number of batch experiments In relation to the effort that has been put into
carried out at the ABB analytical laboratory in t.he identification of 9(x, T), the model of V(ZB)
Vaxji). The local reaction rate g(x, T) for the lime and the identificat.ion of j3 is rough. However,
used at the pilot plant slaker is shown in Fig. 5. when simulating the model it was not found to
be sensitive with respect to the parameter (3.
A model of g(x, T) is proposed in (Irabien et
al., 1989). The suggested model is however only
valid for x > 0.5 and not for all x E [O,lJ. The
reason is that the initial behavior in lime slaking is 3. CHOOSING TA?\iK REACTOR MODEL
very complex and is difficult to model physically.
A step response experiment was performed on the
The estimation of g(x, T) is valid in the temper-
slaker by adding a trace element (salt) to the
ature range 50 - 100"C. The temperature in the
water inflow and by measuring the chloride con-
slaker can in fact be higher than 1000e. However,
centration of the outflow. The purpose of this ex-
from a controlling pOint of view, the lower temper-
periment was to study the transport mechanisms
atures are of primarily interest since the desired
of the slaker. This gives information of what kind
operating points are in the lower temperature
of reactor model, e.g. ideal tube reactor or ideal
tank reactor, that is appropriate for the slaker.
As expected the reaction rate increases with the
During the experiment a samples of the outflow
temperature. This increase is large for tempera-
was taken on the right and on the left side of
tures about the boiling point 100° C .
the slaker. After the samples had been dried the
Note that the gradient txg(x, T) is positive for chloride concentration was measured. The result
10.."values of the conversion x. The initial reaction is shown in Fig. 6. During the experiment the
behavior of lime slaking is very complex. During lime inflow Q~ was 160 kg/h and the water inflow
this step breakage of the lime particles occurs, cf. Qk was 95 kg/h. The normalized step response is
(Irabien et al.; 1989), and the schematic descrip-
tion in Fig. 3 is not valid. For larger convel'sioll
rates (x > 0.3) the react.ion rate decreases with
the conversion degree as expected.
shown in Fig. 7.

. ~
2.3 The influence of moisture content on the
reaction rate

The experiments discussed in this section have

been performed with a surplus of water. The 'r .
slaker , on the other hand, is a so-called dry "'r
process. This meanS that the moisture content is o~ --t--~'"-~- ~,- .~-- - ~-di.- .:D

actually below the earlier mentioned threshold /r

It is as~umed that the moisture dependence in the Figure 6. Chloride concentration in the outflow
local reaction conversion rate is given by (mg Cl - /g dry basis) vs time (minutes), Left
side (0), Right side (+).
f(x, T, ZB) = V(ZB )g(x , T) (14)
Assume that the slakeI' can be IIlodeled as an
The most simple assumption is to let V(ZR) be ideal stirred-tlwk reactor (l:st order system) or
linearly dependent of moisture content when ZB as two such reactors in series (2:nd order system).
is below the threshold fJ. This means that Observe that the density of burned lime PA is
about. three times higher than the densit.y of
1 . slaked lime pc. Therefore, the mean residence
V(ZIl) = 73 mm(zB,.8) when~ (J E [0,1] (15)
time will depend on the slaking de,e;ree Se. When
modcling the st.cp response assumptions have t.o
The threshold (j was e~t.irna.ted from water stf'oP re- be made of the slaking degree in the tank. Step
spOIl~e experiments on t.he slaker . Note that when responses from three suggested models (Ml, M2
the moisture content ZB is above the threshold j3 and 2\'13) are shown in Fig. 7. Two step responses of
in the slakeI', the tota.l reaction rate r: and hence onc ideal tank are shown, where it is assumed that
the temperature T(t), will not. increase after an the tank consists either of burned lime CMl) or of
increase of the water inflow Qk. By succeSSively slaked lime (M2) only. The solid line represents
increasing the water inflow to the slakeI' and by the second order system where it is assumed that
studying the steady state behavior in the two the first tank consists of burned lime only while
tanks the threshold fJ was estimated to be 0.4. the second tank r:ont.ains slaked lime only (i\13).

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 0 08 043248 4

evapora.tion-data. By studying the evaporation-

data the follov.ring evaporation model has been

It should be observed, that the model of the

evaporation is not derived from physical relations,
but is instead an expression that is identified for
the pilot plant at ABB.

Figure 7. Normalized step response vs. time (min- 5. STEP RESPONSES ANALYSIS
utes) for the left (0) and right (+) side of the
slaker. Step response of the models }"jl,NI2 In this section t.he slaker model is simulated and
(dashed lines) and 1\13 (solid line). compared to a step response experiment that was
performed on the slaker.
By studying the step response from the slaker
in Fig. 7 it follows that a tube reactor is not During the experimentH on the slaker t.he dynam-
an appropriate reactor model choice. Also, the ical behavior was studied by analyzing step re-
initial behavior of the step responses indicates sponses at different operating points. An example
that onc ideal tank does 'not sufficiently well of such an experiment. is shown in Fig. 8 where the
de:ocribe the dynamics of the process. At least lime inflow Q~4 is 126 kg/h and the initial water
two ideal tanks in series are needed to model inflow is Qk is 77 kg/h. After about 47 minutes
the process. Furthermore, it was found that the the water inflow is increased to 95 kg/h.
difference between two and three tanks is small Consider the slaker in Fig. 2 with temperature
compared to process disturbances. This motivates sensors 1, ... ,6. In Fig. 8 the temperature
the choice of a two-tank reactor system. at about 110 QC is the mea.'lurement from sen-
sor (1). Correspondingly, the temperature
at 80 QC from sensor (2) and (3).
4. MODEL OF THE EVAPORATION In Fig. 8 the corresponding simulat.ed tempera-
tures for the two tanks are shown. The simulations
Slaking of lime is an exothermic reaction and due show a good correspondence between the model
to the heat release the evaporation from the slaker and the process, bot.h with regard to the station-
is substantial. Therefore, the water evaporation ary and dynamical behavior of the slaker. Fig. 9
Q'i:f and Q:;:i' from the two tanks in the reactor, shows how of the moisture content ZE and the
see Fig. 4, are important variables in the heat total degree of conversion Se in Tank 1 and Tank 2
balance equations as well as for the rnass balances changes in t.he Inolle! after the step response. As
of the water (9)~(12). Note that the slaker is a expected, the moisture content increases in the
"dry" process, i.e. the moisture content in the two tanks when the water inflow increases. Also,
mixture is low. This means that the moisture the slaking degrees were improverl after the step
content ZB as well as th~ temperature T will response. These changes in ZB and Se were con-
influence the magnitude of the evaporation. firmed from analysis of lime samples taken before
and after the step response.
A Ilurnber of steady state experiments have been
performed on the pilot sla.ker for various choices of The tempera.t.ure signals in Fig. S are very noisy.
lime and water inflows. During these experiments The reason is that it is difficult to obtain a
the temperature (T} and T z ) was monitored at constant and regular inflow of lime particles. The
the t.wo tanks. The water evaporation flux from t.emperature in t.he slaker may also vary due to
the two tanb (Q;r and Q;~J) and the moisture variations of the incoming lime quality.
content (ZBl and ZB2) has been estimated for each
There is a good correspondence bet.ween t.he tem-
experiment. This was done by solving the Ilon-
perature sensor;; 2 and 3 in Tank 2, see Fig. 2.
linear set of equat.ions (6) and (8)~(12) for each
This indicates that the assumption of an ideal
st.eady state experiment. This procedure is further
stirred-tank reactor model in the flow direct.ion
described in (Lindgarde and Lenells, 1998).
is reasonable. In this example the temperat.ures
Deriving a physical model of the evaporation on the right side fluctuated (sensors 1 2 and 3)
has not been considered to be within the scope and differed from the left side. This was due to
of this work. Therefore, a simple evaporation the difficulty of obtaining an even distribution of
model has been developed based on the estimated the lime inflow.

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

parts it was not possible, within the scope of this

,)~ . work, to obtain a detailed model of the process
~-- ~ ----~-~------- - behavior. For instance , the estimation of the water
evaporation flow from the slaker is an area that
can be improved and refined. However, the model
has been developed for the purpose of a robust
control design and, as is shown in the eoncluding
example, the lIlodel reflect.s the most import.ant
parts of the dynamic behavior of the process.

Tiltlil(mhJ Adrover, A. and M . Giona (1997). Solu-
tion of unsteady-state shrinking-core lIlod-
Figure 8. Measured and simulated temperatures els by means of speetral/fixed-point meth-
(Cebius) vs time (minutes) in Tank 1 and ods: Nonuniform rectant distribution and
Tank 2 nonlinear kinetics. Ind. Ent;. Chem. Res
36(6), 2452-24G5.
Bhatia, S.K. and D.D . Perlmutter (1980). A ran-
dom pore model for fluid-solid reactions: I.
Isothermal, kinetic contml. AICltE Journal
26(3), 379-386.
Bhat.ia, S.K. and D.D . Perlmutter (1981). A ran-
dom pore model for fluid-solid reactions: n.
Diffusion and transport. effeets. AIChE JO'U1"-
na.l 27(2),247- 254.
Imbien, A., A. Toquero and M.l. Ortiz (1989).
Kinetic behaviour of non-isot.hermallimc hy-
dration, The Chemical Engineering J01L1"
Cl 5 10 15 ~o 30 J5 ... 0
40 , 93-99.
Tlm& (min)
LindgaTde, O. (1998). Estimation of the local reac-
tion rate of lime slaking. Technical Report 21.
Figure 9. Simulation of the moisture content ZH
ITN, Vaxje) University College. \Vritten in
and the total degree of conversion sc in
Tank 1 and Tank 2 after the step response.
Lindgarde, O. and £1"1. Lenclls (1998). Modcling a
6. CONCLUDING REiI,lARKS lime slaking process. Technical report. ITN,
Va.xjii Univer~ity College. To appear.
In this work a model is developed for an industrial Lindgarde, 0" P. Andersson and M. LeneIIs
lime slaking process. The model is based on a (1098). Modcling a non-stationary ideal tank
mixture of physical modeling, such as the mass reac.tor with segregated flow. Technical Re-
and heat balances, and process identification. The port 8. ITN. Vaxjo University College.
local reaction rate g(x, T) and the water evap- Smith, J.1\1. (1981). Chemical Engineering Kinet-
oration are parts in the model that have been ics. third cd .. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
estimated from experimental data. Sohn , H.Y. and P.C. Chaubal (1986), Approxi-
mate closed-form solutions to various model
From a control perspective, it is interesting to ob- equations for fluid-solid reactions. AIChE
serve .vhat process disturbances that are relevant. Journal 32(9), 1574- 1.578.
In an industrial lime slaking process the quality
of the incoming lime may fluctuate and hence
the local reaction rate g(x, T) will vary in time. Appendix A. PARAMETER VALUES
During the experiments on t.he pilot plant slakeI'
the problem of maintaining a constant lime inflow Cl'A = 42.8 J /mol/K, C pE == 75.5 J /mol/K
was observed, i.e. the input signal QAW(t) may be Cpc = 89.6 Jimol/K, C pw = 1 J/g/K
exposed to a process disturbance. AfA = 56.08 g/mol, Ma = 18.02 g/mol
Industrial lime slaking is a mmpIex process and M c = 74.09 g/mol, RA = 85.8 gig
a challenging task to model. The modeling of T;\ = 18 DC, TB = 11.5 °C
T ref = 25 DC, VI = 27.5 . 1O- l m 3
the mass balances (6) and_ (8), the estimation
v~ = 43 . 10- 3 m 3 , PA = 13.6· 10 3 mol/m 3
of the local reactiou rate g(x, T) in Section 2.2,
fiB = 55.5· 10 3 mol/m 3 , Pc = 4 .4 . 10 3 mol/m 3
and t.he choice of reactor model in Section 3, are
areas that are dealt wit.h thoroughly. In other D..,.H(Tref) = -65 kJ / moI, L:.vapH = 40.6G kJ/mol

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 0 08 043248 4

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