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Time Management: The

Hidden Secret to
Organize Your Activities
Presented by: Rifli Mubarak

Productive ≠ Busy
Especially in the context of "hustle culture" nowadays.
FOOD FOR 01 Set Up Your Priorities and
TIME 02 Focus on Your Work Rhythm

03 Remove any Distractions

04 My Personal Reflections
Set Up Your Priorities
and Trade-offs

Eisonhower Matrix

- Having a sense of urgency

- Knowing the essence of time distribution
- The importance of decision-making
“Strategy is about
making choices, trade-
offs. It’s about
deliberately choosing to
be different.”
Michael Porter
Rocks, Pebbles, and Sands

01 Rocks: Health, Family, Partner,

etc. (Primary)

02 Pebbles: Jobs, Hobbies, etc.


03 Sands: Scrolling on Instagram,

Material Posessions, etc.
2. Focus on Your Work Rhythm
Let's dive into "Ultradian Rhythm"
Emotional Energy Matrix

Performance Zone
Motivated and Energetic

Renewal Zone
Complacent and Reflective

Survival Zone
Exploratory and Resilient

Burnout Zone
Paused and Re-charge
3. Remove Any Distractions

01 Filter the Informations 04 Self-discipline = Self-love

Ex: social media, news, etc. Stop being a "People-pleaser"

02 Energy Distribution: 05 Try "3-steps from Warren-

Personal Life and Work Buffet"
Let's see in the next slide!

03 You Should Have a Sense

of Purpose
from Warren
Create your Top 25 Goals
Prioritize the Top 5 Goals in a
Start working the Top 5 Goals
4. My Personal Reflections
(Random Thoughts)
01 02 03 04

Laziness is Complacency Don't take Dysfunctional

not a Feeling satisfied
anything for Beliefs
character with the granted "The unattainable
Laziness is a circumstances Privilege is best is the enemy
"symptom" that and getting interpretative of all available
you are currently paused for a while betters."
not doing
somehing that
you want or enjoy
the most
The Essentials from "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
*book recommendations
Sharpen the Saw
Sharpen the Saw as the step to boost our productivity by utilizing the
leisure with things that we enjoy so much

Begin With the End in Mind

Have a clear measure of end goal and create your ideal-self which you
wish to be recalled by yourself and people in the future

Put First Things First

Priority: the ones which have the biggest impact

Think Win/Win
Life is a cooperative arena, not a competitive arena
The Essentials from "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Principle of mutual understanding

Be Proactive
Focus on what you can control. Never blame the circumstance (Gravity

Principle of creative cooperation and dealing with clashes as a
harmonized steps within the community
Thank you
for your
Any questions, opinions, or concerns on
the floor?

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