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Kariza Anne M.


Patients are referred to as "unitary human beings," who cannot be broken down into
parts and must be viewed as a whole. Patients have the ability to participate knowingly in
the transformation process, according to Rogers' paradigm. The environment, like humans,
is irreducible and coexists with them. Humans are seen as fundamental to the universe in
this concept. That is, the patient and his or her surroundings are one and the same. Health,
according to Rogers, is a manifestation of the living process. To that end, disease and health
are two sides of the same coin, and occurrences throughout a patient's life reveal how well
he or she is living up to his or her health potential.

Energy field, openness, pattern, and pan dimensionality are the key aspects that
characterize the patient's life process. The energy field is the basic unit of all living and
non-living things. It allows you to see the patient and his or her surroundings as a whole,
and it varies in intensity, density, and scope all the time. The fact that the human and
environmental domains are continually exchanging their energy is referred to as openness.
That is, there are no barriers preventing energy from flowing freely across fields. Pattern is
the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field that is seen as a single wave. It’s an
abstraction, and simply serves to give identity to the field. It's only an abstraction that
serves to identify the field. A domain with no spatial or temporal characteristics is known
as pan dimensionality.

To characterize the nature of change within human and environmental energy fields,
Roger's theory developed the concepts of helicy, resonancy, and integrality. The principle
of homeodynamics refers to the combination of these principles. The helicity principle
defines the nonlinear, unexpected growth of energy fields, as shown by a spiral
development that is a continuous, non-repeating, and innovative patterning that represents
the nature of change. Resonancy is shown as a wave frequency and an energy field pattern
evolution from lower to higher frequency wave patterns, and it reflects the human energy
field's continual variability as it evolves. The idea of intergrality highlights the person's and
environment's ongoing reciprocal development.

The nurse's duty under this paradigm is to help people. Rogers also recommends
noninvasive nursing techniques such as therapeutic touch, comedy, music, meditation,
guided imagery, and even color. Nurse interventions are intended to help patients progress
toward improved health by coordinating the rhythm between the human and
environmental domains, assisting them in the process of change, and assisting them in the
process of change. According to Rogers, nursing practice should be centered on pain
treatment and supportive psychotherapy for recovery.

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