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Stairway to Heaven

By Julie Marie B. Balabat


LAZARUS: A guy who's been fighting for his life to breath. He's experiencing a decease
called leukemia.

HOPE: Lazarus's loving girlfriend and always been helping him to be strong and
have faith in god.

LIAM: He's the older brother of Lazarus.

MRS. ALONTE: The Mother of Lazarus.


Inside a hosipital room


Present day, on a sunny afternoon of 19th day of the July

"Stairway To Heaven"

Inside a room of the Alonte residence house in Green Village in Kalangitnon province. The
door is at right. Curtained window is at left. Left side of the room is occupied with a
hospital bed, bedside table is at right. A sofa on the right side of the room and a mini table
infront of it. Picture frames were attach on the ceiling and a study table on the right side
of the room.

HOPE enters the room. She was holding a basket of white roses. She walked slowly towards
the bed and put the basket in the mini table beside the bed.

HOPE: (Sighed) Babe, It's time to take your medicines. Get up!
HOPE pulled the blanket and took the two tablets of pain killers in the mini table.

LAZARUS: (Cheerless) Hope, Am I a burden to you? You don't have to come here every day.
You have to focus on your studies.

HOPE: You never had been a burden to me, Lazarus. I can manage my time. Don't worry about
it, okay?

LAZARUS: (Wobbly) you are my Hope and I love you.

HOPE: (Laughs) come on! You've been telling me that since yesterday. Enough with the drama.
Here take your meds!

LAZARUS: I won't take the meds.

HOPE: (Confused) What?! Stop joking around, babe!

LAZARUS: I'm serious! I won't take it!

HOPE puts back the medicines in the mini table and let a deep sigh and sat beside the bed
where Lazarus is laying.

LAZARUS: I've been wondering what stairs will I walked on.

HOPE: (Pinch Lazarus nose) what’s with stairs, babe?

LAZARUS: I am just wondering about stairs. No need to react.

MRS. ALONTE and LIAM enter the room. They walked towards Lazarus.

LAZARUS: Mom, may I ask you something?

MRS. ALONTE: What it is, son? We've just arrive and you're asking questions already.

HOPE: He's been like that since yesterday, Tita.

LAZARUS: I need answers that is why.

LIAM: Oh, Brother! What's with questions?!

MRS. ALONTE: What's your question, son?

LAZARUS: What is the purpose of the stairs?

MRS. ALONTE: (Laughs) Silly! Stairs is where you take steps to walk...up?

LAZARUS: I want to--

HOPE: Stop it! You're not leaving! Not now!

LIAM: Brother, you're getting creepy! Stop it, will you?!

LAZARUS: I'm tired. So tired!

HOPE: (Crying) Can you fight for me and for your family?

LAZARUS: I've been fighting for years, Hope. Would you let me rest now?

HOPE: (Shrugging) I can't-I can't lose you.

10 minutes of silence that filled the room until LIAM speaks out.

LIAM: Laz, I know we've been keeping you awake and fighting for us. May--Maybe, It's time for
us to let you rest.

MRS. ALONTE: Hope, dear, we all know that this day will come. We've keeping ourselves ready
to face this decision of my son.

HOPE: I can't live without Lazarus. He's my life!

LAZARUS: Liam, thank you being a nice and loving brother to me. I am thankful that I have a
brother like you. Please take care of mom. She needs you. And Mom, please take of yourself.

Don't forget to water the roses in the front yard.

MRS. ALONTE: (Sobbing) I will, son. I will.

LAZARUS: And Hope, my loving girlfriend, my everything. You are my life too. And I am sorry,
I am truly sorry, Hope. I want you to live and become a strong woman. You still need to live. I
will never leave your side, always remember that I love you with all of my heart and soul. As I
step the stairways to heaven, I will still carry your name with me. God knows how much I love

HOPE: (Crying and Sibbing) Do---Do you have to go?

LAZARUS: I'm done fighting and yes, I needed to go now.

MRS. ALONTE: Son, I am sorry you giving you a life like this.

LAZARUS: No, it's not your fault why I have this kind of life, Mom. God plan all of this
happenings in my life. I know leaving you all here with bring downfall but please do this for me.
I want to be strong and happy for me.

LIAM: (Hugs Lazarus and kiss him on the forehead) Mom and I will call the doctor.

LIAM and MRS. ALONTE leave the room. Leaving Lazarus and Hope inside the room.

LAZARUS: Would you go to the rooftop with me?

HOPE: (Nodded and stood up) Okay.

Both of them go to the rooftop and sat in a wooden bench. They were looking up. The
cloudy but yet sunny light hit their faces and fresh air filled the rooftop.

LAZARUS: (Fixing his air down top his hospital gown) it will be hard for you to accept this.

HOPE: I am not ready for this.

LAZARUS: We've talked about this, Hope. I am really tired of living. The pain won't go away
and it became a nightmare to me. Years, Hope, years, I've been fighting this sickness for years.

HOPE: (Crying and wipe her tears on her cheeks) Would you be happy if I let you go?

LAZARUS: (Smiles and holds Hope's left cheeks with his left palm) Yes, would you let me?

HOPE: Do you really want to step the stairway of heaven?


HOPE: Okay, Laz. I'm letting you go now. You can go now!
LAZARUS: Thank you, my Hope.

LAZARUS and HOPE hug each other tight. Both of pulled away the hug and sealed a one last
passionate kiss.

LAZARUS: (Giving Hope a forehead kiss) I love you, my one and only Hope. Live for me.

HOPE: (Smiles but still crying) I'll keep the memories. I love you, my one and only Lazarus. I
will live for you. Now, you can walked on the stairway for heaven.

LAZARUS: (Slowly closing his eyes and put his head in Hope's neck) My Hope, Live! (Hope
cried and screams his name as the CURTAIN FALLS)

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