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1. According to Aristotle, how does one become virtuous? What are the arguments given as to
why one should want to be virtuous? Do you find it convincing? Why or why not?

According to Aristotle, one can become virtuous through developing or cultivate his virtuous.
The arguments given to as why one should want to be virtuous are a person must have a
particular purpose or goal to achieve as one desires to achieve(telos), one goal of every human
person is to achieve happiness (eudaimonia), and happiness can only be achieved by living a life
of moderation (known as the golden mean); by living a life of moderation, a person develops
virtues as a habit (arete). Yes, it is convincing because by applying this theory, this will help us
become moral and ethical. And to achieve a good life and a good character.

2. Can a person have strength-of-character virtues and still be immoral? Can a person be a
morally admirable person and not have the strength-of-character virtuous? Can a person
lead a fulfilling life without the strength-of-character virtuous? Give reasons for your
Strength-of-character can help a person develop a virtuous character and can be moral. No,
because it is important for a person to have a strength-of-character and that person must be moral
not immoral. No, because to be a morally admirable person, you must have a strength-of-
character and it is part of developing and becoming a moral person. No, but it will depend on the
person and the situation because we all have our own ways to lead a fulfilling life. Though it is
also important to have the strength-of-character virtuous as we take every step into leading a
fulfilling life.

3. Having analyzed various morally controversial issues, and the applications of the different
ethical theories to them, do you think that one ethical approach is better than the others?
Justify your answer.

No, I don’t think that one ethical approach is better than the other ethical theories because all of
the ethical theories make sense and has own purposes into telling us on how to become a moral
person. It is a great help in becoming a moral and ethical person. The applications of the different
ethical theories are very helpful in determining on how we can become a moral person.

4. Discuss the importance of studying Ethics. Please enumerate at least 5 reasons.

1. Studying Ethics is a great way to become a moral person and knowing important theories that
can help us give the purpose and knowledge in becoming a moral and ethical person.
2. Studying Ethics is important aspect in becoming a moral person and in fulfilling a good life.
3. Studying Ethics helps us to properly solve a conflict and in an appropriate way and process.
4. Studying Ethics teaches us the process in making ethical choices, which is the 7-step moral
reasoning model.
5. Studying Ethics enhance our ability in doing what is right and making the right choices.

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