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Continued employment and advancement for faculty members depends upon growth in teaching practices; thus,
there is a need for faculty across all disciplines to understand best instructional practices and the strategies that
develop effective teaching behaviors and skills. Faculty vitality is the main ingredient to enhance professional
education and competence. Enriching the faculty vitality in key domains of teaching, assessing, research,
professionalism, and administration is perceived to improve the educational environment significantly and enhances
the academic performance of students. The faculty development program (FDP) has been considered as a stand-
alone educational pedagogy in fostering the knowledge and professional skills of faculty.

LSEI takes seriously its role in the development of its faculty. It will regularly conduct seminars and training
programs for this purpose and sends some faculty members to seminars and conferences conducted inside and
outside the school. Specific programs to which the teachers are sent are also based on the training needs
assessment of the faculty members.

Teachers shall be encouraged to broaden their cultural outlook, deepen their professional interest, keep up-to-date
on modern techniques in teaching, pursue such studies and attend conferences, conventions, seminars, meetings,
fora, and workshops which will improve their efficiency and mastery of their disciplines.

The Faculty Development Program of LSEI is supportive of the following objectives:
1. To ensure satisfactory adjustments to changing environments in instruction and within disciplines.
2. To support faculty members in their efforts to maintain competence in their teaching fields by keeping
abreast of developments in their discipline and disciplines related to their own.
3. To support research projects that contribute to the faculty member’s professional development and/or
provide learning opportunities for students, consistent with the school’s mission as a teaching institution.
4. To encourage the thoughtful and effective integration of educational technology into the teaching and
learning process.
5. To maintain and enhance faculty competence in terms of:
o Academic expertise
o Professional development
o Research and intellectual contribution
o Teaching effectiveness
o Online teaching
o Community extension
o Being updated with current issues and developments in the field of education

Major Areas:
The focus of our faculty development will be in three major areas:
1. Faculty Development,
2. Instructional Development, and
3. Organizational development.

1. Faculty development
This refers to those programs which focus on the individual faculty member:

1.1 As a teacher:
 Teaching methodologies
 Teaching skills
 Class organization
 Student evaluation
 In-class presentations, etc.
 On-line teaching or effective use of technology

1.2 As a scholar and professional

 Professional development
 Higher studies (e.g., doctorate)
 Conduct of research
1.3 As a person
 Interpersonal skills
 Wellness management
 Stress and time management

2. Instructional Development
The programs in this area are focused on the development of faculty in terms of improving the course, the
curriculum and student learning. The objective is to identify appropriate course structures and teaching
strategies to achieve the goals of instruction.

3. Organizational Development
The programs for organizational development are geared towards maximizing institutional effectiveness.
The focus will be the organizational structure of the institution and its sub components. The objective is to
build an organizational structure which will be efficient and effective in supporting the faculty and students.
These are appropriate for the Administration and Level and Subject Coordinators that affect how courses
are taught, how faculty are hired and promoted, and how students are admitted and graduated.

Organizational development will also include community building. The objective is to strengthen the
community within LSEI and encourage productive collaborative efforts among faculty, administration, and

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