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This nightmare called CO-VID came so unexpectedly

Coming to our lives wrecking the world, killing and causing catastrophe
Frontliners risk their lives every single day
Hundreds turned thousands die without a last breath to say
Stuck inside our homes like caged animals in a zoo
Scared to go out and touch anything worrying you’d be infected too
Our mental health is rapidly increasing
While our economic state is decreasing
These are only some of the reasons everyone asks “how”
How can we fight the situation we are in right now?
We fight this virus with compassion for one another
We fight through this by working together
Give to the poor and help the needy
Check up on your friends, tell them “just take it steady”
Wear your mask to protect yourself and others as well
Lastly, just pray. The end we cannot predict only time would tell.
It is also important to let ourselves remember,
the lessons we learned from March until September
Everything we learned will surely be used in the future
for the next generation who will nurture and conquer
This pandemic is far from what we deserve
But just have faith that soon we will flatten the curve

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