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finishing all of those in such of the time required is beyond of our capabilities to do so.


always aims for the best for ourselves and we tend to go beyond what is expected of us We

compete just like how others do it be on top and once we failed reaching our expectations, we

suffer from downfall that would also lead to stress.

Some of which that will be stated below are studies related to ours. One of which is from

local studies from the study Aparece et al. (2008) which is entitled as Stress in Relation to

Academic Performance. It states that today’s fast-paced world makes the job of any individual

more demanding and challenging at the same time. Various studies shown that those in

employment, occupations such as teaching, stress can be seen to be relevant, endemic and an

occupational hazard. Thompson and Murphy Stradling (1994) found their research amongst

social workers experiencing high levels of pressure was perceived as part of the job and part of

the organizational culture. These author argued that stress is known to affect job satisfaction,

performance and productivity. The study presented various factors that would be the effect of

stress to the ones suffering. It is related to the study that we will present because we might us it

as a foundation of our study and we might find something that would relate to the study we will

about to conduct. Second, is the study conducted by Arabejo et al. (2006) entitled Stress Level of

BEED Student Teachers in Relation to their First Shifting Grades which states that Stress can

cause tension, pressure or negative emotion to some people. In the contrary, others view as

something that motivates them to achieve and fuels creativity. Stress can provide the stimulus for

change and growth. It is any situation that requires an individual to respond or take actions.

Stress can place heavy demands on a person who may perceive it positively or negatively. If the

person is unable to cope with stress, poor judgement and illness will result. Normally, a person is

able to adapt to long term stress or cope with short term one until it passes. (Kelther et al., 2002).
It could be one of the foundation of oust study since it entails different kinds of findings in that

shows that they have come up with we could also use it to help the respondents of our study in

which they should maintain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength so as to prevent

stress from hampering their task and responsibilities as students.

Another related study is about student source of stress coping strategies and their

academic performance: A Meta-Analysis which is conducted by Besucces et al. (2013)

determined the common stressor among these studies and the common stressor are categorized as

the physical and psychological stressor. From the eleven studies compiled, the following

common coping mechanism were identified namely: a. envision-mental preparedness and

support from significant persons: b. self-monitoring, time management, prioritizing in making to-

do-list, taking nap or mini breaks and accepting oneself; c. coping strategies that would be of

help for us. The Senior High students might have something in common with the stressors that

surround them and we could also use this in relation to our stud. It talks about student source of

stress coping strategies which were our major variables. From the study of common stressors and

coping mechanism of nursing students and their academic performance

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